Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1 Page 5

by Brair Lake

  “You’ve already come once.”

  “Put your fucking tongue back and make me come again.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” There is no begging or pleading from Firebird. Just simple demand.

  “Don’t let it be said, I never allow a lady what she wants.” With a smirk, I happily return my attentions to Firebird’s pussy. Where I lick and suck until once more, the tension in her thighs tighten and she explodes around me. Her taste coating my tongue. With a deep sigh, I leave the nirvana of Firebird’s welcoming thighs to look at her heaving flushed sweaty body. “Are you okay?”

  The nod is slow as she lethargically opens her eyes. “I’m fantastic. I came twice. You haven’t come once. And you’re still fucking dressed.”

  As Firebird grumbles in a low tone, I teasingly reveal my naked torso as I remove my cut and Tee-shirt. With a smile that pulls at my stomach, I shuffle up Firebird’s body until my knees rest in the crevice of her underarms. “Undo my pants and make me come.”

  There is no second bidding as Firebird swiftly frees my zip, pulling my jeans down as she grabs my cock. Her tongue comes out to lick me. As her tongue strokes and licks the engorged, hard shaft, tremors begin in my thighs as blood cascaded to my cock and I know I wouldn’t last much longer. Firebird must have sensed my need. For soon I find my cock in her mouth. Thrusting against her sucking. In, out, deeper and deeper until I hit the back of her throat.



  “Put the fucking condom on. I want to come inside you.”

  Firebird’s hands flay as she searches for the latex, causing me to smile as I gaze down at her; watching as she continues to suck my cock. Then I am free. That is until Firebird’s fingers are once more around my cock as she covers it with the condom. Happily, I bend down and kiss my taste from Firebird’s mouth, mingling our tongues together as I slip a finger into her vagina as I check to see how ready Firebird is for me. “Ready?”


  In one thrust, I plunge in deep and for a moment, I hold my body still as Firebird adjusts to accommodate my size, flexing her pussy muscles around my aching cock. Enjoying the tightness of her muscles, until Firebird gives a satisfied moan. Then I begin the steady pumping of my cock. As desperate as I am to come, I deliberately hold back. Waiting, speeding up my thrusts until I hit the muscle at the back of her tunnel. Finally, Firebird’s body tenses, squeezing me. Her body shudders around mine as she comes. Only then do I freely give in to my own release.


  Daisy – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  I was still waiting for the room to steady itself as my heart rate slowed down. Three orgasms I’ve just had thanks to Leon. I hadn’t meant to pleasure myself. Especially not with Leon watching. But there had been something in the way his walnut eyes had blazed as he watched me strip. As the idea slowly began to form, my hand was busy gliding up to my chest on its own accord. Another shudder rolls through my body from the remembered mutual pleasure. In need of a distraction, I roll out of Leon’s embrace. Only to be stopped in mid roll when his hand clasps onto my waist, his breath heavy in my ear. “Don’t go.”

  Leon’s fingers tightened around my flesh, and I am surprised by the small tremor of anticipation slicing through my body. There is no way I can go another round. Shit, I’m too exhausted, I inform the slow throb in my clit. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  The sticky substance of our fucking session is turning dry and itchy, leaving me uncomfortable, a miserable reminder I need to clean myself. The room tumbles as Leon leaps out of the bed, carrying me to the small cubicle. One moment, I am in his arms, the next, I find myself sitting on the toilet. My cheeks burn as Leon stares at me. “You can leave.”

  “Just piss, Firebird. Then I’ll clean you.”

  As my cheeks scorch further, I avoid Leon’s gaze by looking about the room. It is tiny. There is a small sink pushed up beside the toilet. Next to the sink is a shower cubicle which Leon is in the process of switching on.

  “Leon, I’m quite capable of cleaning myself. I don’t need your help.” My bladder aches as I squeeze my inner muscles as I hold back my pee.

  “Firebird. Piss. There’s no need to be embarrassed. Shit, I’ve licked, sucked and fucked your pussy. Besides, I need a piss.”

