Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4

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Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4 Page 11

by Savage, Marie

  When she heard someone knock on her door, she took a double take in the mirror, checking her makeup and hair. When she was satisfied, she looked through the peep hole and immediately unlocked her door. It was Cinnamon with Madison beside her.

  “Hi, Mommy,” Madison said as she walked into the room.

  “Cin, what’s going on, why do you have Madison? Where’s Mom?”

  “She said she tried to call you, but your phone was busy, so she called me. She’s sick and she asked me to bring Madison to you.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She booked the adjoining room. She didn’t want to take the chance of getting everyone else sick, especially you or Madison. I told her I would bring her things over.”

  “Her bag’s right there, but Cin, what am I going to do? Mom’s supposed to watch her tonight when we perform.”

  “I don’t know, chickee, but you better figure something else out quick.”

  “What about Val? Do you think she’d watch her?”

  “If she has no choice, I’m sure she will but you know how busy she gets. This is our headliner, it’s all on us and especially for her to make sure everything is okay backstage.”

  “What am I going to do, Cin?”

  “Knock knock,” they heard a male voice say from the hallway. “It’s Alec. May I come in?”

  Katie Lyn looked at Cin as Cin looked at her.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Cin said.

  “Uh huh! Go let him in.”

  * * *

  “Katie Lyn, are you sure about this? Maybe we should go to the concert and wait until you’re done?” Katie Lyn could tell he was still a little uneasy about watching her daughter.

  “I don’t think she should go. She’s been around Mama all day and I don’t want to take the chance in case she gets sick, too.”

  “I guess you’re right. I can work on some cases until you return.”

  “I can’t thank you enough for this. Now, my mom is just next door if you need anything. She said don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or if Madison says she isn’t feeling well.”

  Katie Lyn started rushing around, and grabbing her things, while Cinnamon was waiting downstairs for her.

  “Is she going to be okay with me? I mean she won’t cry when you leave or anything, will she?”

  “No, she’ll be fine. She’s knows you well enough now. You two just watch a movie or something,” she said as she patted him on the chest and made her way over to Madison.

  “Now, you be sweet and listen to Mr. Alec okay? Give mommy a kiss,” she said as she started to take off out the door.

  “Eskimo and Butterfly, Mommy,” Madison said, causing her to stop and turn back around.

  “I’m so sorry, I almost forgot,” she said as she knelt and did their goodbye ritual.

  “Love you, Mommy.”

  “Love you too, baby. You be good.”

  Alec followed her to the door.

  “I’ll be back as quickly as I can. Thank you for this, love you.” She kissed him quickly and took off down the hallway, before she even realized what she had done.

  * * *

  Katie Lyn was already done with her hair and makeup and waited backstage for the other girls to gather up to say a prayer before taking the stage. She was trying desperately to focus on just the music right now and not everything else in her life.

  She was in such a hurry to get to the concert and running around making sure Madison was okay and saying goodbye that she quickly kissed Alec and told him she loved him. But did she?

  She didn’t truly say I love you. She said love you. She says it all the time. To her mom and Cin and the other girls. It was her equivalent of see you later to those close to her. So, did that mean she now felt close to Alec? Was it too soon to say the L word? And most of all, what did Alec think about her saying it?

  The other girls gathered around as they joined hands.

  “Okay, girls, this is the last one for 2019, and tonight it’s all about you. Let’s make it the best one yet,” Val said.

  They bowed their heads as Katie Lyn lead them in prayer.

  “WTVY, your hometown country music station, and one of the proud sponsors of the National Peanut Festival, would like to welcome to the stage . . . LIPSTICK OUTLAWS!”

  The crowd at the outdoor stage started cheering as the girls walked on and took their places.

  They started the set with My Girls their fourth number one hit on the album, followed next by Black Pony, which was one of Katie Lyn’s favorite to sing.

  Then came Kiss Me Quick and she couldn’t help but think of Alec as she sang the song.

  The crowd was singing along with her when she started their first number one hit, Came to Nashville, and Katie Lyn was on top of the world. This crowd was out here for them and only them.

  * * *

  Alec had put on a movie for Madison while he sat and worked on Katie Lyn’s case. He hadn’t got the chance to talk to her yet, but it could wait. He was still in shock by not only her kiss, but the fact she said she loved him. So in shock, that he couldn’t even think straight to say it back before she took off. He just hoped and prayed she really meant it.

  He looked over at Madison, who was laying on the bed watching TV and, as promised, not disturbing him at all. He felt kind of bad that he didn’t watch a movie with her or maybe take her out to the movies, but he promised her mama they would stay put.

  He glanced over to the clock on the desk, it was 8 p.m. Katie Lyn should be heading on stage by now. He really wanted to watch her tonight, but duty called.

  “Okay, Madison, your mommy said that eight’s your bedtime, so what do we need to do?”

  Madison looked at him and started giggling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re an adult. You’re supposed to tell me what to do.”

