The Red Box

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The Red Box Page 42

by Laura Sgarella

  To their delight the waitress was very fast. A fly dropped into Philip’s glass of beer but he hadn’t the courage to complain and ask for another one. The staff risked to lose the job for really stupid reasons. “It’s funny,” Phil said to a bewildered Samantha.

  “What are you talking about? I do not understand.”

  “It’s just a joke my grace. The truth is that the more I stay with you the more my heart beats faster. You have bewitched me literally.”

  “The same with me. Oh, how stupid. I shouldn’t have confessed it,” she said.

  “You made just something wonderful, my dear. Be driven by your senses,” he said.

  “Now I apologize. I need to be back home soon. Please, take me away from here.”

  “I will. Just let me take you for a brief walk nearby and I’ll take you back home as soon as possible. But, please, don’t disappoint me: do what I have asked you to do at work.”

  “I will. Everything sounds so unreal. As if by magic I’m entering your world. It’s all wonders. You are a magician of the senses,” she said.

  “I never heard a woman speak in such a romantic way before. Samantha, I love you a lot.”

  Samantha pushed herself back when Phil put his lips over hers. She behaved spontaneously. But Phil didn’t resist. He held her tight and kissed her. “You are so sweet,” she exclaimed as a form of defeat.

  “You are as well. Now you see, you are at home. I wish you a good night. And don’t forget: take what happened between the two of us as a promise of commitment,” he said.

  ” I will. Good night Phil.”

  The following day a recorded tape woke Samantha up. “Samantha, I’m outside waiting for you. Please come out in half an hour. “

  ” “Half an hour?” repeated Samantha to herself. “And where does this tape come from?” Philip never stopped surprising her. She had a shower, pampered her face and her body with soothing moisturizing cream, wore the smartest dress she had and went outside just on time. A limousine was parked outside. Phil was there waiting for his love.

  “So, get in darling. It will be an amazing day, I promise,” he said. with a vein of satisfaction.

  “But what about work? I have to put into practice the strategy to leave,” said Samantha a bit worried.

  “I have sorted everything out. You have never to go back working there any more. But now I have a long story to tell you. I firstly saw a picture of you when you were working as a hostess for an Irish Airline. You looked terrific and I wanted you at any cost. From that time on I never stopped thinking of you. You were nineteen years old. It was ten years ago. The trouble arrived: you left the job because of your fear of flying. and you joined a circle of sleazy friends. They used to join a billionaire for orgies in his house. Everything at his wife’s awareness. He liked to call her L. A. U. R. A. The acrostic was a sort of form of paltry respect for her. I know you have never had sex with him. The dirtiest thing you did was to take your bra off and plunge yourself into the swimming pool half-naked. At a certain point the man you called boss had to stop it all. And to avoid revenge from you he presented you with gorgeous jewels. His closest friend thought well to go to Amsterdam. Here he wrote in a pub door the acrostic L. A. U. R. A. with menses blood. It was a place that the billionaire and his wife used to go to while in Amsterdam. There were no CCTV working so nobody could see what the man did. It was his own way to announce his anger to the world. Unfortunately, the boss and his wife didn’t arrive on time. Somebody saw the acrostic before the owner of the pub and cleaned it with a piece of cloth. We do not know who this man is. But the most important thing is that the boss’ marriage is saved. And there is more. You tried to contact doctor Van der Baast to help a friend of yours who had a vagina rejuvenation to hide all the intercourses she had all that time. You wanted the doctor to falsify the documents of the operation to make it appear a simple gynecological visit. Then you falsified your passport and you came here as Samantha not Nelly. As you can notice I am a magician. I know everything about you. I strongly suggest you that you should have correct documents. A false passport can be early intercepted and it can lead you to drug dealers’ assertions. Now you are with me. There is nothing you can be frightened about any more. Now sorry, I haven’t offered you breakfast. Do you fancy a continental or a local one?”

  “Just a cup of coffee and a croissant, please. But now what do you think of me? Am I a woman worth having?” She said almost crying.