  “Gee, Leon. You’re too romantic for me.”

  With a gasp, and realizing Leon has no intention of vacating the room, I give in, discharging the fluid from my bladder, glancing anywhere but at Leon. I have no sooner finished on the toilet than Leon has me under the shower. My cheeks hotter than the water cascading over my body. I still haven’t moved when Leon joins me. His smile brighter than the midday sun. Lazily, I lean against the shower wall as I give into his ministrations in defeat. Enjoying the gentle caress of his hands as he washes me. My body is too tired to murmur in protest when his hand slides in between my legs to clean the evidence of our mutual orgasms away. Satisfied and relaxed, I continue to allow Leon to guide us both back to the bed, snuggling into his arms in contentment. Instead of turning the light out, Leon hands me another glass of whisky which I gladly sip.

  “Tell me about yourself, Firebird.”

  Dreamily, I pull the covering up, smiling at the biker.

  “There’s not much to tell really, Leon. I’m one of six children. I have two older sisters, who have left home, two younger brothers and one younger sister.”

  “What about your Momma. What happened to her?”

  As I stare at the ceiling, the room changes, morphing into a hospital room. To the last time I had seen Ma. She had looked so weak and tiny. The cancer having eaten away at her body. Long gone was the vibrant woman I remembered. The sparkle in her yellow eyes replaced with emptiness, sunk into her skull as dark shadows circled the flesh. Her once vibrant red hair, no longer had its gloss, thinning, now that it had lost its thick luster.

  “She died a long time ago.”

  “And your Pa…. Was he always a gambler?”

  Leon’s question has me shaking my head as I clear the memories of Ma free. Another memory surfaces in its place. One of long before the cancer invaded our lives.

  The sun was shining; we were at the bayou. Ma had spread a blanket over the ground. Lily and Rosie were helping to set up the picnic, while Poppy chased a dog. I’d forgotten at one time we’d had a dog. And Pa, well Pas was trying to teach Herbie and Leif how to fish along with my help.

  “I don’t know… I don’t think so. But it would have been a long time ago.” Leon’s fingers are gentle as he brushes the hair out of my face, pulling my body closer to his. “After Ma died, Pa became distant. He didn’t come home after work. And when he did. I’d be in bed at night, listening to him stumbling up the stairs.” My body quivers, which has nothing to do with the night chill or desire.

  “Firebird. What else happened?”

  “Nothing really. He would argue a lot with Lily. He didn’t like her boyfriends and as soon as she was old enough, she left home. Then he began on Rosie, and it wasn’t long before she moved in with one of her boyfriends.

  “What about you?”

  “Me. After Lily left, he didn’t appear to drink as much. Perhaps that’s when he began to gamble more. When it really became an addiction. An obsession for him.” My eyes begin to drift, closing as more memories begin to surface. “Food became less on the table. Often we’d have no kind of utility.”

  A nervous giggle escapes me as I find myself stroking Leon’s chest. Marveling at the strength. The small springy tufts of hair declaring his heritage. As my hand drifts further down, Leon grabs my wrist, halting my progress. His smile lazy as his eyes glow. My clit throbs, and my nipples protrude once more as my breasts grow heavy.

  “What’s funny?”

  “I’m surprised Pa didn’t lose the house sooner. After Rosie left, his gambling became heavier.”

  Leon’s forehead creases, and my hand rises to push a dreadlock out of the way as I soothe the crinkle
d skin. “Why haven’t you left home?”

  “When Lily and Rosie abandoned us, I remembered how I felt, and I wasn’t going to do the same to the others.” Unable to stop myself, I reach up to place a light kiss on Leon’s lips. “That’s enough about me. What about you. Why did you join The River Demons?” My lips are still tingling from the too brief kiss, and as Leon speaks, I watch the way his lips move.

  “There’s not much to tell. I was born a River Demon and I’ll die a River Demon as I have no intentions of leaving.”

  “Have you ever been married?”

  “No. The women I fuck don’t expect marriage. If they do sucker some poor chump, it rarely lasts. - The ones that do…. Well, they’ve probably become a widow within twelve months.”

