The Red Box

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The Red Box Page 60

by Laura Sgarella

  He grabbed a French dictionary. He observed carefully the words he uttered when he got up earlier that morning. He was close to a nervous breakdown. Maybe Jill had left him for a rich guy as happy as she was when they were out with Phil and Samantha. Gosh! I’m going a bit too far with my imagination. Jill is the love of my life and she belongs to me only. We are bound by the pledge to live together in wealth and poverty until death would us set apart, he thought half in blasphemy. These were the values that linked the both of them. His forehead was marred by sweating. This for the hardship of not knowing where Jill was.

  He went to have a look at their wardrobe and he realized that Jill had picked the pink maternity dress that morning. It was the same dress she was wearing when they were out at dinner with Phil and Samantha. What luxury place was she going in search of? Two pm: nothing. Three pm: nothing. Four pm: a glimmer of hope. Jill was arriving all frightened and soaked. “Sweetheart, you cannot imagine my pain. Where have you been? Why was your phone off?”

  “Sorry Araon. It’s all my fault. I got in trouble today. When I went out at eight a. m this morning you were still sleeping. I didn’t want to disturb you. But this is not the point. When I was out, I met an old lady I came across a couple of time in the past. Now I am so confused that I don’t remember the exact circumstances that made us meet. But this is not the whole issue. She told me that she came to my address on foot because she didn’t want to deal with a crammed bus in the middle of the traffic. She forced me to go with her to her house where trouble started. She wanted me to drink some toilet water with salt as a part of a ritual to have back a niece of hers from a desert island where virgins are scarified. She wanted me to drink all that water for all reasons. It was such a disgusting moment. She told me that if I didn’t drink that water she would make a curse to my growing tummy. She is a witch and I didn’t know it. At a certain point she tied me to the chair of the table and dropped the water on my shoulder. This is the end of the ritual, she said. And she let me free. She assured me that she would change my favour whenever the occasion arrived. I came here on foot as well. Thanks to my memory I have been able to memorize the route back home. And now you see me as I am, all soaked and dirty. Thank God it’s finished. What did you do all this time? Did you eat?”

  “Yes, I had a sandwich and a beer. I was too nervous to have a full lunch.”

  “If you are so nice prepare the same for me, please. Meanwhile I’ll have a shower to purge myself away all that subconscious material. I’m forced not to wear this dress again today. How do you feel? I have not been able to do the proper shopping today and I cannot organize a tasty meal for you. But now let me go. I am so drenched.”

  She went under the shower massaging her tummy with foaming soap. She was sort of blessed by grace being now able to forget what happened earlier that day. She felt the delice of her favourite body cream on her body and put on a nightdress. “Darling, I’m ready now.” She entered the kitchen and gulped with surprise at the cuisine masterpiece Araon had done for her.

  “Look my dear: I have become a master chef for your well-being. But I would rather say you need a rest after lunch. All your fears that came from your bad experience will vanish during your sleep. You can use me as an alarm clock if you want,” said Araon.

  Jill grabbed the sandwich with vigour and energy and she immediately gulped down the remaining beer. She left the kitchen to go to the bedroom where she shuffled a pack of cards as she used to do after sort of traumas before she slowly fell asleep.

  Araon was rejoicing because of the end of the day. How could he be such an imbecile to have been suspicious of an attempt of abandonment from Jill! She was not a desertion happy type he thought. Now he was free to plunge himself into the dining room rocking chair and enjoy the purring of the cat. He happily thought of the glamorous stay in London Jill and he would savour shortly. He discovered the ambitious part of himself. He wanted to be a working partner of Phil and who knew, it could happen soon. He was looking forward to receiving a call from him. After a long haul he would be acquainted with Phil and Samantha’s way of life. But Phil’s power was frightening. He was worried that he would investigate his past and find out about his secret. And, even worse, he was frightened that Jill must have discovered something by herself and was willing to report it to the police. Hopefully things were different. He had a sense of being a freak. This because of the alibi he would devise in case his wife and friends would find the Ida Itch skeleton. It was something he had conceived with the help of Van der Baast.

