When the Dead Have It Easy

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When the Dead Have It Easy Page 10

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “What program are you interested in?” Miles set his fork down.

  Tara’s eyes grew slightly wider as she turned to me. “So, Lexie. You haven’t told us what your plans are.”

  Nice dodge, Tara. I started bouncing my knee. “Well, I’m behind on research and haven’t even taken my SATs, so, I guess I’m aiming for the best art school I can get into. And looking for an apprenticeship.”

  “Well, you know you’ll have to move to a bigger city.” Miles picked up his water bottle. “That’ll give you a place to start.”

  My face warmed. I really wanted off this topic. I sent a pleading look to Miles. He raised an eyebrow. I sighed. He didn’t get it. “Miles, how many years of school are you going to have to have?”

  Understanding finally lit Miles’ eyes as he turned the conversation to a much safer subject. With the fading light, I forgot about why we were here other than to have fun.

  Chapter 7

  “Full house.” Tara set her cards down. “Read ‘em and weep, boys.”

  The guys groaned as they all dropped their cards on the table. Rory chuckled from his spot by the fire.

  “She’s cleaning me out,” Isaac groaned.

  “She wouldn’t be if you stopped eating your trail mix,” Miles countered.

  “It has chocolate, what did you expect me to do?” Isaac shot back.

  Tara and I chuckled. The guys had been playing poker for the last couple of hours and Tara was just wiping the floor with them. Well, most of them; Miles was doing surprisingly well.

  “You could have been roasting marshmallows, but no, you guys wanted to play poker,” I taunted before popping my burnt marshmallow into my mouth. Sugary deliciousness…

  “Screw them. More for us.” Ethan unwrapped a chocolate bar.

  “Good point.” I took the half Ethan was handing me before putting another marshmallow on my roasting stick. “How are you doing, Snoopy?”

  Ethan grinned as he put his marshmallow over the fire. “Pretty good. Got a fire, we’ve got marshmallows.” He leaned closer. “I’ve got you. All is right in the world.”

  “Can you not?” Asher groaned.

  “It’s not my fault you’ve got sensitive hearing,” Ethan snapped. “Pretend you don’t hear anything.”

  “Not exactly possible,” Asher muttered under his breath as he shifted on the bench.

  I turned back to Ethan. “So, you’re not hurting?”

  Ethan stopped to think about it. “No, not really.”

  “Good.” I smiled up at him. “I was worried you wouldn’t be able to do your guys’ climb tomorrow after the skis today. I didn’t realize how jarring they were.”

  Ethan grinned. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’ve got no pain and no stiffness.”

  I raised an eyebrow and bit back a smile as my dirty side came out to play. It took him a minute before he snorted and shook his head.

  When I sobered, I lowered my voice. “I’m nervous about tomorrow.”

  His eyes grew warm. “You’re going to do fine.”

  “Yeah but…”

  “If Asher says you can climb this route, you can climb it.” His voice softened.

  “I know, I’m just worried I’ll fuck up.” I started picking at a cuticle.

  Ethan leaned closer. “You know how to free climb. You’ve been doing it for almost a year.”

  “Yeah, that’s inside with plastic holds.” I shook my head. “It’s not the same.”

  “You might fall but as long as you tie in to the anchors, you’ll be alright.” His smoky toe curling voice rolled through my ears.

  I chewed on the corner of my bottom lip. “I know.”

  “Besides, Asher is going to climb your route first to make sure the permanent anchors are up to his standards before you even go near that cliff.” Ethan’s gaze moved over my shoulder before he pulled back and started putting his s’more together.

  Okay, that made me feel better as I caught my marshmallow on fire. “He is?”

  Ethan nodded. “Asher does it every time before the rest of us climb a new sport climbing route.”

  That made sense. When it came to climbing Asher was just as fanatical about safety as Zeke.

  “Whoever is burning their marshmallows, can you please stop?” Asher asked from the table. “The smell is messing with my stomach.”

  I eyed Asher’s back at the picnic table ten feet away. “But they’re yummy that way.”

