The Timber Effect

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The Timber Effect Page 38

by Jacklyn Reynolds

  Daniel swung the heavy sword down but Timber dodged it easily. Daniel was not trained in sword fighting and he was not quite strong enough to wield a sword as heavy and as powerful as the Ch'yempion and it was clear from the way he was clumsily swinging it around. Timber dodged every swing with ease. Unfortunately, Daniel was using Timber's own strategy against her and she was beginning to slow down from exhaustion. Daniel swung again but Timber was unable to get out of the way in time and the sword sliced through her hip. Timber howled in agony but pushed through it and leaped at his throat. Daniel grabbed her by her snout and threw her down. Timber got up again and circled him, ignoring her pain the best she could as she moved him away from Lord Frost. Daniel copied and kept his eyes fixed on her. He lunged but Timber was ready.

  Mirroring a movement she had seen Henry make against a larger opponent, she sprang into the air like a fox hunting in the snow. She landed on top of him and started tearing her claws into his back, ripping the skin away from the bone. He shook her off. He grabbed the Ch'yempion and held it over Timber. She closed her eyes, ready to meet death...

  The next sound Timber heard was a rush of wind and a furious roar. Henry and the Black Widow were both closing in on Daniel. Daniel Brogan raised the sword at Henry and the Black Widow made her attack. She covered his body with fire and lightning. He screamed and fell to his knees. When she released him from the pain, Henry made his move and ripped open his chest with one swipe of his massive claw. His ribs were made visible as he bled out. When Daniel fell, the Black Widow charred him to ashes. Nothing remained of Daniel Brogan but dust.

  Timber, Henry, and Jaci noticed that everything had fallen silent. Henry took Timber in his wolfish arms and she licked his shoulder. Lord Avanti, who was holding a gashed arm, and Aiyanna, who was completely untouched, met up with them as the sun began to rise. Henry and the rest of the surviving werewolves were steadily regaining their human form. Timber looked around at the bodies on the ground and noticed immediately that there were more bodies from the opposing side. Lord Kyne limped through the trees, greatly wounded and bleeding from the head but still standing. Behind him, was his group of survivors looking tired and battle-worn but overall in seemingly good spirits.

  "Is everyone alright?" asked Lord Kyne.

  "Lord Frost was killed," said Timber regaining her human form. It was silent for several moments while the news registered. Aiyanna burst into tears and sank to her knees. Ice formed around the ground where she sat and snow fell over her. "My father ran him through with Ch'yempion. Dresden was killed too. Henry, I'm so sorry."

  Henry's tired face started streaming with tears. The loss of Lord Frost and Dresden seemed too much for him. He walked away for a moment but when he came back, he was holding Lord Frost's sword. Without warning the ground beneath their feet started to get hot. The earth shook violently as it started cracking. Lord Kyne's army scattered to safety behind the line. Henry grabbed Timber and held onto her, pulling her away from the split in the ground. When the ground became still and the dust had settled, a canyon eight feet across was visible. The sound of screams met Timber's ears and she came to the conclusion that Mortem had opened the ground to Hell. There was only Lord Avanti, Henry, Timber, Aiyanna, and Jaci. Mortem had separated them on purpose. They had nowhere to go now...

  "Fools," said Mortem with a horrible look on his face. "You think I would let any of you survive?"

  "I'm sorry," said Timber sarcastically. She was so angry, the physical pain was not registering in her brain. "Do any of us actually look dead to you?"

  "Silence wench," snarled Mortem.

  "I prefer to be addressed by my name, you waste of tissue."


  "We've heard enough," said Timber. "Mortem, it's time for you to learn the meaning of the phrase 'silent as the grave'."

  Taking Timber's queue, Jaci was the first one to attack, followed by Aiyanna. Lord Avanti and Timber joined in third followed by Henry who was wielding both Lord Frost's sword and his own. Mortem sent out attack after attack but nothing was causing damage. Aiyanna, Jaci and Henry were taking turns having a go at him. He had drawn a sword and was attempting to kill Henry but Henry was too skilled of an opponent. After several minutes, Mortem was no longer attacking but trying to defend himself. The force of the attacks on him was pushing him back towards the crack in the earth.