  “The thing is that I love you deeply.” And he kissed and kissed here all over again. “Don’t worry about your past. A new chapter has been opened in your life now. You will work with me as I pledged. I have an appointment at Battersea with a man who bought a yacht from me. He has to pay me and I have to give him the special license to use it over the Mediterranean Sea. He dreams of going to Monte Carlo and Sardinia during August. We must be quick.”

  “And what shall I do?”

  “You have simply to confirm what I say. Nothing else. I will allow you to be called Samantha as long as you write your proper details in your passport.”

  Samantha was in a state of absolute bewilderment. She didn’t know if to scream or cry. She felt to be a bastard since she had broken the promise she gave Mary of never falling in love. They had done a big deal to cancel their wrongdoings and now she saw it in the words of a powerful man. Definitely she didn’t want to see her beloved friends in London during August. She needed to fly with her imagination while her partner brought tears to her eyes. “You are fabulous. I love you,” he said.

  And Samantha placed her head over his knees to relieve herself a bit. It was nearly time to be at the Battersea appointment and Philip used the car at full speed. “But darling, you are shivering!” said Philip.

  “It must be the air conditioning,” answered Samantha.

  “Why didn’t you tell me it before? I will switch it off for you. Look: now we are at the place of the appointment.”

  Phil accompanied Samantha in a luxury place. It was all mahogany and all paintings. A fat man welcomed them and he firstly detached a cheque of three million pounds. “This is for you,” he said to Phil.

  “Thank you. You even didn’t give me the time to explain. This is the licence and this is the one-year guarantee. And this is the protection against theft. Is it true Samantha?”

  “Yes, it’s perfect,” she said, embarrassed.

  “I forgot to introduce my girlfriend, my bride-to-be,” said Philip to the nosey man.

  “Congratulations. She is a wonderful woman,” the man answered with a cunning smile.

  At that point Samantha blushed. “You have my telephone number and home address. Call me when you need further explanation,” said Philip excited.

  “Everything is clear. You can go now. Have a nice day,” said the man summarily.

  Samantha and Phil went back to the limousine. “Is it always so easy?” she said.

  “Yes, it’s always very easy. You have just to be yourself. You will learn this job very easily. Now I show you my main residence in London. It’s in Holland Park, next to Elton John’s house. By the way, we must be ready for the dinner at the Dorchester very soon.”

  “I’m looking forward to being there.”

  “I know it. Now we have to hurry up. It’s nearly lunch time,” said Phil very agitated.

  Samantha was idling drowsy in her bed in her New Bond Street flat. Phil didn’t go to pick her up because he was involved in a trial in front of the magistrates as a witness. It was a case of an accident in a tuff quarry. The owner of the place shot a man in his leg because he wanted to stop his dog, without muzzle, from harassing him. It was an accident which would cost him a jail sentence. Luckily the victim was only slightly wounded. They had to give evidence that the man wanted to protect the dog and placed himself in front of him once fired. But Samantha was optimistic. She was sure that Phil would do a good job with the help of his lawyer. She was turning over her bed waiting for Phil to arrive. He would pick her up at half past s
even to go to his Holland Park house. Out from the window she watched the Versace shop with nostalgic eyes. “Closed for holidays.” She could read on the shutter. She was overwhelmed by thousands of thoughts. She was wondering if Phil loving her, for her, was sincere. She felt spoiled by the fact that he knew everything about her and her past. His power meant a lack of freedom for her. She was not in the position to argue, she was slowly falling in love. She was as frozen as a gaol cell. She was breaking the pledge she made to Lucia to stay away from churches, by this meaning marriage. But now she had discovered another side of herself. As an agnostic she wanted a marriage in a church, flowers everywhere, the white gown, all those romantic things. How insane! She was thinking of renouncing her friendship with Lucia for the sake of Phil’s love. But inside herself she was not sincere. Lucia pledged to go to visit to her in the middle of the summer and she would have found out that she had left her job at the Versace shop to work as a VIP hostess for a gorgeous man. She would contact her now to kick away that burden from her.