  “They’re gross.” Asher shot over his shoulder.

  I blew out my marshmallow. “Fine, snooty chef.”

  The guys chuckled. I gave this one to Hades. The big lug licked his wrinkles happily.

  “I’m hitting the bathroom.” I got to my feet. Hades got to his and trotted beside me as I turned on my small flashlight.

  “I’ll go with you.” Tara called.

  I stopped, watched her leave the table and walk toward me. Seriously? “Um, okay…”

  The walk to the bathroom in the dark was uncomfortable. Tara kept opening her mouth as if to say something but instead, stopped herself and kept walking.

  I used the bathroom and was washing my hands when I finally broke. “So, what’s up?”

  She turned off the water in her sink and pulled a paper towel from the dispenser. “Dean and Danielle.”

  “What about them?” I shut my water off and reached past her for a towel.

  “I don’t want you to get to know them,” Tara said with a slight cringe. “Well, Dean, specifically.”

  I grew still. “What?”

  She rushed to explain, “Look, it’s just… With Asher… and then with Zeke… I…” Her cheeks turned pink.

  “You’re the one who brought them to the camp.” I started drying my hands.

  “I know… It’s just that the last two guys I’ve liked have liked you more,” she finally said.

  “And you think that has something to do with me?” I asked slowly.

  “I’d like just one guy to like me more.” Her voice sad enough that it pricked my heart.

  I shook my head. Had Tara always been this clueless? Or did Zeke and Asher not liking her really rattle her? “Tara, during the hour that those two were here, Dean was mostly talking to you while Danielle talked to me and the guys.”

  Her eyes grew brighter. “He did?”

  “Yeah.” I threw my towel away. “Don’t worry so much about how much someone likes you, just have fun.”

  She smiled. “You might have a point.”

  We headed back to camp in a less tense silence.

  Miles met us halfway there. “Are you ready for that talk?”

  “Um, yeah.” My heart instantly dropped. I turned to Tara and handed her my flashlight. “I’m going to take a walk around the loop with Miles.”

  Tara grinned a bit. “Sure. Have fun on your… walk.”

  Miles’ ears turned pink as Tara strolled toward camp.

  “Hades, guard Tara.” I ordered. The large dog trotted after my cousin and out of sight. “Where are the guys?”

  “They’re meeting us.” Miles took my hand, turned on his flashlight and led me right into the trees and tall grass.

  “Where?” I looked around at the grass, hoping there weren’t snakes or ticks.

  “On the trail to the right of camp that goes around the lake. There’s a picnic area far enough away from the camp that we can’t be overheard.” He stepped out onto a trail and used his hand to help me get out of the grass. I immediately began feeling my legs. No ticks. Yay! We kept moving as Miles kept his flashlight on the trail. The light from the waxing gibbous moon was pretty as it shined down through the trees. Miles…

  “I just thought of the moon as a waxing gibbous moon.” I shook my head.

  Miles fought not to laugh. “It is the proper term.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. “This is your fault.”

  He grinned. “I’ll happily take the blame.”

  I squeezed his fingers.

e are they?” Isaac’s voice from ahead.

  Miles squeezed my fingers once before letting go.

  We walked around the bend and found the guys waiting around a picnic table. Well, most of them, the twins were actually sitting on top of the table.

  “Let’s have tonight’s family meeting.” I announced as Miles stopped. I went to the table and hoisted myself to sit between the twins.

  “What are we doing tonight?” Asher’s voice was already defensive.

  “We need to start considering our options with Lexie.” Miles’ kept his voice calm.

  Everyone turned to him.

  Thick silence filled the air as no one moved. It was almost as if we didn’t want to say the words. That if we did, that would make this real and then we’d have to deal with it. We couldn’t stay like this…

  “In New Orleans,” I shattered the silence and suddenly had everyone’s attention. “I admitted that I had kissed all of you.”

  “We remember,” Isaac absently cracked his knuckles. My stomach knotted.