  “Okay. You have a valid point.” Alec was still in lawyer mode as he tried to remember everything Katie Lyn told him about Madison’s bedtime routine. He could do this.

  “Well, you need to get in pajamas, nightgown or something, right?”

  She started nodding.

  “Good. Where’s your bag?”

  “Right there.” She pointed to the chair by the door. “I’ll get it,” she said as she jumped off the bed and went to get it.

  Madison ran to the bathroom, shutting the door and moments later came running back out. Alec was amazed how quickly the child was dressed and standing in front of him in her Minnie Mouse jammies.

  “Okay, I guess that’s it, then. Go ahead and get into bed.”

  “Uh uh,” Madison said.

  “What did I forget?”

  “My teeth.” She grinned and pointed to her mouth, showing him all of her sparkling white teeth.

  “Oh yeah, of course. Do you need me to help you brush?”

  “No, I got it.” She ran back into the bathroom

  This time she took a little longer, and he was about to go check on her when she finally returned.

  “I’m done.”

  “Did you brush them good?” he asked, remembering the phrase his mom used when he was a little boy.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay, then I guess you should get in bed now.”

  “I have to say my prayers first.”

  “Oh yeah, I’m sorry I forgot. So, go ahead and say them.”

  “Not here, over there.” She walked over to the bed and knelt beside it.

  “Come on you have to join me, like Mommy does.”

  Alec knelt beside her.

  “Now bow your head and hold your hands like this.”

  Alec mimicked her hands and bowed his head as Madison lead the prayer.

  “Now I lay me down to sleep,

  I pray the Lord my soul to keep:

  May God guard me through the night

  And wake me with the morning light.”

  “Amen?” Alec said, opening one eye to see if she was done.

ot yet. I forgot the most important part.”

  “I’m sorry, please continue.”

  “Please bless Mommy and Nana, and Ms. Val, Auntie Cin Cin, Ms. Mac, Ms. Taylor, Ms. Rissa, Ms. C.C. . . .”

  Alec wondered if he was being suckered when she started going down the list of the entire road crew, until she finally finished.

  “And especially Mr. Alec, who stayed with me and helps my mommy.”

  Alec was touched.

  “Now we say it,” Madison whispered.

  “Say what?” He whispered back.


  “Oh, okay. Let’s say it together.”


  “Okay, now it’s time to get in bed, young lady.”

  Madison climbed into bed as Alec helped her cover up.

  “Will you read me a story?”

  He was caught off guard by her request.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have any children’s books with me. Just a bunch of legal papers.”

  “My book is over there.” She pointed to the other nightstand.

  Alec leaned over and grabbed the heavy pink book full of Disney Princess stories.

  “Does your mommy read to you every night?”

  “No, just Nana. Mommy never reads to me.”

  “How come?” He looked at her thinking how odd it was for her to say that.

  “She can’t.”

  “She can’t? You mean she’s too busy with her music, right?”

  “No, she can’t read.”

  Alec was stunned that Madison was saying this about her mother.

  “What do you mean by she can’t read?”

  “Words look funny to her, so she has a hard time reading. Nana helps her, though, but please don’t tell Mommy I told you. She doesn’t like for anyone to know.”

  “Okay, sweetie. I promise.”

  It all started clicking in Alec’s brain. Why Katie Lyn always insisted her mother or Cinnamon was with her during any discussions. They were helping her. The words looked funny to her. Could it be possible she has dyslexia? That had to be it. Did Trevor know this, when he forced her to sign the divorce agreement? Did the lawyer accept her signature knowing that there was no way she could have read the documents? If that’s true, he could have the other document thrown out. He finally had the loophole he’d been praying for. He couldn’t wait to start digging, but he had to take care of a very important assignment first.

  “Which story would you like me to read?

  “Little Mermaid.”

  “Of course.” He smiled.

  * * *

  Katie Lyn was exhausted by the time she made it back to the hotel. She had to stay later than expected for interviews and fan meet and greets. It was past midnight. She first texted her mother to make sure she was doing okay and if she needed anything. She hadn’t heard from Alec, so she assumed everything was okay with Madison.

  She quietly stepped into the room. Tippy toeing in, she looked over to see Madison fast asleep in the king-sized bed. The room was almost completely dark except for the small desk lamp, where Alec was sitting with his head on the desk.

  She appreciated him for everything he was doing, and it was sweet of him to agree to watch Madison tonight. She doubted many guys would do that. It was one of the reasons she had been afraid to date all these years. No guy wanted a girl with a kid, was her theory.

  But Alec was different. She could tell he really cared for Madison. The two were bonding so well and Madison was usually very shy around adult men. Maybe because he was there that day, and was the first to hold her, when she came into this world. Could it be possible that they could develop a father and daughter bond like that?

  She gently touched his shoulder, hoping she didn’t startle him.

  Alec began to stir, and Katie Lyn was embarrassed when he awoke to find her standing there staring at him.

  “Hey,” he said as he sat up and yawned.