  Unable to watch behind him, Jaci used her lightning whip and wrapped it around his wings. She signaled Aiyanna, who cut them off with fire. Mortem roared as black blood came from his shoulder blades. Henry separated his torso from his legs with one swing from each sword. Jaci wrapped her whip around his neck and pulled one last time. His head fell off and flew down into the cracked earth followed by his body. Mortem was dead.

  It took several minutes for everyone to realize that it was over. A low, thin mist had settled on the ground and the sky had begun to lighten as the sun rose higher into the sky. The source of the mist was explained by the thousands of tiny, colorful birds that had arrived to feast on the spilled blood. Timber watched in fascination as the beauty of the birds shadowed the ugliness of death. When they finished, they flew away, singing happily. Next came the fairies. They closed the crack in the earth, mended the trees and restored the forest to its original splendor. Timber watched them work in fascination. She knew they were fairies, but they were moving so fast all she could see were tiny balls of light in various colors.

  When everything had been restored, and the fairies had gone, the survivors regrouped and began looking for the fallen. By the end of the morning, they had a full count. Out of the full one hundred and fifty-five who fought on their side, seventy-nine had lost their lives.

  "Move the injured and salvageable dead into a circle over here," said Aiyanna pointed away from the battlefield to a small clearing.

  Timber was carried into the circle by Henry as she was too severely injured and too exhausted to walk anymore. He placed her beside Charlie, who had been brutally burned by Mortem, and was holding a broken arm. There were only seven dead in the circle, including Lord Frost and Dresden. The rest of the dead had been partially eaten by the monsters and could not be revived. Aiyanna flew up to the tree line and Timber watched in awe as her whole body began to glow gold.

  A great flash of golden light filled Timber's eyes, followed by a light shock wave that blasted away the loose needles from several surrounding redwood trees. Immediately, wounds healed, and the dead began to stir. The ground erupted in happiness, but Aiyanna was worn out. It took energy to heal and she had used the last of hers. She blacked out completely and fell from the sky, hurtling to the ground like a speeding bullet. Lord Avanti and Lord Kyne moved immediately and caught her in time.

  "Is she okay?" asked several people.

  "She is alright," said Lord Avanti as he cradled Aiyanna's body. "She is only tired. Give her a few minutes."

  Everyone gathered around Aiyanna and watched, all hoping she would open her eyes. Only a couple of minutes later, her lavender eyes opened and her wing feathers fluttered. The sound of cheering went off like a cannon blast. Man and beast were all dancing with joy, singing at the top of their voices and hugging each other. The war was over. Mortem was dead. The noonday sun shone brightly over the trees as the celebration took place.

  "Timber," said a familiar voice.

  Timber spun around and saw Lord Frost standing as straight and steady as ever. His long blonde hair was frayed and his silk periwinkle blue robes were still heavily bloodstained from where he was run through but he looked to be back in perfect health thanks to Aiyanna. Timber flung her arms around him and wept for joy. When she pulled away, he was smiling.

  "I guess I will be able to make it to the wedding after all."

  Timber smiled as Henry came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck. Just as he did, Dresden came over. Henry let go of Timber and embraced Dresden. Then Timber hugged him. Dresden stood tall and proud beside Henr
y as another friend came to join them.

  "Henry," said Aiyanna, "Lord Frost told me that you wanted to eliminate your wolf. I believe I figured out how."

  Henry looked down at Timber, who grinned up at him. Then to her great surprise, he shook his head.

  "I did, but after last night, I realized that I need to keep that part of me if only to protect the woman I love."

  "But Henry," objected Timber.

  "It's only once a month as you pointed out, I'm on my medication and even as a human I still retain my strength. This may not be the last time I am needed. I want to keep you safe Timber. I can't do that without my wolf."

  Timber kissed him square on the lips.

  "Let's go home now, okay? Lord Frost, Aiyanna, Jaci, Lord Avanti, you're all welcome to come over for break- well, lunch now. Would you guys like food?"

  "I would be delighted," said Lord Frost merrily. "Will there be tea?"