  He had a look at the clock. It was nearly time to go and wake Jill up. He decided to spend a few minutes on the house chores. He swept the floor, dusted the furniture and cleaned the bathroom. Everything rigorously silent. On his back, a shadow spoke to him: “Hi Araon it’s my mental clock. Are you ready for a walk?”

  ”I will always obey you., darling.”

  As soon as the couple had decided to have a walk, the telephone rung. “Hi, Araon. It’s Philip. How are you?”

  “Fine thanks. How was your travel?”

  “Terrific apart from the air pockets that made me dance a bit. Anyway, I can proudly tell you that I am already at Holland Park house in London and that I have sent two return flight tickets to your address for the next week. I also have four tickets for Cheb Mami concert, which might be a surprise for you. There is also another surprise for you. You know when I go out, heavies follow me everywhere. And they take pictures of us wherever we go in case we need to build an account of facts. They are slides that can turn into photographs as well. I put the most beautiful pictures of you in a frame and I placed them in the Mayfair flat I am presenting you with. Tell me: what are you doing right now?”

  “The usual routine. Jill and me are going out for a walk. Actually she had such a distressful day. I will tell you what happened.”

  “I can imagine. Samantha is also sleeping. She is in the swimming pool room. I’ll go in a few minutes to see if she has woken up. I’m looking forward to seeing you again. I already see myself coming to pick you up at the airport directed straight to Holland Park House. I have saved the Mayfair flat for you, though. We just have dinner at ours and then you are free to enjoy your intimacy in the other part of London. It’s a flat suitable for a couple with a child. Perfect for you,” said Phil.

  “Thank you so much. I have to learn my English starting from scratch to find the due words to express my immense gratitude to you for your generosity. See you soon. Say hello to Samantha on my and Jill’s behalf as well.”

  After the call, Araon realized he had burnt one hundred calories. He was not used to the jet-set on the contrary to Jill who found herself so at ease. They were happily going out while a couple of friends were sun tanning at the swimming pool of their luxury house far away.

  “Hello Samantha. Have you slept well?”

  “Oh, yes, and what were you doing meanwhile?”

  “I booked work appointments for the next fifteen days. It’s a big thing. I have to sell my share of the British Airway to the Emirates. It’s an affair of one million pounds. You’ll come with me, of course. The meeting has to be held at my office in Piccadilly. I was also reading The Independent. The usual Monday article by Deborah Ross. There is also news that struck a chord: the referendum on a possible Brexit. Do you know what I mean? Great Britain is going to leave the European Union but I hope not for good. Opinion polls are always misleading. It’s likely, I’m afraid, that voters will decide to leave at the end even though at the moment only forty per cent of them want to. As far as I see, Cameron is playing a fair game. He claims himself to be in favour of a permanence in the union while he privileges the euro sceptics by not allowing British citizens living in the union and the seventeen-year-olds to vote. They are the segment of the population who want to stay in. But just let time decide for itself. It’s a referendum on immigration, I guess. The stranger, pardon the foreigner. That was the title of Latin author Plato’s comedy. As you can see xenophobia is something that
dates back to the most ancient times. I hope not to have annoyed you too much with that fuss. My business is well established and there is no Brexit that makes it collapse.”

  “I trust you Phil. I was in your concerns while I was sleeping. I dreamt of the most beautiful day in my life when I was covered with lilies from top to toe. And there was a one month old baby with the name of a cigarette brand: Phil Morris. I think the meaning is very clear. Actually I was sleeping exposed to the sun for too long. I have this 15spf cream and I hope that’s enough to protect myself from the dangerous sun rays.”

  “You have not to worry about it. In the roof, there is a panel that isolates dangerous rays from the good ones. And you are naturally amber-skinned. Anyway I would like to have a peach tea right now. Do you fancy something to drink Nelly?”