  “We can’t continue this way.” Miles grabbed everyone’s attention again. “We need to figure this situation out.”

  “Situation?” Asher scoffed. “We all know what’s going on. So call it what it is.”

  “A clusterfuck?” I offered.

  The twins chuckled. Asher didn’t. Miles sighed while Zeke shook his head.

  “Maybe we need to go over everything again.” Asher rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at the ground.

  I took a deep breath and let out. “I care about all of you. The same amount, the same way-”

  “Even though you do spend a lot of time with Zeke.” Isaac shifted on the table.

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “And you say Zeke is the jealous one.”

  Isaac reached around me and shoved Ethan off the table.

  Ethan landed on his feet, holding his arms out. “I’m not wrong.”

  “The first time I saw her since New Orleans was the night before her birthday.” Zeke moved around the table behind us, picked up a rock and skipped it across the water.

  “You were with Zeke the night of the fair?” Asher’s eyes shot to me. “You said you were tired and wanted to go home to get some sleep.”

  “I did go home. Then I ran into that serial killer ghost and crossed his motherfucking ass.” Silence fell. “By the way, ghosts don’t disappear. They just keep rotting until they’re skeletons.”

  Zeke came back around the table, scowling. “Wait, you crossed that piece of shit? The one from the bowling alley?”

  I turned to him. “Yeah. It was how I realized how fed up I was with your silent treatment.” I turned back to Asher. “And let’s focus here.”

  “That’s the problem though, right? You can’t decide who you want to be with?” Isaac leaned forward and braced his forearms on his legs.

  The guys started arguing among themselves what the problem was. Though I thought it was pretty obvious. In fact… “Shut the hell up!”

  The guys stopped arguing and turned back to me. “The problem is that I care about all of you equally. It’s not that one person is pressuring me, it’s not that another spends more time with me. It’s this!” I gestured around the circle.

  “Which brings us back to the point.” Miles looked at each of them. “Our options are: Lexie chooses one person to date, Lexie dates all of us at the same time, or Lexie dates no one.”

  “You’re not fucking trying that ‘all of us dating her’ thing again?” Isaac’s head rolled back until he was looking at the sky. “She said no already.”

  “Perhaps we should ask her,” Ethan said as he rubbed his temple.

  All of the guys turned to me. My heart leapt in my chest.

  “You said no, Red.” Isaac lifted his head and met my eyes. “Right?”

  I needed to make myself clear. So, I spoke slowly and carefully. “Over the last month, I haven’t seen four of my five best friends. And one of you, I hadn’t even spoken to until two days ago.” I glanced at Zeke, met his eyes then looked into the trees over Miles’ shoulder. “I’ve spent that time thinking things over, crying, regretting that I didn’t say something sooner. But the one thing that became clear to me is… I will take whatever road I have to… to save your relationships with each other. No matter if it’s choosing, dating all of you or just… not being with anyone.” I looked down at my hands fidgeting with my fingers. “Whatever choice we make, saving the relationships between you guys is the priority. Nothing is more important than that. Not to me.”

  “No one’s saying that we’ll leave if you don’t choose us.” Asher stepped closer, creating a semi-circle.

  “I would have to take some time.” Zeke’s gravelly voice had everyone turning.

  Ethan raised his hand. “Me too.”

  “Taking some time, fine. But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t come back.” Isaac looked between the two.

  “I probably wouldn’t.” Ethan’s eyes were shadowed as they met mine. “I mean, I’d still be friends with everyone. We’d still hang just…”

  “It would be without me.” I finished for him as my throat tightened.

  “Not for a couple years at least.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Beautiful.”

  I gave him a strained smile as I fought to keep my voice even. “I understand completely.” I turned to the others. “I did something that irrevocably changed our group. And we can’t pretend that it didn’t happen.”

  “It wasn’t just you.” Miles’ voice was soothing. “It was all of us.”

  “If I had fucking said something…” Zeke met my gaze. “If I told them about… the rest wouldn’t have happened.”