  “Hey. I’m sorry I had to wake you, but it’s late.”

  “No, it’s okay.” He stopped and looked over her shoulder to check Madison.

  Katie Lyn was impressed, to say the least.

  “Was she a lot of trouble?”

  “No. Of course not. She was an angel.”

  “Really?” she said, thankful that her daughter remembered to behave herself.

  “Yes, she was. You’ve done a good job with her. She didn’t give me an ounce of trouble.”

  “I try, but it’s been hard raising her by myself. And now, being on the road, I just hope Trevor can’t use that against me. I don’t want to give up singing, but I will if I have to. I can’t lose my daughter.”

  “Don’t talk like that. You’re doing fine, and I’ll make sure you keep your daughter. Madison belongs with you.”

  “Thank you and thanks again for watching her.”

  “No problem.”

  Katie Lyn watched as he got up and started gathering his things. He hadn’t mentioned the fact she said she loved him and now she wondered if maybe he didn’t hear her. She should be relieved, but she wasn’t.

  “Is all of that just on my case? You said you had some things to go over with me. Did you need to do that now?”

  “No, it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Oh good. I was going to stay a few more days. I’m not riding the bus back home, since Mama is sick.”

  “How’s she doing by the way?”

  “She said she’s feeling a little better, just tired.”

  “That’s good. Did you want to meet for breakfast in the morning?”

  “We can, but not too early. I want to sleep in since it doesn’t look like I’ll be working out tomorrow.”

  “That’s fine. Get some rest and I’ll call you in the morning,” he said before kissing her on the temple and walking out of the room.

  Katie Lyn stood there and didn’t know what to think. He didn’t kiss her, and he didn’t say anything about the I love you she’d said earlier. He just left. Was she reading their relationship all wrong?


  “Honey, why don’t you call and have lunch with him? I’m feeling much better now. I can watch Madison until you’re done. He’s already called your phone three times since I came over this morning.”

  Katie Lyn wasn’t sure she wanted to call him back. She was still a little hurt that he didn’t mention the fact she said she loved him, last night. She was sure it was a brush off and now she knew why.

  Madison told her about her evening with Alec, including the part about how her mommy can’t read. Alec now knew her secret and obviously had second thoughts about her.

  It was fine, she told herself. Just because she has dyslexia didn’t mean she needed anyone’s sympathy. She had managed all these years, and she was learning each day how to overcome some of her obstacles.

  Her phone started ringing again. Katie Lyn looked at it and saw it was Alec once again. She stood there and just let it ring.

  “I think you’re being stubborn. So, he knows about the dyslexia? I’m sure that makes no difference to him. I see how he is around you. He cares about you, honey, and it’s obvious he’s not giving up on contacting you.”

  Her mother had a point, but by the time she reached for the phone the call stopped. She was about to return his call, when the hotel phone started ringing.


  “Wow, when you sleep in, you don’t mess around. Is everything okay? I thought we were on for breakfast this morning.”

  “I’m sorry. I was very tired.”

  “No apology necessary. I was just getting worried. How’s your mom and Madison?”

  “Mom’s feeling better and Madison is just fine. The girls dropped off some donuts this morning before they left, so we’re still stuffed.”

  “You ate one?”

  “No, I ate two. They were Krispy Kreme and they brought my favorite. Is that a problem?” She asked, snapping at him.

  “No, of course not. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. I can be downstairs in a few minutes to go over whatever it is you want to discuss. Mom said she could watch Madison.”

  “Great, I’ll see you in a few minutes then.”

  “Perfect,” she said before hanging up.

  “Well, that was a lovely conversation.” Her mother looked at her.

  “Just business. Strictly business, the way we should’ve kept it in the first place.”

  * * *

  Alec wasn’t sure what had happened or why she seemed angry with him. He thought they were getting closer. Did she not mean what she said last night?

  Maybe he should’ve said it back right away or said it when he said goodnight, but he wanted to talk to her first, and be upfront about everything. He wanted to discuss that day and let her know how much she and Madison meant to him. He also wanted to let her know about Waylon.

  He made the call to Waylon this morning and quit. Waylon wasn’t very happy about it, but he understood. In fact, it was almost if he knew it was going to happen.

  “I appreciate you calling me in person to let me know. So, I guess this means you’re going to finally move forward?”


  “Son, I may be getting older, but I ain’t senile. You’re in love with her, aren’t you?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now I need you to do one more thing for me.”

  Waylon gave him one last job, but it was going to be his biggest challenge yet and he had no idea how he was going to accomplish it. But he’d better think of something fast because his challenge was about to be face to face with him.

  “Good afternoon,” Katie Lyn said.

  “Good afternoon.” He stood to greet her but was once again caught off guard from the chill in her tone.

  This wasn’t going to go well.

  “Have a seat. Can I get you a coffee?”

  “No, I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with so I can get back to my mom and Maddie. We need to pack and get home.”

  “I thought you were going to stay a few days. The other girls already left on the bus, right?”


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