The Countess Intrigue: A Sweet Regency Romance Adventure (Mayfair Mayhem Book 2)

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The Countess Intrigue: A Sweet Regency Romance Adventure (Mayfair Mayhem Book 2) Page 19

by Wendy May Andrews

  There was a slight pause as Elizabeth allowed the earl to draw her toward the settee after he had poured himself a glass of brandy. She arranged her skirts quickly and grasped his hand once more. Fidgeting with their fingers, needing a few more minutes and several deep breaths to calm the shaking that had set in after the fright had passed, she was grateful that Justice sat peacefully by her side, allowing her the time she needed to regain her composure. She could have used a few more minutes or hours but then he broke the silence.

  “Now that it would seem we are once more safe, there are a few things we need to clear up between the two of us. Would you not agree, my dear?”

  Elizabeth felt the colour ebb and flow from her face at his words. She hung her head, embarrassed over her previous assumptions about her husband.

  “Don’t look like that, my dear. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I am just as guilty of being suspicious. I will admit to you that I had briefly suspected that you were complicit in your ruination. For that, I offer my sincere apologies. It had seemed just a little too convenient how quickly we were caught together. But I fully understand why you suspected me of being involved in my wife’s murder. It took a great deal of courage for you to marry me anyway.”

  Elizabeth smiled and shrugged. “It was not as though my mother gave me any choice.” She hesitated for a moment but then was compelled to ask. “When did you accept that I had nothing to do with us being found in a compromising situation?” She was curious to know.

  He chuckled. “When I realized that you truly believed that I had killed Barbara. No lady of sound mind would arrange to be compromised into marriage with someone she feared might kill her. Finding out that you were questioning the servants about Barbara’s death, and that you actually suspected me was the final piece of evidence I needed. Of course, getting to know you was quite convincing as well. You are one of the most straightforward ladies I have met. Tricking me into marriage would be out of character for you, in my opinion.”

  “Why thank you, my lord.” She dimpled at him.

  “Now there is something else we must discuss. I am starting to find it terribly irritating to have you constantly so formal with me. Can you not find it within yourself to call me Justice? Or even Sinclair or Heath would be preferable.”

  Elizabeth was gratified by his complaint, but hesitated momentarily. “But my lord, was it not one of the things I vowed to do when we married? I thought I was being deeply respectful.”

  She could feel his searching gaze and tried to keep her face innocent. She burst into a fit of giggles when his serious face broke into a grin. “You had me almost believing your words for a moment,” he chuckled.

  Glancing at him from beneath her lashes, Elizabeth smiled. “I had no wish to be on informal terms when I could not be certain if I could trust you. But I would be happy to call you Justice. And now, Justice, I am quite ready to get on with living. I am very happy to have a future to look forward to with you.”

  Justice stood up and pulled her into the circle of his arms, flush against his body. They both seemed to revel in the moment, savouring life. His search of her gaze was brief but thorough. He must have been satisfied to see that she welcomed his embrace. He kept one hand at the small of her back, holding her close, while he ran his other through her hair.

  Elizabeth could hear pins fall but couldn’t be bothered by it. Of their own volition, Elizabeth's hands imitated his. The hand of her injured arm held onto his shoulder while her other furrowed into his thick hair. New sensations awoke within her, and he hadn't even kissed her yet. He hovered for a moment; their breath mingled. Elizabeth could almost taste the brandy he had been sipping. She felt drunk on the spirits she had not even imbibed.

  Finally, his lips touched hers. A delicious shiver coursed down her spine. If not for his arms around her, she would not have remained standing. She wanted to savour the moment, but all further thought flew from her head as he firmed his lips and deepened the kiss. Time stood still.

  Suddenly, he pulled back, as though he had just realized where they were. He looked as if he wanted to escort her to his room. She was certain her own thoughts were written all over her face. “What are you plotting now, my dear?” he asked.

