The Red Box

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The Red Box Page 69

by Laura Sgarella

“No, go ahead. I was obsessed by some spasmodic movement into my womb. It’s our nature. When I sleep at night, I always turn myself on the left in a way that my stomach won’t ache. But Van der Baast warned me that at this stage of my pregnancy I must feel some pain. I’m not complaining. I think it’s fair to share with you any moment of my life.”

  “I don’t know what to do for you Jill.”

  “There is nothing you can do. Just listen and smile. We are living our most beautiful moments in our life.”

  “And I still don’t believe it. Look we are decreasing altitude slowly. The captain has just announced door to landing. Can you see Phil and Samantha in the distance?”

  “Crazy man. They should be waiting for us inside. I understand your enthusiasm,” said Jill.

  The hostess accompanied them to the main entrance of the airport and they finally could see Samantha and Phil waiting for them. They were radiant, shining. They gave them a huge hug showing without mischief their golden ring in the fingers.

  “A bag. What does this mean Jill?” asked Samantha.

  “It’s just a gift for you.”

  “Oh, lovely! You didn’t needn’t to. Your presence here is the most beautiful gift we can receive from you. We wish to postpone our honeymoon so that we can spend more time with you in London. I miss our crazy way of life, and you?”

  “I do as well.”

  “So Jill, Araon, here is the limousine. Get in.”

  “Hey,” whispered Araon. “Where are the bodyguards?” he carried on.

  “It’s a secret. We don’t want to burden you with the feeling of lack of privacy,” answered Phil.

  “Jill you can wear the slippers if you feel more comfortable.”

  “I have already done it, Samantha. Thank you.”

  “So, guys. Now a nice trip through London before lunch time. I have booked a place in a trendy Italian restaurant. Now I shut the curtain and isolate ourselves acoustically. Just kidding, of course,” said Phil.

  “Hey, Phil.”

  “Yes, Samantha?”

  “Have you seen the gift? Some gorgeous silken sheets for a king-size bed. It’s exactly what I wanted you to buy for us. Thank you, Jill. You are a wizard. You are able to read my mind,” said Samantha.

  “I’m happy you have appreciated it. It’s something that comes from my and Araon’s heart,” said Jill.

  “Hey, guys. do you want something to refresh yourselves?” said Phil.

  “We had some beverages during the flight. But another drink will do. The weather is terribly hot. We have to wait three weeks before the summer comes to its term,” said Araon.

  “I’m so sorry I haven’t taken the vintage car with no roof. In the first place, I guessed you would fancy more privacy. To admire the streets of London through these windows is thrilling. And then, there is air conditioning,” said Phil.


  “Yes, Jill?”

  “I must to congratulate you on the way you are dressed. And you show off a sparkling golden necklace with diamonds.”

  “Thank you. It’s a present from Phil. He is constantly filling me up with beautiful presents without forgetting the poor in the world. He has just given away a terrific amount of money for the poor in the Third World and I ask you to imitate him,” said Samantha.

  “We have already done it. It’s something that fills us with joy,” said Jill.

  “So welcome to the jet set,” said Phil smartly.

  “Sweetheart, Jane has worked all day to prepare the house for our guests. Would you ask them if they want to stay with us or to go to their Mayfair house?”

  “Jill is your turn. Say an answer.”

  “Sure, Samantha. It’s also up to Araon. What do you think darling?” said Jill.

  “I think the best solution is to stay at Holland Park house. We will stay closer to Samantha and Phil. After all, it’s a question of five days,” said Araon.

  “I’m intrigued but I have to fulfil my witty remark. Enjoy the travel.”

  In the same time a rat entered the car and left it straight away. A cunning laugh from Phil explained it all. It was a 3d image provoked by him.

  “I know you wouldn’t be so scared Jill. You are pregnant and I don’t want to oppress you with bad jokes.”

  “Don’t worry Phil,” said Jill laying with her head over Araon’s knees. And the four never stopped enjoying the exploration of London through its amazing streets.

