The Timber Effect

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The Timber Effect Page 33

by Jacklyn Reynolds

  "Of course," said Henry.

  He and Timber followed Lord Frost outside and Henry closed the door.

  "You didn't come for tea, did you?" asked Timber sensing that Lord Frost was about to deliver unwanted news.

  "No, but it was extraordinarily appreciated. I came to you for assistance. What I am about to say is not good news," said Lord Frost. "Lord Crofton was found dead this afternoon. There were no wounds on his body. The only thing that could have killed him was a broken vow. He was not such a man who would do such a thing. We called upon Aiyanna to see if there was a cause only to discover that Lord Crofton had been possessed. The only one who could have done such a horrific act is a demon by the name of Mortem Donatoris. The magic we are given is no match for his great power. I sealed him once and it took a great deal out of me. I am unable to do it again.

  "We searched for hours to find the damage Mortem had unleashed and what we found was not pleasant. The Lyndraths have been released from their confines. There are only a couple remaining, but with them free, it is only a matter of time before hundreds of lives are lost." Timber and Henry looked at each other.

  "Why are you telling us?" asked Timber.

  "I am telling you because we need you. I have to ask a terrible favor from you both. I would not ask unless I saw another way. The full moon is tomorrow night. Henry, I need you to bite Timber and inject her with werewolf venom."

  The robe of spring night swept over them as the last ray of sunlight vanished over the western horizon and darkened the blooming trees that lined the avenue. There was a chill in the salty ocean air as Timber tried to comprehend what Lord Frost had said. Beside her, Henry's anger began to radiate from him like heat from a fire.

  "No," stated Henry bluntly. "I am not biting her."

  "Henry, I am afraid that you do not have a choice," said Lord Frost urgently.

  "Of course I have a choice and I'm not doing it," growled Henry.

  "Henry, please listen to me," pleaded Lord Frost. "If Timber is not injected with werewolf venom, the Lyndraths will flock to the mass grave that lies under the ground in Stockton from the old mental hospital. It is the only mass grave close by with souls that have not been able to cross over. I have already tried to send my other werewolves after them. They will not hunt them down. It is too late to try again. They will not flock here on the full moon because of you, so your venom will be useless. Timber, on the other hand, remains unknown. Her immunity to the venom and her ability to possess it is why we need her."

  "What? No! No, no, no, no, no! Do you know what happened the last time I fought a Lyndrath? No. No."

  "The blood was an illusion," said Lord Frost. "While I admit that it is a very convincing illusion, it was an illusion all the same. It was the favored trick of the Vanquisher."

  "Timber was covered in blood," growled Henry. His temper was threatening to run thin. "I watched it come out of her fur."

  "Much of that blood belonged to Timber. That is why she was so weak after the fight."

  "How is it possible for you to know all of this?" demanded Henry.

  "Holborn informed me."

  "So what's going to happen if they get what they want?" asked Timber.

  "Their only reason to exist is to create more dead souls on which to feed," said Lord Frost. "They are being led by their King, the demon Mortem Donatoris. There is a specific protein in werewolf venom that is the only way to destroy them. If they are not killed, they will kill every human in sight. Lord Avanti is currently trying to prevent a full massacre by following them with a sword impregnated with werewolf venom but they are too much for him to take on alone as there are no werewolves within Haven who are willing to track them down. Lyndraths are one of the few creatures that can overpower werewolves."

  "What about the rest of your army?" demanded Henry.

  "They are currently occupied," said Frost. "Mortem unleashed everything I had sealed away. He broke through every barrier. I do not know how he got into Haven but the army is currently at war with the beasts trying to destroy Heiligdom. Aiyanna is trying to see to it that there are no other Lyndraths other than the ones heading this way. Jaci is making every attempt to keep the protective barriers around Haven so nothing else escapes. To make matters worse, Lord Moffett and Lord Travers have abandoned their posts. They are no help and they will soon be dead. I came to you as a last resort."

  There was a moment of silence as Timber contemplated what she was told. She could see no other option.

  "I'll do it," said Timber.

