The Creative Kitty: AMBW romance (The Kitty Chronicles)

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The Creative Kitty: AMBW romance (The Kitty Chronicles) Page 9

by Siren Allen

  Willow wiped her eyes with her free hand. “It’s not easy to let love in. Love is stupid. Love makes you do stupid stuff. I don’t have time for it. I have to focus on work, so that I don’t lose my job.”

  “Your job, yes, that’s another hazy area in your life. You seem to be struggling there.”

  “Another generic prediction.”

  “You’re not really struggling. There’s someone blocking your path. You have to think outside the box to overcome this person. You know what?” The oracle released her hand. “I have something that will help you in your work life and love life.”

  “Yeah right. And how much is it going to cost me? Half month’s rent.”

  “It’s free.”


  “Yes. You can have it for free. And if it helps you, I want you to tell your friends about me, okay?”

  Willow shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. Actually, she was excited as hell. “Okay.”

  “First, your friends have to step outside. This is a private matter.”

  “Uh, no. That sounds shady.”

  “Right,” Kizzy said.

  The oracle sighed. “Just step back, out of hearing range. Trust me, Willow, you don’t want them to hear this.” The oracle winked at her.

  Willow glanced over her shoulder. “Step back guys.”

  “You’re just going to tell us anyway,” Dez pointed out.

  “Then let me tell you later. Step back.”

  “Ugh, Willow.”

  But, they both stepped back. Once they were out of hearing range, the oracle left the room.

  “I don’t trust her,” Kizzy said.

  “You’re the one who forced me into the seat.”

  “Maybe we should leave,” Kizzy told her.

  “No. I want to see what she has for me. Here she comes. Shush.”

  The oracle re-entered the room caring a black box. She sat the box down on the table, before taking a seat herself.

  “Go ahead,” she told Willow. “Open it.”

  Hand shaking slightly, Willow opened the box. Her mouth dropped open. “It’s... beautiful,” Willow whispered. She stared up at the oracle. “What is it?”

  The woman chuckled. “It’s called, the Lapis Lazuli stone massager.” The woman reached over and pulled the clear seal away from the object.

  “Ohhh.” A massager. That was a bit of a letdown. Willow had been expecting something magical.

  The oracle leaned closer to Willow and whispered, “Just think of it as a magical phallus.”


  “What is it?” Her roommates yelled and started to rush forward.

  “Stay back,” the oracle shouted.

  “Yeah,” Willow told them. “Stay back.” She was too embarrassed to show them what she’d been given. Basically, this chick was saying that a stone dildo was going to solve all of her problems.

  “So, this...” Willow whispered. “This thing... is a dildo?” It was long and hard. So, yeah, it was kind of dildo-ish. It was also blue with streaks of gold inside of it. It was beautiful.

  “It’s a massager. For all those hard to reach places.” The woman winked. “Those places men find hard to reach.”

  The G-Spot. So, yea, this was a fancy dildo. Willow picked it up, but shifted in her seat to keep her nosy roommates from seeing it. She turned it upside down.

  “There’s no switch,” Willow pointed out.

  “It’s not a vibrator, dear. It’s a Lapis Lazuli massager.”

  Willow sighed and set the item back into the box. Not only was it an useless item, it was the kind that didn’t shake. What was she supposed to do with that thing?

  “Use this massager tonight, and tomorrow, you will feel better.”

  Fraud. That’s what this woman was. “How is this supposed to help me? Seriously? I was starting to believe you then you come out with this.”

  “Continue believing me and use it. Then you will see that it is very beneficial. Not only to the mental blockage you have going on, but also to the drought you have going down there.”

  Willow’s mouth dropped open. “Did you just... did you just say my pus... my... private area is in a drought?”

  The woman nodded. “All women go through a dry spell. But you’ve gone too long without the vitamin D. You are reaching desert status.”


  “You know, like the Sahara.”

  “You little....”

  “No name calling. I’m just being honest. This stone phallus will help you in more ways than one. You work in a field that demands high energy and creativity, correct?”

  Willow nodded.

  “This stone can help you remove barriers that are preventing you from reaching your highest potential in those areas. It also encourages honesty of the spirit.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It will help you be honest with yourself. But it’s up to you whether or not you share that honesty with those around you. It also protects against negativity and empowers you to live your dreams.’

  Willow stared down at the stone. All of those benefits were things she desperately needed. However, she’d never heard of a stone being able to do that. Especially not a stone dick.

  “This still feels like a scam.”

  “How? I’m gifting this to you. Free of charge. And it’s never been touched by anyone but you. You saw me remove the seal. Willow, this will work. Most of my customers don’t even know I sell these.”

  “Why me then? Why give it to me?”

  “When I held your hand, I felt your internal and external struggle. Your chakras are unbalanced. Your work life is unbalanced. Your love life is unbalanced. And you can fix it. You don’t need a man to solve your problems. You can do it yourself. But you doubt yourself more than you compliment yourself. You need a booster. A pick me up.”

  “A cup of coffee can do that.”

  “Not the way this can. After one use, you will see its benefits. Take it.” The woman pushed the box closer to Willow. I must close now.”