  “Here we are, La Locanda,” said Philip.

  The four left the limousine to enter the restaurant. “It’s nice and trendy,” said Araon.

  “This is the reason I have chosen it. I wanted you to feel electric. Wait a minute and you will be able to taste the food.”

  “Good morning madames et monseurs. I accompany you to the table. It’s number one, just in front of the window.”

  “We can admire London from inside. That’s great,” said Jill.

  “Darling, I feel weird I’m mute. I like this place so much that I am not able to find the correct words to express my gratitude to you.”

  “Don’t worry, Samantha. Jill is a good companion for you. and will succeed in pulling words out of your mouth. And they cackled all together.

  The waiter arrived immediately. “What would you like?”

  “I’d like a veal cutlet and a cow buffalo mozzarella,” said Jill.

  “I’d like some roasted potatoes with green salad.” said Samantha.

  “I’d like ravioli and roasted veil,” said Araon.

  “The same with me,” said Phil.

  “What about the drinks?” said the waiter.

  “I think two bottles of fresh sparkling water and some Italian wine will do,” said Jill.

  “I’ll come back as soon as possible,” said the waiter.

  “We have made the best possible choices,” said Jill.

  The other three nodded. At a certain point it could be heard the noise of an arriving train. “Don’t be frightened,” said Phil.

  “It’s my mobile phone. I have switched it off and when somebody calls me, I am warned in this weird way. I have informed all my business customers that I won’t work until the tenth of September because of my honeymoon. Oh, here are the drinks. Shall we toast to our happy wedding?”

  Everybody raised their glasses. “The weirdo is over there.” exclaimed Araon.

  “Darling what’s wrong with you again?”

  “Sorry sweetheart. I am a bit awkward, I know it. I talk like that just because I have heard about business.”

  “Don’t worry Araon. I told you about my leap problem when I had my first business appointment. That didn’t avert me to grow at the point I am now.”

  “Just talk about something else Phil. It’s our special wedding lunch,” said Samantha.

  “Yes, I was thinking of the parade of children that will bless our marriage. Five in all: three boys and two girls,” said Phil.

  “I prefer one boy and two girls,” said Samantha.

  “Are we arguing sweetheart? The only thought of children causes nausea in you,” said Phil.

  “I hope you’ll respect the term of two years to see the first child delivered,” said Samantha.

  “An oath is an oath and I’ll respect it. But I think our friends are a bit annoyed by our arguing,” said Phil.

  “There is no problem Phil. I was watching the meal of that couple over there. Are they eating locusts?” said Araon.

  “Yes indeed. Here they serve anything you could call an anomaly. It’s up to you if you want to try or not. I wouldn’t suggest it. It’s threatening to the sight,” said Phil.

  “Here we go.” The waiter arrived. “Enjoy your meal.”

  “So you decided to stay at home,” said Phil.

  “Yes. We want to be closer to you in this brief period of time,” said Jill.


  “Yes Samantha?”

  “Have you thought how to raise your child yet? I mean, slow food, no disco, good education and
any faith?”

  “My best wish is to send him at Oxford University. It will cost us forty-thousand euros. And concerning the college, Eton would be the right choice. It’s the place where the British premier and the mayor of London have studied.”

  “You know, Jill, my mind is also crossed by similar ambitions. Phil would like to have well educated children so that they can work with him as a start. If they want, they can create their own business but, of course, Phil will push them to stay with him,” said Samantha.

  “Here is the hub of the matter. I haven’t studied at Eton or Oxford and this doesn’t make me feel at ease when I deal with business affairs,” said Araon.

  “But you are up to the business, I assure you,” said Phil.

  “Look: the mobile phone is giving signals. I want to answer later on in the evening and I’ll check whoever was so interested in me. Now I’m here only for you.,” said Phil.

  “Darling it’s already three pm. I think Jill and Araon would like to have a rest before we go out this evening. Shall we go?” said Samantha.

  “Let me pay the bill. The waiter has already understood.”

