Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1 Page 7

by Brair Lake

  “Hi Leon.” I hide my frown with a false smile as Flash’s voice breaks into my daydreams and lean back against the old metal chair, swinging my now empty bottle in between tired fingers, observing the woman as she flaunts an inviting smile.


  “You’re not dancing.”

  “I’m not in the mood.”

  “What happened to the party boy?” Her blonde eyebrow rises as she releases a husky laugh.

  “The woman I want to dance with. Isn’t here.”

  “The redhead.” Flash seats herself in the seat Sinbad vacated. Although her smile is warm and inviting, I don’t fancy fucking the whore tonight.


  “Don’t you think she’s out of your league?”


  I follow Flash to the communal room. “Good luck, Leon. The girls and I will still be here when it doesn’t work out.” As we enter the saloon, the laugh which escapes me is loud and abrasive, causing several heads to turn in our direction. As Flash returns to the dancefloor, I grab a bottle of JD and head for my cabin. For me the party is over.

  It’s several hours since we left Demon’s Lair early, and now the sun is over bright and does nothing to alleviate the pounding in my head. Fuck, why the hell had Day insisted we leave early for this run? Jono and his crews’ camp is in a small town. Fifty miles south of Noir Valley. Their clubhouse set on the outskirts. It isn’t a large building. One story, in an L-shape spread. On the far right there is a selection of Harleys. As we ride into the makeshift compound, at the cabin door, three bikers are lounging. One leans against the balcony smoking. Another biker leans against the wall, cigarette smoke drifting out of his nose. And walking towards us. Is Jono. Jonathan ‘Jono’ Cartwright, the estranged brother of Sheriff Hank Cartwright. His dark hair a deep contrast to Hanks shorn crop as it hangs past his shoulders, pulled back in a ponytail.

  “Day. What have I done to be honored with your presence?” Jono smiles. A smile which fails to reach his eyes, but somehow manages to flash the upper gold tooth. He is on the early side of thirty, reaching almost Six feet.

  “Jono. Just being neighborly and welcoming you to the district. Last I heard you were in Miami.”

  “Yeah. You should have joined us. The whores are beautiful and bountiful.”

  “Then why did you come back?”

  “I missed Noir Valley.” The renegade biker laugher is dry as his gaze skims over the barren yard.

  With a shrug of his shoulders, Day dismounts from his Fat Boy, and the two bikers stand toe to toe. Day topping the other biker by several inches. Yet breadthwise they are on a par. “Why did you come back? There’s nothing left for you here, Jono. You should have stayed away.”

  “I was missing my girl.”

  “I thought you said the whores in Miami were obliging.”

  “Yeah. They are. But they’re not Lou-Lou.”

  Ah, sweet Lou-Lou. Yeah, Lou-Lou is one of a kind, and a great lay. Day’s robust laughter fills the yard as he leans into Jono. “Lou-Lou’s warming my bed. However, if you want her back. Why don’t you call over to Demon’s Lair and collect her?”

  The fist is quick, but Day was expecting it because he chuckled before punching Jono in the stomach. This didn’t prevent Jono from following up his own punch with another one, and soon there was a circle of bikers standing around the two leaders as they fought. By the time the fight was over, Jono’s eye is swollen and blood drips from his nose. Day is kneeling, his head bent towards the ground. His breathing heavy as his lip bleeds while a bruise develops on his left cheek.

  The biker spits blood on the ground, then he looks at Jono “Spanish Pete is dead. If I find out, you or any of your men had anything to do with his death. I’ll make out last skirmish look like child’s play.” As he rises, Day gobs at the fallen biker, wiping blood from his lip with the back of his gloved hand. Silently we leave, leaving Jono struggling on the ground. Now the fight is over, I have other matters on my mind. In two hours, I’ll be back in Noir Valley, then I’ll be in Firebird’s bed. Whistling a tuneless song, I smile.


  Daisy – The Davaro’s Home Noir Valley

  “Hey Daisy. You’ve been quiet for ages.” Poppy’s voice filtering into my thoughts has me jerking my head up.

  “I’m just thinking.”

  “About your biker?”

  “He’s not my biker.”

  “No…... You’re always on the phone to him.

