Savage Heart

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Savage Heart Page 7

by J. E. Cluney

  She screamed as more waves of bliss tore through her, her body convulsing as she clung to me.

  A mix of gold and pink took over my vision, and I felt like I was floating, like utter bliss and contentment had settled over me and claimed me.

  Every fiber of my being was ignited with it, and I let it wash over me as I held my mate tight.

  When all the colors had faded from my vision, I found that Damien and I had slumped down to our knees, still holding Sav between us, who was sagging against me as she drew in raspy breaths.

  “Well… that was… fucking epic,” Sav gasped out as her body still quivered from the aftermath.

  “Can’t say last time was this good,” I admitted, drawing in a few breaths as my heart hummed from the exertion and sheer bliss. Now I felt completely at ease and content.

  “Think it was… because we both used our magic, and Sav… used hers,” Damien said between breaths as he rested his head against her back as she leaned on me.

  “Damn, I get next turn at that!”

  I smirked as Sav chuckled, and I turned my head to spy Wes, stark naked, standing on the rooftop, watching us.

  He’d clearly either shifted into a phoenix or set himself alight to get up here.

  Nate was behind him, watching with complete fascination.

  How he got up here, I could only put down to his parkour skills and supe abilities.

  Tristan had not bothered, since I couldn’t see him.

  ‘I’m enjoying it from afar. Getting up there is too difficult. I might be demon-born, but I can’t grow extra aura arms like Nate to scale this building,’ Tristan sighed in defeat.

  ‘Relax, we’ll bring her down for our own hot session,’ Wesley chimed in mentally.

  “That’s if Sav’s up for it,” Nate said as he cocked his head. “I think she might be a bit burned out after that intense orgasm. How long did that go for, five minutes?” he smirked over at Wesley.

  “Definitely went for a while,” Wes grinned. “Nearly got off just to the display. Seeing her all orgasmic, making all sorts of hot sounds,” he said, his voice taking on a soft growl at the end. He was definitely amped up, considering his raging erection, which he was still holding with one hand.

  Nate wasn’t exactly hiding his all too well either, but at least he still had clothes on.

  The only one on the roof with them on.

  “Do you think Mr Oxley will mind us having done this on the roof?” Sav chuckled lightly as she nuzzled my neck.

  “He’ll get over it,” Damien grumbled.

  “So, Sav, up for some more?” Wes asked hopefully.

  “If you guys do most of the work, sure,” Sav laughed softly as I helped ease her off me.

  She pulled a face as Damien carefully pulled out of her too, and she stood up.

  Wes broke into laughter as semen dripped heavily from her as she stood up between us, and I sighed unhappily as it splattered on my knees, since Damien and I were still sitting with our legs under us.

  Sav snorted as she tried to hop over us without getting too much mess on us. Which was a little difficult to avoid.

  ‘This is gold,’ Tristan laughed as he saw what was going on through our eyes.

  He was the only one who could do that, push himself into our minds for a few moments to glimpse what we were seeing. None of the rest of us could do it, so I could only assume it was a special demon-born ability with the mating bond.

  Sav strode over to Wesley, fully naked and walking a little like she was drunk. Guess that epic orgasm had really given her a good run.

  “You going to fly me down, fire-boy?” she mused as she folded her arms before Wesley.

  “Of course, m’lady,” he gave her a bow before grinning at her as he offered his hand.

  She accepted, and Nate sighed.

  He now had to scale back down the building to have his chance with her, but I knew he was more than willing.

  I watched as Wes ignited himself and pulled Sav into his arms before jumping off the roof, and Nate followed, his aura bursting to life to help him.

  Leaving Damien and I alone on the roof.

  “What a mess,” Damien groaned at the sperm that covered our legs.

  “Worth it though,” I stated with a smile.

  His amused eyes met mine as he smirked.



  “How are you feeling about the kids coming here?” Dom asked as I helped him put new sheets on the beds and set up the rooms in the west wing.

