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Plaything Page 14

by Cole Denton

  Andrew: Are you sure?

  I quickly ran through all the possible ways this could go wrong. I decided that it would probably be okay because it’s not like James would see that I was living out of four tattered cardboard boxes in a damp garage or sleeping on a chipped wooden pallet.

  James: Andrew, I wouldn’t have offered unless I was sure. Besides, I think it’ll be good for Brandon to see that many people in the kink community live what society deems as normal lives.

  Andrew: Okay, sounds great. I will see you tonight around 9:00.

  After a brief shower, I towel dried my hair, ran my hands with some gel on them through my hair, and then put on my perfectly tailored tuxedo. I flipped up the white collar of my dress shirt and placed the material of the bow tie against my neck. I was able to tie a perfect bow tie on the first try. I looked in the mirror, smiled, and wagged my eyebrows at myself. James would be proud of me for not fucking up the bow tie.

  I stood by the coffee table and checked my new black matte cufflink knots to make sure the French cuff sleeve was even and as perfect as it could be. As I reached for the book my dad had given me, I glanced at the dark brown couch cushion. It was impossible for me not to smirk as I thought about the epic blow job Elise had given me.

  “Man, what I wouldn’t give to be sucked on like that again,” I mumbled.

  Elise could have sucked my soul right out of me. I was certain that she had kept Jacob a very satisfied man.

  What started as her reprimanding me had turned into a playful exchange of oral skills. Not only had she surprised me by simply taking me into her hot mouth, but the way she worked my mind and body. Her tongue teased me, while those blue eyes of hers drew me closer and closer.

  I knew that there was another side to Elise. One that Jacob had had the pleasure of knowing intimately. It was a side that I wanted to see. Layers of heartache and pain concealed the side of Elise that had been tucked away for quite a while.

  Glimpses of that side, she has shown me.

  Bit by bit, little by little.

  I would see that side of her. I’d have to be patient, but she would willingly show me that side. I was counting on it because I was falling for her. The sadistic side of her meshed so well with me. She could give me something that I not only desired, but something I needed.

  James always told me not to settle for anyone. He said I would know that I found the right person for me when I realized they could give me what I wanted and needed. I believed with my whole heart that Elise was this person.

  On our drive to the dinner, I kept my elbow propped on the console’s armrest between the driver and passenger seat, just in case she wanted to hold my hand. I knew she was nervous about attending the dinner tonight, and I thought that she might find that holding my hand would relax her.

  “Elise, my hand is here if you’d like something to hang onto,” I offered.

  “If I’m not mistaken, I think that I told you that you could call me Elise only at the dinner.” Elise paused and made an over-exaggerated motion to look around the inside of the car. “And, I don’t think we’re at the dinner party. We’re in your shitty car.”

  The nerves of seeing the people she had once been close with and seen often, clearly were getting to her. I backed off.

  “My apologies, Mistress Elise.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh that seemed to hang in the air longer than necessary.

  “Try hard not to ruin your tuxedo by talking too much tonight,” she huffed.

  I frowned as I tried to figure out what she meant.

  “How would I ruin the tux—”

  Oh. I got it. She was being sarcastic. I was there to make her look good. That was fine. I signed a contract to be her plaything. She was coming around, I could feel it.

  As we walked into the hotel lobby, I stayed close to her, but not too close. If she desired, my hand was within reaching distance. We received our table assignments, and as we were being ushered to the table, it was as though all the color had drained from her face. There were three ladies already at the table. Each of them looked lost in their thoughts.

  Even after the usher had left us, we remained standing. Elise gripped the seatback of the rose-colored slipcover that adorned the chairs. I glanced around the other round tables; most had couples sitting or standing as they laughed and talked with one another. The table we were assigned to had a different floral centerpiece with a fall medley of colors. Next to the crystal vase were pins that said ‘Not Forgotten’ on them.

