Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance Page 22

by Piper Stone

  She slipped her arms around me as I ran my fingers down her back, cupping her bottom and dragging her onto her toes. My hunger exploded, driving me to the point of ravaging her in the middle of the hospital room.

  “Get... a... room...”

  Jerking back, Raven gasped as we both looked in Micah’s direction. His slight grin and the focus in his eyes were telling. He would survive.

  “Oh, my God,” she murmured. “This is excellent. I am so happy.”

  As she left my side, I felt the sudden thunder of several people coming down the hallway. Bristling, I turned just as several humans in suits swarmed the corridor.

  “What is going on?” she asked, flanking my side. “Wait a minute. That’s the president’s Secret Service.”

  I watched as President Wilkes came into view, stopping just outside the door.

  “I don’t like this,” I said as I clenched my jaw. I knew that Luca had discussed the events, but I certainly wasn’t entirely certain why he would take the time to come to the hospital.

  “He’s obviously here for a purpose. We need to find out what it is.”

  Raven took me by the hand, leading me outside. I’d never met the man and originally had no desire, but he’d been invaluable in rounding up dozens of members of the Revolution in only two days. I owed him a debt of gratitude, as well as acknowledgement of his fight to keep the promise he’d made to the Breeds.

  “You must be Jabari. I’ve heard a lot about you from Luca,” President Wilkes said as he extended his hand.

  “Yes, I’m Jabari. Thank you for all you’ve done, but what occurred shouldn’t have gotten that far,” I stated as I shook his hand. While I’d never understood the human gesture, I felt obliged.

  “I agree. Things escalated quickly,” the president said before turning his attention to Raven. “And you are a fascinating woman, Dr. Youngblood. I know what you’ve been working on and I want to offer my help.”

  “Meaning?” she asked, her tone bordering on defiant.

  As usual.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I have a world class facility that I would like to offer to you and anyone you need assisting you in perfecting the formula you’ve been working on. You will have complete access, other scientists at your disposal.” The president seemed surprised at her hesitation. “You will be doing me a favor and your country a great service. If by chance, you also happened to work on the serum to help humans, if you’re still inclined, I assure you that you will be rewarded.”

  She gazed into my eyes, a twinkle in hers. “I’d be honored, sir, although I will need a list of things to get started.”

  “Of course. Excellent. Now, for the second reason for my visit.” He stood taller, taking a deep breath. “I would like your assistance and that of your Claw. Is that possible?”

  “It depends on what you’re talking about, Mr. President. There are things I must do that are vital to the continuation of my species.”

  “Fair enough and I do understand. How would you feel about attempting to right at least a few of the wrongs that have been performed against the Breeds?” The president allowed the question to linger before continuing. “I think what I’m about to propose will also provide at least some answers for both of you. Would you be interested in learning more?”

  I thought about what he was asking and for a few seconds, I was able to look into the man’s soul, could even feel his turmoil that he’d experienced over the last year. He was prepared to take a stand.

  “Yes, I would like that very much,” I answered.

  “Good. We’re going to change things, Jabari, although it will take time. You have to trust me in order for this to work. Can you do that?”

  Trust. The word wasn’t in my vocabulary, but I would attempt to learn.

  However, anyone who betrayed me again would die.

  Chapter Seventeen



  I would never forget the first time I actually laid eyes on Jabari. While I wasn’t entirely certain that I wasn’t dreaming, the way he’d looked at me had been utterly primal, a beast who’d just trapped his prey. However, the way my heart had palpitated, my pulse racing had been nothing more than an indication of the desire that would continue to build.

  There was nothing different about this day, other than his expression was one of ownership, a dark hunger projecting total possession. His gaze was intense, shimmering emerald eyes that bore into me, his strong jaw clenched and his chest rising and falling from his heavy breathing. I could easily read all the filthy things he planned on doing to me.

  And the excitement surging through me was tumultuous, a heightened level of thirst that could only be quenched by his rough touch, his passionate kisses. I wanted him to devour every inch of my body, stripping me of any remaining inhibitions in his effort to drag us both into raw ecstasy.

  A portion of me was prepared to surrender to his every need, accepting what had seemed impossible only days before. There was the disobedient side, the one that would always remain defiant. I would be curious to see how Jabari handled my rebellious side for an extended period.

  Shifting had been agonizing, the entire process leaving me exhausted and overwhelmed by emotions. I’d remained angry for hours, uncertain of the future or if I wanted any part of the panther species. I’d also been enraged at mankind, every country’s ridiculous desire to rule the world nearly destroying humanity. Nothing would ever be the same. There was no amount of money or power able to alter the course of the future.

  Whether or not either humans or Breeds survived would likely be determined in the next few years and only if all parties could work together for a greater good.

  Whatever the hell that meant.

  The president’s offer of use of his facilities was significant and one I couldn’t refuse, although I was terrified that I couldn’t live up to the hype of my proclaimed excellence. Time would tell. While the disc Jax had given me held every formula that Mitchell Carter had worked on during his time with the Condors, even my quick glance at the highly scientific data highlighted several differences in his work versus mine. Had he thrown me a bone by introducing the Clivia? Several hundred tests would need to be performed in order to figure that out.