  The west wing had a large room with a number of bunks in it, which seemed the most suitable for the children. Each bunk had two sets of drawers, one beside it and one at the end. We set out toiletry bags and stuffed toys, and added an assortment of multi-age toys to the corner which we were setting up as a play area.

  “I dunno. I know they only came at me because they were trained to do so on command,” I sighed as I fluffed up a pillow and set a blue teddy on it, making sure to straighten the covers.

  “We’re not sure what they’ll be like, how reformed they’ll be. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” Dom sighed as he set up some small tables with coloring-in books and puzzles.

  “They deserve a second chance at life, to be children,” I said, thinking back on how Thomas had raised me. He’d still allowed Jackson and I to be kids though, enjoying the normal things in life.

  I had a feeling the kitsune children had had no such thing.

  “Nate settled in well with everyone,” Dom remarked, changing the subject.

  “Yeah, he and Wes have gotten close,” I chuckled. Shared love of gaming did that.

  “I noticed,” Dom laughed softly as he moved onto another bunk and began stripping off the protector sheets.

  “You and Tristan seem to be doing well, did you enjoy your date earlier?” I asked, hiding my smile as I worked on the bottom bunk.

  I’d peeked into Tristan’s mind earlier to find he’d taken Dom for a walk in the gardens, enjoying some goodies under a wisteria tree before enjoying a naughty romp.

  “Yeah, we are, and it was good,” Dominic said hesitantly, and his voice hitched.

  “Dom, you know I really don’t mind, right? He’s my mate, but they all share me. I’m more than happy to share him with you. You were his first love,” I said bluntly. I didn’t want him watching his words around me.

  “His first love?” Dominic murmured, clearly caught on the phrase.

  “I’m bonded with him mentally too. He’s played around, but you were the first one he really fell for. He always knew he’d have you,” I said, loving how his face lit up.

  Hopefully that hadn’t been a secret.

  “I can’t help but feel funny talking about it with you, sharing is still… odd,” Dom admitted as he finished the top bunk and helped me get the pesky fitted sheet on that I was struggling with.

  “Don’t. I have a feeling I’ll be staying here for a while, we need to get along better,” I stated.

  I doubted I was going anywhere anytime soon. This was the guys home, and I did like it here. Mr Oxley didn’t seem to care about us staying.

  “I think Mr Oxley wants this to be a permanent home for all those he takes in. Some move on, like the last lot. This group is his newest, and I think he focused on them more than any others. Although now that things are settling down and they’ve found you, I think he’ll start finding more special supes to help. Those who need it,” Dominic explained.

  “So, what were his past kids like?” I asked.

  “I’ve only been around since Tristan came. He took me in as well. I’m just another one of his rescued orphans really. I was put into foster care, a normal human one too. My parents died before they could arrange for me to go into supe care, and I ended up not knowing what I was until he came for me. Explained what I was and helped me learn. Melinda helped me a lot too. She’s quite nice actually, and they’re good friends,” Dom explained.

  “I never knew that about you,” I said sof

  Then again, I’d never really asked.

  “I took on more of a caretaker role because I wanted a purpose here, especially since Mr Oxley gave me a home. The boys do bounty hunts for him, but he won’t take any money from them. He’s gathered a fortune in his lifetime, so money is useless to him. All he cares about is helping others. Especially since he was orphaned way back in the day, and he had to struggle and learn about himself the old-fashioned way. He ended up actually finding his real father, since he’d only been with his mother until she passed. That’s when he learned everything else that he hadn’t already figured out,” Dominic shared.

  I just shook my head at the information. So that’s why he worked so hard to help orphans. He didn’t want them struggling the way he had.

  “What else do you do in your spare time? I never see you around the place,” I said. It was true, outside of the meals and whatnot, I rarely saw him around the institute.

  “I read a lot, I love learning. I’ve read all the books in the main library actually, so Mr Oxley has allowed me access to the ancient texts from long ago. You probably saw some in his room. There’s actually a door behind that bookcase that leads to a giant underground library. I spend a lot of time there.”