  "Timber, no!" cried Henry. "Please!"

  "I have to. I have people I have to protect."

  Timber was thinking of Chad, Grace, Emily, Xianna, Kendra, Ashley, and Gina. She wasn't going to let them die because she was being a coward. She wasn't going to let Andy down either. Andy saw her as fearless and she was determined to be what he saw.

  "Isn't there another way?" pleaded Henry. "What about Aiyanna or the Black Widow? Can't they deal with them once Haven is under control?"

  "Neither can kill the Lyndraths," said Lord Frost. "They can injure them but they will not die. If it makes you feel better Henry, I will send Aiyanna and Jaci to aid Timber. They will able to weaken them so Timber will be able to take them down without much effort on her part."

  "What about their safety?" asked Timber.

  "Aiyanna was born an immortal. She cannot be killed and if she is injured, her body heals itself," said Lord Frost. "The Black Widow is protected by the Merlin Emerald. It erects an indestructible shield around her. She cannot be touched."

  "Is there any way to turn me back into a werewolf that night too?" asked Henry.


  "Timber, if you're fighting, I'm not going to sit back and do nothing knowing you're in danger. You don't know what it would do to me if something happened to you and I couldn't be there to protect you! Besides, I'm still a soldier. I may not live in Haven anymore but that does not change what I am."

  "If you want to do this, Henry, I need to speak with Aiyanna. She may be able to pull a few strings and make the moon full two nights in a row. Or, at the very least, create the illusion of a second full moon. I cannot travel between Heaven and Hell but she can." Lord Frost sighed.

  "I will do this right away. Timber, Jaci will be in contact with you tomorrow morning. She cannot fly as fast as Aiyanna so she has to move under cover of night. I have kept you from your festivities long enough. I will see you soon."

  Lord Frost vanished in a blaze of cold blue fire, leaving Timber and Henry alone on the porch. They stared at each other in shock for a few moments before Timber motioned to the front door and Henry opened it to find the room silent. Everyone was watching them expectantly. Timber did not hesitate.

  "You need to evacuate," said Timber urgently. "All of you."

  "What?" cried Xianna. "Why?"

  "You remember what happened with the Blue Lady?" asked Timber. "You remember how she was possessed?" The girls nodded. "She was possessed by a Lyndrath. There are more coming. They've been released and they're out to kill."

  "What about you?" asked Grace.

  "I need to stay," said Timber. "I'm the only one that can kill them."

  "What? No! You're not staying here! Not alone!" cried Grace.

  "She won't be alone," said Henry. "I'm fighting with her. I have strength and skill. I'm still a Haven soldier. We're also going to have help. Timber, I need to call Dresden. He's a soldier, too. He may be able to rally more of us if there are any within a day's travel. I'll be right back."

  Henry turned to leave but Timber grabbed his arm and looked pointedly at him.

  "I need to explain. Do you mind?"

  Henry looked at Kendra, Ashley, and Gina with a look of momentary uncertainty, but then he looked at Timber and nodded before rushing out of the front door.

  "Timber, what's going on?" asked Gina.

  "You guys already know I'm a wolf," said Timber. "My parents were werewolves. Because of that, I'm immune to were
wolf venom. I was bitten as an infant but the venom didn't do anything but make me sick. The only thing that can kill a Lyndrath is werewolf venom. That's why I have to fight."

  "But you don't have any more venom," said Chad. "Grace took it all."

  "I have to be injected again," said Timber.

  "How?" asked Emily.

  "Henry has to bite me."

  "WHAT? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Grace was now hysterical and red in the face. "I'M NOT LETTIN' YOU DO THIS! I FORBID YOU TO GO THROUGH WITH THIS!"

  "The Lyndraths don't know about me," said Timber urgently. "They're afraid of werewolves so they won't come until after the full moon because of Henry. I'm the only one who can kill them. If I don't, thousands of people could lose their lives. They possess the dead to take a solid form. Then they kill."

  "Why does Henry have to be the one to bite you?" asked Chad. "Can't Grace just synthesize it?"

