The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome

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The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome Page 7

by Michael Hoffman

  Vatican Council I—Pastor aeternus:

  Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1870)

  The “jurisdictional power of the Roman Pontiff is both episcopal and immediate. Both clergy and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both singly and collectively, are bound to submit to this power by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world…no one can depart from it without endangering his…salvation…he is the supreme judge of the faithful…The sentence of the Apostolic See (above which there is no higher authority), is not subject to revision by anyone, nor may anyone lawfully pass judgment thereupon this See of St. Peter always remains unblemished by any error…So then, should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema.”

  The preceding is a statement worthy of Pharaoh or a Grand Rabbi. Jesus was not crucified so His People would be under bondage to any new chief priest: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). ‘Oh, but that is a Protestant sentiment!,’ the papists will assert. No, it is a thoroughly Catholic conviction that those who were bought for a price by the blood of Christ must not return to Egypt again. To submit to the claims over us of a Pharaoh-Pontiff, whose office and powers evolved over the passage of time, constitutes scorn and contempt for Our Lord Jesus Christ. Before Catholics were damaged by the informationwarfare which has been at work in the Church of Rome for so many centuries, they would have perceived that Vatican Council I’s Pastor aeternus was both anti-Catholic and Antichrist. To reiterate that ancient sensus Catholicus now is to be branded a Protestant, or a “fallen-away Catholic.” But who is it that has actually deserted the Faith?

  When the First Vatican Council of 1870 decreed the pope to be infallible under certain “ex cathedra” conditions, the prestige of the “Vicar of Christ on earth” rose to such heights that it eclipsed the Ordinary Magisterium and we had the monstrous situation of the near idolatry of a fallen human being possessed of the power and authority to add or subtract, or otherwise alter the Deposit of the Faith, always under cover of Machiavellian cant language that renders black into white by stating that the changes are in conformity with the Deposit of the Faith, and represent an organic “development” as “Blessed” John Henry Cardinal Newman, among other prominent Romanists, taught.

  The pope’s supreme, commanding authority is certainly not limited to ex cathedra statements. According to the official Denzinger Catholic Manual of Theology no. 1830: “And since the Roman Pontiff is at the head of the universal Church by the divine right of apostolic primacy, We teach and declare also that he is the supreme judge of the faithful [cf. n. 1500], and that in all cases pertaining to ecclesiastical examination recourse can be had to his judgment [cf. n. 466]; moreover, that the judgment of the Apostolic See, whose authority is not surpassed, is to be disclaimed by no one, nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on its judgment [cf. n. 330 ff.].”

  “No one may pass judgment on the judgment” of a mere man. “Conservative” Catholics under Pope Francis deny that this supreme dictatorship ever existed and refuse to see that without the pope’s total power, few of the changes which they decry could have been instituted. Individual bishops could have refused to implement them. The Right-wing’s much dreaded “collegiality,” (the pontiff sharing power and authority with the bishops) which many “conservative” Catholics fear and shrink from as “liberal poison,” is actually a powerful prophylactic against papalolatry.

  “…the See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error…”—Vatican Council I, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor aeternus, n. 4; and Denz. 1836.

  Popes on Papal Authority

  •Pope Benedict XIV: “The Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff have primacy in the entire world. The Roman Pontiff is the Successor of Blessed Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, true Vicar of Christ, Head of the whole Church, Father and Teacher of all Christians.” 14

  •Pope Leo XIII: “Thus, it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors, and for the latter to submit with them to the Head and Supreme Pastor.” 15

  •Pope Leo XIII: “…the strong and effective instrument of salvation is none other than the Roman Pontificate.” 16

  •Pope Leo XIII: “Union with the Roman See of Peter is…always the public criterion of a Catholic…You are not to be looked upon as holding the true Catholic faith if you do not teach that the faith of Rome is to be held.” 17

  •Pope Pius XII: “Nor must it be thought that what is expounded in Encyclical Letters does not of itself demand consent, (or that) in writing such Letters the popes do not exercise the supreme power of their Teaching Authority. For these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority, of which it is true to say: ‘He who hears you, hears me’ (Luke 10:16); and generally what is expounded and inculcated in Encyclical Letters already for other reasons appertains to Catholic doctrine.” 18

  Papal statements of absolute command and obedience over humanity, from Pope Boniface VIII onward, represent a papalolatrous theology. What “conservative” and “traditional” Catholics are evading is the fact that it is an innovation that has been in force since the 1200s in claiming that the pope is owed the type of obedience decreed above.

