Savage Heart

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Savage Heart Page 10

by J. E. Cluney

  “You guys did an amazing job,” I said as I eyed the room. They really had put so much effort in. Despite it still only being early days.

  As I stared at the mobile over the cot, I wondered if I’d ever find myself in her position.

  Would I be ready to settle down? Would my mates become super excited and create things for our children.

  I smirked at this. Picturing them as parents wasn’t easy, save for Leon.

  He’d make a good dad.

  ‘Hey, I’d be an excellent parent, thank you very much,’ Tristan said, and I could just see him pouting.

  ‘Yeah, with your sex dungeon and pain kink. Great parent,’ Damien said sarcastically.

  ‘You wouldn’t be all that much better, grumpy shit,’ Tristan shot back.

  I shook my head as they bickered like children inside my mind.

  Izzy glanced at me, smiling softly.

  “Wondering if you’ll ever reach this point?” she asked, a small smile playing at her lips as she arched a brow at me.

  “I guess so. Until I met Nate, I was against all this. Things changed. I believe he was my final mate,” I shared with her.

  “It does. Once you have all your mates, you no longer have the urge to stay on the move. I think that need is your kitsune seeking out your mates,” Izzy sighed. “I’m glad I found mine. Having a family with them is everything to me.”

  I smiled softly at her as she gazed at the cot while holding her belly. The utter love and happiness twinkling in her eyes made me wonder if I’d actually be the same.

  Not yet, but maybe one day.

  Chris called out from downstairs, informing us lunch was ready, and Izzy sighed before turning to me with a broad smile.

  “You’ll get there, trust me. And it’ll be so worth it.”



  I joined everyone in the dining area, smirking at the giant table there. Guess it made sense, they probably had Sav’s fathers over often, so they needed to seat them all.

  I’d listened to Damien and Tristan bicker as we all sat in the living area with Samson.

  They were digging at each other, not believing they’d make good fathers.

  I begged to differ.

  I’d been with them for a few years, and despite their flaws, I knew they’d come through if they became parents one day.

  Could I though? I still felt too young and unsure of myself, despite knowing I was a phoenix who had lived for hundreds of years at least. Dominic and Mr Oxley had tried to learn just how old I was, but it wasn’t an easy thing to figure out. At least four hundred years, but that was the bare minimum. For all they knew, I could be older than Mr Oxley.

  The thought of being a parent worried me too, and the reality of everything hit me.

  I’d outlive my mate.

  I’d outlive all of them. I was the only one who was truly immortal. Although Damien and Leon would live longer than most supes considering their angel sides. True angels were practically immortal too from what I knew.

  But Tristan, Nate, and Sav? They’d live only the normal supe life.

  I frowned at this, and Leon glanced over at me from his seat on the couch with Damien. He gave me a sad smile.

  ‘Don’t think about that. Enjoy today, enjoy every moment you have with us,’ Leon said, and I sighed at his wise words.

  Even though Tristan was the only one who called Mr Oxley dad, Leon was more like him than all of us. So wise and logical at times.

  I knew he was right. I couldn’t think too far into the future like that.

  I needed to focus on the here and now. On loving my mate and making her as happy as possible.

  To think Sav was thinking about children. The thought made me want to laugh.

  Savage, the badass woman who’d murdered me the first time we met. Or the one who’d handed all our asses to us, who had a wicked tongue and deadly right hook.

  She’d make one hell of a mother. She’d take no shit, and her children would be just as sassy and wicked.

  They’d be little pieces of work, but completely worth it.

  “This looks amazing, thanks Chris,” Leon said as the two roasts were placed on the table before us. A pork roast and a chicken roast.

  Sav would be delighted with the choice.

  I glanced over at Sav, at how happy she looked, surrounded by her brothers and her mates.

  I loved it, loved the way her eyes lit up, how the corners of her mouth quirked up with delight as Izzy spoke to her about the plans they had. They were redoing the yard, and were going to put in a nice playground and sandpit, along with a tire swing.