  Phil took his personal cheque book and gave five hundred pounds to the astonished waiter. “Now we are free to leave. The limousine is already in front of us,” said Phil.

  The three felt sincerely surprised at the thought of Phil’s generosity with the waiter. But none of them had the courage to talk. The way to Holland Park House was short and it seemed they had nothing else special to say each other. Every now and then Araon gave signs that he had enjoyed the meal a lot making it look shorter the way home.

  The Holland Park house could seem an old ruin if it was not for Jane’s work that made it as shining as the blade of a knife. Jill and Araon went straight to their room after having kissed Jane. The room was well equipped with everything they needed. On the wall there was a big note of the telephone number of the doctor who was available twenty-four hours per day. Nice thought from their hosts who were welcoming them just for a week. Phil and Samantha had provided Jill and Araon’s room with everything necessary for their stay there while they were away on their honeymoon. Home sweet home was what Araon could whisper while patrolling the place. He was not a man of criticism but sometimes he had to compromise with trendy sayings. Jill was all excited. She still couldn’t believe she was in London with Samantha and Phil. But all of a sudden, the thought of some bleeding devastated her. She didn’t know how long those convulsions would last. She only had to have a rest and forget it.

  Phil and Samantha were finally on the flight towards Malé, the capital city of the Maldives. Jill and Araon had decided to wait for their return to Holland Park House. Now they were relaxing in the swimming pool room. Jill was a bit drowsy. She felt prey of her convulsions again. She imagined herself with a white trunk full of blood. She was so scared but she didn’t dare to cry. Usually she didn’t talk during her sleep but lately she uttered the word guilty. Araon was so perplexed. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” he asked but he had no answer. Araon was attracted by the movement Jill was overwhelmed by silently. It must be one of the accessories Phil and Samantha left at her disposal. He had the radio on and he lowered the volume not to disturb Jill. He decided it was time to have a bathe. He clung to the diving board and plunged himself into the swimming pool. He felt fresh and soothed. He enjoyed to the full his swimming from one side to the other of the piscine. He had strange thoughts, though. He imagined that the old lady in Amstel hadn’t looked for the disappeared Ida because of a news spread in the period Ida was present. On the radio it was told that it had been discovered the corpse of a young woman drowned into the dam. The same period he had found the spot of blood next to the Sunflowers in the Van Gogh Museum. Araon didn’t know why he hadn’t this flash before. Anyway, it was not time to talk to Van der Baast even though he thought that fact was an important clue of the vicissitudes of the matter. Every now and then he had a glance at Jill just to realize she was still sleeping. The radio song finished with the rhyme: how fragile we are and that was what Jill heard at her awakening.

  “Yes Araon. We are fragile. This song is moving. How long have I slept?”

  “The time necessary for you to recover from the stress. You feel guilty because Samantha and Phil couldn’t have a proper marriage ceremony because of us. Is it true, Jill?”

  “Actually, I don’t feel guilty. I understand they might be enjoying their honeymoon and they don’t bother about our distance from them.”

  “I’m looking forward to hearing from them. Meanwhile would you fancy a tea or a coffee?”

  “Just a cup of coffee with a dash of milk and two sweeteners.”

  “OK. The same for me. But I ‘ll take the sugar not the sweetener. I’ll call Jane.”

  He pushed the right button and the waitress arrived instantly. “Yes guys? Let me guess: two cups of coffee with a dash of milk with two sweeteners and two sugars. Is that right?”


  “I’ll come back quickly,” said Jane.

  “Do you know Jill, Phil and Samantha are doing the same as us now. They are so synchronized with us. Do you want to make a bet?”

  “No, I believe you.”

  Jane arrived quickly and she gently disappeared not to spoil their intimacy. The phone rang. “Hi Araon, this is Phil. Me and Samantha are enjoying a cup of coffee with a dash of milk. It takes about two hours to land at Malé. We are distracted by the hostess just to control our anxiety. Oh, Samantha is reminding that it is just me who is watching the hostess. For the first time she feels jealous. Is it the consequence of a marriage made in Heaven? What about you.”