  “Am I.” The phone calls and texts between Leon and myself are increasing. I often find myself waiting in anticipation for his call. If I didn’t hear from him, I’d send a text of my own. “No, Poppy. I wasn’t thinking about Leon. I was thinking about Pa.”


  The lack of interest from Poppy has me glancing over to the teenager. “Doesn’t it bother you. That we haven’t heard from him in a while.”

  Poppy continues to flick through the television channels, her lips pulled down at the corners. “No.” She then throws the remote onto the sofa and glares at me. “Do you think he’ll be back?”

  If Poppy had asked me this a week ago, I would have answered without hesitation. Pa always turned up when he needed money. And with him not being in work for the last couple of weeks, he’s now out of a job and I know he just couldn’t have any. “I’m going to talk to Hank in the morning.”

  Poppy shrugs before returning to the television. Her cellphone replaces the remote. Dismissed, I glance at my own cellphone, which has been silent for three hours. With a frown, I return to the book I was reading. The waiting game is killing me, but I was the one who sent the last text.

  It’s the purr of a bike coming down the street which has me looking up from my book, and as eager as a teenager with her first boyfriend, I dash to the window, pulling back the curtain for a better view of the street. Then smiling when the bike comes to a halt. The biker dismounts and as he removes his helmet, he reveals a head full of dreadlocks, causing the breath to catch in my throat as he ambles to the door. I hadn’t been expecting Leon. As far as I am aware, we haven’t made any plans to meet up. I touch my hair and frown. Shit, it needs washing.

  “Are you going to open the door or stand by the window all night?” There’s a snigger in Poppy’s voice and I turn to her.

  “How do I look?” I raise a hand to my hair and pull it free from its clip, fluffing it.

  “Gorgeous.” Poppy shouts as she dashes for the door, leaving me standing by the window, Poppy follows Leon as he strolls into the living room. His gaze finding me instantly.

  “You didn’t say you were coming over.”

  Leon is so close, I was pushed up against the wall, and over his shoulder, I notice Poppy watching. She is the last thing I see as Leon’s head comes down to mine. The kiss is warm and lazy which he soon deepens. When my knees begin to buckle, I grip his shoulders. The meeting of our tongues starts a slow burn in my panties.

  “I’ll go make coffee shall I.” Then Poppy is gone.

  Leon finally breaks the kiss, and although his fingers are still wrapped in my hair. I feel hollow and I find myself desperate for the kiss to continue. It’s over a week since I last spent time with my biker. Since I felt his body inside mine. The banging of the lounge door breaks the spell Leon has over me, and quickly I jump back.

  “Coffee.” Poppy’s gaze flickers from me to Leon as she places a tray on the coffee table.

  The smile drowning Leon’s lips flips my stomach and for an instant, I was terrified, as I wonder why I am attracted to the biker. Without breaking contact with Leon, I throw over his shoulder. “Thanks Poppy.”

  “Are you two going to stand there all night?”

  As he leads me to the sofa, Leon’s chuckle leaves my stomach hurling, and submissively I follow him. With some minor adjustments, he pulls my body into his as I curl my legs onto the couch, welcoming his warmth.

  “Thanks Poppy.”

  “You’re welcome, Leon.”

bsp; The snigger from Poppy has me glancing over to her and I clash with laughing amber eyes. From behind my own coffee mug, I hide my own smile. Leon isn’t helping the burn in my body. The stroking of his fingers over my spine has me squirming as the pulse in my clit grows heavy.

  “How’s school going, Poppy?” The laughter in Leon’s question makes me choke on my coffee. Especially when I dare to look at Poppy, who is studiously watching us. Her gaze switching between us.

  “I’ve a test tomorrow, Leon. Are you any good at biology?”

  “Poppy!” Poppy’s name is nothing more than a strangled squeal as it escapes, coming out of my mouth louder than I intended. When Leon and Poppy burst into laughter, I shrug, and return to my coffee.

  “Don’t worry, Daisy. I’m going to my room.”

  “You don’t have to leave because of me.”

  Poppy was at the door by the time she swung round to blow a kiss into the room. “I’m not. I’m leaving for the love.”