  Samson stroked Izzy’s arm lovingly as she spoke, and she paused, apologizing to him, saying she was getting way ahead of herself. They still had eight months before their child would be born, and it’d be some time before she was going to use the playground and tire swing.

  “Don’t apologize,” Samson scolded her lightly. “You plan away, whatever you want for our daughter, we’ll do,” he smiled lovingly as he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Izzy’s face lit up as she smiled sweetly at him.

  They were perfect together, hell, they all were.

  Lachlan had joined us, greeting us with a standard mumble as he sat at the table. Benny would return home in the afternoon after work.

  Damien refused to believe he and Lachlan were alike, but the similar personalities were uncanny.

  It had to be a werewolf thing, although Leon was the exception.

  “So, Sav, how’s everything been? You said you and the guys have been training still, and you’ve started bounty hunting with them?” Izzy asked as she went to begin serving.

  Chris took over serving the veggies and sides, and Lachlan offered to serve the roasts up.

  “It’s been great. We’ve taken on those kitsune children now, and Lucy is helping care for them,” Sav said as she smiled at Lachlan as he gave her a serving of both roasts.

  “I had wondered what had happened to Lucy. She was an odd one. She talked a lot when she was with me, but at the same time, I knew nothing about her. To think she actually had kids for the Collector is sad,” Izzy sighed as her face dropped.

  “She was still being bred but hadn’t conceived any more from my understanding. I wish I knew more about what happened to her. She was there for nine years,” Sav winced as she said it.

  “Jesus, poor thing. This must be a huge change for her,” Izzy said with a frown.

  “All her confidence is gone. It’s like she’s a whole different person,” Sav stated as she began eating.

  I’d already started on the delicious roast as I listened in.

  “Can you blame her? Nine years as a prisoner, now suddenly she’s free. It’s a huge change. For all we know, that confidence was fake, just a way of making it by,” Izzy pursed her lips as Sav agreed.

  They fell silent, clearly thinking about the poor kitsune they knew.

  “So, Sav, how’s the bounty hunting going?” Samson asked as he glanced at Lachlan, who was wolfing down his food.

  “It’s going great. A little too easy sometimes actually,” she admitted.

  “Well, with mates like yours, I doubt it ever gets too hard,” he said, his mouth curving upwards.

  “She’s trying to get us to let her handle some hunts alone. As if,” Tristan snorted.

  “We prefer her to have at least one of us with her,” Leon said.

  “And I think you’re right there. Can never be too safe. You may be a kitsune, but you should never hunt alone,” Samson said as he focused his gaze on Sav.

  “You’re all too protective,” Sav smirked and shook her head. “I can take care of myself.”

  “We don’t doubt that, but we’d prefer you to have help,” Damien growled. “Anything can go wrong.”

  “Let your mates look out for you, it’s their duty,” Samson said as he held his fork at the ready.

  “Fine, dad,” Sav quipped, and Lachlan and Damien snorted.

; Definitely too similar.

  “We only want you to be safe, babe,” Nate said softly.

  “I know, and I appreciate that. It’s just, I always hunted on my own before you guys, and sometimes I miss it,” she sighed.

  “You also had sex with all of your prey,” Tristan snorted. “Before killing them, of course.”

  “Yeah, because afterwards really would’ve creeped us out,” I said, loving the dark look Sav gave me. The idea of any necrophilia stuff made her skin crawl apparently.

  “Wow, too much info, guys,” Samson laughed.

  “Kitsunes, it’s hard sometimes, until you’re mated,” Izzy chuckled.

  “So, this Collector ain’t dead. We should be hunting that fucker down,” Lachlan growled, clearly having been mulling it over as he ate.

  “Council is handling it, as is Mr Oxley,” Leon stated.

  “Ha, the Council is as useless as tits on a bull.”