  I had my doubts, especially since I knew he remained a bitter and enraged man.

  As far as helping the Breeds, I’d made it clear to President Wilkes that it was my main priority and always would be. Little did he know I’d become one of them. A shifter.

  A hybrid Breed.

  A mate.

  And I was determined to save my mate, the man I’d fallen in love with. I would find a way to save his life. I would ensure the Breeds were able to produce children with or without the presence of an alpha. And I would make certain they were able to enjoy the freedom of remaining in their beast form as desired. Most of all, I’d make certain there were limited ways DNA could be attacked again. I would make it my life’s mission.

  If that was possible.

  Sighing, I pressed my hands against the dress I’d recently purchased, a tailored black sheath hugging every curve. Proper attire for destroying a regime.

  I eased my hand from Jabari’s yet he pulled me back, trapping me against the heat of his body. As he brushed his fingers down the length of my hair, his nostrils flared.

  “I hunger for my woman,” he whispered.


  His eyes flashed a few seconds of his beast, yet he stood with dozens of others on the outskirts of the compound as entirely human.

  At least for now.

  The great lion had summoned representatives from all the powerful beasts, requiring their presence. Lions, tigers, jaguars, bears, wolves, panthers, cougars. The numbers and the power were impressive, but they’d accepted a role as peacemakers, obliging the president.

  As long as everything went according to plans, none of the Breeds would shift. However, if soldiers attempted to attack, there would be no holding b

  It would seem President Wilkes had been watching the increase of membership within the Revolution for months, pinpointing various leaders, including those within the American government. He’d taken the time to garner support from every state in the union. It was his hope additional Breeds would offer their support toward finding the cure for the human race.

  And so, a new treaty had been prepared, one that would offer financial incentives to the various scientific laboratories across the land to engage in perfecting a serum for the Breeds as well.

  While this was just the beginning of rounding up members of the Revolution, I had hope things would change.

  Sadly, there would always be evil in this world, women like Gina Rawlings and men like the great governor of the state of Pennsylvania.

  As Jabari tilted my chin, his heated gaze boring into my very soul, butterflies swept through my tummy. The man could excite every cell in my body with a single dark gaze. “You will be careful, my mate, or you will be punished.”

  “That’s not entirely fair,” I purred.

  “There is no fairness in the world of the Breeds. I own you.” While his words were said with a robust and truthful vibe, his eyes flashed a hint of amusement. “And you will be disciplined as necessary, which will be on a frequent basis.” Before I had a chance to retort, he crushed his mouth over mine, thrusting his tongue inside.

  I clung to him, the electricity soaring as always, the taste of him instantly intoxicating. The way he dominated my tongue threw me into a brief moment of bliss, the wetness between my legs pooling into my lacy thong.

  “Didn’t I tell you before to get a room?”

  Hearing Micah’s jovial voice was thrilling. I continued to be shocked that he’d survived, almost entirely healed from the laser blast. While I’d advised against his decision to leave the hospital, he’d insisted he stand by members of his Claw.

  Including his alpha.

  Rearing back, Jabari gave a husky growl as he turned his head. “Get a mate of your own.”

  Micah laughed, giving me a nod of respect. “I plan on doing that, my friend.”

  While betrayal would always remain a fear, I knew Jabari had taken comfort in Micah’s heroic efforts. He’d likely saved Jabari’s life.

  “Doctor Youngblood. It’s time.”

  I glanced at President Wilkes, both eager and apprehensive. Was Mitchell working directly for the governor? Or was he one of the good guys? While I’d told various members of law enforcement, including Daniel, everything I knew about my mysterious caller, I had yet to hear anything consequential about his whereabouts or whether he’d been a member of the Revolution.

  As I walked away from the other Breeds, I could hear rumblings of their beasts just below the surface. Every one of them would relish tearing into the humans who’d attempted to destroy what little they had in life.

  I turned to look at the impressive sight, the compound surrounded by some of the most incredibly gorgeous men. What was even more incredible was I had a fleeting moment of being able to see every one of them in their beast form. I was in awe of their prowess and their power.

  There was no hesitation at the guard station, no attempt at stopping the progression of members of the Police Integration Task Force. Perhaps they’d learned of our arrival, even though news of the dozens of arrests had yet to make the telescan news. It would break soon enough, especially since there’d been at least three standoffs, the more aggressive dissidents refusing to give up.

  The president leading the way, the brigade headed for the fourth floor.

  The girl behind the reception table stood, her entire body shaking. “Mr. President. It’s an honor, sir.”

  “I think you know why we’re here,” President Wilkes stated.

  “Ye-yes, sir.” She pointed toward a corridor, all the color draining from her face.

  As we walked down the long hallway, faces from the half dozen offices were expressive. They also knew what was about to occur.

  The president merely walked into the governor’s office, continuing to wear a huge smile on his face.