  "There's no time and the venom needs to be pure or it won't do anything. Henry only has to bite me once while I'm in my real form. He's also the only one I trust to do it."

  "Wait a minute," said Kendra, "Mr. Santelli is a werewolf?"

  "Yes," said Timber.

  "Now everything makes perfect sense," said Gina. "It explains the cane."

  Just then the front door opened and closed and Henry came into view only to find Kendra, Ashley, and Gina staring at him with their jaws open. Henry raised an eyebrow at them.

  "Is it just me, or does knowing Mr. Santelli is a werewolf make him seem better looking?" said Ashley.

  "It's not just you," said Xianna. "Timber, how much time do we have?"

  "Until tomorrow at sunset but I would leave as soon as possible," said Henry. "Timber, Jaci, and Aiyanna are on their way here. Dresden will be here for the fight too. He said he's coming to protect you and pay off the debt he owes your mother. There are no more of us in the area, though. We're on our own."

  "How do we convince our parents to leave?" asked Gina.

  A sudden blinding flash of gold light filled the room and Aiyanna Ryan appeared in the middle of the group. Everyone stared at her in shock but Aiyanna ignored them momentarily and turned to Henry.

  "Jaci is on her way here. She will be here by midnight," she said.

  "Hello," Aiyanna added, looking around the room.

  "She's not going to hurt you," said Timber. "She's on our side. This is Queen Aiyanna."

  "She's not human either?" asked Kendra who was looking at Aiyanna's large wings and light pink hair with great interest.

  "I am half human and half angel," said Aiyanna. "I reside within Haven."

  "Isn't that where you said you were born, Timber?" asked Gina.

  "Yes," said Timber. "I was born into a world of non-humans and half-humans. I don't think that my parents meant for me to go back to Haven. But Haven seems to have followed me."

  "Unfortunately, no one escapes from Haven," said Aiyanna. "People have tried. Even those who leave the gates are followed."

  "It's like we're stuck in a book," said Ashley running a hand through her red hair. "The author must not like us much."

  "If this is some weird universe and we are all just characters, the author loves us otherwise we'd all be dead already," said Kendra. "They've got one sick sense of humor if they think this is funny."

  "Can someone please answer my question?" said Gina impatiently. "How are we supposed to convince our families to evacuate?"

  "Leave that to me," said Aiyanna. "I will need each of you one at a time. We are going to travel incredibly swiftly. I should warn you that it may cause illness but it will only be temporary. Who will go first?"

  "Me," offered Xianna boldly. "If Henry and Timber trust you, then I trust you. Just, please don't drop me, Your Majesty."

  "I need you to put your arms around my neck and hold on tight," said Aiyanna. "It will make it easier for me to carry you."

  Xianna walked up to Aiyanna and did as she was instructed. Aiyanna held her tight and vanished seemingly into thin air.

  "What's she going to do?" asked Ashley.

  "Aiyanna is going to use her ability to manipulate the mind," said Henry. "That just means that she's going to put a suggestion into their heads and they are going to follow it. They can choose not to of course, but most of the time it works. Aiyanna is gentle by nature but her power makes her unstoppable. It's comforting to know she's on our side. I've seen what she's capable of. I've seen many frightening things but Aiyanna's shockwave is terrifying. She prefers not to use it though because it consumes much of her energy."

  Within a matter of ten minutes, Aiyanna returned and took Ashley, Kendra, and Gina one by one and returned to help Timber's family prepare to leave.

  "Take only what you need," said Aiyanna. "The lighter you travel the better."

  "Do you want me to help?" asked Timber.

  "No," said Grace with tears in her eyes. She cupped Timber's cheek in her hand and stroked her skin with her perfectly manicured thumb.

  "No, you need to rest; save your energy."

  The family went upstairs to pack their suitcases leaving Timber downstairs with Henry and Aiyanna. She collapsed into the couch and covered her face with her hands. Timber felt like she was carrying the weight of forty men on her shoulders and it was becoming suddenly painful.

