Savage Heart

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Savage Heart Page 4

by J. E. Cluney

  That had certainly been interesting when we’d had our last lot of devilish fun and I’d turned the dominance thing on him.

  He’d retaliated with setting my downstairs region on fire, burning off my little tuft of hair and leaving me hairless completely. At least he’d been careful not to burn me, but the heat had been oddly appealing.

  “Jesus,” Tristan snorted as he grinned at me.

  “Sorry, stay out of my head,” I said as I poked my tongue out playfully.

  Dominic headed back inside with Tristan, and I followed along with the rest of the guys on my heels.

  I was quite hungry too, and Dominic always made such epic meals.

  My stomach grumbled at the thought of something lavish.

  Dominic did not disappoint, and I wolfed down the eggs and bacon, followed by a nice helping of waffles and ice-cream.

  I had an inkling he’d done the waffles since they were Tristan’s favorite.

  They were quite cute, and I was not at all intimidated or jealous of their closeness.

  I was actually glad Tristan had someone else who was willing to let him do his pain and pleasure methods on them.

  From what I’d seen in Tristan’s mind, Dominic could be quite kinky.

  ‘Ugh, I’m eating, don’t make me remember those images,’ Damien growled.

  ‘Bit of a buttplug fetish there, guess he is that way inclined,’ Wesley joked.

  ‘If you don’t shut up, I’ll broadcast our next session to all of you,’ Tristan warned as he smirked and winked at me.

  I oddly wasn’t opposed to that.

  Nate let out a deep laugh at this, and Damien just groaned as he set his fork down.

  “Bet you’d love it if some of us got it on,” Tristan joked, causing Dominic to give him an odd look.

  Poor thing, always left out of our mental conversations.

  At least Mr Oxley wasn’t here with us.

  I imagined my guys getting handsy with one another, and found the visual quite… welcome.

  ‘Nope, hell no,’ Damien barked into my mind.

  ‘Have to say I’m with my brother on this one,’ Leon said.

  ‘Honestly, whatever gets your rocks off,’ Wesley laughed.

  ‘Dom might not be too happy about that, he likes feeling special,’ Tristan chuckled.

  I glanced at Nate, who hadn’t given his thoughts as he enjoyed some waffles.

  He flicked his grey eyes up, noticing I was gazing at him expectantly.

  ‘Look, I’m open to it. Kitsunes aren’t known to be completely straight,’ he admitted.

  Well, he wasn’t wrong there. I’d certainly had my fair share of lady fun.

  Wesley dropped his fork at this, and it clanged on the edge of the plate, smearing ice-cream on the table from his waffles.

  ‘I want visuals, now,’ he demanded.

  I laughed as Tristan agreed with him, and I knew the other three were just as interested.

  Men, they always had a thing for girl on girl action.

  ‘After breakfast,’ I stated, being rewarded with mental grumbles.

  I actually wanted to enjoy my waffles without it turning into a huge sexfest on the table because they all got turned on by my play with some chicks.

  ‘Some? How many?’ Tristan asked as I shoved a mouthful of delicious waffles into my mouth.

  ‘You’ll find out later,’ I teased.

  “Dom, these are amazing, thank you,” I said out loud, catching the witch by surprise.

  “Um, thanks,” he said sheepishly, clearly not expecting a compliment from me.

  I smiled at him before continuing, ignoring Tristan’s and Wesley’s grumbling about wanting to know more.

  They’d have to wait.

  Besides, this breakfast really was awesome.

  I followed the boys after breakfast, heading down the hall as Dominic led the way.

  Mr Oxley wanted to see us, said it was important apparently.

  My stomach tightened at this.

  Was it about Declan?

  ‘Relax, we’ll handle it,’ Damien murmured into my mind.

  I didn’t respond as we came to a halt before Mr Oxley’s room with the heavy wooden door. The cast iron hinges and huge lock only added to the mysterious air of it.

  Mr Oxley’s room.

  Another glance at the lock revealed it was unlocked.

