Snow White & The Biker

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Snow White & The Biker Page 11

by Glenna Maynard

  We get to my car and Diego pauses before getting in the passenger side.

  “Now what?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  “Wherever in the hell we want.”

  “Sounds good to me, Princessa.”

  We climb into my car and I giggle. Diego looks so cramped and he is seriously pouting.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “Nothing?” I bite my lip trying to squash my laughter.

  “God,” he groans and drops his back on the seat. “First stop, we’re going to your place. I’ve missed you, Princessa.”

  “Actually…I kind of promised your mom we’d come there first.”

  His brow shoots up. “My mom?”

  “Yeah we had a good talk. She’s a lovely lady.”

  “When did you talk to my mom?” he growls. He’s so sexy when he gets all agitated. We talked some about his mom and he said he wants me to hold off on meeting her until he’s gotten her back in therapy. I can understand that.

  “I’m kidding. She did come to see you, but I was down in the cafeteria and missed her visit.”

  “You’re such a brat.”

  “I know. Are you hungry? I can swing through a drive-thru.”

  “Don’t want no burger, Princessa. Want you naked. Gonna take my time with you.”

  Warmth flows through me at his words.

  “I don’t think you arm is fully healed yet. Didn’t the nurse say ten days?”

  “Baby, my arm don’t have a damn thing with how my cock works.”

  That’s true so I don’t argue the point.

  When we get to my street and see the damn reporters, we both look at each other.

  Diego shakes his head as I start turning around before they spot my car and decide to follow us.

  “Where to?”

  “The clubhouse.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’ll see, Princessa.”

  I don’t know if I like the sound of that, but I trust Diego.

  “And what are we gonna do there?”

  “That bastard is dead. It’s time I take my rightful place and claim my cut.”

  “So this clubhouse is your biker hideout.”

  He chuckles. “Something like that.”

  “I see. Are you sure that I’ll be welcome there…I don’t know if this is a good idea?”

  “Winnie and Jericho will be there,” he tells me.

  “Okay fine. You twisted my arm.”

  “Gonna do a lot more than that, baby.”

  I smile at the meaning behind his words.


  I pull up to the gate of the Original Seven MC’s compound. Diego gave me a brief rundown of the club’s rules on the drive here, but it went in one ear and flew out the other. I’m too nervous and excited to retain any of what he said to me. I can only hope that we’re welcome. I know that Wrath was his stepfather and he hated the man. What I don’t know is how the rest of the motorcycle club felt about the man. It’s one thing for Diego to hate him but did they.

  Diego rolls his window down. “Open the gate, Mercy.”

  The tall man with light hair and colorful tattoos showcased on his arms gives Diego a chin lift. I pull through the gate once it opens.

  “Park over there on the left next to the black Silverado.”

  I do as Diego said and shut off the car. My stomach bottoms out as I stare at the building that looks like an old factory. It huge, dark gray, and overwhelming. “This is the clubhouse?”

  “Yeah. It’s secure. Figured if any reporters are tailing you then they aren’t getting in here. If they approach the gate Mercy will put a boot in their ass.”

  “All right. So…is this where you live, or do you stay at the cabin?”

  “Fuck no. We got some rooms for when we need a crash pad, but no one lives here full time.”

  “Go it.”

  “I’ll take you to my place tonight.”

  “And where is your place?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Hmm,” I muse, wondering what to do with his vagueness.

  I didn’t tell Diego, but Jesus came by my apartment after I was released from the hospital. I didn’t let him in. Not that I thought he’d try something Simply hearing his voice made me uneasy. I told him I that I forgave him and that I couldn’t be friends with him anytime soon. I didn’t forgive what transpired that night after the Morbid Duplicity show for him. I did it for me. I don’t want that negative energy tainting me.

  I’m ready to move toward the future with Diego, whatever it may bring us.

  I know that if people really knew our story, they wouldn’t understand but they aren’t meant to. I only know that I want to be with him.

  As crazy as it sounds, I think I’m falling in love with him. His dark and tortured soul sings to mine. We’re kindred.

  Diego laces his fingers through mine, and I know I would walk through fire with him, because I already have. He stops and turns into me. Those blue eyes pierce through me owning every piece of my body, mind, heart, and soul. Our lips meet, and I fade into him, realizing that our story is only just beginning.



  Three months later

  “Yo, Diablo. You made another gossip show.” Freak shakes his head laughing and turns up the volume on the big screen that hangs over the bar.

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter under my breath.

  “The Heiress and her outlaw were spotted Friday night going for a ride, then dinner, and a movie. Their story sounds like something straight out of a novel or a Hollywood movie. Sybil White, who inherited her late father’s fashion company, Sybi Kids has been seen frequently with this man.” The show pans in on an image of me in my cut standing outside of a store smoking a cigarette while waiting on Sybil. That photo has been plastered online and in countess magazines. “Their love story took the world by storm when it was reported that Sybil had simply vanished. She was held hostage and tortured by another man and his accomplice. A notorious biker who was hired by former fashion model Consuela White, Sybil’s own stepmother in a murder for hire plot. Sybil White’s biker boyfriend uncovered the devious plan and rescued her. They moved in together one week after they met. The pair is inseparable.”

