Dark On Me (Borrowed Faith Book 2)

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Dark On Me (Borrowed Faith Book 2) Page 30

by Ruby Rowe

  “That’s exactly why I should’ve said something when you two got together.”

  “If you had, I may have never met Zain.”

  “Does that mean you’re taking him back?”

  “Yes, and if he wasn’t so oblivious to my feelings, he’d already know it.” I push on my stomach. “I’m nervous about seeing him for the first time, and I’m nervous for you.”

  Suddenly hearing Z’s name, I flit my eyes to the radio, which I’d been ignoring as it played.

  “If you’re listening to this channel, then you better know my friend from the iconic band Borrowed Faith. Zain Richie, it’s always a pleasure. I hear you have a special request for our listeners.”

  “It should be illegal to be awake this damn early, Trenton,” Zain replies gravelly, “but I wanted to call to let your listeners know that I’ll be on Morning In The Bay in two sweet hours with a new and awesome friend of mine. After we chat with the classy Patty Dewitt, Borrowed Faith will hold a free concert outside to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community.”

  Z clears his throat, and I’m taken back to the days of waking up to his mischievous smile, unruly hair and sexy voice.

  “We know it’s short notice, but if you’re a believer in loving who you want to love and being the person you feel you are deep down in your fierce soul, regardless of what anyone else thinks, then come jam with us. Help Borrowed Faith blind the haters by wearing every color of the rainbow. Let’s show all those bastards what we stand for.”

  “You heard the man,” the DJ says. “Zain Richie is personally inviting you to a free concert that I’m sure will be legendary, so get your queer asses out of bed and don the fucking rainbow.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Zain exclaims.

  I struggle to release the breath my lungs are holding hostage.

  “I’m still so in love with that guy.”

  “Good thing since you’re about to see him.” Pulling into the parking lot of the studio, Landon stops at the guard shack and gives our names. We’re let through, and as we park, I feel the butterflies stirring in my stomach.

  Since I’ve already talked to Z, I didn’t expect to be this nervous, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Being in Zain Richie’s presence is like an out-of-body experience, where you leave your own and enter his magnifying bubble.

  I pray he’s still sober because as soon as I see his charming smile and feel his electric touch, I’m going to be putty in his hands all over again. I’m certain of it.



  “Come in,” I say after hearing a knock on my dressing room door. It opens, and upon seeing me, Olivia freezes.

  “Hi,” she says with a hesitant smile.

  I notice Landon’s not behind her. “Did your brother change his mind? Please say he didn’t.”

  “No,” she replies before shutting the door. “Someone ushered him to another dressing room.”

  “That’s a relief, but I’m even happier you’re here … and smiling.” Grinning, I stalk toward her. Her skin flushes pink and matches the hot-pink V-neck top she’s wearing.

  “I’m having flashbacks to the night I met you in person,” Liv says.

  “Same, except I had no idea then how much I’d love you now.”


  “Butterfly.” She presses her hand against my chest, stopping me from wrapping her in my arms. Her eyes roam over my face and body.

  “I can see that you’re clean and sober. You look amazing.”

  “I know.” I wink. “I’m hotter now, right?”

  “And more arrogant.”

  “Not possible.”

  Grabbing my bicep, she says, “Seriously, you’re all muscle.”

  “Yeah, I took up a new hobby.”

  She tilts her honey-brown eyes up at me as her tongue sweeps across her upper lip. Damn, I need a taste.

  “I like what I’m seeing and feeling.”

  Grabbing Liv’s face, I slam my lips to hers. I back her against the door to take what she’ll give me, and man, I feel how she wants to give me everything. As our tongues tangle, my girl shoves her body forward and wraps her leg around the back of my thigh.

  I kiss down her neck with an urgency I haven’t felt in weeks, and to feel a rush again–any kind, is exciting, but it’s like ecstasy to feel what Liv and I have together.

  “Babe, I missed you so much.” I pull her top and bra down until I can get her tit in my mouth.

  “Oh, God. I missed you, too.” While I suck on her nipple, I rub her pussy through her jeans. Liv moans. “Zain, yes.”

  My name has never sounded so good. “Pull down your pants.” As if she already knew what I was going to say, she has them undone and down her thighs in seconds … her panties, too. Reaching behind her, she locks the door.

  I drop to my knees and spread her legs apart. I smell her scent in an instant, and it’s all I can do not to drag her to the floor and fuck her.

  I groan, the need to taste her consuming me fiercely. Sinking my fingers inside her, I spread her lips apart, and go to town on her clit. She moans my name, and I’ll lick her a thousand times to hear it again and again.

  She weaves her fingers through my hair and tugs, bringing me closer. Liv’s desperate for more, and I’m happy to oblige. Fingering her deeply, I lap up her juices that are soaking my face. She’s gushing, so close to exploding, and once her body quakes against me, I know she’s officially mine again.

  “Shit, that was fast,” she murmurs between gasping breaths. “I missed your tongue.” Her legs are still shaking as I wipe my mouth and pull up her jeans.

  While she puts her boob back in place and buttons her pants, I absorb how pretty she looks. Her body is curvier, her skin glowing and hair shinier. It’s grown since I last saw it.