  Sometimes when these extravagant authoritarian claims are made the pope is not mentioned and the old “trust me” con of the salesman is put forward. St. Robert Bellarmine declares in his catechism, “The Church is the spouse of God and the Holy Spirit her teacher; for that reason there is no danger that she would deceive or would do anything or teach that something must be done that is opposed to the Commandments of God.” 19

  Human nature is fallen. The pope is a sinner. Power corrupts. The absolute power conferred immorally, unethically and erroneously on the Bishop of Rome is the source of almost all of the crises in the Church of Rome today, yet Right-wing Catholics in the twenty-first century pretend that the pontiff’s absolute power has never manifested or been taught. This will be their line until they witness a “traditional” pope on the throne, another Leo XIII or Pius IX, X or XI. When a traditional papal dictator to their liking is elected, they will advocate complete submission, and embrace all the ultramontane claims for the authority of the pope which have existed for almost a millennium. If such a pope were to be elected, popery would be reinstalled in their ranks, just as they were uninstalling it during the pontificate of Francis.

  It was situation ethics that permitted profits on loans of money due to “modern realities,” and it is situation ethics that has derogated the authority of the pope after Leftist Pope Francis was elected. In praise of an investigative report by Gian Guido Vecchi of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra of July 16, 2015, Rorate Caeli, the “traditional” Catholic blog on the English-language Internet, stated: “…surely this article should help put an end to the pious myth that the Holy Spirit always chooses the Pope…” 20

  If this statement by Rorate Caeli had been made at any time during the pontificate of a pope pleasing to “traditional” Catholics, they would have denounced it as a species of Protestant blasphemy. When there is a liberal pontiff not to their liking however, they resort to this type of thinking themselves. Since they claim to know the Faith better than anyone, it would appear that the Holy Spirit is sometimes absent when it comes to selecting the “Vicar of Christ on earth.” But if God does not choose the pope, then who does? What happens to more than a thousand years of the claims to authority made for the pontiff, when a pontiff occupies the “Chair of Peter” on the basis of “pious myths”? How many Protestants were impoverished, imprisoned or killed for believing about the papal “Peter” what “Traditional Catholic” Rorate Caeli believes in the twenty-first century?

  The pope’s Pastor aeternus decree of
Vatican Council I defined not just the dogma of infallibility, but the full and immediate power of the pope over all the bishops and the entire Church. In addition to the formula “ideoque eiusmodi Romani Pontificis definitionis esse ex se irreformabilis” (definitions by the Roman Pontiff are unreformable per se); the ungodly clause “non autem ex consensu Ecclsiae” (not with the consensus of the Church) was added. The assent of the people of God (“the Ecclesia”) united with priests and bishops of the Catholic Church, is never required when the “Holy Father” makes rulings binding on all humanity. In the theology of popery, the Pontiff alone is sovereign judge, and he himself has no judge on earth. Pope Pius IX promulgated the Apostolic Constitution Pastor aeternus as a law of faith. Pastor aeternus establishes that the primacy of the pope consists in true and supreme powers of jurisdiction, independent of any other power, over all the pastors and over the entire flock of the faithful on earth. He possesses this supreme power not by delegation on the part of the bishops nor the entire Church, but by Divine Right. This is the foundation of pontifical sovereignty; of the Pope’s supreme jurisdiction over the Church—its magisterium and governance. Even when a pope betrays and subverts the deposit of the faith and morals, transmitted for safeguarding by Jesus Christ to the Church, there is no mechanism for deposing him, or for refusing his authority or disobeying his commands (although there is a suppressed precedent from the Council of Constance).

