The Polaris and Other Stories

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The Polaris and Other Stories Page 1

by Joshua Jackson

  The Polaris and Other Stories

  By Joshua Jackson

  Copyright 2016, Joshua Jackson

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Table of Contents

  The Polaris

  The Horse and the Fox


  About the Author

  The Polaris

  The sun shined on the homes of those who lived peacefully on the land. The sky looked as pretty as picture, the green grass looked greener. Children sat and watched the beautiful scenery as the sun was setting for another night. Men and women gathered their children to head inside for the evening. Before the sun officially sat a young boy by the name of Alger made his evening visit to King Darvo. The king looked down from the top of his tower and saw the boy coming, he headed outside to greet the boy.

  "Well my boy, what might you want to discuss with me today? What adventures shall we go on this evening?" Darvo asked with great excitement.

  "It's almost night fall sir, it's too late for adventures." Alger replied

  "Why nightfall is the safest time for an adventure lad, it is the clear sky of night that keeps you safe."

  Alger looked up at the sky as it began to get darker, a look of fear came across his face that did not get past the king.

  "Are you afraid my boy? There is nothing to be afraid of in this world, you know that. Everyone here lives and cares for each other."

  "it's the dark sir, I hate the dark."

  Darvo reached his arm around Alger and made him look at the night sky once more. The boy always felt safe with the king and listens to every story he is told by Darvo.

  "Now Alger, that, the Polaris, the North Star. Anytime you feel lost or afraid, all you need to do is look up at that star. The Polaris will protect you and help you find home."

  Alger reached over and gave the king a hug. His parents then called him home for the night. Up in the tower stood Zull and the rest of the kings staff. A angry expression sat across the face of Zull, who has always been against the rules of the new world. It was years ago when Zull and Darvo fought together in many wars. However Darvo had changed his ways after their toughest battle, which saw the loss of hundreds of lives. Darvo has since created a world of no wars and no judgements. It is a world of peace and love. Watching from above Zull slams his hands on the window and turns and faces the other men.

  "This is not a way of living men. Everyone has a purpose in this world, no one is equal to another soul. It is the survival of the fittest that keeps the world going. Only the strong rule the world while the weak serve their purpose. I thought Darovo believed in that. It will not be long before this world is no more" Zull screamed.

  Zull and the other men left the room as Darvo started to return inside. Knowing Zull is next in line to be king once something happens to Darvo, Zull and three other men stayed awake waiting for the king to fall asleep. Once Darvo was out, Zull and the men entered the room. Two of the men grab the king and held him down tight, while the king tries to fight back, Zull sticks a needle into Darvo that makes him pass out.

  "You know what to do, take him away and finish him off." Zull yelled.

  The next morning had come and everyone woke up to the news of Darvo's disappearance. The entire world was in shock at the loss of their king. They had no answers as to what happened, all they were told was that Davo had vanished and Zull was their new king. The world became a dark place once Zull began ruling. Clear blue skies might as well have been black.

  Men were made to work from sun rise to sundown, homes were made to be built as Zull wanted. Women had to dress the way Zull wanted, usually they were not dressed at all and were treated as sex slaves for Zull and his men. Children were made to work with the men. If the children did not do their job correctly, they would be killed in front of their parents. The new world was more of a living nightmare for everyone. Darvo's vision was taken away and citizens no longer lived in a world of peace.

  A few days had gone by since Zull became king. The world was unrecognizable, bodies collapsed across the ground, children were seen crying throughout the land. Women were heard screaming as Zull and his men had their way with them. Meanwhile, in a unknown location the bodies of three of Zull's men were laying dead on the ground. Knifes stuck in the necks of all three, pools of blood could be seen under them. A few miles up the road, Darvo was crawling on the ground. His left eye was black and some teeth were missing. With the night sky clear, Darvo looked up at the sky and saw Polaris. He smiled at the star and got up to his feet. While not knowing exactly what has happened to his world, Darvo knew he had to return quickly.

  A new day was about to begin, time was reaching midnight. Men and Children were still outside working. Zull had them building new homes the way he wanted them. During this time Alger collapsed holding several heavy bricks. When he fell he knocked over tables filled with supplies. Zull made two of his men grab the boy and slam him to the ground. Two other men grabbed Alger's parents and held them down. People knew what was coming as Zull created new laws. Zull grabbed his gun and walked over to the boy, with fear in his eyes Alger looked up at the star Polaris and prayed. Before the gun shot could fire, a loud shot fired in the air from another gun. Zull looked up and saw Darvo standing in the distance.

  "This world has no place for men like you Zuul, let them go." Darvo screamed.

  "This is a world of reality Darvo, this is how the world should be.These people have a purpose and they must serve it or be punished."

  Men and women began walking towards Darvo. Zulls men went to their ruler. Men grabbed whatever they could find as weapons. With the two sides drawn, Darvo and Zull kept their eyes locked on each other. The men and women let out a big scream and the two sides charged at one another. Gun shots began firing and weapons started flying. Bodies began to drop like flies, during the battle Alger's parents grabbed him and the other children and ran off into houses to hide. It was not easy to see with it being so dark, however people began to die as quickly as the war began.