  “President Wilkes. To what do I owe the honor of your surprise meeting?” Governor Aldridge asked, his gaze immediately locking onto me. I could see the shock as well as anger in his eyes. His mistress Gina had kept him informed of my work, including my hidden tests. While there was no indication my boss had been involved in the scheme, the president had shut down the laboratory, citing regulatory concerns as a precaution.

  “I think you are well aware of why I am here, Governor.” The president took his time, glancing around the perimeter of the office, very much in control.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m pretty certain that you do. I was very excited to create a task force, utilizing some of the most influential politicians, scientists, and other specialists along with selective members of several Breeds. I thought that by working together, not only could we quickly ascertain a positive solution to the issue facing mankind, but that we could learn much from each other. Perhaps by knowledge and friendship, we could avoid another nasty war in the future. I assumed you were a team player, able to create your own team with little or no direction. Unfortunately, my exuberance blindsided me for a period of time. Then I learned more about the Revolution.” He waited, cocking his head as if longing for a reaction from the governor.

  There was nothing but a smug look on the man’s face.

  “I’m certain you’ve heard of it,” the president continued.

  “Of course, but they have no bearing on the work we’re doing.”

  “Hmmm...” The president glanced in my direction. “Let’s cut the crap, Governor. I’m in no mood to play games. To that end, yesterday I authorized the arrest of several major players within the Revolution, including Gina Rawlings. I’m certain you know who she is?”

  While the governor paled, a slight twitch occurring on the corner of his mouth, he tried to act nonchalant. “She is a very prominent citizen in Philadelphia. She’s performed countless hours of community service, donated to several important causes.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Including to the Revolution.”

  The president smiled as the governor slumped. “Yes, she was a very important leader within the group as a matter of fact. Her power and influence brought in hundreds of followers, her wealth able to fund various groups up and down the East Coast. Well, no more, Governor. Your mistress is under arrest and she will spend the rest of her life in prison for treason against this great country. That is where you will spend the rest of your life, Governor, for your involvement with the organization, including adding and condoning the capture and extermination of nearly a hundred Breed members.”

  “That is preposterous,” the governor insisted.

  “That is the truth. Gentlemen, would you take the governor into custody?” The smile on the president’s face grew.

  As the officers stormed into the room, the governor was dumbfounded for a few seconds. Then he turned his vile anger in my direction. “You will never find a serum capable of helping the Breeds. And you will never stop the Revolution. We will continue our cause until every disgusting Breed had been annihilated.”

  “Get him out of here,” the president barked. “Oh, and if you even think about escaping, I assure you that there are at least one thousand Breeds waiting for the possibility of that occurring. I’ve given them full permission to use whatever justice they believe is required.”

  As the governor was removed from his office, he became unhinged, screaming various threats. I closed my eyes, fearful that the asshole was right. There would never be an end to the fight. There would always be dissidents certain the Breeds would destroy all of humanity when the truth was so much worse.

  We’d already done that to ourselves.

  After the room was cleared, President Wilkes turned to me. “I’m certain you have dozens of questions for me remaining.”

  “Probably far too many.”

/>   He chuckled. “Mitchell Carter.”

  “You know him.”

  “Very well. As a matter of fact, he is a friend of mine, a man I met years ago. His vision was actually part of the reason I began what has often been called a crusade for the Breeds. His work was incredible, although he changed quite a bit during the time he worked with the Condor.”

  I could tell by the look on his face that he already knew I’d been a part of the organization. A warm blush crept up along my cheeks. “I believed in the group for a couple of years.”

  “Which is why your work was noticed by Dr. Carter. He was enthralled with the results you’d achieved in a short period of time, something that other scientists had barely reached after several years. In turn, he made me aware of your accomplishments. Sadly, those same accomplishments were also brought to the attention of Revolution leaders. That’s why they enlisted Gina to work at the facility. They were not only keeping watch on your achievements but were also prepared to alter them as necessary.”

  “Another method of ensuring extinction,” I half whispered, furious that I hadn’t been able to detect anything about Gina.

  “Absolutely. If only I’d known about the location you called the zoo sooner, I would have made certain the Breeds weren’t forced to endure the torture they did. Gina was very astute at keeping the location closed off, as if she didn’t care about it. Little did she know that Mitchell was made aware by someone who used to work at the zoo when he was a young man.”

  “What happened to Mitchell? He told me that he was injured.”

  “Yes. He was in a horrible explosion, members of the Condor the target. Although officers of law enforcement were certain the Revolution was responsible, they were unable to find any direct evidence. Sadly, Mitchell was severely injured attempting to save a Breed.”

  “His mate,” I said absently.

  The president chuckled. “Yes. He fell in love with a beautiful jaguar, but I suggest you and Jabari come with me. I want to take you somewhere. I understand that you need some kind of closure, which I can understand. Just allow me to say that Mitchell is one of the greatest scientists our country has ever seen. I enlisted his help, although my intention was never to place you in harm’s way. He kept me in the dark about sending you into that zoo, but he had such faith in your abilities. I also had no idea that Jabari was your intended mate, but he suspected that as well.”


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