  She dialled the number she knew by heart and Lucia answered immediately. “H Lucia speaking.”

  “Hi Lucia. It’s Samantha.”

  “Are you not working today?” said Luciay surprised.”

  Actually, the shop has been closed for a brief period of holidays. I was missing you a lot. What are you doing now?”

  “Well, I am in seventh heaven. I have found a job in Limerick as a photographer. My parents look after my daughter when I am at work. I was going to contact you to apologize for not being able to come to visit you this summer. I am too busy. I have just overcome the fear of the ghost of the boss. Hopefully he disappeared from the scene. But now tell me about you. Are you following my advice not to end your life as your mum who knows nothing of life apart from being a good housewife and mother?”

  “I’m determined to work. But you can’t stop your heart beating quickly when the occasion arrives. Sure I won’t do the life that my mother has been doing since she got married. I have always had a huge amount of grudge against her and my dad, but now I understand I was wrong. They gave me more than due and I have never been happy. It was my selfishness that dominated me. I won’t repeat this mistake with my children.”

  “Children? Are you planning to have children?”

  “Yes, maybe in a couple of years.”

  “You are crazy. You cannot imagine my disappointment of being a mother. You lose all your freedom and you are burdened by a superhuman sense of responsibility. It’s not true that you will learn to love in a more profound way. Anyway, you are free to choose. I feel a bit bossy and those kinds of meddlers that set other peoples’ life apart. Don’t worry about what I said. Just do me one favour: tell me if you fell in love with one of your wooers. You are a stunning woman and everybody would marry you. I don’t want to be an intruder. I’m just trying to give you some advice as a good and true friend. I am happy you have contacted me. I wish you good luck. It’s time to go to work for me now. Keep in touch.”

  “I’ll do it and I won’t stop surprising you.”

  Samantha hung up the phone. She was relieved by the fact thatLucia couldn’t go to visit her that summer. It was such a burden. Now there was another problem. What if Lucia found out that her name in her passport was Nelly again? Sooner or later she would find out the truth. How stupid! She was not forced to show her documents to her friend. She was free to let people call her Samantha as fashion wants nowadays. She gave a glance at her watch. It was half past six. She couldn’t sleep or have a rest any more. She went to take a tablet for her headache and then she went to look in her wardrobe. She had to choose a dress that would fit her for the occasion. She picked a cotton shirt with similar trousers and a pair of pumps. She avoided make-up. She wanted to look at her very best and to be glamorous. She secretly knew that her beauty was amazing. She heard some tooting from outside. It was Phil with his limousine. He was half an hour in advance.” I’m coming” She said from the window and she rushed to the car.

  “Good afternoon, grace,” he said, kissing Samantha on the forehead.

  “What was the result of the trial?”

  “Brilliant. Somebody filmed the whole event and it has been cosy to find out that my friend was not guilty. He has just a fine for using the pistol. But now let’s talk about something else. Are you sure you want to become the queen of my life?”

  Samantha smiled. “I’m your servant, maybe,” she said.

  “Don’t be so humble. You are my secret object of desire. We will be in my house in half an hour. I’m looking forward to showing you the swimming pool. I will introduce you to the housekeeper, Jane. It will be an amazing day. But let me offer you some champagne.”

  “No thanks. I am teetotal. I don’t feel I have to drink it.”

  Phil closed Samantha’s mouth with a kiss. It was a long journey that accompanied them in the candour of their effusions.

  Once at Holland Park, the couple was welcomed by Jane, the housekeeper, a twenty-five-year-old woman of Italian origin.

  “Hi this is Nelly, Samantha to her friends,” said Phil to Jane.

  “Nice to meet you,” said the housekeeper trying to hide her embarrassment.

  They entered the huge dining room embellished by mahogany furniture. with a genuine Picasso on the front wall and a grand piano. Samantha looked at every particular of the room thrilled and enthusiastic. “Would you like a cup of coffee or tea, madam?” said Jane kindly.

  “No thanks. I’m fine,” answered Samantha with a matronly smile.