  I turned to spy Lionel entering the house, having overheard us as he and Soren joined us. Bernard would be working with Benny still.

  “Yes, but Mr Oxley is no normal supe either. And the Council will surely be taking this matter more seriously now that the warlock is weakened,” Soren said as he strode into the dining area.

  “I’m not sure if there’s enough for everyone,” Izzy apologized.

  “Relax, we ate before we came over. We just wanted to see our daughter too,” Soren smiled as he walked over to give Sav a hug.

  Lionel hugged her too before she sat back down to finish her meal quickly.

  “These kitsune children, how are they managing?” Samson asked as he took up standing behind Soren.

  Lionel leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

  “They’re okay. We decided to give them space as we may be triggering them a little still. They’re still recovering,” Sav said as she set her cutlery on the plate, having finished it.

  “Good choice. Especially since they went after you at the collector’s place,” Izzy stated.

  “Mr Oxley will get them straightened out. His magic is old and powerful, you’ll be safe with him,” Soren said firmly.

  “So, you guys are both part kitsune, what does that mean?” Sav turned her attention to Chris and Lachlan.

  She’d said she’d seen kitsune in their auras when we’d spoken about them once.

  “They’re just stronger than normal. No kitsune powers, but Chris is capable of more powerful witchcraft than his father was, and Lachlan is stronger than Lionel,” Soren explained.

  “And it kills me to admit that,” Lionel grumbled.

  I smirked at the older man leaning against the doorframe.

  His dark brown eyes were flicking around at us, and his beard had grown since I’d last seen the burly biker-like man with short dark hair.

  “Have you taken on a full shift?” Soren asked as Chris and Samson began clearing away the finished plates.

  “Once or twice,” Sav said as she thanked Samson for taking her plate.

  I’d seen her take on a full shift, the gorgeous white fox with pink markings a stunning sight to behold.

  She was larger than your normal fox, more like a medium sized dog.

  “We should go hunting at sundown, all us shifters,” Soren suggested.

  “Yes, have you been on a hunt?” Lionel asked, his mouth curving upwards in a delighted smirk. “One where you race through the forest, tracking down prey.”

  “Can’t say I have,” Sav frowned softly.

  “It’s awesome, you’ll love it,” Samson beamed.

  “Your mates are welcome to join,” Soren added.

  A hunt. My shifter side wasn’t exactly a predator type, so I’d probably sit it out. Tristan wouldn’t go either, so it was only really Leon, Damien, and Nate.

  “The woods around here have good hunting,” Lionel said, his gruff voice sounding more excited now.

  “Deer, rabbits, other small critters,” Lachlan smirked.

  “Been a while since we’ve hunted,” Damien mused as he glanced over at Leon questioningly.

  “Yeah, we’d love to come. Could be good to have a full shift and stretch our legs,” Leon nodded, although I could see the twinkle in his eyes at the prospect.

  Werewolves loved to hunt, it was in their nature.

  “Well, I’d love to try it out,” Sav said with a shrug.

  “It’s a good way to let off steam and connect with your true kitsune self, trust me,” Samson stated as he returned from the kitchen after stacking the dishwasher.

  “I’ll sit it out, keep Chris and the others company,” Izzy said.

  “You sure?” Lachlan looked like he was pouting a little.

  “Yeah, I’d rather just read a good book tonight, but you guys have fun,” she smiled tenderly at him.

  Lachlan didn’t push, which surprised me a little. Then again, keeping his mate happy was the one thing we all shared in common.

  I flicked my eyes back to Soren and Lionel.

  To think they’d lost their mate all those years ago.

  The idea of losing Sav made me feel sick to my stomach. She was everything to me now, my mate, my future, my reason for life.

  Savage was my heart, my life-force now.

  And I’d protect her at all costs.


  I raced through the underbrush, yipping with excitement as Damien and Leon raced at my sides.

  A vision of dark and light with their contrasting black and golden-white coats.