  Eventually the battle came down to Darvo and Zull. The two warriors had a cold stare, their eyes locked on each other with their weapons drawn. Alger looked out the window and watched the stare down praying for Darvo to finish it. He looked up and saw Polaris shining brighter than ever. With bodies laying all around them, Darvo and Zull circled each other waiting to see who would make the first move.

  "I always thought we believed in the same thing Darvo. What happened to you? You used to be a great warrior, we were a team. We fought together and survived together. Then suddenly you changed. Everything that made you who you are, you no longer believe in."

  After everything Zull had said, Darvo never said a word back. He stood still pointing his gun at the head of Zull. Zull laughed at Darvo and slowly placed his finger on the trigger. Afraid of what might happen, Alger opened the window and screamed Darvo's name. Zull pulled the trigger and not one bullet came out. He checked his gun and seen there were no bullets. Zull placed the gun on the ground and looked up at Darvo and laughed.

  "Good for you Darvo." Said Zull

  One shot fired and a bullet hit Zull in the head. His body fell to the ground with a river of blood running down under him. Alger,
his parents, and the other children ran outside to Darvo. Alger jumped into Darvo's arms and the two shared a big hug.

  "Sir, you were right, the Polaris kept us safe." Alger cried.

  Darvo looked up at the star and then at the dead bodies surrounding everyone. He took Alger's hand and the group walked into the night. They now have to start over, find new land and build a new world. Much like before, they will live a life of peace and love. Hoping to stay in a world of no more wars.

  The Horse and the Fox

  Jack’s farm is filled with many animals, each animal more unique than the other. There are pigs, cows, and sheep that live on Jacks farm. Over the years Jack has not allowed any new animals on the farm. He prefers to leave things as they are with the animals he has. Perhaps none of the animals are as close to Jack as Lucky. Lucky is Jack’s horse and has lived on the farm the longest. Lucky and Jack have spent every day together for the past eight years. Every sunrise Jack wakes up and takes a morning ride on Lucky. They ride around their favorite trail and look at the beautiful trees and the bright blue sky.

  One morning during their ride, Jack and Lucky came across an unfamiliar animal. A beautiful, bright orange fox stood in front of Lucky and Jack. A few seconds passed and the fox stood still starring at the much larger horse that is Lucky. Jack told Lucky to continue moving, however Lucky continued to stand still starring at the fox. Suddenly, the fox jumped at Lucky and began running around wanting to play. Jack shook his head and told Lucky to keep moving.

  After walking down the entire trial, Jack and Lucky decided to turn around and return to the farm. As they got closer to the farm, Lucky stopped walking and stood still once again. Jack looked up and saw the fox standing in front of Lucky. With big bright brown eyes, the fox looked up at Jack and began rolling around on the ground. Despite the cuteness of the fox, Jack told the fox to move around of the way. The fox wouldn’t listen and began jumping on Jacks legs. Jack then shoved the fox off with his leg and screamed for the fox to move. With a look of fear in his eyes, the fox ran off into the woods. Jack hopped back on Lucky and told him to return to the farm. Lucky kept looking back at the woods as he walked looking

  A few days had passed and Lucky and Jack woke up to a rainy day. It was too rainy for them to go on their morning ride. Lucky stood most of the day standing at the entrance to his horse stable watching the rain fall. He looked towards the woods and saw a little orange figure standing in the distance. The figure began getting closer and before long Lucky realized it was the fox. The fox ran to the stable and began jumping up and down. He did flips and rolled around the ground. Jack looked out his window and saw the fox by Lucky’s stable. He ran outside with a broom and told the fox to get lost. The fox took off and ran towards the woods once again. After the fox ran off, Jack tried to pet Lucky and get him to eat. Lucky turned his head from Jack, put his head down and walked away.

  Night time had fallen and the rain had finally stopped. After a few hours of silence, Jack returned back to the stable to see Lucky. When he got there Lucky was out of his stable. Jack looked everywhere for Lucky, he was nowhere around the farm. Jack then stopped and looked back towards the woods. He started walking towards the woods and through the trial he and Lucky walk every morning. Once he made it up the hill he seen Lucky and the fox playing. Jack whistled for Lucky to come to him. The fox looked up and seen Jack standing in front of him. Jack began walking closer to the fox and the fox started ducking down shaking. Jack bent down to one knee and smiled at the scared fox. He started petting the fox and rubbing its ear.

  The fox began rolling around as Jack rubbed his belly. Lucky kneeled his head on Jack as they enjoyed their new friend. The next day Jack woke up and went to the stable to get Lucky. The two began their morning walk on the trail. During their walk, at the same spot as always, Jack and Lucky saw the fox. Jack smiled and called for the fox to join them. With the sun shining and the light wind blowing, Jack, Lucky, and their new friend walked the rest of the trail on that morning and for many mornings thereafter.


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