  Leon’s matter-of-fact words has me rolling away from the heat of his body, and I find myself staring up at the ceiling. Leon is supposed to be a piece of fun. Someone to take the tedium out of my life away. I don’t know why. But, for the first time I find myself thinking of having an actual relationship with the biker. He has the ability to make my body sing. Shit, just thinking of Leon has the capabilities of bringing my clit to life and making my brain all fuzzy. I wasn’t looking for permanency. Especially not with a biker whose friend appears to hate my family and me with an intensity which leaves me cold.

  I was woken with a slow, sweet kiss and without thinking, I languorously spread my legs, allowing Leon to settle his body between them. His thrusts are slow, and I relish each and every stroke he delivers. The explosion when it comes, is fierce, leaving me drained as I stare at the ceiling. “Come on – Get up and get dressed. Then we’ll go for a ride.”

  “Don’t be daft, Leon. I have the library.”

  “Ring in sick.”

  “Leon.” My giggles start slow and quickly builds into a full chuckle when his dark eyebrows rise.

  “Firebird.” He returns in a mock scandalized tone. His hand coming down to rest on my thigh as his thumb strokes the tender flesh. “Be daring, Firebird. Take a day off and have some fun.”

  And that is how I find myself for the first time on the back of a Harley with my bad boy biker. I am not nervous as Leon negotiates the roads. Taking some of the bend's tight, while others he takes wide. Soon I find myself lying on the grass, chewing a piece of dried reed as Leon skims rocks into the lake. The day is peaceful, and although not much conversation passes between us. I find myself enjoying my outing “Leon?”


  “How did you find this place?”

  We are in a secluded part of the bayou. No traffic has driven pass since we parked up nearly two hours ago. Leon stops what he is doing and comes to sit beside me. His fingers, idly playing with a loose tendril of my hair.

  “I was out riding one day. When suddenly the bike began to shudder. Concerned, I pulled over to check it out. Once I’d fixed the problem, I finally noticed my surroundings and discovered a small clearing. Being the inquisitive kind of person, I am, I followed the path.”

  “When was that?”

  Lean rolls his shoulder and the coils in my stomach tighten. Hopefully, I’ll soon have had enough of this man that I can put him out of my thoughts and break away from this hold he has over me.

  “Oh. About twenty years ago.”

  “Does anyone else know about this place?”

  As we chat, my fingers stroke Leon’s bare arm. “Anyone else?”

  “Yeah. From the club?”

  “No. This is my private hideaway.”

  “Have you ever brought another woman here?”

  As I wait for Leon’s answer, I silently berate myself for being inquisitive about his other women. Never have I ever considered myself to be either jealous or possessive. Yet I hold my breath as I wait for his answer. “No.”

  There was that smile of his again. The one which makes me wet my panties, and I’m grateful I have jeans on. Happy that the heavy material masks the aroma of my excitement. “Why not?”

  Leon breaks his gaze from me to return it to the lake. “Because this is my sanctuary, and I don’t need anyone from the club to know about it.”

  Leon’s smile is back in place as he leans over me, blocking out the sun. His lips are warm and soft to begin with. Soon, however, he deepens the kiss. As the kiss turns heavy, becoming more demanding, I reach out, stretching my arms around Leon’s neck to pull on his shoulders as I drag his body closer to mine. The taste of the soda Leon was drinking, invades my mouth, and I find myself relaxing against the ground, anticipating the touch of his body against mine. When his hand slides down to my zipper, the air is broken by a loud ringing. Knock Knocking on Heaven’s Door invades the air, causing Leon to break his kiss as he reaches for his cellphone.

  “Ignore it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can.”

  Leon shakes his head and a chill invades the air. “It’s Day. Which means there’s a big problem as I told the club I was unreachable today.”

  Chapter 6

  Leon – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  As I watch the sun setting, an indication of how time has slipped by me, I continue to pace the riverbank. There is no quieter place than the river which I love with its quiet flow of clear water restoring my focus on any problems I have. Yet, right now, it fails do a thing for me.

