Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance Page 4

by Piper Stone

  “I had the unfortunate task of meeting with the governor.”

  He shot me a look, shaking his head. “Not of the man you seek retaliation against. A female.”

  His uncanny ability to know everything that occurred within the village was disarming. “I have chosen a mate.” I stood, certain we’d get into another argument.

  His chuckle was one that almost always pissed me off. “You didn’t choose a mate, my son. Fate made the selection for you.”

  “Christ, Pops. I don’t bullshit about our heritage or how the past was handled. She is mine to take, fuck, and use. Nothing more.”

  “Then you are a fool.” He shifted closer, staring at me for a full minute before walking out of the room.

  What the hell was he getting at now? After a few seconds, I trailed behind him, surprised he’d retreated to the backyard. I flanked his side, taking several deep breaths. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  His usual hesitation, or what I’d always called posturing, was another aspect I hated. When he spoke, he kept his words even, the tone still without inflection.

  “Did I ever tell you that I didn’t appreciate the executive order to send you to work with the humans?”

  His question couldn’t have surprised me any more. “I thought you were in favor of my appointment. In fact, you were the one who requested my involvement.”

  He chuckled, moving to a small cooler he always kept outside, retrieving two cold bottles of beer. When he handed me one, he gave me a nod of respect. “You obviously do not know me very well, son. There is a time to hold your tongue and a time to fight. Sadly, that is something you never seemed to learn.”

  “Then who requested this appointment?”

  He gave me a hard onceover before answering. “The president of the United States.”

  What the hell? Was the man in the White House trying to keep his eye on every alpha? That was entirely possible. “Fuck him.”

  “I fear the hot head you have on your shoulders will drag you into the kind of trouble you won’t be able to get yourself out of, including as your beast. It’s best that you keep that in mind.”

  Huffing, I accepted the beer, twisting off the top. While the humans had odd tastes in the majority of things, their supplies of liquor and beer were precious items to be appreciated. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I’m always right,” he stated, his eyes highlighting his own aging beast.

  “Were you aware that two vaccines are close to being finalized for use on the Breeds?”

  He shrank back, shaking his head. “Do not believe everything that you hear, my son. There are certain things you need to know.”

  “All right.”

  “I allowed your selection to move forward because while your faults have blinded you to certain realities, they are also your strengths.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  He closed his eyes, tipping his head toward the warm sun. “The sun, the earth, the seas, and the forests are all representative of who we are, creatures of the night. We hunt. We feed. We survive.”

  I glanced at the massive trees lining the entire community and sighed. “I know you have a point here, Pops.”

  “Do not be impatient, son. If you do not understand your heritage, you will never help the others survive.”

  The waver of his voice troubled me. “Fair enough.”

  He took a long pull on his beer, his hand shaking. “In speaking with leaders of other Breeds, certain confirmations have been made.”


  “You’ve heard of the various human factions who are attempting to undermine the presidential orders. Correct?”

  “I know of their existence. From what I’ve heard, they are dangerous but their numbers not significant enough to warrant real concern.”

  “Unfortunately, they have some powerful backers, at least according to what we’ve learned.”

  I moved closer, forcing him to look me in the eyes. “What are you getting at?”

  “If what we’ve heard is true, there is a desire to remove every Breed alpha.”

  “For what purpose?”

  He shifted his gaze in my direction. “You already know the answer, Jabari.”

  I narrowed my eyes then realized exactly what he was saying. “That even if we are given the promised serum and return to our beast form, there will be no more offspring produced.” The alphas were required to mate in order to break the cycle. While I’d never wanted to believe the legend, with the lion’s mating, the knowledge had come to be more widely accepted.

  “Yes. That is why it is imperative that you are very careful. Given the humans have only a limited understanding of the various alpha leaders within the different Breed species, they may attempt to exterminate every male within the population.”

  Snorting, I tipped my beer in his direction. “I will kill any human who attempts to harm my people.”

  “It’s you I’m worried about. We have faced great loss for decades, but we will not survive if you are killed.”

  The weight of what he was telling me was almost too much to bear. “However, if the alphas accept a mate, then their plan will be thwarted.”

  “Not necessarily, although no one seems to be certain. There is still limited understanding of the chemicals and why the compound used had such a profound effect on every living creature on Earth. Even though we have our own scientists working on a solution, that is something humans can never know.”

  “You’ve discussed this with other Breeds?”

  “As is my responsibility as current leader of the Claw I have had discussions with a few in passing,” he said quietly, studying my eyes.

  He’d assumed I hadn’t been ready to lead the various Claws, although he’d attempted to educate me to the requirements I would face. All the while, I’d pushed hard against the old ways, a regime that would need to change if we had any chance of survival. Perhaps it was time to take a stance, to accept the responsibility that had been bestowed to me at birth.

  “The reactions were mixed but it is my strong belief that every Breed be brought into the discussion. The scent of blood remains strong. I fear the dissidents are preparing several attacks,” he continued.