  Dominic knocked on the door, and the guys were all curious, their minds tossing out all sorts of thoughts as to what it would be like inside.

  “Come in,” Mr Oxley’s voice was muffled by the door, but Dominic obeyed, pushing open the heavy door.

  We stepped inside, staring at the huge room.

  At first glance, it looked like a study, but there was a queen size bed at the far side.

  I’d always wondered if he slept in here, or if it was a special private room.

  “Welcome home,” Mr Oxley said.

  He was leaning against a large mahogany desk, holding his carved dragon-head cane close.

  His white hair was slicked back as per usual, and his beard had grown longer in recent weeks, although it was still neat.

  He wore his standard professor attire of a brown suit, and those wire-framed glasses only added to the look.

  He definitely didn’t look like a guy who could turn into a giant, fire-breathing dragon.

  “If you’re letting ‘em in ‘ere, I guess they know the truth about you then.”

  My mouth curved upwards at the gravelly voice of someone who didn’t know how to put a cigarette down.

  The boys were quick to inform me that her name was Melinda, a friend of Mr Oxley’s, and a witch.

  “Yes, they know everything now,” Mr Oxley said coolly.

  “Well, good. Keeping secrets between family is a surefire way to ruin it. But then again, not many have a dragon secret,” Melinda clucked, smirking as she flicked her black braids over her shoulder. She had on a grey tee and some ratty old jeans that had seen better days, and her bangles and bracelets jiggled as she moved.

  Life had not been kind to her, and I had a feeling she looked older than she was, with her olive skin age-worn and weathered.

  She made me think of a snarky woman who offered psychic services, very bluntly.

  Damien smirked at this, and he mentally informed me I was hitting the nail on the head.

  But she was also the real deal, her side gig of tarot card readings and crystal ball mumbo jumbo was just to pay the bills.

  Supes came to her too for help, although she only helped those she chose.

  “So, you wanted to see us?” Leon said when Melinda began sifting through her old messenger bag.

  Were they real bones used as keychains on it?

  Probably, I wouldn’t put it past her.

  All she needed now was a talking shrunken head to finish off the look.

  “Yes, please sit,” Mr Oxley’s voice was smooth and casual, but the air of power and sophistication around him was anything but casual.

  We all moved to the two couches off to the side, a large bookcase with worn, leather-bound books behind us.

  I gazed around the room, surprised at how normal it was.

  Why did he keep this room locked?

  My eyes fell on the golden orb sitting on a stone pillar. It made me think of something you’d see in a museum.

  It took me a moment to realize the golden sandy texture was swirling inside the large orb. It thrummed with magic, and the more I looked at it, the more mesmerized I was.

  I could feel the power rolling off this thing.

  Was that how he saw things? Was it some special dragon crystal ball?

  “Pretty close there, Sav,” Mr Oxley stated as he strode over, his cane clicking on the flooring. “It’s an old dragon relic, passed down through generations. I’ve had it ever since my father gave it to me. It holds great power from our kind. We use it for many purposes, including our special sight,” he explained.

  So it was a special crystal ball then. Gu
ess that was why this room was locked up all the time.

  Mr Oxley nodded softly at me, and I knew my guys were listening in on my thoughts too.

  “Well, let’s get down ‘ter it,” Melinda said as she smacked her lips together.

  “I called Melinda in to help create some warding tattoos for you all. Your charms ward you, but they can be broken. These tattoos will be made infused with my own magic, so even blades won’t be able to break the wardings. Cutting the tattoo off won’t work either, as once the skin heals, it will return. The only way to remove them will be with dragon magic,” Mr Oxley said as he gazed around at us. His eyes fell on me as I shifted uneasily. “It will be stronger than your current wardings, and will prevent Declan from getting into your mind and causing issues.”

  “As I said to Johnathan, Declan could probably only do that trick once here and there, as being only partially alive will hinder his power,” Melinda said.

  So they were on a first name basis.

  “How come you know so much?” Nate asked.