  “Samantha, please. Yes I wish my ordinary breakfast. You know that coffee and milk little thing with the filling of cornflakes.”

  “Jane is available for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jane muttered.

  “The usual coffee with milk and a peach tea. And… sorry: would you mind cleaning Samantha’s room afterwards?” said Phil.

  “I’ll do it as soon as possible.” And she went into the kitchen with an air of submission.

  She arrived quickly with the drinks and as an obedient housekeeper she started her cleaning as requested. She washed the bathroom with a brand-new product, she made the bed, dusted the furniture and swept the floor. All in a very little time.


  “Yes darling?”

  “There was something you were going to say?”

  “ Yes, I’m nosey to know where the heavies hide themselves when we are in:”

  “You are more intelligent than me. There is the answer upon your tongue.”

  “It’s true Phil. I think they have their mini flat into the house. They are eight of them. And when you transmit a signal with your sophisticated wristwatch, four of them are ready to follow us.”

  “You see Samantha, you have guessed. But now there is something more interesting we are going to do.”

  He kissed her with tenderness holding her very tight. Resilience was his password. Nothing better could happen in their life if there was not the slightest concern for any loving gestures detail. But once in a blue moon he stopped kissing Samantha to call Jane and tell her that she was free to go out bearing in mind to be back at dinner time. He had left three hundred pounds in the kitchen for her own pleasure and Samantha and him were finally alone. Silence spoke by itself. A surreal moment of peace pervaded every single inch of the couple. Falling in love was the ultimate experience of Phil and of Samantha as well.

  “Yes Araon, are we ready for a walk? I covet a secret desire. I want to go to see Amstel Dam,” said Jill.

  “Amstel Dam? Why do you wish so Jill?”

  “I am an intruder. Since I have met Samantha and Phil, I see our privacy as an ownership of whoever. I think only of all those slides the bodyguards took of us. Otherwise there is no reason why Amstel makes me feel an intruder. It’s so close to Rokin Street. Our little Rokin. She is dancing in the water of my womb.”

  “You said she? Do you already know the sex of the baby?”

  “It’s just my imagination Araon. How could I know it after all? We have to wait a while to find out if we have a she or a he. The most important thing is that she or he is healthy and talent worthy. I see already a lot of fatigue in his life. Boys and girls should be given the same opportunities. I’m already planning to send our son to the most famous schools in Europe. I want an expert at first hand. Do you understand me Araon?”

  “Yes my baby. I was considering the same things as yourself.”

  “Ambition sometimes is a dirty word. But we must placate the water of our fear of destiny. Just let our baby be encouraged to follow his own way to success without strain. But now, please, let’s stop for a while at Amstel. Afterwards we will go around the city. Wherever.”

  They left the flat in a hurry and Amstel was in front of them: majestic, grand, awe-inspiring. Jill was thrilled and this was a puzzle to Araon. He watched the Amstel 10 address terrified. Hopefully it seemed that the flat of the old lady was currently empty. He was all soaked at the thought of what might happen if the old lady saw them next to her flat. Jill was satisfied by the view and invited Araon to go somewhere else.

  They arrived at Muntriren and after that they wandered around without a specific destination. “Araon?”

  “Yes, darling?”

  “Tell me the truth: have you any doubt about our friendship with Samantha and Phil? You are always very meticulous in your dissertation but this time you didn’t use too many words of praise. I understand you are frightened, if not submissive, because of our huge difference of social status. But they are meek and with a simple heart. Don’t forget that next week we will be in London with them. As soon as I show visible enthusiasm you sort of shuffle the cards of my destiny. They are so simple, so gentle, so generous. They are the best people I have ever met in my life. Don’t let your debts be outstanding the Bible orders us. But what debts? Whatever they have done for us was a question of whole-heartness. Love is such a sophisticated thing. Consider our relationship: since we have decided to have our own moments of privacy our passion has improved a lot. Once in London, we have to spare our time between us and Phil and Samantha. I have an intriguing idea, why don’t you propose yourself to be a business associate of Phil? You have all the qualities to join him in his business. I also believe he will be more than happy about the idea. It is also a question of delicious intention. By this I mean we will have more occasions to go to London. And our child will have a delicate and fulfilled life with love and wealth,” said Jill.