  My father’s instincts were almost never wrong, something I had to take into account. I could also see sadness in his eyes as well as a hint of fear.

  “Then I will request a meeting with the other leaders when necessary. We will discuss the options and how best to ensure the protection of every Breed as well as our own survival.”

  He gave me a single nod, one out of reverence as well as respect. “You will know when the time is right. You are coming into your own, my son, something your mother would have been proud of. I fear we will face new attacks very soon. You must be careful the decisions you make.”

  My mother. I even loathed the human terms we’d grown so accustomed to using. The female panther had been ruthless, refusing to succumb to the changes that had occurred. Once she’d no longer been able to shift back to her beast form, she’d taken her own life out of utter despair. That was one of the reasons I hated humans.

  A reason that had allowed me to enjoy taking several human lives, but only during battle. Perhaps that would need to change. I felt the need to hunt.

  “Careful? We’ve been playing by the humans’ rules for decades, forced to obey their laws when the majority of them refuse to do so themselves. The time is for action, including war if necessary.”

  “We are nearing a crossroads, Jabari. Yes, we will need to be very careful in how we move forward. You will also need to be cautious of the decisions that you make. There are many watching you.”

  While I knew exactly what my father was saying, I growled in my dissatisfaction.

  “I will rally the soldiers, making certain they are prepared in case of an attack.”

  He offered me a slight smile. “You are a true alpha.”

  “Perhaps, but you don’t approve of the mate I’ve chosen
. Is that not true?”

  “It is not for me to approve. As soon as you were born, your importance to our kind was set in stone. A mate isn’t something an alpha determines. It is set in the sun and stars, the thing legends are made of.”

  “Such bullshit.”

  “Is it? I think you know deep inside what you must do in order to protect our kind. You must find the correct allies.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “With the lion, the tigers, or the bears?” I teased.

  His eyes shifted to admonishment. “Follow your instinct. Once you learn to be a true leader, you will know exactly what must be done and who you can trust.”

  “In other words, I’m not ready.”

  “You’re been ready for some time. You simply chose to ignore your requirements. However, you may soon have no choice. If this human you reek of is the one, then you need to be careful how you move forward. Humans are not to be trusted. You must keep that in mind. She may be hiding her true nature. She may be programmed to destroy you.”

  “That’s fucking bullshit!” I snapped then shook my head. “I would know it.”

  “Your greatest weakness may be your underestimation of the human race. Never turn your back. Not once.”

  My father had always been pragmatic, more so after our freedom had been awarded. I could tell there were things he was unprepared to tell me, likely until I’d earned that right. I stared off into the trees once again. “You don’t know what it’s like to be around her, the way she makes me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my life.” I held out my hand, fisting then opening my fingers. “Just a single touch and I’m electrified, hunger bursting at the seams. She is my mate and I will own her. There isn’t a single human alive who will be able to take her from me. What I don’t understand is why I feel so strongly for her.”

  “As I told you before, nature has a way of righting the wrongs that have been created, even at the hands of mankind. If what you describe is true, she is your fated mate. However, that does not mean that she will be as understanding about your prowess.” Another grin popped across his face, his eyes twinkling.

  “Well, she’s going to learn that she belongs to me.”

  One way or the other.

  We stood quietly for some time, a quiet tension remaining between us. “The governor needs volunteers for the serum he spouted off that has developed.”

  He turned his head sharply, his eyes resonating fear as well as anger. “That can never happen.”

  “And it won’t. I refused; however, I have a feeling he will retaliate. We must be ready for the possibility.”

  “Then make it so, son. Tensions are high, the rumors regarding the dissidents disconcerting.”

  “There’s more. Isn’t there?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Perhaps. Time will tell.”

  “Understood. I will call a meeting of our soldiers.” I offered him a smile before finishing off the beer and patting him on the shoulder. As I headed toward the door, my heart felt heavy.

  “As I said, be careful. I have a very bad feeling that you will be betrayed. Remember what’s at stake.”

  I stopped short, trying to accept the meaning of what he was saying. He’d been a powerful panther his entire life. Born only eighteen years prior to the Great War, he’d assumed leadership, fighting for the survival of the panther species. So many had succumbed to the horrible effects of the chemicals within weeks, significantly reducing the population. While he’d led the various Claws out of immediate danger, enabling the others to accept their status as shifters, he’d never been considered the alpha.

  The alpha male wasn’t given the status through death or treachery. According to legend and stories told, only one true alpha was born every few decades. While many Breeds had gone without one being born since the Great War, a number of Breeds had been blessed with one to lead their kind. An alpha meant more power, unequaled strength.

  Or so my father continued to remind me.

  To many I was considered the chosen one, a creature to lead the panthers out of the darkness we continued to face.

  To others... They couldn’t care less about any labeling, preferring their lives as humans. As far as betrayal? There were several who I could imagine selling their soul to the highest bidder.

  “Don’t worry, Pops. You raised a champion. I am the alpha.”