  “So you’ve had access to his room? The guys never saw it until today,” I said, surprised that he’d had such easy access.

  “The room and door are spelled, only those he’s permitted to enter can actually go in. I guess he didn’t want everyone knowing about his dragon side, just a safety thing. I know he trusts all of us, we’re like family to him, but he can’t be too careful,” Dominic sighed.

  I knew exactly what he meant.

  Mr Oxley didn’t want another Declan issue, where he was a prisoner for so long.

  I could completely understand his reluctance to share what he was.

  “I’m always on the internet too. There’s a special Supernatural Web you can get access to, with all proper information on there. Still, it’s always nice to read actual books,” Dom said as he moved onto yet another bunk with me.

  This would be the last one, then we’d just check the bathroom before we could call it a day.

  “The guys told me about that, but they need to verify you for access and such. I’ve used Wes’ account to read up on kitsunes a bit,” I admitted. Getting my own account seemed like too much of a hassle.

  “Mr Oxley has me submitting things online all the time to update their database on supes too. There isn’t a whole lot online for the rarer supes, so I stockpile information and upload it. Someone goes over it, and anything new gets added. It gives me a job to do,” Dom shrugged.

  “So you’re updating the whole Supernatural web,” I muttered. That was a giant task in my opinion.

  “The Supernatural web only came into existence in the last decade, and it started off slow. Only in the past five years has it shot off, but only special supes have the authority to add to it. I copy many texts from books directly over, historical ones that aren’t on there yet. Across the world, I think there’s only a few hundred of us allowed to edit the main sites on there. Many of them being schools for supes and whatnot too. It’ll continue to grow though, and I’ll no longer have anything to add eventually. But until then, I’ll keep busy,” Dom said firmly as he finished setting up the last bunk with me.

  “I never knew any of this,” I huffed, annoyed that I still knew so little in the grand scheme of things.

  “Well, that’s what you’re here for, to learn,” he said, giving me a wink before sighing in appreciation of the now complete room.

  “Just the bathroom, then we’re done,” I said, keen to finish this all up.

  We headed into the bathroom, making sure the showers and toilets worked. It was set up like a communal bathroom, and I used my bag of goodies to set out soaps and make sure the toilet paper was well-stocked.

  Dominic did a bit of cleaning in there, but it was still fairly spotless.

  “Hey, do you think you’ll take on any more mates?” he asked as I gave the bathroom one last look to make sure I hadn’t missed anything.

  I pondered on that. My father had said my mother had just known when she had all her mates.

  I felt whole, like I’d found all my mates once I met Nate and bonded with him. Being with my mates felt so much more rewarding now, like every time I was with them, my very being was overcome with contentment and happiness.

  To think I’d been so opposed to mates before all this.

  When I’d returned here after the warlock drama, it felt so natural and right.

  Like Nate had cemented it all for me.

  I couldn’t fight it, and now, I actually did like it.

  Having mates.

  “I think I’ve taken all my mates,” I said as I picked up my bag of toiletries and whatnot.

  “You just think so?” Dom asked skeptically.

  “I’m sure of it. I feel… complete. Which is weird,” I scoffed softly. It really was odd to say that out loud, but it was true. I felt like I’d found what I’d been searching for in life. What I hadn’t known I’d been searching for.

  “What about Jackson?” Dominic said carefully.

  “What about him?” I looked over at him, at his uncertain expression.

  “Tristan said he cares for you, more than a brother. At least, that’s what he believes,” Dominic added quickly with a shrug as he gathered up his things as we left the bathroom.

  I pursed my lips at this.

  Our relationship had always been odd, and yes, there were times I’d wanted to jump my adopted brother’s bone growing up. He was incredibly good looking, and we’d flirt up a storm sometimes. I knew he cared for me even more, but I knew my boundaries. He was my brother, more or less, and I had more fun with supes. Besides, there was no coming back from that kind of thing, and Jackson probably would’ve wanted it to be a thing. I was too promiscuous to settle down back then.