  “No plots, but I am happy to have satisfied my curiosity on one more score.”

  “And that is?” he prompted.

  “The first night I met you, I had to struggle against the most inconvenient impulse to touch your hair. I am happy to note that it really is as soft as it appears.”

  Justice joined her in laughing with delight as he guided her from the room.

  Happily ever after had been arranged.


  One year later...

  Elizabeth strolled along the path in the now barren orchard, relieved that the fair weather was holding.

  “I am so glad you were able to come for a visit despite the fact that winter is approaching.”

  Her dear friend Rosamund, now the Duchess of Wrentham, laughed. “Well, I assured His Grace that I would be unbearable if he did not bring me. He wouldn’t allow it while I was increasing, and then when the baby was so new, he still didn’t love the idea, but I refused to wait until spring, so here we are. Now tell me, are you truly as happy as you appear?”

  Elizabeth grinned at her friend who sounded as though she was still as managing as ever. “I am, actually. Perhaps even happier than I appear.” Her hand dropped briefly to caress her growing belly. “I can fully imagine the duke refusing to bring you before. Sinclair will barely let me out of his sight now that I’m in an interesting condition.”

  Rose trilled another laugh. “Who would have thought you would find such joy with the Earl of Heath? But of course, now that you know he didn’t kill his first wife, I guess all there is to focus on is all that handsomeness.”

  Elizabeth’s smile seemed secretive. “Well, there are a great many things to focus on,” she said while blushing. Turning the subject quickly, she said, “Speaking of uncomfortable topics, you really must tell me everything before our husbands rejoin us. What really happened the night you were abducted? I never wanted to address it fully in a letter, but you really must tell me. Do you realize that was the fateful night that I became embroiled with Sinclair?”

  “Well, I am delighted that so much good came out of such a sticky situation. If not for Broderick, neither of us would be where we are today.”

  They had come to a bench, and Elizabeth gratefully sank down onto it. It was good that they had dressed warmly. Despite the unusually fair weather, there was still a nip in the air. She nodded in acknowledgement of Rose’s words.

  “I know. I cannot find it in my heart to hate the man despite his schemes and machinations. Of course, I never truly had dealings with him. Even the night that he came here demanding the countess’ jewels, he only pointed his gun at Sinclair, not me. Of course, I was terrified at the time, but after everything, I cannot say that I think he is evil, merely diabolically misdirected.”

  Rose rolled her eyes. “You always were one to see the good in everything. But with the passage of time, I have been able to let go of most of my ill will toward the man. I still bear a small scar on my wrist from where it was rubbed raw by the ropes he tied me up with, so I cannot say I will ever be able to forget about him. But I got away within hours of the abduction.” She lowered her voice and glanced around, ensuring that there was no one within earshot. “I have to tell you, the look on Wrentham’s face when I came running out of that dreadful building was priceless. I dare say he was disappointed that I had managed to save myself. Of course, I will admit, I have no idea how I would have gotten myself safely out of that part of Town, so it was good that he showed up when he did.”

  “I am so glad that nothing worse happened to you. It’s too bad that you bear scars. It would be better if you could forget it. But as you say, it brought the two of you together, so the memories can’t all be bitter.”

  Rose returned her smile. “Not at all bitte
r, my friend.”

  “But you must tell me, how did Broderick come to be free after that? I would have thought Wrentham would have torn him limb from limb.”

  “I rather thought he was going to as well, but the man has self control of steel.” She shook her head, but Elizabeth could see the warm twinkle of appreciation in her friend’s eye when she thought of her husband. “Of course, when Wrentham found Broderick the second time, I cannot say he was gentle with him, but since your husband was so quick to tie him up, Wrentham couldn’t, as a gentleman, pummel him as he wished.”

  The two were quiet for a moment before Elizabeth asked with a tentative tone to her voice, “Is the matter truly closed now that Broderick has been eliminated?”