  Very quickly it dawned on me that we were sitting at a table where the spouses or partners of the deceased were seated. Being assigned to this table was a reminder to Elise of what she lost.

  “May I get you something to drink from the bar?” I asked her quietly as I touched the soft skin under her forearm.

  Elise’s eyes darted all over the table and at the three women. She glanced at me, nodded her head, and just asked for some ginger ale. I watched Elise talk to a few women that had stopped by the table. Both women, like all women here tonight, were dressed up. With Elise’s ginger ale in my hand, I stayed back by the bar to give her a few moments to talk with the ladies. I deduced that she had known them more than as acquaintances simply because their conversation was more than a greeting while passing by.

  Elise was by far the sexiest woman at the table. She was smoking hot in her red dress, and I started to get hard as I undressed her with my eyes. I imagined standing behind her while she talked with the women and sliding the straps of her dress down her arms. I’d remove her black lace strapless bra and expose those dusty pink nipples. I’d press my body against her back and tight ass, then reach between her sides and her arms to close my fingers around those hard nipples. I would roll her nipples between my thumb and index finger until the delightful sensations warmed her cheeks with a sweet shade of pink.

  I imagined lowering myself to the floor and slipping beneath the table. With the rose-colored tablecloth as my cover, I’d slide my hand up her well-toned legs until I reached her molten core. I would dip my thick fingers into her pussy just to tease. Then as she’d start to hump my fingers, I’d press my thumb down on her swollen nub.

  I stole some glances from her during dinner. Every now and then, as I talked it up with the ladies at the table, I’d catch Elise looking at me. She’d smile. I could tell that she was charmed by me. She was proud to have me by her side tonight.

  Dessert had wrapped up, and Elise had indicated that she wanted for us to head home following dessert. This was going to be perfect timing. We could get home and still have a little time to relax before James and Brandon brought by the repaired crop.

  “I’ll be right back, Andrew. I just need to use the restroom really quickly.” Elise leaned in close and stared into my eyes. It was a gaze unlike any other I had seen from her. Her shield of thick armor was down. I was staring into the depth of Elise St. James’ soul.

  It took every ounce of control for me not to frame her gorgeous face and crush my lips against hers. My recent dreams have been of our bodies pressed against one another while our mouths passionately danced.

  “Don’t be too long…Mistress,” I said under my breath only for her to hear.

  Our heated gaze had ignited the space between us. Desire flashed in our eyes like a live electrical wire. I wanted Elise in the worst way right then. I needed her in the worst way. I watched her hips sway as she walked down the hall and disappear out of sight around the corner. I brought the maroon colored linen napkin from my lap and pressed around my mouth to dab the excess water left from my sip. Setting the napkin back on my lap, I also discretely adjusted my firm cock. It was pressed up against my fly, desperate to get out and be ready for whatever my mistress needs from me.

  I was ready to give her what she needed.

  She seemed like she had been gone for longer than necessary, especially since she said she just needed to use the bathroom quickly. Movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention. Hoping to see
Elise sauntering down the hall, I was disappointed to see Angela and Samantha coming back from the hallway that led to the bathroom. The three of them probably bumped into one another and started chatting again.

  I continued to take small sips from my water goblet until Elise finally appeared. She seemed tense suddenly, and the electrical wire that had been whipping around between us doused. What had happened in that short amount of time that caused her to pull the walls back up and seal off the entrances? Elise approached the table but did not sit down, nor did she look me in the eyes.

  “Ready, Andrew?” she inquired flatly.

  Had she been crying? I cocked my head to the side to see if I could get a closer look, but her eyes appeared slightly puffy.

  “Yes,” I replied while I set my napkin on the table and stood.

  We quickly said goodnight to the other women at the table, and Elise turned and began striding towards the entrance of the ballroom. I walked briskly to keep an even pace with her. I didn’t want people to think she had had an argument with me, and that’s why we were leaving.

