The Timber Effect

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The Timber Effect Page 24

by Jacklyn Reynolds

  "Thank you," said Timber gratefully, getting to her feet. "What's your top speed if you can go fast enough to not be seen?"

  "From Fort Bragg, California to the gates of Haven in Payette National Forest in Idaho, it takes me only thirty minutes at my highest speed, which one thousand and seven hundred miles per hour. Roughly the speed of a bullet. I can push air out of my way so I have no resistance."

  Timber's jaw dropped in disbelief.

  "What's the word from inside Haven, Aiyanna?" asked Henry as he slid his blood-covered sword back into the damaged cane.

  "There is talk about war, but it is not supposed to leave the perimeters. There are those who feel that the Highers have been in power long enough."

  "Should we be concerned?" asked Henry.

  "I am not concerned about anything unless Mortem gets involved or Dracula breaks free," said Aiyanna with a flutter of her wings. "There has been talk about a mutiny for the last eighty years. Most are not foolish enough to attempt to overthrow the Highers."

  "What are the Highers exactly?" asked Timber.

  "The Highers are a group of five immortals," said Aiyanna. She ruffled her feathers and sat down on the couch. "Once in a great blue moon, there are six but that has not happened in several decades. Usually, one steps down after a few decades and another will take their place. I am up for the next seat which is why no one would try to take over, even though I am only a Higher in training."

  "Why are you not a Higher?"

  "Aiyanna is still young," explained Henry. "She has to wait another ten years before she can take a seat unless something happens. There are two different types of Nephilites. Light and Shadow. Each has its own unique set of abilities. Being a queen by birth, Aiyanna can shift between Light and Shadow and she possesses the abilities of both. She is the most powerful being on earth. That's why no one will come into the castle directly. Aiyanna will kill them instantly."

  "I can heal in mass amounts or I can kill in mass amounts," said Aiyanna. "A majority of the residents of Haven value their lives."

  "So why do they feel the need to start an uprising?" Timber asked.

  "The problem is that there are those who wish to hunt outside the borders," said Henry. "One of my old classmates was a very effective hunter. He could bring down almost anything but he was also actively fighting for the right to hunt humans. Needless to say, we were not friends."

  "So they want to increase the werewolf population while the Highers want to decrease it?" asked Timber. Henry and Aiyanna nodded.

  "How large is the werewolf population in Haven?"

  "We range in the lower hundreds," said Henry. "We occupy the majority of Haven's population. Though, there's about a thousand of us spread out over the continents."

  There was a soft knock at the door and Henry went to answer it. In through the doorway stepped two strikingly handsome men. They were both dressed in fine garments of silk and velvet with long hair. One of the men had deep brown eyes, tan skin, and long brown hair that fell down the back of his sea-green robes. The other had blonde hair that fell to his shoulders, brilliant green eyes, and robes of soft lilac. Neither looked older than forty. Timber recognized the man in lilac, but she could not remember his name.

  "Good afternoon, Henry," said the man in sea green. Henry bowed low.

  "It's good to see you again, Lord Avanti. And you, Lord Frost."

  "You have done well for yourself, Henry. You look healthy," said Lord Frost, moving his lilac robes out of the way of his feet. He looked at Timber and smiled.

  "You have grown up well, Timber. It has been too many years and you look so much like Elizabeth."

  Timber looked at Henry who motioned for her to bow, so she curtsied to the men in front of her.

  "Elizabeth was a dear friend of ours. There was no one quite as sweet as she was, but she did have a nasty temper when threatened. It seems, judging by the amount of blood in the room, that you inherited her protective nature. We were very saddened by the news of her death and I am sorry that we could not protect her."

  "Oh, she wears a ring. May I see your left hand please?" asked Lord Avanti. Timber held out her hand and Lord Avanti took it with care in his. "This is a beautiful band. To whom have you to chosen to be betrothed too?"

  "Me," said Henry. "I asked Timber to marry me on Christmas morning. I have already received a blessing from her family."

  "Congratulations to you both," said Lord Frost as though this was not surprising news but he seemed happy all the same. "Aiyanna, might I ask for you to summon the Drendbards? I believe that this mess needs to be cleared up."