  “You can go to your room and find yourself at ease. I will wait for you in the swimming pool. Jane will show you the way,” said Phil departing from the two women.

  Samantha’s room was a double one. It had large furniture and a desk and a distinguished bookshelf. She found a lot of dresses, some swimwear with flip flops, a bathrobe and a pair of shoes in the wardrobe. She picked some swimwear, a white shirt, some jeans, a pair of flip flops and went to the swimming pool where Phil was waiting for her. Samantha was a woman of radiant beauty and Phil was a bit scared about this.

  “Come sweetheart. Don’t be shy,” he said.

  Samantha was covered with sun cream which made her very shy in front of Phil. He looked into her eyes: “Welcome in my world. I have two days free so we will enjoy our permanence in my house to the full. As I told you I would like you to be my VIP hostess. I have a contract ready for you. It is in the drawer of the desk in your room. It is a very easy job. You have to introduce the customers in the reunion held monthly. The theme of the reunion is based on the needs of each customer. I am basically a house seller even if I sometimes grab affairs with yachts. Each customer has to be informed about the increase of value of the house he is going to buy and everything regarding the goods. You will be paid £40. 000 monthly. The rest are presents from me. But you look weird! Are you O. K?”

  “Oh, yes. I was just listening. That’s sounds good news. My life has changed so much since my arrival in London.”

  “Maybe you do not want to talk about work. You are right. We must enjoy ourselves to the full while on holiday. Can you see that fake spring tide? It means that the water at that point is very high.”

  A quick move and Phil plunged into the swimming pool with Samantha in his arms. “It’s a bad joke, isn’t it? But there is more. Look. And a 3d image of a shark passed nearby in the depth of the water. I hope that you are enjoying yourself a lot. We can suntan now and listen to some music. Have you ever heard of the Claxons? They are great. Now we can dance into these waters at the rhythm of the music. Let me know if you need something. Jane is a very efficient housekeeper. She will come instantly at our call. Now is time to be silent.” A sweet kiss made Samantha’s bitterness disappear. They cuddled each other in the warm water with great joy. Another plunge and they left the swimming pool to suntan a bit in the deckchair.

  “Now I’ll show you another secret,” he said. “You see: when I push this button, the water is sucked down and replac
ed by clean one. It’s something I have to do in order to respect the law.”

  Just then they heard the police car howling. “Don’t worry about it,” said Philip. “You can hear the police car every day over there. People are frightened by thieves and they call the cops for the most stupid evidence. The police arrive of course but just to witness that nothing wrong happened. I have another system of safety against thefts. Can you see the display over there? They signal people as soon as they enter the house and they are chased all day long. At that moment the screen says that we are three of us in the house: you, me and Jane. You are the one over there. Can you see Jane? She is in the kitchen right now. She must be thinking of the menu of the day. Usually she calls me at half past six. Then we have dinner. It’s nearly time to go inside. Take your bathrobe and have a shower in your room if you need it. I will wait for you in the dining room playing the grand piano. I am not an excellent pianist but you will enjoy yourself a lot. Now go. I will see you soon,” said Phil.

  Samantha was free to go to her room. She was too nosey to see the contract of the job. She opened the drawer and she finally found the document she was so eagerly looking for. Philip had been very loyal to her and that was great. “I love him,” she was finally able to admit to herself. She cleansed her face deeply and put on some hydrating cream. She wore the nightdress and reached Phil in the dining room. He was playing the piano divinely.

  “Sweetheart I dedicate these ballads to you. Is there a favourite one of yours? Do you like Mozart, for example?”

  “I love him. It’s a good preview for a tasty dinner. By the way :here is the menu of the day. Let the chef know what you want to be cooked for you.”

  “I am mad about simple salad and roasted chicken. I drink water, nothing else,” she said

  “So just call Jane. Your dinner will be ready very soon.” Phil carried on with the piano. He didn’t fail a note. “Maybe it is my love for you that is increasing my skills,” he said to a splendid Samantha who was absorbed by the music.


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