  Rose sighed and shook her head. “Unfortunately there will always be plots against the government and our king. But with Broderick gone, this particular threat has been squashed.” Rose shook off her serious mien and grinned. “It is such a shame the man was a traitor. With his brilliant mind, Broderick could have been very useful to the Home Office.”

  Elizabeth wrinkled her nose. “Even after all that he has done, you still think he’s brilliant?”

  “Using women to manipulate their husbands into doing as he wished with the government?” Rose asked. “It could have worked rather well if he had chosen different subjects. And we cannot be completely certain that he wasn’t successful with many others. Broderick refused to divulge anything. He took his secrets with him to his grave. If Wrentham and Sinclair had not testified against him, he actually might have gotten away with it. The methods he used kept him quite safe from blame. It could be argued that he never forced anyone to do anything.” There was a brief pause while Elizabeth gazed at her friend with rapt attention. Rose continued. “Really, if not for his abducting me and then threatening your husband, it would have been impossible to tie him to any plots.”

  “Why do you suppose he took such a risk as to abduct you? If he was as brilliant as you think, surely he must have realized it would lead to no good.”

  Rose shrugged. “He had either gotten too complacent or too desperate.” Her serious face broke into a wide grin as she glanced down the path toward the house and saw their husbands walking toward them. Wrentham had a small bundle in his arms. “Now, never mind about all this. Is that not the most beautiful baby you have ever seen?”

  Elizabeth too dismissed the worrisome topic and returned her friend’s smile as she once again placed a gentle hand on her rounded belly. “He is quite lovely. But I have a sneaking suspicion that he will soon be replaced as most beautiful in my eyes.”

  Rose nodded. “You are wise, my friend, to realize that. I never knew I would feel like this about a baby.” She reached over and clasped Elizabeth’s hand. “I do hope you are having a boy. It would be brilliant if they could grow up together as the best of friends.”

  Elizabeth nodded, her eyes welling with tears as she squeezed her friend’s hand. “Or if it’s a girl we could always play matchmaker.”

  By then the gentlemen had arrived and heard Elizabeth’s last words. They exchanged wry glances. Justice was the first to speak. “Trust the women to already be planning the babies’ lives.” He turned and shook his head at his wife. “Surely you don’t want to turn into your mother,” he teased, although she could hear the loving laughter in his voice.

  Despite the fact that he was jesting, Elizabeth was struck by his words and could not contain her laughter. “Perish the thought. You are correct as usual, my lord. Whoever this child turns out to be, I shall love him or her and do my utmost to allow him to make of his life as he wishes.” She paused for a moment but then had to add, “Of course, I may have to provide a gentle nudge here or there.”

  The four friends shared in uproarious laughter before returning to the house to continue their visit.

  The End

  About the Author

  I’ve been writing pretty much since I learned to read when I was five years old. Of course, those early efforts were basically only something a mother could love :-). I put writing aside after I left school and stuck with reading. I am an avid reader. I love words. I will read anything, even the cereal box, signs, posters, etc. But my true love is novels.

  Almost ten years ago my husband dared me to write a book instead of always reading them. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but to my surprise I love writing. Those early efforts eventually became my first published book – Tempting the Earl (published by Avalon Books in 2010). There were some ups and downs in my publishing efforts. My first publisher was sold and I became an “orphan” author, back to the drawing board of trying to find a publishing house. It has been a thrilling adventure as I learned to navigate the world of publishing.

  I believe firmly that everyone deserves a happily ever after. I want my readers to be able to escape from the everyday for a little while and feel upbeat and refreshed when they get to the end of my books.

  When not reading or writing, I can be found traipsing around my neighborhood admiring the dogs and greenery or travelling the world with my favorite companion.

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  Confirmed bachelor, Wesley Dunbar, Viscount of Bracondale, is furious when he learns of her involvement in the plot against his best friend. But he's also mesmerized by Anne's transformation from a country duckling to a fierce and beautiful swan.

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