  “I’ve been around quite some time. I’m not as young as I look,” she chuckled, giving him a wink.


  “How old are you?” Wesley asked, causing her to narrow her eyes and huff at him.

  “It’s rude to ask a lady her age, y’know. But since you’ve learned Mr Oxley’s secret and he trusts you, guess there’s no harm. I’m one hundred and twenty-six years old this year. Met Johnathan here in my younger days when he first escaped Declan,” She explained, her fingers thrumming on her thigh, as if she was craving a smoke.

  Guess that explained why she looked so old, but over a hundred? Ouch.

  “How did Declan capture you?” Leon asked.

  “I’d been a prisoner of Declan’s for a few years, having been caught when I was wounded. I’d come into the territory of another dragon on my travels, one not so willing to talk. We’re a rare species, and normally fairly wise. This one was young, and he thought I meant to challenge him. I was able to beat him and leave the area, but I had some wounds. Declan had been searching for a dragon to add to his collection, and he found me in my weakened state. His magic was powerful even then, and he’d harnessed the magic of another dragon to help bind me to a room. I never did learn much of that dragon, but my understanding was that Declan had agreed to leave him alone if he helped him with magic to hold another dragon. I escaped after a few years. I believe the original dragon had sabotaged his magic before fleeing, so that it would eventually wane down enough that I could make an escape. I intended to send the Council in to rescue other supes from him, but Declan had moved on once I’d escaped. I figured he expected me to do such a thing, and fled before the Council could move in on him. Not that they would’ve anyway. They deemed him too dangerous, that he could destroy the Council, and decided to leave him to his ways as long as he wasn’t causing a huge issue. The odd missing supes here and there were expendable in their eyes,” Mr Oxley explained as he sat down in his armchair.

  “How’d you two meet?” Wes asked.

  “Well, I’ll tell you all that in a moment, but first, I want you all to pick out some tattoos. I can give you a generic warding tattoo, or I can infuse it all into a tattoo that you desire,” Melinda said, her voice hitching at the end before she had to cover her mouth with a croaky smoker’s cough escaping.

  “Find tattoos online if you want,” she croaked as she cleared her throat.

  I pulled out my phone, knowing exactly what I wanted. I’d already saved the photo of the next tattoo I wanted.

  To think Declan had had Mr Oxley was a wild thought. He really had been powerful.

  ‘And you brought him down,’ Nate reminded me.

  My boys all agreed, and I felt a little proud.

  I’d brought down the big bad monster to some extent.

  Now, he just needed to be finished off.

  “The Council is taking measures to deal with him now that they know he’s weakened. They have their own Warlock they’ll use,” Mr Oxley assured us.

  I guess that was reassuring.

  Maybe we really were done with him, and could let the Council handle him.

  ‘Wouldn’t count on it, they’ve rarely pulled through on much except paying out bounties,’ Damien growled.

  Mr Oxley didn’t say a word to this.

  The boys were on their phones looking up tattoos, except the twins, who intended to go with the generic tattoos. Of course.

  “I met Johnathan in my late fifties,” Melinda started, and I fought the urge to snort at how she’d said her younger days. Guess that was young to someone her age.

  How old was Mr Oxley then? I knew he was at least a few hundred years old.

  Mr Oxley’s mouth curved upwards, and I knew he’d heard that thought as his eyes twinkled with soft amusement.

  ‘More like nine hundred now,’ he said, his voice rumbling through my mind.

  Wow, that was insane.

  I just blinked in shock at this.

  So he’d seen all those centuries of growth and history. Where had he been in those days? Had he met any historical figures?

  He didn’t respond to this, and I was left to wonder in awe.

  “I met him when he first took in a special supe. A special line of sirens that can captivate both sexes with their song, not just men. She was wanted for her abilities by many, and he sought to protect her. However, she was injured, and needed healing. He found me at a local market doing readings, sensed just how strong I was and asked for my help. As old and wise as he is, he doesn’t have the same magic needed to heal that witches have. I could siphon his magic and use it to amp up my own healing abilities, but dragon magic cannot heal others without the help of a witch. Witches used to have a special relationship with dragon shifters back in the day, before the world grew and changed. His usual witch had passed from old age, and he asked if I’d become his helper. I agreed. Have been helping him out ever since,” Melinda said croakily, clearing her throat and coughing a bit.