  The Bishop of Rome comes to own the Church of Jesus Christ and for the sake of that one bishop’s power, that Church has suffered disrepute, desertion and revolt. Far better to have made that bishop suffer thus, than the unspotted Bride of Christ, but like all false gods, this idol is a usurper. The depths to which even eminent theologians such as St. Robert Bellarmine will go to furnish ludicrous pretexts for the maintenance of popery is a strange wonder to behold. Bellarmine declared that even when a pope isn’t a Catholic he is still the pope. He could be a devil and he would continue as pope, with all power of the Keys of Peter:

  “St. Robert Bellarmine explains that a pope who loses the virtue of faith does not, for that reason alone, cease to be pope. This is evident since Bellarmine held that a pope who is an occult (secret) heretic retains his office; and to be clear, an occult heretic is one who is guilty of formal heresy — the mortal sin of heresy — in the internal forum (the realm of conscience), but which has not become public and notorious in the external forum…In support of this position, Cardinal Bellarmine cites the authority of Melchior Cano, a theologian from the Council of Trent, who explains that since an occult heretic remains united to the Church by an external union, a Pope who is an occult heretic retains his office.

  “Bellarmine also notes that this is the unanimous opinion of all the authors he cites in his book, De Ecclesia: ‘Occult heretics are still of the Church, they are parts and members…therefore the pope who is an occult heretic is still pope…’ By referring to a pope as an occult heretic…Bellarmine…is referring to a pope who has committed the sin of heresy in the internal forum and thereby lost the faith entirely.” 21

  The successor of St. Peter need not believe in Jesus Christ in order to qualify as the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ? This is what “traditional” Catholics hold, but this doctrine is not actually traditional; it is a subversion of the tradition of the Church of 100 A.D. “Traditional” Catholics are modernists masquerading as traditional. They maintain a devolutionary peregrination away from the Catholic tradition of the First Century A.D. by subscribing to the dictatorship of the pontiff who possesses the power of an Oriental emperor and, since the Renaissance, the sorcery of the Egyptian mekashfim. Papal absolutism was implanted and cultivated by occult forces many centuries after the Church was founded by Our Lord. By this architectonic of absolute monarchy the Cryptocracy knew hundreds of years ago that by putting their man on the papal throne they could, through that one fallible sinner, degrade and pervert the authentic Catholic Church and compel the Catholic people to follow their clerical leaders in gradually abandoning the True Faith. This is precisely what has occurred, according to plan.

  The bulwark against this wickedness from the powers that be was the laity and their parish priests who were shocked, despondent and inconsolable over betrayals which they did not begin to grasp until the mid-1960s and early 1970s. Had they the right to reject a pope’s commands and derogations, the Catholic rank-and-file in 1969 would have never promulgated Pope Paul’s New Mass by suppressing the old Mass; they would not have submitted to the papal teaching that the Judaic religion is redeemed by its carnal connection to the patriarchs. They would have never adopted a policy of secrecy that shielded child molestation facilitators, or slyly insinuated two castes of Christians—the highly-souled Brahmins in Holy Orders and the lower-souled unordained—a divide which would have had to exist from the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper—signifying the depraved proposition that Christ’s chosen apostles had higher souls than His Blessed Mother.

  The masterstroke of the Cryptocracy for degrading the Church of Jesus Christ was the slow imposition of the office of sovereign papal dictator, which first split the Church in 1054, when the Russian and Greek Orthodox discerned the pharaonic transformation underway, elevating that sinner, the Bishop of Rome, from his proper place as primus inter pares (first among equals), to the status of Oriental potentate over and above all. The priest who consecrates the Host, and the Bishop of Rome who assumes the See of Peter, ought to be the most humble servants of all, and the last to be served, or they are nothing—a mockery of what it means to be a shepherd of God. The Protestant “protest,” when it was sincere, arose in the face of this mockery.

  If the office of pontiff had been under limits, as it had been in the majority of Christianity’s first millennium, then institutionalized diabolism, deceit and secrecy would not have gained the deluding and beguiling power on earth which it possesses in our time.

  “…the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it.”

  The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius Loyola, wrote “Rules for Thinking with the Church.” Rule 13, teaches: “That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity with the Church herself, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it.”