  Shit. I wish they’d stop saying that shit. I didn’t save Sybil. She saved herself.

  “Rumor has it that Diego “Diablo” Diaz has been spotted ring shopping. Could wedding bells be in the near future for fashion’s rebel princess and her outlaw? Stay tuned for our exclusive interview with the man who says he sold him the ring. We’ll be back after this commercial break with all the details.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. All that shit gives me a damn headache. “Turn that shit off.”

  “When are you gonna put a ring on it?” Winnie questions like she doesn’t already fucking know. She probably had a dream about it last night.

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  She tips her bottle back and takes a long pull ignoring me. I don’t miss the shit eating grin tugging on her lips though.

  The clubhouse doors open and Sybil struts in looking so damn beautiful my heart squeezes tight in my chest. My girl fits perfectly into my world. Dressed in dark skinny jeans with holes in them and white boatneck shirt that hangs off her shoulders she makes me wanna throw her over my shoulder and take her to a room upstairs. Want those red lips wrapped around my cock, my fist wrapped up in her hair, hearing her moan as she deepthroats me.

  “Hey, baby. C’mere and give me that mouth.” I push off my stool and meet her halfway.

  Her apple red lips spread wide curving upward and she gives me that mouth tasting all sweet and sugary like she’s gonna melt on my tongue. I grab her hand and hold it up not liking how bare her ring finger is. The ring I bought her is burning a damn hole in the inner pocket of my cut.

  Her brows shoot up. “What are you doing?”

  “Do you love me, Pr

  “You know I do.”

  “Wanna hear the words, Sybil.” I drop her hand and squeeze her ass, pulling her in closer.

  She purses her lips. “All right. You twisted my arm. I love you, Diego.”

  “How much do you love me?”

  “What is this…stroke Diego’s ego day? You feeling neglected by all the charity work I’ve been doing lately?”

  “No. I just wanna know.”

  “I’d lie for you, kill for you, bleed for you…and maybe I’d die for you,” she teases against my lips then kisses me again.

  “Got one more question, baby.”

  “Only one? Well what is it?”

  “Are you gonna marry me?”

  Her eyes go big and round. “What?!”

  “You heard me, Princessa.” I palm the canary yellow diamond ring I bought for her last week. I hold my hand out, exposing my palm.

  “Is that… is that what I think it is?”

  I lick my lips. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Your answer, baby. You gonna marry me or what?”

  “Hmm.” She taps her chin with the tip of her fingernail like a smartass.

  “Not gonna ask you again,” I growl and shove the ring on her finger. She laughs, but I cut her off with a deep, long, wet kiss.

  Sybil breaks away, breathless. “Well I guess it’s a good thing you put a ring on it.”

  “Oh yeah. Why is that?”

  “Because we’re gonna have a baby.”

  “Fuck, Princessa, you serious?”

  “Yeah. So what do you say to that?”

  “To that I say, I love you, Sybil. Always and forever. I can’t wait to give you my last name and build a life with you.”

  “You make me so happy, babe.”

  I scoop her up in my arms. “I’m just getting started.” I move toward the stairs as my brothers hoot and whistle their congratulations. I tune them all out. There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now I need to get deep inside my woman and her sweet pussy.


  “You sure you want to do this?” Diego asks me for what seems like the millionth time.

  “Yeah. I need this. I need closure.”

  “You want me to go with you?”

  “No. I need to do this on my own. She can’t hurt me anymore.”

  “I still don’t want you around her even if there is a glass pane separating you.”

  “I’ll be fine. There will be guards present. Besides, Winnie said she felt good energy from this.” I love that he cares, but this is something I’ve been wanting to do since I found out I was pregnant with our little prince. Neither of us can agree on a name. I didn’t tell Diego. Winnie says we will name our son Rico Emanuel Diaz as a compromise. I don’t see that happening, but the woman is never wrong. Which she loves to prove.

  “Okay. I’ll be waiting right here.”

  “I’ll be back before you know it. What I want to say to her won’t take long.”

  “Don’t let her upset you. It’s not good for the baby.”

  “I got this.”

  “Yeah. You do, Princessa.”

  I give my man a quick kiss and enter the prison where Consuela my evil step-monster is incarcerated. She is still awaiting trial. I go through the security measures and once I am all signed in, I enter the visiting room where a glass partition separates visitors from prisoners.

  I take my seat and wait. Eventually a woman is brought in. When she sits down in front of me, I barely recognize her. Time and prison hasn’t been kind to her. She has a scar above her lip and a blackened eye. No longer able to receive Botox injections her wrinkles are starting to prevail. Without trips to the salon to cover her grey hair, it is now becoming the predominant color.

  Without makeup and all the other glamour tricks to alter her appearance, Consuela looks like the hag I know her to be. “Why are you here?” She sneers.