  "There will be lots of it," said Timber with a smile.

  The night following the war was a joyous one. Timber was having no side negative effects of the battle. Aiyanna had removed the feeling of horror and trauma from her memory. Timber could still remember everything that happened and everything she saw, but it didn't frighten her like the fight with Vanquisher had. Henry had also been treated, though the damage he suffered was not as extensive as Timber's because he had been in several battles within Haven prior to his release.

  That night, the Frunden's front room was loaded to capacity with both people and laughter. Chad, Grace, and Emily had returned home and Xianna, Ashley, Gina, and Kendra had all come over as well as Dresden, Lord Frost and Lord Avanti, and Aiyanna and Jaci. Grace and Chad ordered a large amount of pizza and soda to celebrate the survival and victory of their only niece.

  Timber was back in her usual attire of jeans and a flowing pastel-colored top with pearls and gold earrings. She much preferred wearing breathable cotton over tight leather. It was far more comfortable. Grace's boots were still covered in blood. Grace did not care but Timber promised to clean them the best she could. Nothing about Timber's appearance or her mannerisms hinted that she had just survived a horrific war.

  Lord Frost and Lord Avanti, now in new robes of yellow and baby blue, entertained Timber's family and friends with stories about the battle. Though, the way Lord Frost spoke of it, anyone would think that it wasn't actually as horrific as it was. He told tales of heroism and courage, not of horror and death. Timber's friends stood in awe listening to every word. They kept looking from Timber to Lord Frost in both amazement and surprise when Lord Frost told how Timber had single-handedly taken down a fully grown troll that stood at twenty feet tall. They gasped when they heard how Henry had led the entire army into the onslaught and come out unscathed. Timber thought they were a great audience.

  "So what happened to the dragon?" asked Gina.

  "It took off," replied Lord Avanti. "Dragons do not generally get involved in wars that do not affect them. The woman's name is Charlie. I spoke to her after the battle. She is a Flexibus. That means she can control animals. She resides in Germany but she too heard the cry for help and she came to our aid."

  "Where is she now?" asked Timber.

  "Home," said Lord Avanti.

  "I'm very glad she came," said Jaci. "The dragon wiped out half of our opposition."

  "You know, what I want to know," said Henry to Timber, "is how you knew that the other Lyndraths were an illusion."

  "Their movements were too synchronized," said Timber. "One of them was off so I took a chance."

  "I'm glad you did," said Henry. "That fight was exhausting."

  "So what does this mean for Haven?" asked Timber.

  "I am not certain," said Lord Frost. "The gates and enchantments have all been destroyed. Haven will have to be rebuilt. However, I do not know if it needs to be now that I think about it. Everything we had to lock away underground has been killed."

  "We could reestablish it for the way it used to be," suggested Lord Avanti.

  "What was it before?" asked Ashley.

  "It was a safe haven for creatures that were hunted by humans," said Lord Frost. "That was my original intention when I established it in 1509. It was never supposed to turn into what it became but over time, I had no choice. Now I can begin again. It will be better for the people. Especially for the children."

  "What about the werewolves?" asked Xianna. "They weren't all wiped out, were they."

  "No," said Lord Frost. "As the full moon was an illusion, they retained their human consciousness. A majority are loyal to Lord Avanti and myself. Many who marched with Mortem did so as a way to get to us. Timber is famous within the walls in all of the sectors. They came to defend her. Following Mortem was the only way. The hundred or so who joined Mortem lost their lives. The rest of the pack survived."

  "How big is the pack?" asked Kendra.

  "Within Heiligdom the number is roughly four hundred and fifty," replied Lord Avanti. "I do feel bad for those who thought challenging their Alpha was a wise decision."

  "Who is that?" asked Emily.

  "Henry," replied Dresden.

  "I'm sorry, what?" exclaimed Timber. "I was going to learn this, when?"

  "I was going to tell you at some point," said Henry. "It never came up."

  "Who wants to have some cake?" called Grace poking her head into the living room.