  "What are Drendbards?" asked Timber.

  "Blood eating birds," Lord Avanti informed her. "They are quite lovely and gentle. They do not attack. They prefer blood that has already been spilled. The unfortunate fighting within Haven keeps then well fed."

  "Can't you stop it?" asked Timber.

  "We have tried on many occasions but each attempt was in vain," said Lord Avanti. "There are too many opposing sides. The battling between the werewolves has gotten worse again since Henry left, leaving plenty of blood for the Drendbards to feed on. His loyalty to us and his size made most wary of an uprising. Now, there is no one they are afraid of enough to stop fighting. Lord Crofton has had his hands full."

  "I'm sorry my leaving caused such trouble, but you know I couldn't stay," said Henry.

  "It is alright, Henry," said Lord Frost. "You explained your reasons to us before you left and we all understand. No one is blaming you."

  A moment later a sweet song filled Timber's ears and a couple of bright colored birds not larger than a finch flew in through the broken dining room window. They immediately set to work. Timber saw long, hose-like tongues come from their rounded beaks and suck up every drop of blood on every surface. They shook their feathers and silver dust appeared. Timber could no longer smell blood.

  "Thank you, friends," said Lord Avanti. "Aiyanna, please transport this filth back to Haven. Dispose of him how you like. I'm sure our Berserkers would make a nice pelt out of him. Lord Frost and I will remain here for a short time."

  Aiyanna bowed, picked up the body and vanished with a flash of gold light.

  "Oh my," said Lord Frost. "It is our turn to tidy up."

  Lord Avanti and Lord Frost raised their hands and Timber saw a gold mark on their palms in the shape of a sun. It glowed and everything miraculously repaired itself with no sign of having been broken. When everything was repaired, the men smiled.

  "Thank you. Umm...If I may ask... What is a Berserker?"

  "They are Norse warriors," explained Lord Avanti. "They are human-like, but in battle, they enter into an uncontrollable, trance-like fury, and transform into wolves, bears, and wild bulls. This enables the men to fight more effectively. They like to wear the pelts of bears and wolves as they enter a battle and could make the full transformation if they feel it necessary."

  "Are they dangerous?" asked Timber.

  "They are lethal but only in battle," said Lord Avanti. "They are more like you and me when they are calm. They are generally very pleasant company. Lord Frost was raised by a berserker named Ashkar."

  "So would you like to sit down?" asked Timber, drawing from her aunt's natural hospitality. "I could make you snacks and some tea if you would like."

  "That sounds quite pleasant," said Lord Frost.

  "Yes, I agree," said Lord Avanti.

  Timber rushed off into the kitchen to make tea and Pimento Cheese which was a favorite among guests. It was a simple spread of mayonnaise, shredded sharp cheddar cheese, and pimento peppers. Timber served it with sweet tea and crackers on Grace's best silver to try to impress the Highers. Timber brought out the tray and set it before the Highers with a bow.

  "Good heavens this is quite delicious," said Lord Frost after trying a bite of cheese and cracker. "May I ask what it is?"

  "Pimento Cheese," said Timber. "It's a popular southern snack. My aunt was born and raised in Louisiana. My fathe
r I guess was too, though I don't remember him having an accent."

  "He did have a mild accent if I recall correctly," said Lord Avanti.

  "Would you care for tea?" asked Timber.

  "Please," replied the men together. Timber poured them a glass and asked Henry if he wanted some, to which he politely declined.

  "Henry, you are quite a lucky man to marry such a fine young woman," said Lord Avanti. "Timber, you have grown into quite a lady. So, have you made any wedding plans?"

  "All we have is my bridal party and the month," said Timber. "We're going to be married in June so my uncle will be there to walk me down the aisle before he dies."

  "I am sorry to hear about your uncle, Timber," said Lord Frost sincerely.

  "We've all come to terms with it," said Timber. "He refused treatment. He said he's ready to die. He said he wants to live long enough to see me marry Henry."