  “I understand you very well, Jill. But I don’t embrace the idea of having you as a white Lady Macbeth since there is no murder around. But you are boosting my temptations. I’ll see what to do once in London. Honestly, I don’t like to be followed by heavies everywhere and to be shot for enduring slides at the end of the day. I’m filled up with worries and concerns. Who knows what will happen next? But you are my priority. If this idea pleases you, I will change myself for you. Yes, I want to be Phil’s business associate for our and our little Rokin’s well-being,” said Araon.

  “You are so sweet Araon I was just considering the expectations of our life. You know when we wander around together I think of the sky and the stars. They have a sort of magic allure and you make me adore it. But where are we going now? Let’s stop at the next stop.”

  “We are in Piazza Dam Jill. I know you have been here so many times. But this mystic place never fails to surprise us. Can you see those posters? They are there for us. A good portrait will improve the bedroom of our flat.”

  “You are crazy Araon. The models of those paintings usually are prostitutes. Let us do something else like feed the pigeons. They are such lovely creatures,” said Jill.

  “Easy to say, easy to do,” answered Araon in his flamboyant style.

  They enjoyed themselves as if they were kids with those small birds. And they were doing it under the astonished eyes of the bystanders. Their appetite for games didn’t last long. The telephone rung. “Hi Araon. It’s Phil speaking. How are you? I have called you because there are some problems with the flight tickets. The flights have been cancelled because of a strike. It’s such a mess. Anyway there is the accidental remedy. I will send my private jet to pick you up and to bring you back home at the end of your stay here. It’s a modern, private jet. Be sure it’s also very safe. I rarely use it. My job never allows me to use all my commodities notwithstanding. I will talk about this when you are in London. Sorry about that. What are you doing now?”

  “I’m enjoying myself with Jill in Piazza Dam. We are looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “The same with us. Be ready to enjoy your flight to London. Sorry, now I have to go. Samantha is waiting for me outside. See you next week.”

  Jill was nosey to know
about the subject of their chat. “You know sweetheart, Phil is going to pick us up with his private jet because of a flight strike in London. airports. Are you ready for the adrenalin?”

  “We are already jet-setting I have to take care of myself a bit more.”

  “The same with me. Now let me hold your hand. It’s a time of tenderness.”

  Jill didn’t hesitate to hold Araon tight. A marriage made in Heaven: this was what they were. A couple of young spouses walking hand in hand around Amsterdam. The fairy tale didn’t finish there. The prospect of a sort of honeymoon in London warmed their hearts.


  Araon’s mind was like a vacuum cleaner. He rejected from there any stagnant thought that pervaded his mind. And as a matter of fact, at four am he was still turning over and over in his bed, sleepless. He didn’t know if to blame the blistering hot weather or his dirty soul or to consider the matter as something accidental. He somehow felt to be in the right. He should have confessed to Jill the mystery of the missing corpse at the Van Gogh Museum. His secrecy was something that doomed him with stupidity. He knew that sooner or later the truth would come out, especially now that they were joining a lovable friendship with such a powerful man as Phil was. Considering the whim of Jill to see Amsteldam he could bet that it was not simply a coincidence. He got up from the bed and went to phone Van der Baast. He dialled the number slowly and a well-known voice could be heard immediately. “Van der Baast? It’s Araon speaking. Sorry if I have disturbed you in the middle of the night.”

  “Don’ worry. It’s just four am. I am playing a game of patience. What’s the matter? I hear you have a faint voice. Tell me: what’s going on this night?”


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