  I push my body against hers. “I’m sorry for everything. Tell me you forgive me for my bullshit. Please tell me you’re mine, or I won’t be able to take it.”

  She hugs my cheeks. “You’re forgiven. I’m yours, and I love you.”

  “What are we going to do about my tour?”

  “I hope you’re going to invite me on it.”

  Smiling, I loop a long strand of her hair around my finger.

  “You may find me boring now.”

  “Um, your fingers and mouth just entertained me thoroughly. I think we’ll find plenty of ways to stay busy.”

  “Don’t you want to see your designs in a store?”

  “I’d rather see them being worn by a handful of celebrities than on mannequins for my mother’s women’s group to judge. Someday, my designs may open other doors, but for now, I look forward to one thing: getting to know who the man Zain Richie is.”

  Looking at the ceiling, I swallow. “I’m still getting to know him.”

  “If you let me in, we’ll do it together. We’ll learn more about me, too.”

  Bringing her in for a hug, I kiss her head.

  “Thank you for not giving up on me. I’m wondering what I did to deserve it.”

  “You didn’t give up. You loved yourself and us enough to fight.”

  The knock on the door interrupts us. Pulling back, I widen my eyes and grin.

  “I may smell like pussy.”

  Liv covers her face in embarrassment as she steps aside for me to open the door.

  “And to think I was worried you’d be too different.”

  “Not a chance, babe.”


  My brother puffs out a breath and rubs his sweaty palms on his khakis as he sits in a white leather chair next to Zain. Landon never dresses flamboyantly, so a red polo shirt was as flashy as he felt comfortable appearing today. Zain’s wearing a bright yellow Borrowed Faith t-shirt.

  “Are we ready?” the news anchor, Patty Dewitt, asks the guys with a smile as she takes her seat across from them. Her short dark hair reminds me of Blair’s, but the lady is much shorter than my friend. She’s a tiny thing in a crisp purple suit.

  Blair arrived t
en minutes ago and is standing next to me at the side of the set, showing my family support like always. I grip her hand as studio employees give out commands for the morning show to go live again and for the interview segment to begin. Landon closes his eyes beneath the bright lights above him to gather his wits.

  Seeing him this stressed and vulnerable reminds me of when we were kids and he was only my baby brother. It was a time when he looked to me for guidance. For a few years now, our roles have been reversed, Landon often the one giving me advice and being a shoulder for me to cry on.

  I thought it was wrong since I was the older sibling, but I believe he’d step back in those shoes any day in place of where he’s standing this morning. Or, I should say sitting. Damn, his pale skin is almost matching his chair.

  “I hate this for him,” I murmur.

  Blair squeezes my hand. “He’s strong like you.”

  Apple, Nash and the rest of the band are lined up behind us, so I look back at them. Faith grips my shoulder.

  “Zain will get him through this if he stumbles. We always have each other’s backs in times like these, and you and Landon are part of our family now.”

  “Thank you, Faith.”

  “Good morning, Bay viewers. I’m Patty Dewitt, your source for the latest and juiciest entertainment news. We have a unique story for you today, one I believe you’ll find intriguing and inspiring.

  “With us is Zain Richie, the lead guitarist of the rock band Borrowed Faith, along with his friend Landon Bradford. Gentleman, it’s a pleasure to have you in our studio today.”

  “Thank you for having us, Patty.” Z flashes his megawatt grin, and I have to press my legs together as the memory of his mouth between them excites me all over again.

  “It’s good to be here,” Landon mumbles without conviction.

  “Oh, no,” I whisper. “I hope he doesn’t clam up.”

  “Zain, I look forward to you sharing with our viewers why you’re here today, but first I have to ask a question I’m certain many are wondering.”


  “You were recently in the headlines for your addiction and time in rehab. Do you mind telling those watching how you’re doing today?”

  “I’ve never felt better. My life is on track, and I’m working hard every day to maintain my sobriety. I’m grateful for the outpouring of support I’ve received from my bandmates and fans. It’s made all the difference, and I can’t wait to get back to touring.”

  “That’s wonderful to hear. And your love life…?” Lifting her eyebrows, Patty gives a flirty smile.

  Zain laughs. “Until recent months, that wasn’t a subject I could weigh in on, but I can report that I’ve been fortunate to get back together with Olivia Bradford.”

  “Is Ms. Bradford the reason you agreed to go to rehab?”

  Zain looks in my direction. “She wasn’t the only reason, but by far, one of the most important. I didn’t want to lose her.”

  “That’s endearing, and I wish the two of you the best. You came on the show to discuss a different topic, so let’s dive into that now.”

  Zain holds his hand out. “Through Olivia, I’ve been lucky to get to know her brother, Landon. He’s a cool guy and has something he’d like to share today. I’m here to support him one hundred percent.”

  The cameraman repositions his equipment as Patty directs her attention to Landon.

  “Welcome to the show, Mr. Bradford. What would you like to tell our viewers?”

  “I’m here to make a personal statement. Sharing this information is the hardest thing I’ve done in my life, but I’m going for it.” He clears his throat. “I’m gay, and I felt it was time to make it publicly known.”