  "Do you have anyone to perform the ceremony?" asked Lord Frost.

  "No," said Henry. "To be honest we haven't thought about it yet."

  "May I volunteer?" asked Lord Frost. "I would be honored to perform the ceremony."

  "Oh! That would be fantastic!" exclaimed Timber. "What do you think, Henry?"

  "It's a great idea," said Henry with a smile. A moment later it faded. "But, don't you have more important things to do?"

  "There are five Highers and usually, there are only two in the gates. The rest of us go and aid people or creatures in need of our help and we are happy to do it. Besides, it is very difficult to break through the enchantments that surround Haven without outside help." Lord Avanti wiped his mouth with a napkin and continued. "We are also present for the birth of every baby in Haven."

  "Mine too?" asked Timber.

  "Yes," said Lord Frost. "I was the one who delivered you because you came unexpectedly early and your mother was in the castle at the time. You were the second baby in my thousand years that I have ever held. Your paws were smaller than the fingernail on my thumb and when I wrapped you up to hand you to your mother, you licked my fingertip. Trina Holborn was your mother's nursemaid. That is why she too was present for your birth. But I was the first to hold you."

  "When we heard what happened to your parents, Lord Frost personally led the search for you," said Lord Avanti.

  "I found you two weeks later nearly unconscious in your wolf form, soaking wet, half-frozen, but well fed," said Lord Frost. "I brought you back to your home, wrapped you in a warm towel and hand fed you raw meat. You ate rapidly but you kept fading in and out. Before I left I found your mother's will. I gave instructions that the will was to be followed and that you could take with you whatever you could carry once you were human again. Then I went to go look for the men who pulled the trigger and killed your parents. When I found them, I was not merciful."

  "Why would you consider me of value?" asked Timber. "I'm grateful, please don't misunderstand, but shouldn't you have killed me? Aren't I an abomination to nature?"

  "Timber stop," said Henry sharply. He got out of his seat and knelt in front of Timber. "You are not an abomination. You are a beautiful person and it's because of what you are that makes it possible for me to be with you. Otherwise, I could never allow this relationship to happen because of what I am."

  "We would never have harmed you," said Lord Avanti. "You were innocent. All life is valuable to us. It was not your fault that your parents broke the law."

  "But you're eradicating werewolves!" exclaimed Timber.

  "We are not killing them unless they take a life," said Lord Avanti. "The problem is that once they taste human blood that is all they will want. If they bite and leave it be, we do not kill them. The first bite is usually excused because it is their nature and under most circumstances, they have not been taught to control themselves. If they bite again, they are punished, but not killed. If they kill their victim, we have no choice. By that point, they are too out of control."

  "We are trying to prevent people from getting bitten," said Lord Frost. "That is our main goal when it comes to werewolves. We are also trying to tap into Aiyanna's healing power. We believe she has the ability to cure Lycanthropy; she has not tapped into that power yet."

  "So if she does, she can make me fully human again?" asked Henry eagerly.

  "In theory, yes," said Lord Avanti. "She is currently able to reverse the inability to have children; however, since you are still a werewolf, you still have to follow Haven law."

  "Do you have to follow Haven law?" asked Timber angrily.


  "When we become a Higher we become immortal. We cannot die of old age. Though, Lord Frost was granted immortality before he became a Higher. He granted me my immortality as well as Lord Crofton. Lord Moffet and Lord Travers were given immortality elsewhere and came to Haven later. Anyway, we are duty-bound to solidarity. We have no children, no spouse, and no intimate connection with anyone. We are like... Who am I thinking of? Catholic churches have them; the women in black robes."

  "I believe they are called Nuns," said Lord Frost.

  "Yes. However, we take a blood oath. If we break our laws we die." Lord Avanti took his last sip of tea and looked at Henry. "I am curious to know if you would be willing, once we tap into Aiyanna's power, of course, to become fully human again?"

  "I would love that!" exclaimed Henry.

  "What? Why?" Timber had fallen in love with him partly because he was a werewolf. To her, it was a part of him.