  “Do you want to say goodbye to Angela or Samantha?” I asked quietly as we walked out of the ballroom and into the lobby of the hotel.

  Elise laughed and shook her head at me.

  “Nope, I’m good,” she said in a sharp tone.

  While we waited for my car in the valet, Elise began pacing along the cobblestone sidewalk that led into the hotel. Her heels clicked with each step, as though they were calculated to just fuck with my mind. I was able to tune all sounds around me off with the exception of the heavy promise of something unexpected to come, disguised in a simple footstep.

  Audible, but unspoken mindfucks turned me on. Things like hearing a leather belt being pulled out of belt loops, or heavy calculated footsteps, or hearing a Dom or Top lightly swat the falls of a flogger against their own legs simply drove me wild. Elise was about to unhinge me as she paced with her heavy footsteps.

  Finally, my car pulled up, and we were on our way back to her place. I had hoped that she would start up a conversation, but she didn’t. I began wondering if maybe while she was in the bathroom that she started to feel consumed by memories of her late husband.

  “Dinner was good,” I recalled, hoping it would spark the start of a conversation. “Thank you for taking me with you, Mistress Elise.”


  Okay. That didn’t sound good. One word, short and sharp replies weren’t good at all. We drove in silence for a bit, and then I tried again.

  “Were you glad you attended?” I cautiously asked.

  Her laugh sounded as though I was bordering on annoying her. I would tread carefully, but I was worried.

  “Overall, I was glad that I went. Having you with me made my night, Andrew.”

  There! She was coming around! Elise’s emotional armor was coming down, or at least opening up in a few places.

  “I was happy to go with you. I remembered to pick up a pin from the table for you,” I told her and reached into the pocket of my tux jacket. I held the ‘Not Forgotten’ pin in the palm of my hand and offered it to her.

  “It’s funny, you know?”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “I spent all this time supporting people who I believed were my family. When tragedy strikes, everyone rushes in to help and support. But then the following month comes along, and it gets very lonely.” Elise paused for a few moments and gazed out the window.

  Perhaps seeing all of the people that had been extensions of her family had hit her hard. Come to think of it, in the time that I had been living with her, I’d never heard a phone call between her and anyone other than Liz.

  “Fuck them, anyhow,” Elise huffed. “They’re just catty, jealous bitches,” she added.

  I frowned and glanced at her. Elise was still gazing out the window. Had something happened?

  “Did something happen?”

  “No. Let’s forget about it and enjoy the rest of our evening, Andrew,” Elise said, the edge of her voice was gone, and a small smile had even appeared.

  In a surprise move, she covered the back of my hand with hers and squeezed it tightly.

  “If you’re good, when we get home, I’ll beat you,” she teased.


  “Oh, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew,” she laughed. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, young man.”

  I felt re-energized and as though the electrical current that had been whipping around between us at the dinner, had returned. I wanted to kiss her so badly. As we walked inside, Elise hooked her arm around my elbow. As I unlocked the door, I offered to start a fire in the fireplace.

  “That sounds wonderful, Andrew,” Elise said as we walked inside.

  I removed my cufflinks and set them on the coffee table. As I rolled up my crisp white sleeves, I made my way to the fireplace. Elise stood beside me and weaved her fingers through my hair. Occasionally she’d grip my hair and give it a tug. It drove me wild.

  After I prepped the fireplace and the flames roared to life, I spun to the left on one knee and took hold of her shapely calves. Without haste, I slid my hands up the back of her lower legs to her thighs.

  The heated look in her eyes pulled at me like a magnet to stand and take that kiss. I stood slowly, just in case she scolded me to stay put. As I stood, my hands moved to her hips, gently massaging as I went. While keeping my right hand on her hip, I moved my left hand up her right arm with the back of my knuckles. The entire time my hands roamed her body, our eyes remained locked on one another, and the heat intensified. I moved my hand up and cupped her warm, flushed cheek. I could feel her face lean against my hand as if this had been something she missed badly. Her ruby red lips parted as I leaned down. I closed my eyes, and with my heart in hand, I pressed my lips against hers.