  “We are in the swimming pool room relaxing ourselves a bit and sipping coffee.”

  “Please, don’t forget to tell Jane she is free to go out when she finishes washing the lunch dishes. There is some money for her in the kitchen.”

  “I won’t forget it.”

  “So everything is fine. Have a happy stay in Holland Park House. We’ll meet each other next week. Oh, one last thing: I forgot my mobile phone, which records all the calls even if it’s switched off, somewhere in the sitting room. Forget about it. I don’t want to be bothered by businesses appointments while I’m on my honeymoon. Leave it whenever you find it. It will work by itself.”

  “I have seen it. I’ll leave it in its place. So have a good honeymoon. Jill is telling me to say hello to you and Samantha.”

  “Thank you. Bye for now. You will hear from us soon.”

  Phil stopped talking as soon as his meal had been served.

  “You see Jill I’m always in the right,” said Araon.

  “Do you mean the coffee thing?”

  “You are nasty Jill.”

  He bent his lips on her own and started kissing her, caressing her tummy and her shoulders. At the same time, Jane arrived to take the coffee cups away. “Oh! I’m here in the wrong moment,” she said.

  “Sorry Jane I have pushed the button to call you unintentionally. By the way: I was on the phone with Phil. He told me to say to you that you are free to go out after lunch duties. There is some money for you in the kitchen. And concerning the menu, we wish to eat the vegan meal today.”

  “Yes Araon. I will wait for you,” said Jane, leaving the room blushing.

  “Jill can you see the 3d images of fire in the water? It means that the postman has arrived.”

  “I know it. I wish you wouldn’t use the devices that Phil uses to make cunning jokes.”

  “I am not so brilliant as him. And, for your joy, I am not so fragile as him. You are not my possession, you are the grace of my life.”

  “You too Araon. By the way: what are our plans for today?”

  “I was considering going out at half past four in the afternoon but I don’t know if we can use the limousine. I let you decide.”

  “I back your will, Araon.”

  “Fine. And we will be around London as a couple of honeymooners.”

  Araon never stopped
kissing Jill waiting for lunch time to arrive.


  “I’m sick. I’ll go upstairs Araon.”

  “Shall I accompany you?”

  “No, wait for me here. I’ll come back immediately.”

  Jill had been good at finding excuses to go to the top of the house where the bodyguards must have their rooms. Sure enough, a muscular, sinewy man appeared from the darkness. “Are you in need of my help madam? I perceived your presence from inside. Your heart was beating fast.”

  “No, I don’t think so. I was just wandering around the house.”

  “Do you know madam that we are not allowed to show our faces to you as we are your protectors.”

  “Yes, I know it. Phil and Samantha made this point very clear to me.”

  “So, I apologize. I’ll go back to my room. I will intervene in your help when necessary.”

  The man entered his room leaving Jill dumbfounded. She went to her room where she immediately had a hydro massage. She needed to be quiet and not to think of that episode any more.

  Araon arrived shortly. “Jill, are you in?”

  “Yes Araon. I’m doing my hydro massage. Come in, the door is open.”

  “So you skipped your lunch. What in the world has happened to you? Don’t tell me you were sick. I won’t believe you.”

  “Actually, I was nosey to see the house. I went to the very top where the bodyguards stay. One of them saw me. He told me they are not allowed to show us their faces unless they have to intervene very close to us.”

  “And what was he like?”

  “Very tall, muscular, blond with very blue eyes.”

  “He is beautiful beyond belief, I suppose. I don’t allow you to make comparison between me and him. I don’t like to hiss off.”

  “Are you jealous? When in the world have I looked at another man, maybe with desire?”

  “Never Jill. I apologize for my discussion. Just to let you know: Jane has just gone out. You skipped the lunch and this is not healthy.”

  “Oh, this place is full of vitamin bottles. They won’t replace a lunch but it’s better than nothing.”

  “Today you won’t skip dinner. Do you want to promise this to me? It’s also for our baby’s health.”


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