  “You will need alliances, son. When the time is right, make contact with all the other alphas, especially the tigers and lions. You will need to work together if what I’ve heard is true. Something else for you to keep in mind.”

  “I will.” Although the thought was difficult to swallow. An alpha certainly didn’t want another Breed to trample on their territory, the tigers in particular.

  When I walked out, I heard his troubled sigh.

  As if he could foresee the future.

  As if tragedy would befall our community.

  Over my dead body.

  Chapter Four


  “Do you ever think you’re going crazy?” I asked the question off the cuff, surprising even myself that I’d said the words out loud.

  Daniel snorted as he leaned over the table, pushing my glass of wine closer in my direction. “I think you’ve been working too hard. Anyone who has their nose stuck in a microscope fifteen hours a day is a little nuts, by the way. What you need is a dominating man to keep your attention.”

  Daniel Montgomery was my best friend, the single person I spent any real time with, and that was infrequent given our respective jobs. As a member of the Police Integration Task Force Unit, he worked with the various Breeds in an effort to help them adapt to their new freedoms as provided by the president. He also was tasked with keeping the peace, making certain the various dissident groups didn’t attack the beasts or the people who supported the relatively new legislation.

  I was proud of him, a man who remained caring after years of seeing the worst in humanity. I also adored him, even if our two attempts at dating had been clunky at best. At least we’d gotten a good laugh after our single kiss. There’d been no passion whatsoever. And we’d gotten closer because of the effort.

  “Very funny. I don’t have time for dating,” I retorted, my mind shifting to the incredible experience in the woods. What was I saying? That was total insanity. I wouldn’t believe it had even happened except for the red marks that had remained on my buttocks that morning. Perhaps I should have called law enforcement. Yeah, and said what exactly? I was attacked by the most sensual, gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on?

  Even though I hadn’t actually seen his face clearly.

  Sighing, I glanced at the crowd of people in the bar, almost regretting I’d come, although Daniel had been asking for over three weeks to grab a drink as his favorite local hangout. I’d even cut my workday short in order to spend some time with him. I had the distinct feeling he had something on his mind.

  “Neither do I,” he said, grinning. “To answer your question, you’re many things, but crazy isn’t one of them. However, there isn’t a human alive who hasn’t felt just a bit nuts.”

  “Glad to hear you say that. The dreams I’ve been having are so vivid.”

  “Vivid. See, you need that man I was talking about. You’re horny.” He lifted his glass, taking a sip.

  I flicked some of the wine from my glass, finally grinning. “I’m serious. They’ve been so real and detailed. Are there any rogue Breeds running around the city?”

  He coughed, several beads of gin spewing from his mouth. “Rogue Breeds. Like zombies?”

  “My twenty-first century lover. No, like... Like attacking women?” I hadn’t planned on asking the question.

  “Now you have me worried. Did something happen?”

  “No. Yes. Maybe. I don’t think so.”

  “Spill it or I’m taking you into the precinct with me.”

  I waved my hand. “Just some weird suspicious activity. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Weird? Y
ou need to explain yourself. I’m dead serious about this, Raven.”

  “Weird as in a suspicious call from some asshole trying to tell me that Breeds are being captured and basically tortured. Weird as in I could swear that I saw a Breed watching me in the forest in the parking lot of my office. That kind of weird.”

  “I don’t like what I’m hearing at all. There are dissident assholes everywhere in this city. I swear to God there’s not enough law enforcement officers to round them up. As far as outright torture of the Breeds? I haven’t heard anything of that nature. However, you need to keep a weapon with you at all times.”

  “So you’ve told me. I’ll think about it.” I had an aversion to them after leaving my former life.

  “This asshole didn’t hurt you?” Daniel demanded.

  “No. Nothing of the sort.” When I shifted in the seat, I had to fight to keep from wincing. My bottom still ached, the sting of the spanking remaining unsettling in my mind. Spanking. I couldn’t believe I was even thinking the word. I took a sip of wine, realizing my hand was shaking badly enough the liquid spewed over the rim of the glass.

  And Daniel was watching me intently.

  “Okay. What’s up with you? You’re jittery as fuck. You’re just not acting like yourself,” he stated as he sat back in his seat, swirling his drink back and forth.

  I allowed my attention to be drawn to the crystal glass, visions of the hard fucking settling into my mind. “You’re right. I have been working long hours. I think I’d just exhausted trying to meet deadlines and I hate my boss. He’s nosy as fuck.” I was actually shocked he hadn’t found my private testing collection.

  Another deep baritone laugh slipped past his lips. “Don’t we all? You’re doing great things in an attempt to save the human race. That’s honorable as hell. That’s why I suggested you for the position, goofy. By the way, how are the various scientists doing in that endeavor anyway?”

  “Not as good as we should be.” I glanced around the crowded bar, making certain no one was attempting to overhear our conversation. Our work was considered confidential. While I’d shared little with Daniel, he was well aware of my entire life’s background; the good, the bad, and the ugly. “The DNA sequencing is all over the place. Every scientist is missing something.”


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