  “Here. I’ve brought you a beer.”

  With only a nod, I accept the chilled bottle from Oyster, swigging a large amount of the cool liquid. “Thanks.”

  “Are you coming back in?”

  With a swift glance at the clubhouse, I flash an insolent smirk at the club’s General. “Fuck, Oyster, I need to clear my head.”

  “You’ve been clearing your head for the last hour.”

  “Really.” My eyes roll at the biker’s pointless observation.

  After dropping Firebird back at her house, I returned to Demon’s Lair to attend the impromptu meeting Day called. Hank, the local sheriff had called round while I was out riding with Firebird, to inform the club, the body of Spanish Pete, had been discovered early this morning on the side of the road. Initially they assumed Spanish Pete was involved in a road traffic accident as his body was still wrapped round his bike. It was only when they went to move the prone body, they discovered the bullet hole in his back.

  Fuck, as I think about it, my body tenses in preparation to explode at the injustice of the useless death. He was young. Too fucking young to die by the hands of a coward. Spanish Pete joined River Demons two years previously on the recommendations of the Scarlet Runner’s President, Sinbad. Eighteen and eager at the time. Prospected for us for a year, and a fully paid-up member for the last twelve months. Yeah, nineteen is too young to die. With a heavy sigh, names of potential killers, the ones who could be responsible for such a senseless killing surface and I scowl at the river. A few years back we had trouble at the club, calling for the dismemberment of several bikers. An excommunication which hadn’t gone well. Clipper and a few of the others have gone on to form their own rogue clubs with several members of Black County. With a shake of my head, I take another sip of the cold beer. Were the Hybrids behind this meaningless attack, and if they were, why?

  Bastian believes it isn’t them. That the Hybrids are obsessed with, and too busy causing trouble for Devil’s Comfort. On this basis, Day has ruled them out and our attention is focused on the remaining members who left the club in dissonance, Jono, Rickety-Lee and Sharpie. Me, I’ve filed Clipper and his cronies’ names away just in case.

  “What’s your take on this mess, Oyster?” As Oyster smiles as he flashes his gleaming teeth. The unambiguous brightness a reminder as to why he came by the biker tag. Oyster has a tendency to over whiten his teeth. “Do you believe Jono and the other brothers are behind the attack?”

  “It’s hard to say. But I’ll head out in the morning - Take a scout around. Smudge will come with me.

  “If it is them. Why? It’s a few years since we kicked them out.”

  Oyster’s should
er rolls as he looks out to the river. “Day says it’s been quiet in Kitsville for a while.”

  “Yep. Though come to think about it. A couple of bikers were sighted on the outskirts.” I shake the near empty bottle, then drain the remainder of the beer.

  “And no one thought to check it out.”

  The derision in Oyster’s voice has a small chuckle escaping me as I scratch my chest. “It wasn’t this side of town. And like I said. There wasn’t any trouble - We thought they were just passing through.”

  “Fuck, Leon. You’re the club’s Sargent at Arms. It’s your responsibility to check this shit out instead of leaving it until now. Or is your head too busy in that girl’s pussy.”

  “Are you questioning my judgement?” A cold chill passes through my body as I take a step back from the General.

  “I don’t know…. Maybe…”

  “Well, don’t. I can do my job… -Maybe I should come with you instead of Smudge.”

  “No, it’ll be better if it’s Smudge and me. We’ll be more discreet. Not raising any suspicions. If it’s you or one of the other officers. - Whoever shot Spanish Pete may get spooked and run.”

  “Fine.” Believing the conversation is over, I go to return to the riverboat, only to be stopped by Oyster.

  “This thing with you and the redhead. What’s going on?”

  “Fuck, if I know.”

  I understand the reason behind Oyster’s inquisitiveness. After the meeting came to an end. TJ and a couple of other bikers followed me into the clubroom. Then, as soon as were settled at a table. The ribbing had begun. The boys aren’t used to seeing me with the same woman more than once. Neither was I known for taking any of them out on the road. Shit, fuck if I know what I am doing.


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