  "Are you hungry, Aiyanna?" asked Timber. She wanted to do something to calm her nerves. Sitting there was making her anxious.

  "I will wait for Jaci," said Aiyanna. "She will be here in a few hours."

  "Well I'm going to start taking the decorations down," said Timber. She was not in the mood to sit still and do nothing while she waited. "This has certainly been a memorable engagement party. I hope our wedding goes smoother than this."

  Timber took down the balloons and the streamers and threw them in the trash. Then she started clearing the food off of the table and putting it in the refrigerator. Then she loaded the dishwasher and hand washed the silver. Timber just set the last tray to dry when she heard Chad, Grace, and Emily come down the stairs with their suitcases in tow. Grace began to cry again as she looked at Timber.

  "This wasn't how this was supposed to go," she said.

  "It was only a party, Aunt Grace," said Timber, trying to comfort her aunt but Grace shook her head forlornly.

  "No, your life. Your mother and father took you out of Haven to protect you. You were supposed to graduate high school, graduate college, get married, and have kids. You were never supposed to be involved with Haven ever again."

  "I know," said Timber. "But I'm still graduating from high school, I'm still getting married, and I still plan on going to college."

  Grace broke down completely and sunk to the floor. Timber sat on her heels and held her aunt. She felt helpless. She didn't know what to do but she knew exactly what to say.

  "J'aime ta mère."

  Grace stopped crying and looked up at her niece. Timber had said "I love you," many times but she had never called her "Mother". I was enough to make Grace smile.

  "Je t'aime ma fille," said Grace softly.

  "Hey, I'm going to be alright. I'm going to make it home. I promise."

  "How can you be so sure?" asked Grace.

  "Henry is going to be with me," said Timber confidently. "I have faith in him."

  Timber wrapped Grace in her arms, then Chad and finally Emily, while Henry too was receiving hugs from the family.

  "Henry, if you let anything happen to Timber, I will never forgive you," said Chad. "Protect her please."

  "You have my word," said Henry.

  "Wait," said Aiyanna. She pulled out a leather-bound booklet and handed it to Chad. "This is from Lord Frost. It contains funds for a hotel for your family and the families of Timber's friends. He did not want you to use your own money. Go to The Palace Hotel in San Francisco. It is used as a safe house for humans under threat. It is old and grand but it is well protected. I sent the others there as well. Ask for Clyde and tell him Frost sent you. He will know what to do. Do not
leave the hotel grounds without a guard."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty," said Chad.

  "One last thing," said Grace. "Here." She handed Timber her pocket Bible she usually kept in her purse. "Keep it close to your heart. I'll be praying for you."

  They all said goodbye to Timber and Henry one last time and then Timber watched them all leave the house and get into the Malibu. As they drove away Timber began to shake. She grabbed the nearest thing to her, which was a ceramic vase she knew held no value, brought her arm straight back and then forward. She screamed in frustration as the vase flew out of her hand and smashed against the opposite wall where it shattered upon impact. Right then and there, Timber collapsed to the floor in tears.

  "Timber?" said Henry softly. "Baby, are you okay?"

  "This isn't fair!" she sobbed weakly. "I shouldn't have to be doing this. None of you should either."

  "It is not your fault," said Aiyanna, as she braided her hair. "This will not be the first time I have seen a battle. I will be able to assist you in killing the Lyndraths. It will all be over after that. I suggest that you try to get some sleep. You will need to rest and conserve your energy for tomorrow night."

  "But Henry's just biting me tomorrow," said Timber. "We're not fighting."

  "It's not going to be a pleasant experience," said Henry miserably. "It's going to drain you of much of your energy while your body tries to get it out of you. Because of your immunity, it won't kill you but it will take its toll. You're going to be paralyzed for some time. My venom is more toxic than most. I'd rather not be the one to do this to you."

  "Would you rather have someone else bite me then?" demanded Timber.

  Henry thought for a minute and then replied, "No."

  "You both should get a good night of rest," said Aiyanna gently. "I will wait down here for Jaci. If I receive any word from Lord Frost, I will inform you immediately."


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