  My brother’s Adam’s apple bobs with his stark swallow. Oh, shit. There’s no going back now.

  “Mr. Bradford, I mean no disrespect when I say this, but typically people don’t feel the need to make a public display when they come out about their sexual orientation. Tell us why you chose this avenue.”

  “Someone is using my homosexuality against my family for their personal gain, and I decided I wasn’t standing for it. I won’t cower out of secrecy or shame.”

  “For those watching who aren’t aware of your identity, Congressman Wendell Bradford is your father, correct?”

  “That’s true.”

  “Have you kept your sexual orientation a secret because of his political stance on homosexuality and same-sex marriages?”

  “I have kept it a secret because of my father’s career, yes.”

  “Are your parents supportive of your sexual orientation?”

  Landon’s silence extends beyond a few seconds, so I pull my hand free from Blair’s and cover my mouth.

  “Currently, they do not support that I’m gay. I’m hoping with time, that will change.”

  “Are you trying to get back at them by coming out this way?”

  He shakes his head in an instant. “No. I’ve only tried to protect my family and my father’s career from the backlash they could receive by me coming out. I came on the show because of the other person threatening to hurt me and those I love and also because being gay is a truth I didn’t want to hide any longer.”

  “Will you give the name of this person you claim is a threat to you and your family?”

  “Not at this time, and I’m hoping it won’t come to that.” Landon moves his attention away from Patty and directly to the camera. “I want to make something clear. I’m not ashamed of my homosexuality. That’s not why I kept it a secret. I’ve only been ashamed for people to know that my family doesn’t support it. That’s what saddens me.” He looks at Zain.

  “My sister chose to be with Zain Richie, which is something else my parents have never approved of. Olivia and Zain helped me realize that I can’t live to please my parents. I need to live the life I want.

  “I’m hoping by coming out on this show, others still hiding their sexual orientation will take a stand. In doing so, maybe more closed-minded people will open their eyes and ears and learn that we’re not all wired the same. I can’t force myself to be attracted to women any more than Zain Richie can force himself to be attracted to men. Being gay was not a choice I made.

  “When my sister and I were kids, our mother would punish us if we colored outside the lines in our coloring books. It’s always stuck with me since how we colored at that age was out of our control and something that someone, at some point in time, decided was the right way it should be done.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks as my brother’s eyes water.

  “To all the close-minded parents out there, I’m here to say that your children shouldn’t only be allowed to color outside the lines; they should be allowed to live outside them. Please … accept your kids for who they are and want to be. Accept who they choose to love, regardless of their sexual orientation.”

  Gripping Landon’s shoulder, Zain shakes it lightly, and they both smile.

  “Wow, those were emotional words, Mr. Bradford. Mr. Richie, do you have anything you’d like to add?”

  “Yes. I stand behind everything Landon said. I may be heterosexual, but I definitely don’t live inside the lines. I’m striving to be a better man, but I’ll always be brazen and different, and I’ve found acceptance from my amazing tribe.” Zain points at the camera. “If those in your circle don’t accept you for who you are, then find a tribe who will. You don’t have to feel alone.”

  “There you have it, Bay viewers. I must say, the two young gentleman before me are wiser than their years. It’s been a pleasure to speak with both of you today. Landon, I commend your bravery and openness and wish you nothing but happiness.” Patty turns to the camera. “We have to take a break, but stay tuned for what I’m sure will be an unforgettable performance by the band Borrowed Faith.”

  The show cuts to commercials, and Landon and Zain stand. Once they’ve exchanged hugs with Patty, they head off stage. I wrap my arms around Landon and transfer all the love I can through ou
r hug.

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that about Mom.”

  Clutching his shoulders, I look him in the eyes.

  “She hurt us both physically and emotionally, and our father let her. They’ve never once been held accountable for their actions. Today’s about owning the truth. You told it, and honestly, you spared our parents the worst of it. It’s time for them to decide what to do with the news they’ve been given.”

  Hearing my phone ding, I pull it out of my purse.

  Ken: You fucking win.

  Snickering, I hold my phone up for the others to read.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Zain says before he encases me in his arms.

  “I’m so proud of you,” I murmur. “Standing up for my brother and saying what you did without knowing how your fans would respond was brave.”

  “You both come first.” Glancing at Landon and Nash, Zain whispers, “I have a brilliant idea.” He nods at Nash, “Hey, I don’t think you’ve officially met Olivia’s brother, Landon.” The two smile at each other before shaking hands.

  “I remember you from the bar,” Landon says. I watch as they check each other out. Holy crap. With their matching polos, neat haircuts and reserved personalities, I could totally see them together. “It’s great to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Nash replies.

  Zain claps his hands. “All right. Let’s go put on a kick-ass show.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Faith says. “Lead your queen to the glorious rainbow.”

  We laugh and head through the building to a door that exits into the parking lot. We’ve made it this far on our crazy journey. Let’s see if we can wrap this up with a bang.


  After positioning my guitar in front of me, I glance at my bandmates who nod that they’re ready. Nash opens the door and steps into the sunlight before the rest of us follow him outside and run up on the makeshift, elevated stage.


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