  Our lips moved together, sweetly for about five seconds. Then the greedy passion took over. Without breaking our lip locked lifeline, Elise unbuttoned my shirt, and I only let go of her face long enough to get my arms out of the shirt. She caught the bow tie and wrapped it loosely around my neck.

  “I like the loose bow tie look on you, Andrew. It makes you look like my own personal male stripper,” Elise said as she pulled me closer to her by the ends of my bow tie.

  Our kissing started back up, and then she broke away from my mouth slightly and kissed the stubble on my chin.

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend? I don’t understand how you haven’t been snatched up,” she gazed at me with her beautiful sparkling blue eyes.

  Didn’t she see?

  “I have been snatched up,” I said with confidence.

  She raised her eyebrows at me and tugged more on the bow tie.

  “You’ve failed to mention this, Andrew. I may be a lot of things, but I don’t go around taking other women’s men.”

  Elise let go of my bow tie and took a small step backward. I smiled and shook my head. I had to clear this up before she got upset or before she put the armor back up.

  “I’ve been snatched up by you!” I eagerly revealed my feelings and then paused for a moment for her to understand what I was saying. “Mistress Elise, by you!”

  I kept searching her misty eyes for recognition. Acceptance. Elation. Excitement. I was looking, waiting, and hoping for any one of those things. But I never saw them.

  “What?” Elise’s sharp tone was back and at full force.

  I put my hand over my chest and took a step forward.

  “What I’m trying to say, is that I think I love you. I know it sounds strange, but in our short time, I have found that I know it’s in you to give me what I need and want. Master James had told me that I would know the right person when they came along if they could meet my needs and desires. You do this for me, Elise,” I proclaimed. The look of shock mixed with some annoyance flashed on her face, and I quickly corrected my error. “Mistress. I meant, Mistress Elise.”

  In the following moments, an incredibly icy glare had replaced those beautifu
l soft eyes. The walls were back up and suddenly, I was in no man’s land.

  “This is a very unfortunate situation. Love was not part of our contract, nor do I share your feelings. You are a plaything to me. That’s what we agreed upon. I’m not looking for love. I had a love that could never be replaced.”

  “I’m not looking to replace Jacob, Mistress Elise.”

  “Well, whatever the fuck it is you think you’re doing you can just stop because it’s not happening.”


  “Andrew, I’m severing our contract. It is now null and void. Please gather your items from the garage and leave my home.”


  “No! Please don’t do this, Mistress!”

  I quickly swallowed and tried to take a deep breath and think. James and Brandon were coming by any minute with the crop. Once she sees it, the ice-cold mask could thaw some. If I can get her to let me stay the night, perhaps we could talk in the morning. The crop will make it better. She’ll see my good-hearted intentions.

  “Please, let me stay the night. It’s getting late, and I’d have to sleep in my car until my old roommates wake to let me in. Please,” I pleaded.

  “You should have thought about that before you started running your mouth and letting your heart vomit shit,” Elise yelled at me. She flipped her brown hair over her shoulders in frustration. “Fine. You may stay the night.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Elise,” I sighed my relief.

  “But, speaking your mind and forcing me to see your irrational feelings, has earned you a punishment. Remove all of your clothes and get on your hands and knees facing the couch.”

  Elise went down the short hallway to her bedroom, leaving me alone. While I shed the rest of my clothes, I prayed that James and Brandon would get here with the crop. I also prayed that everything could be patched up come morning. I think Elise was just scared at the idea of being loved by someone other than Jacob.

  She returned with the metal handcuffs she used to restrain me to the wooden pallet each night. I hoped this wouldn’t really be the last night that I was in them. Elise slid the cuffs on the floor under a corner of the couch before closing the metal cuffs around my wrists.


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