  "My transformations are excruciating," said Henry. "I'm forced into a day of weakness after the full moon and I would be a risk to the lives of others, were it not for the medication that I take."

  "But it's a part of you," argued Timber. "Those wolfish characteristics you have mirror mine. It's one of the things I love about you."

  "Are you saying you wouldn't love me if I was human? Is your love for me conditional? Would you leave me if I wasn't a werewolf?"

  "That's not what I'm saying," said Timber defensively. "I'm worried that if you become a human again, you'll change. I love you the way you are. I don't want you to change! I would love it if you didn't have to go through pain and weakness every month. At the same time, I'm afraid that if you got rid of the wolf, you wouldn't be Henry anymore."

  "Timber you have nothing to worry about," Lord Frost assured her. "Henry would not change because the wolf in him was removed. Some traits he possesses are indeed traits that are found in wolves, but there is no reason to assume that he has those traits because of the wolf."

  "So he won't become an entirely different person?" asked Timber.

  "No," said Lord Avanti. "However, if the wolf were removed from you, you would change because you were born a wolf. It would change your entire chemical makeup. Henry was born human. He will be unaffected."

  "So if it does become possible, it is something you really want?" Timber asked Henry.


  "Alright," said Timber. "As long as you're happy and you don't change, I have no problem with it."

  Henry smiled and turned back to the Highers.

  "I have a question concerning a small boy we met before Christmas," said Henry. "His name is Andy."

  "Oh yes," said Lord Avanti. "Andy is a Satyr. His mother died and he was placed in the care of a nurse from Haven who can make herself appear human. I am sure you saw him with his nurse. Andy, unfortunately, does not have very long to live. He will be dead within the next few weeks."

  "Why is he not in Haven?" asked Timber.

  "He has been slowly dying for the last four months and refused Aiyanna's help," said Lord Frost. "Timber is a legend in Heiligdom and Andy's final wish was to meet her. Mrs. Holborn told us of a day near Christmas when children that are Andy's age spend time at the high school and Andy would be able to see her. We arranged for him to be brought here and we enrolled him in school. After the event, he did not want to come back. He likes the ocean. So Andy will die here. It is his choice."

  "Poor Andy. I have one more question," said Ti
mber. "Mrs. Holborn said something about me getting stronger?"

  "Oh yes," said Lord Frost. "All werewolves go through an increase in strength sometime between eighteen and nineteen, once puberty is finished. I believe you will be able to rip limbs off instead of tearing them. It may not happen, but it is something to be aware of."

  "Well, it is time that we leave," said Lord Avanti. "After we leave it will be safe to wake up your aunt and cousin. Aiyanna had them sleep until woken. So everything is in order, I think. When you have a specific time and day for your wedding, please contact me, Henry."


  With a final bow from Timber and Henry, the Highers left in a blazing flash of cold blue fire. Timber stood rooted to the spot staring at the place from where they had vanished.

  "Well this has been an eventful day," said Henry. "Do you think the other neighbors will notice that Greg is gone?"

  "Definitely, but I doubt anyone will care. They'll be glad he's not watching their children anymore. Poor Andy. I want to go visit him soon. Anyway, I need to wake up Aunt Grace and Emily, and then I need a nap. My head is reeling from all this new information about my infancy."

  "I'm going to head home and take a nap too before school gets out," said Henry. "Your friends will be over to find out where you went."

  Henry kissed her and walked out of the front door. Timber walked upstairs and found Grace and Emily in the master bedroom fast asleep. She woke them up and left the room before they saw her. She curled up in her bed and drifted into a deep contented sleep. Right at half past three, Xianna burst into Timber's room looking frantic.

  "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" she cried. Timber squinted in the light as she looked at Xianna. She Turned and moved up.

  "I'm fine," she said but she could tell Xianna wasn't convinced.

  "I saw you this morning and then second period you and Mr. Santelli were both gone. What the hell happened?"

  "Henry brought me home," said Timber throwing her blanket off of her and sitting up. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked at her best friend. "We found out that Greg was after me and Henry needed to help keep me safe. They were going to send Highers to get him and bring him back to Haven but he was already in the house when we got here."


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