  Consequently, according to the Jesuit founder, if our Godgiven reason and our conscience tell us something is good while the Church of Rome decrees that it is bad, Ignatius teaches that we must believe that it is bad. The converse is also true: if our reason and our conscience tell us that something is evil, and the Church of Rome decrees it to be good and holy, then it is, by papal decree. Here is the basis of rabbinism, Stalinism, Hitlerism, Maoism and every tyranny over the mind of man. According to Pope Boniface, everyone in the world must be subject to Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis. According to Pope Pius XII, Pope Francis was to be obeyed not only when he speaks “ex cathedra,” but also when exercising his “ordinary teaching authority,” of which it is said: He who hears the pope, hears Christ. Therefore, when Pope Francis stated that Catholics are overly concerned about unborn children murdered in the womb, we are hearing the voice of Christ.

  Instead of recognizing that popery produces nullification of the Word of God by the “Vicar of Christ on earth,” we get a tortured casuistry consisting of mental gymnastics. “Cardinal Timothy Dolan, America’s foremost Catholic prelate, appeared on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ on March 9, 2014 and commented as follows on the ‘coming out’ of a ‘gay’ college football star: “Good for him…I would have no sense of judgment on him…. God bless ya. I don’t think, look, the same Bible that tells us, that teaches us well about the virtues of chastity and the virtue of fidelity and marriage also tells us not to judge people. So I would say, ‘Bravo.”

  This is how a “Prince of Church” in the Year of Our Lord 2014 reacted to a celebrity’s announcement that he engages in acts—“men with men, working that which is filthy” (Romans 1:26)—“Bravo.” Pandering
to a simplistic hippy misreading of the Gospel (Judge not man, like the Good Book says), Dolan synchronizes with the prevailing culture and places himself atop the latest worldly trend. But the gospel is profoundly counter-cultural. The “Good Book,” which is filled with the judgments of God and His Divine Son, warns, “Woe unto you when the world speaks well of you.”

  What we are seeing is the highly visible rotten fruit which papalolatry has wrought in the Church for many hundreds of years—formerly concealed under a mountain of disinformation and misdirection—now visible in this Age of the Making Manifest of All that is Hidden, when Catholics have been sufficiently processed that deceitful masking devices can be dispensed with and the truth about the Neoplatonic and Hermetic popes of usury no longer needs to be concealed in order to maintain the flow of shekels from the pay-pray-andobey peons in the pews.

  Given the early medieval legacy and heritage of the true Catholic Church which existed in the minds and hearts of the common priests and people from the 15th through the midtwentieth centuries, it was necessary for the papal pupils of Hermes Trismegistus and the Kabbalah to confine their machinations to the hierarchy of their Church of Rome, while maintaining in the common people the illusion that they still dwelled in the sanctum of the medieval Church, contending against Money, Judaism and Freemasonry. The Church of Rome knew that when the processing of humanity reached the correct apex in point of time, the legacy of medieval Catholicism could and would be finally extirpated with a few strokes of the papal pen.

  When the time was right, usury emerged in full and the people did nothing because the law of the Church of Rome would not permit them to resist. When the time was right, Pope Paul VI acted as another Church of England Bishop Cranmer and another Church of England Queen Elizabeth I, and outlawed throughout the world (with a few exceptions the better to enforce the general rule)—the suppression of the medieval rite of the Mass which had existed essentially unchanged in its essentials for centuries of Christian history. As a result of this papal despotism, millions of Catholics more or less lost their faith or their sanity, to one degree or another, in the wake of this unconscionable act of theft on the part of the Holy Roman Pontiff and his Robber Church. This writer was a witness to the alcoholism, agony and despair of faithful priests who, in obedience to the Pontiff, submitted to the summary trashing of the Tridentine Latin Mass, which was the only worship they had known. Suddenly it was obsolete. This writer was a witness to devout Catholic laymen and women becoming cynics and agnostics in the face of this robbery. This writer was a witness to the closing of the Capuchin-Franciscan major seminary, wherein the rector of that seminary, perhaps the holiest priest we have ever known, whose devotion at Mass bordered on reverence so profound it was nearly ecstasy, was reduced to a hopelessly confused wreck; a Doubting Thomas who questioned the most basic tenets of the Deposit of Faith.


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