  There was a loud reply of "I do," throughout the room and Emily brought out a large sheet cake decorated with yellow and red flowers which were Timber and Henry's favorite colors. Chad sliced the cake and Grace and Timber passed out plates and forks.

  When she finished serving her guests, she went to stand beside Henry when she noticed something rather interesting. Xianna was eyeing Dresden but it wasn't with a look Timber was used to seeing on her best friend. Her face was pink and her eyes were bright. She pointed it out to Henry who smiled and whispered to Timber that he had noticed Dresden looking at Xianna with a look of awe.

  "We have to introduce them," said Timber excitedly. "Xianna isn't normally shy. She must really think he's cute. Hold my cake. I'll be right back." Timber handed Henry her cake and set off across the room to Xianna. She took her by the hand and took her over to Dresden. Xianna turned furiously red and stared nervously braiding her hair which made Timber smile over at Henry.

  "Dresden, I would like to introduce you to my best friend Xianna. Xia, this is Henry's best friend Dresden. Now you two are going to stay here and get to know each other or face the consequences of my wrath." She gave a pointed look at Xianna and then she grinned and turned around to go back to Henry.

  "You know, I have to agree with you, Timber," said Henry handing Timber her cake. "They would make a good couple and I know Dresden would never hurt her. He takes the same medication I do so she would have nothing to worry about." Timber raised her eyebrow at him. "Dresden's werewolf form is only a little bigger than you. He's nowhere near as dangerous as I am. In fact, he's more dangerous in his human form. He's a black belt in both taekwondo and jujitsu. He's also a master swordsman like me. You've seen exactly what I'm capable of which is why I still don't want you near me on the full moon."

  "Fine, but on any other night I can have you all to myself, right?"

  "I'm all yours," said Henry.

  "Good," said Timber grinning. "Don't expect to be dressed much."

  "I should say the same thing to you," smirked Henry. Timber turned red and giggled.

  Timber and Henry took to watching Dresden and Xianna talk and laugh with each other. Dresden was showing Xianna the tattoos on his arms at her request. Then Dresden did something that Timber knew was a good sign. He pushed Xianna's long blonde hair behind her ear and her bright green eyes filled up with stars. Xianna had fallen in love with Dresden and Timber couldn't have been more thrilled. Timber swelled with happiness as she told Henry who smiled gleefully. Then Timber's thoughts of Xianna and Dresden were interrupted by her other friends.

  "Timber, there's one thi
ng missing from this party," said Ashley.

  "Music!" said Kendra.

  Timber laughed and put a CD in the boom box in the corner of the room. The crowded living room became more lively as Emily, Timber, and her friends began to sway back and forth in time to the upbeat music.

  "Timber, you need to dance for us!" said Kendra.

  "I'm currently stuffing my face with this rather delicious cake," said Timber, shoving another piece of cake in her mouth.

  "When you're done then," said Gina.

  "Yeah, you need to show off for once!" said Xianna.

  "Why?" asked Henry.

  "Timber never told you she can dance?" asked Grace.

  "Yes, we danced at the prom. She's very good. I just don't know why she needs to show off. So who taught Timber to dance?"

  "I danced years ago in Louisiana," said Grace. "I could have gone professional but an injury at fifteen stopped my career. So, I started teachin' Emily when she was four. When Timber moved in, she showed interest and it became a way for her to let out pent-up frustration."

  "What style of dance does she excel in?" asked Lord Frost, inviting himself into the conversation.

  "Modern and Ballroom," said Grace. "She's very good at the Jive and Salsa. She dances a graceful waltz, too. Her favorite, though, is country swing. Do you dance Henry?"

  "Yes," said Henry.

  "It was a mandatory class while Henry was in school," said Lord Frost simply. "We thought it was beneficial for students to learn various types of art forms. Henry was never very good with a paint brush and he cannot sing but he moves well on the dance floor. Henry, may I ask Timber for a dance?"

  "I don't mind," said Henry.

  Lord Frost walked over to Timber and asked her for a dance. Timber turned pink but accepted and Ashley switched the song on the CD. Timber had not danced the waltz since her Debutante Ball in two years ago but when Lord Frost began to steer her around the middle of the room, it felt as though she never stopped.


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