  If Leon hadn’t had a firm grip on me. I think I would have hidden behind the cushions and buried myself as deeply as possible. His deep chuckle fails to ease my embarrassment. It was one thing to talk about my sex life with my sister, but for her to hint at what we might be doing, is gross.

  “That’s the baby sister.” As he speaks, Leon’s body comes over mine, forcing me to lie on my back.


  He has managed to wiggle his large body between my legs, and with a natural reflex to make more room for us, I wrap my legs around his waist. Welcoming the hardness of his lower body against my junction.

  “Did you miss me.” Leon’s breath is warm against my throat and a purr hums through my body.

  “You never gave me the time to miss you.”

  “Did you miss my body?” As Leon balances on his arms, I stroke his shoulders and a shiver runs through me as his breath tickles against the side of my neck. Not to be outdone and with a gleam in my eye, I give a slight lift of my hips.

  “Yeah. - I missed your body… It’s a beautiful body, Leon.” Another shiver runs through me as Leon continues to chuckle. “Is everything sorted at the club?”


  His hands are driving me mad, and crazily I search for his mouth. Oh yes, I’ve missed Leon and his touch. When our lips meet, my kiss is greedy, and I willingly take his tongue into my mouth. Dueling with the man for power. As much as I enjoy Leon being on top, tonight I want to be the one in charge, and with one push, I roll us over, leaving Leon sprawled on his back as I straddle his body. His breathing heavy as I lay my hand on his heart. Even through his clothing, I can feel the way it races.

  “I read about Spanish Pete’s death in the paper.”

  A shadow passes behind Lean’s eyes as the beat of his heart slows down. “He was a good kid, Firebird. And his killing was fucking senseless.”

  Gossip of the biker’s death is still making the rounds of Noir Valley. It is big news, especially as there are few murders in the small town. “You should have let me come to the funeral with you.”

  “I wouldn’t have been much company, Firebird.”

  The flesh on Leon’s face is smooth, and it always surprises me how soft his dreadlocks are. As he grows quiet, I lean over, kissing his throat, enjoying the smell of his flesh. Leon’s retort hurt. Which surprises me. When I first met the biker, I had no intentions of joining him in bed. Now I find I need to hear his voice just to survive the day. “We won’t know now. Will we?”

  “You would have been lost, Firebird.”

  “Maybe.” With a kiss, I drop the subject. Leon hadn’t wanted me there. I may not like it, but begrudgingly I accept it. “Do you know who’s behind the shooting?”

  Leon’s hands stroke my back. “No… - Firebird.”


  “Any news on your Pa?”

  With the mention of Pa, my arousal, which has leisurely grown to a pulsing heat, plummets to a minus chill. Slowly I break out of Leon’s hold, rising to stand by the sofa as I straightened my clothing.

  “No.” From where I stand, I look down at Leon. He is a large man. His arm coming to rest above his head, while his booted feet hang over the arm of the couch. His dark walnut brown eyes are watching me from under hooded lids. His smile long gone. “Why are you seeing me Leon?” Seeing, what an odd question to ask the biker. We haven’t done much as a couple. Apart from the bike ride, Leon hasn’t taken me anywhere. I was the one who went to the club. Leon didn’t move as his gaze consumes all of me.

  “Because I want you.”

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with Pa?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Firebird. Your Pa owed a debt which he paid for with the house. This thing between you and me. It's personal… Now come back and carry on from where you stopped.”

  The clock on the mantelpiece, which belonged to my grandfather, chimes It was eleven o’clock. “Why did you call round?”

  “Because I missed you and I was beginning to hate my phone.” Leon rolls into a sitting position as he releases a heavy sigh.

  “You were hating your phone?”

  “Yeah. I could hear you. Shit, Firebird, I have a good imagination, but I miss your body. Your warmth. Not being able to touch you is sending me crazy.”

  “This thing between us. It definitely has nothing to do with Pa?”

  “Not a thing, Firebird. Now be a good girl and strip.

  Chapter 8

  Daisy – The Davaro’s Home Noir Valley

  I remain where I am and study Leon as he reclines against the couch. His hands folded behind his head and his legs spread. All I can do is stare at the biker. He is in my home, albeit, technically it belongs to Damian Layfette. However, this doesn’t mean Leon can come in and take over. Shit, I’m getting turned on just from watching him sprawled over the sofa.