  And now, all that old attraction had died. I felt nothing but sisterly feelings for him.

  “That’s all he is to me. Yes, we had a weird relationship growing up, we flirted, but that was it. A human couldn’t handle me,” I said bluntly. “And now, I only care for my mates.”

  “Does he know that?” Dominic said softly as we headed for the door.

  “I think so. I think he’s figured it out now that I have mates. He’ll have to move on from me and find someone else to love. I’m sure he will, one day. He’s had fun in the past, but never actually kept any of them around. I wondered if I was part of the reason,” I sighed as we entered the hallway.

  “Leon’s teaching him and Thomas now, right?” Dominic asked as he gave the large kids room a final glance before we headed down the hall.

  “Yep, teaching them the truth, teaching them about rogues. They’re doing well too. Even Thomas, which is amazing,” I admitted.

  “Well, it’s a good thing, hunters need to know more. They kill supes because they think they’re dangerous. Once they realize they’re not, then…”

  “Hopefully the hunting ends. At least for those who aren’t in the wrong,” I said softly.

  I hoped Jackson could one day get to where he wanted in that regard.

  Helping reform all hunters, show them the truth.

  Teach them as he’d been taught.

  I sure hoped it would work out for him.

  But at the same time, I was worried for him.

  Going against the norm could get him in trouble with other hunters.

  I just hoped he knew what he was doing.



  “You have no damn shame, do you?” Melinda cackled in amusement as she joined Sav and I in the library.

  She’d found me after helping Dominic set up the west wing’s boarding style room for the incoming children, and we were enjoying a cuddle on the couch while no one else was around. I enjoyed these quiet moments with Sav, where I could relax and just take a moment.

  Until now.

>   “What?” I growled at the witch who had so rudely entered the library.

  “I got here earlier, saw all you naked on the roof. Told Johnathan too, he told me to just let it be. Ha!” Melinda laughed as she plopped down onto one of the armchairs.

  Sav groaned softly at this, and I inwardly growled as she clambered off me to sit on the edge of the couch instead.

  I’d been enjoying just holding my mate, feeling content and at home with her in my arms.

  Now, her warmth was gone.

  “Shouldn’t be looking that high,” I grumbled.

  “Hard to miss it when there’s all that magic on display,” she chortled as she pulled out a cigarette.

  Great. Sav’s mental groan rolled through my mind too. She’d seen us at peak orgasm with all our magic amplifying it.

  Just wonderful.

  “Mr Oxley will spit roast you if you light that,” I warned, not caring that I sounded horribly grumpy. I was. She’d interrupted us, and she’d seen us at our most vulnerable.

  ‘We were shielded by wings, she probably only saw Wes’ naked ass,’ Sav chuckled.

  “Relax, boy. I won’t light it. I know the rules. Such a fine home ‘ere, I won’t taint it with my smoke. But holding it helps keep the jitters at bay,” she said as she cracked a grin.

  Sav shot me an amused look as I sat up.

  “Why are you here?” I demanded, and Melinda gave me an arched eyebrow in return.

  “Damn, boy, you act as if you own the place with that attitude. Chill, Mr Oxley asked me to come,” she said, and Sav’s laughter filled my mind. She loved Melinda and her sassiness.

  Wicked old witch.

  “Yes, but why are you in the library?” I reiterated.

  “Happened to see you two in here, thought I’d let you know I saw you getting your jazz on,” she snorted as she twiddled the cigarette between her fingers, her bangles jingling with the movements.

  “You had to tell us that?” I growled softly.

  “And I’m bored. Been sitting around for hours. Johnathan wants me to help out with these kids. Gave me this bad-boy so I can use his magic to enhance my own. He wants me to help him keep the kids under control if they get too rowdy,” Melinda said as she pulled a long necklace out from under her shirt. It clinked with a few of the others that she wore, but I recognized the swirling gold magic in the stone pendant.


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