  I felt truly alive as the moon lit my path in broken beams filtering through the branches.My paws carried me swiftly and silently alongside my two mates, and we shot through a clearing, linking up with the rest of my family.

  Leon and Damien fanned out with Nate as Soren and Samson flanked me, and I knew Bernie and Benny were sleeking through the woods on my far left, while Lionel and Lachlan were to my right.

  Bernie and Benny had joined us in the afternoon once they’d finished work, and they’d been eager to join us for a hunt.

  Izzy, Chris, Tristan, and Wes, had stayed behind.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ Soren’s voice rang out in my head, making me falter as I ran. Thankfully my tails rebalanced me before I stumbled too much.

  ‘I can hear you!’ I sent back in shock.

  ‘We’re blood-related. In our true forms, we can communicate like this over short distances,’ Samson explained, and the hint of amusement in his voice made me roll my eyes.

  Of course he found my shock funny. How could I have known about this link?

  ‘You enjoying yourself though?’ Soren checked as he moved in closer on my left, moving as silently as I was with his five tails trailing behind him.

  ‘Yes, it feels so freeing,’ I breathed, drawing in the crisp night air, the scent of the forest flooding my nose.

  Critters all around, the cool dampness of the leaf litter, the pine nettles and various plants.

  ‘Our noses aren’t quite as keen as the wolves, but we track with them,’ Soren stated.

  Right, we were actually planning to hunt.

  One of the wolves to my right let out a gentle howl.

  ‘Lachlan has a scent! Deer!’ Samson declared, yipping with excitement.

  ‘Focus your senses, Sav. See if you can pick up on the deer’s trail too,’ Soren said as he kept in step with me while Samson shot out front.

  I drew in a deep breath, sifting through the scents. God, there were so many.

  ‘Focus on the one,’ Soren murmured.

  Like I’d even know what deer smelled like.

  He chuckled into my mind at this, and then I smelled it, as if he was projecting the scent to me through our mind-link. It dissipated after a moment, but at least I knew what I was searching for now.

  I drew in a few more breaths, and yipped excitedly when I found the scent.

  ‘Good, now stay on it, track it,’ Soren said as we bounded over an old, rotting log.

  I did as told, drawing in more breaths, focusing on
the one scent and sticking with it.

  I ran faster, shooting through the undergrowth like white lightning with my brother and father.

  We caught up to the wolves, and I could sense Bernie and Benny just out of sight to our sides, flanking our group.

  I could feel Leon and Damien’s excitement, and the pair towered over Lionel and Lachlan, much larger than them in size.

  I loved feeling their joy at hunting, their wolf sides taking over as they went after the scent.

  Nate was whizzing by, his white coat visible through the trees. He kept himself out of my mind for the hunt, wanting me to share it with my family. But he was just as excited as the rest of us.

  ‘We’re stronger and faster, so traditional formation is not needed to hunt. Lionel says we’ll be upon the herd soon. Go for a buck if you can. Samson and I will help you. I have a feeling the others will get their own,’ Soren said, and my blood began pumping in my ears.

  Why was I suddenly so excited to hunt something? And a deer? I was technically a fox, but then again, I was much bigger than one, a little bigger than Thomas’ old neighbors border collie. Not to mention I was faster and stronger, as he’d said.

  We could take down a buck.

  The scent became stronger quickly, and I knew they were up ahead.

  Samson whined up ahead, and I dashed after him.

  We exploded into the clearing where the herd was grazing, and they bounded into action.

  Leon and Damien slammed into a young buck, dragging it down with ease as Lionel and Lachlan helped them.

  I raced after another one, focusing on it with Soren and Samson, ignoring all the other deer as they scattered into the forest.

  I drew up alongside it, Samson on the other side, with Soren flanking it.

  How would we take it down?

  ‘Go for the throat, use your aura if you want. Drag it to the ground, we’ll help you,’ Soren guided me.


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