  “You’ve been taking in supes for over a hundred years?” Tristan looked up from his phone in admiration.

  “I only started up the institute in the last fifty years, but before that, I took in the odd supe I came across in my travels to help. Many have moved on or passed on from age, but I still keep in contact with some,” Mr Oxley said.

  “How many more supes you intend to help, old man?” Melinda chuckled as she pulled out an assortment of herbs and powders, adding them into some bowls and mixing them on the mahogany desk.

  “As many as I can,” he said firmly.

  I smiled softly at his desire to help others who needed it.

  “Got some designs picked?” Melinda asked as she sat down at the desk despite Mr Oxley arching a brow at her.

  She really didn’t care for his rules, save for smoking, which I could see clearly since she was tapping her fingers on the desk.

  Mr Oxley liked his institute spotless and without the stench of cigarettes. I’d been asked if I smoked when I first came here since there was a strict no smoking inside rule.

  “Yep, got mine,” Wesley declared.

  I smirked as I pictured him getting either a flaming dildo or vagina tattooed on him.

  ‘I’m not that bad, jeez!’ Wesley sent me in shock, and I laughed out loud.

  “Well, whoever has their tattoo chosen, come over,” Melinda beckoned us over.

  I glanced at the boys, waiting for Wesley to head over.

  He sat down, and I walked over to watch the process.

  Mr Oxley stood up and strode over, offering Melinda his hand as she began chanting softly and mixing the odd little bowl of goodies.

  As soon as she took his hand, her eyes glowed golden along with his, and his sandy magic began swirling around him.

  Wesley looked worried as he leaned against the desk, and the golden magic swirled around him before falling into the bowl as Melinda continued to chant.

  I watched as she used her free hand to stir the b
owl of ingredients, and the mixture took on a shiny golden liquid form.

  Once she was happy with it, she released Mr Oxley’s hand, and the sandy magic dissipated as he moved back over to sit in the armchair.

  Melinda leaned over the bowl, eyeing it carefully before focusing on Wesley as she stood.

  “Where do you want your tattoo?” She asked.

  “On my shoulder, please,” Wes said politely.

  Melinda nodded as she circled the desk with the bowl in hand.

  “Design?” she asked as she pulled his sleeve up.

  “This one,” Wesley said. “Do you need it printed?”

  “I have magic, darling,” she cackled softly.

  She dipped her fingers in the liquid before focusing on the photo on his phone as she began chanting once more.

  She swirled the golden concoction on his arm as she did so, and a golden pattern began to form beneath her fingers.

  I watched as the adorable little pikachu formed on his shoulder, tattooed in a golden ink.

  She stopped her chanting and pulled back, nodding in satisfaction of her work.

  “You’re done, who’s next?” she croaked as she looked at me.

  Guess it was my turn then.


  We inspected each other’s tattoos as we sat in the library room, having been sent off by Melinda once she had finished up. She wanted to talk with Mr Oxley alone it seemed.

  They said Declan would stay out of my mind now, and I was looking forward to getting some sleep.

  Wes had gotten a pikachu to symbolize his love for Pokemon, while I’d gone with a small fox on my other shoulder blade, and Melinda had commented on my butterfly one. I’d wanted the fox to symbolize becoming who I truly was, a depiction of truth and finding myself.

  Nate had gotten a swallow, to symbolize his freedom, while Tristan had gone with a cool looking dagger on his chest for his work with blades. Leon and Damien had gotten the standard warding sign, an intricate circular pattern with symbols and such in it.

  Each of our tattoos shimmered golden with Mr Oxley’s magic, and I was grateful for his help to ward us.

  “Well, what now?” Wes asked as we lounged in the library room.


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