  “Am I your booty call?” Oh, hell. I’ve never been anyone’s booty call, and my arousal goes haywire at the idea of being someone’s fuck buddy. Shit, I desperately need to feel the slide of Leon’s cock as he plunders my body.

  His smile deepens. “Firebird. You are that and so much more.” I attempt to bank down my lust as I grow giddy with my new-found power. With one last glance at Leon, I tug the sliver-gray sweater over my head, letting it slip from my fingers as it drops to the floor. Leon’s eyes widen as his gaze falls to my naked breasts. Breasts which are suddenly too heavy as my arousal spreads to my nipples. Nipples which were becoming engorged with blood. I want to play. To tease the Biker for taking over my life.

  Leon’s tongue swipes over his lips. The glide of the tip teases my clit as I follow the path it traces. Imagining it licking my flesh. A fantasy which is about to turn to reality. His eyes glaze as I slip the zipper on my pants down, wiggling out of them as they slide down my legs. As soon as I am naked, Leon stretches his hand out to me. Instead of accepting the proffered hand, I back step, glance towards the door and make my getaway. I manage to make it halfway up the stairs before Leon’s body falls against mine. Pushing me against the steps as he turns me around to face him. With a face flushed with desire and heavy pants of his breath against my throat, tingles race to my already hot pussy. The throbbing grows denser as Leon shuffles his body between my legs.


  “A kiss, Firebird.”

  Unable to deny his request, I willingly open my mouth. Accepting his tongue into my mouth. Dueling with him for control. As Leon deepens the kiss, his hand slips into my panties, finding and inflaming the heat as he strokes me. Reluctantly, I break the kiss. I want more than a quick fumble on the stairs. With a push, I force Leon’s body away from mine. His gaze full of questions as he stares down at me. This time, I’m the one to hold my hand out. A hand Leon eagerly accepts as I guide us to my bedroom. The bedroom is simple. The wallpaper has seen better days and needs decorating. The bedsheets are old. One day, I promise myself I’ll replace everything. But not tonight. Tonight, I am going to give the bik
er a loving he has never known, nor will he ever forget.

  “Firebird.” Leon’s voice breaks into my world and slowly, I turn towards him. While I stand naked, he is still fully dressed. Cut and all.

  My smile is slow and with a lazy acceptance, I push the Cut from his shoulders. Evading the kiss he is attempting to give me. “Not yet, Leon… I want to savor you.

  The smile he flashes, gives me a mini orgasm and I squish my legs together to stop myself from falling. Once the cut is disposed of, I deal with his tee-Shirt. Running my hands over the flesh of his stomach as it glides down to his zipper. The quiver of Leon’s stomach has me banking down a moan. The zipper gives way and his cock springs free. Dropping to my knees, which brings my face level with his crotch. I eagerly push his jeans to his thighs, baring his cock to my hungry gaze. With a deep inhale, I smell Leon’s musk. The hard flesh of his cock bounces against my cheek as I push his jeans the rest of the way down. Thwarted in my attempts to strip Leon, by his boots, I struggle with the laces. My fingers no longer steady.

  “Let me.”

  “No. I want to do this.” After several clumsy attempts, I have Leon naked, and I step back to observe his body. Leon’s gaze is hidden behind half-closed eyelids. His nose gives the occasional flare. His broad lips swollen. As my gaze roams over his dark cognac flesh. My heartbeat starts to race. Leon’s mahogany nipples are swollen. Begging for my touch, and as I lean forward, I touch the solid body. His skin is hot and smooth. Easily my fingers slide lower, trailing over the contours of his muscled walled stomach and abdomen. When my hands move lower, Leon’s cock brushes against my fingers and I control the urge to touch him.

  “Lie on the bed.” Leon neither hesitates nor disobeys me as he spreads himself over the bed. His large body drowning the mattress. Under my breath, I take a steady count, one – two – three. When I reach twenty, my breathing has eased, almost returning to normal. “Kiss me, Leon.”

  “I will as soon as you join me on the bed.”


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