  “I should have spoken up too,” Isaac muttered. “Instead of just letting it all...”

  “We all should have said something,” Asher added.

  “Everyone had a hand in creating this situation. Now, we need to find a way to move forward,” Miles pushed his glasses up his nose. “We need to consider every choice. We’re having a family meeting every day. This is one of the things we’ll be talking about all week. Each of us need to think about what we’re willing to work on. What your limits are. By the end of the week, we’ll make a decision together.”

  I kept my gaze on the ground as I struggled to keep control.

  It was several heartbeats before anyone started back down the trail. But one by one, they left. Leaving me with Miles.

  Miles sat on the table beside me as the tears started to fall. I buried my face in my hands as I tried to breathe.

  “Slow deep breaths, Angel.” Miles said in that silky-smooth timbre that I loved. He ran his hand up and down my spine as I trembled.

  Sniffing one last time, I dropped my hands and wiped my face. “I’m fine.” I managed through a tight throat. “It’s just real. It’s really happening and…”

  “You’re scared it’s going to get worse,” he finished for me.

  I chewed on the corner of my lower lip as I nodded. Taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly. Eventually, I got my control again.

  “It’ll get worse before it gets better.” Miles wrapped his arm around me, I turned and rested my cheek against his shoulder. “But it’s going to be alright.”

  “How do you know?” I rasped.

  “Because I know them.” He kissed the top of my hair. “And not one of those guys would do anything that might hurt you.”

  I met his eyes. “Miles, you need to think about this too.”

  “I have.” He started tapping his knee.

  “But have you really?” I hated to do this but… “Or have you been so concerned about convincing the others to agree that you really haven’t thought about what it would be like? What you would be giving up?”

  “I don’t want to lose you, Lexie.” His voice was soft as his arm tightened around me.

  My throat grew dry. “I don’t either but you can’t make your decision just based off that.” I looked out into the trees. “I want everyone to ma
ke an honest choice. Including you.”

  His lips brushed my forehead. “I’ll think about it.”

  I looked up at him. Wintergreen filled my lungs.

  “But don’t be surprised if the answer is the same,” he warned.

  “As long as you honestly think about it.”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. It was a sweet, simple kiss that I felt all the way to my toes. His eyes were warm as they met mine. “It’ll be alright.” I hoped so. I really truly hoped so.

  * * *

  The flames grew higher, the smoke filled the hallway. Coughing racked me as I tried to find a way out. The floor under me was getting hotter by the second. The skin on my hands and knees started to blister as I found the stairs.

  “Don’t go down, sweetheart…”

  I jerked awake, looking for that voice. My heart pounding, my breathing heavy. Sweat poured down my face and neck. Dad…

  Whimpering came from my right. Still half asleep, I reached for Hades. Only he wasn’t next to me. There was another whimper. I turned to look for him and found him cuddled up to Tara. My cousin’s arm was around my dog’s belly, her face buried in the fur at his neck. I was tempted to take a picture for blackmail but my bladder had its own ideas.

  Half asleep, I stumbled out of the tent. The campsite was empty, the fire out completely. The cool breeze dried the sweat on my skin as I shuffled toward the bathroom.

  When I came back, I was a bit more awake. Maybe that’s why I didn’t spot Miles in the hammock earlier.

  Wrapping my arms around me trying to fight off the chill, I crossed the camp and found him looking up at the stars.

  “Hey.” I kept my voice low, not wanting to wake the others.

  He smiled up at me. “Can’t sleep?”

  I ran my hands over my arms. “Weird dream.”

  Miles noticed me rubbing my arms, moved over and lifted his unzipped sleeping bag that he was using as a blanket. I climbed in and snuggled up to his warm body. He chuckled softly as he covered me with it. “What about?”

  I opened my mouth to tell him then stopped myself. Miles had enough on his plate right now. Besides, it was something I’d rather talk to Asher about. “Um, just weird.” He wrapped his arms around me as I lay my head on his shoulder. “Mmm. Miles cuddles.”


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