  “You know…when I was a girl all I wanted was a mother. Someone to love me and teach me how to be a woman, but I am so thankful you hated me. I am grateful that you weren’t the one to teach me about the kind of person I wanted to be. I absorbed all the goodness my father shined on the world and I grasped onto it for dear life. My child will never know the evil that is coiled tight deep inside you. You’re going to die old and alone in here. You’re a pathetic waste of space and tax dollars. I only have one thing to say to you and this will be the last time you ever see me. I forgive you. I forgive you for being jealous of my mother and the love she shared with my father. I forgive you for what you did. You’re the one who has to live with what you did. You took so much away from me and yet here I am on the other side of this glass, married to a great man and having his child. I guess I have you to thank for that. I wouldn’t have met him had you not tried to kill me.”

  I don’t wait for a reply. I push my chair back and start toward the door when she mutters, “I loved you once. I wanted to be the mother you deserved. You’re right. I was jealous, and I lost everything I held dear. I’m paying for my sins.”

  I know she’s trying to bait me into staying but I’m not falling for it. She doesn’t have a conscious. She is pure evil. “Goodbye, Consuela.”

  “Sybil,” she cries out for me. I don’t glance back. I keep moving forward toward brighter days. I’m leaving the past where it belongs—behind me.

  Strolling out of the prison I feel lighter. Like I can let go of that part of my life and keep looking to the future.

  As promised Diego is waiting outside the doors.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “I’m good. A tad hungry.”

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  I knit my fingers with his. A calm feeling washes over me, and I know that nothing is going to stop us from living happily ever after. Diego is no prince charming. He’s a rough and rugged biker, but he’s mine. And I am his Princessa. His naughty Snow White.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed my twisted dark take on Snow White. This book had a mind of it’s own. There were so many directions I wanted to take but Diego and Sybil weren’t on the same page and I had to let go and allow them to tell their story the way they wanted to. I don’t know what the future holds for the Original Seven MC. But if you like my biker fairytale retellings I will be putting up a pre-order soon for Lady & The Biker, my twist on Lady & The Tramp, as part of the Royal Bastards MC. So be on the lookout for that.

  Happy reading!



  Wanna know what I was listening to as I write Snow White & The Biker? You can find the playlist here on Spotify. Listen Snow White & The Biker


  There are so many people I want to thank. I hope I don’t leave anyone out. If I do, I promise it isn’t intentional. There are so many of you who support me, and I appreciate each and every single one of you.

  I got say a huge thanks to Chelsea Camaron and Ryan Michele who invited me to be a part of a life changing experience. The Love, Loyalty, & Mayhem Anthology this past summer. If not for them I may have never finished this book. I set out to write it three years ago but needed a good push to finish it and I got it. I can’t thank all the other authors who were a part of the amazing journey as well for supporting me and becoming great friends in the process. They are all stuck with me for life. They just don’t know it. HA!

  To my Rebels & Devils reader group. You guys are such a huge support system for me and I can’t thank you enough for encouraging me to keep pushing the envelope and shooting for the stars.

  My Word Harlots. You bitches know who you are. I love you lots. You are my people.

  Andi Jaxon, Tempi Lark, Nickie Siedler, and Dawn Martens. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being there to beta or just listen To encourage me to make my deadline and let me rant and moan through the process. Ya’ll are good friends that I know I can count on. That means more than you know.

  To the
husbutt and children. As always, everything I do I do it for you.

  About Glenna

  Glenna Maynard is a USA TODAY & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author most known for her gritty Black Rebel Riders' MC saga.

  She has a passion for writing antiheroes but occasionally takes a walk on the sweeter side. Bikers, Rockstars, the boy next door, Glenna writes them all.

  When she isn't arguing with the voices in her head or drinking reader tears, she enjoys watching classic TV shows with her two children and longtime leading man. Her favorite books to read change with her mood, but she always enjoys a good historical romance.

  Visit for more information.

  Available Now

  Black Rebel Riders’ MC

  Grim The Beginning





  Heart of A Rebel

  A Rebel Love

  A Rebel In The Roses

  Blood of A Rebel

  The Devil’s Rebel

  Devils Rejects MC

  Hades’ Flame

  Boogeyman’s Dream

  Reaper’s Till Death

  Cupid’s Arrow

  Uno’s Truth

  Cocky’s Fight

  Black Rebel Devils MC

  Moonshine & Mistletoe

  Guns & Roses

  Sex & Cigarettes

  BRRMC Roadhouse Tales

  Devil Dick

  Pecker Wrecker

  Cock Blocker

  Sassy Pants

  Sons Of Destruction

  Dark Paradise: The Apocalypse

  Paradise Lost: Wasteland

  Paradise Found: Resurrection

  The Killian & Liri Duet

  Cruel Love Book 1

  Cruel Love Book 2

  Stand Alone Titles

  Beauty & The Biker

  Snow White & The Biker

  Born Sinner


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