  “Wait. I, uh, I don’t like receiving free gifts.”

  “I know.”

  “Right. Willow pulled a ten-dollar bill from her purse. “I’m sure this doesn’t cover it. But, I don’t normally carry cash and this is all I have.”

  The oracle took the money. “Thank you for your purchase. Please come again. Enjoy your night. Seriously.” The lady winked at Willow.

  Cheeks heating in embarrassment, Willow stood up, taking the box with her then turned and left the room. She ignored her roommates’ questions as she walked out the shop

  Behind her, she could’ve sworn she heard the oracle say, “Cat, you bring me the strangest people. But this one, I like. I’m happy I got a chance to help this one.”

  Willow stopped and looked back. See didn’t see a cat or the Oracle.

  “Let’s go.” Dez grabbed her arm. “This place is starting to give me the creeps. Seriously, Willow, what’s in that box?”

  “A chakra-stone. I have to keep it in my room to ward off negative energy.”

  “It’s that all that is?” Kizzy whined. “I was hoping for something more magical.”

  As they walked home, Willow stared down at the box. By tomorrow, she’d know if it was magical or not. When they made it home, she didn’t fight the others for the right to use the bathroom.

  She waited until they were done and in bed before she took her shower. Clad in her towel, with her damp hair falling over her shoulder, Willow entered her room after her bath and locked the door behind her.

  She walked over to her bed and stared down at the box. Was she really about to do this? She’d already taken the magical dong to the bathroom and rinsed it off. There was no way she was putting it in her body without cleaning it first.

  Shit. She didn’t have any KY jelly. She’d have to buy some before she used the Lapis whatever the woman called it. Lapis Lazuli Stone Phallus. That was it. Willow picked the box up and put it on her nightstand. />
  Then she finished drying off and putting on lotion before getting in bed, naked. She liked to sleep in her birthday suit. Sleeping in clothes caused her to sweat during the night. She hated sweating, which was part of the reason she despised working out.

  Lying underneath her covers, Willow stared up at her ceiling. She wasn’t sleepy. She glanced at the box. She’d used it tomorrow night. Tonight, she wasn’t in the mood. Plus, she didn’t have any lubrication.

  And she definitely wasn’t going to check and see if her roomies had some. Willow tore her gaze away from the box and resumed ceiling gazing. Immediately, her mind strayed to the events that occurred today.

  They’d had a cat living in their house and didn’t know it. She’d kissed Kang. Olivia had bad-mouthed her proposal. She’d kissed Kang. Lee, the marketing extraordinaire had came to her defense. She’d kissed Kang.

  Ugh! Willow grabbed a pillow and placed it over her face to muffle her screams. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? And why had the oracle been on point with her insight on Willow’s feelings.

  It was true, Willow did care for Kang. And not in the way a sister cares for her brother. But, in the way a woman cares for a man. What happened in the hallway was proof of that. And now he knew.

  Ugh. She emitted more screams, before tossing her pillow to the other side of the bed. She glanced at the black box again. Maybe playing with a blue dick would put her in a better mood.

  Even if the thing wasn’t magical, at least it would give her something to do. Plus, she’d get a guaranteed orgasm out of the deal. With real men, orgasms were never guaranteed. They were always a hit and miss.

  Sometimes you got one. Most of the times you didn’t. That wasn’t an issue when she pleasured herself. And though the oracle said her pussy was experiencing a drought, that didn’t mean it couldn’t get wet.

  Willow slid her hand underneath the covers, rubbing her palm over her stomach then lower until she reached her clit. Using one finger, she massaged her clit, slowly at first, until desire bloomed inside her.

  Closing her eyes, she massaged herself faster and allowed her imagination to run wild. She was alone in her room, her comfort zone. She could think about all the nasty things she’d liked to do to Kang.

  There was no one around to judge her. No one around to tell her she was wrong for thinking about him in that way, despite the way he’d treated her over the years. Here, alone in her room, she could imagine how their life could’ve turned out if she hadn’t been afraid of commitment.

  Willow gyrated her hips as she imagined what sex with Kang would be like. Though she’d known him all her life, she’d never seen him naked. However, she had seen the imprint of his cock a couple of times.

  In college, he was on the swim team and had to wear that tight uniform the guys wore. There was no hiding the monster between his legs when wearing that. That uniform was the reason so many girls in school had fallen in love with him.

  And, he’d paid them no attention. He’d never been the playboy type. But that imprint had been the star of many of her fantasies, just like it was the star of the one she was having now.

  She was pretty sure her body could accommodate him. That’s what it was made for. He would fit. It may take him a while to sink every inch of him inside, but she knew they’d be able to get the job done.

  Once inside, she’d tell him to take it slow, so she could savor the feel of his dick deep inside her. But knowing Kang, he’d be unable to take it slow. He’d thrust into her hard and deep, reaching all of those hard to reach places.

  And Willow would allow it, because she wasn’t a fan of gentle lovemaking. She liked it hard. There was nothing wrong with a little pain during pleasure. She wanted her ass smacked and her hair pulled.

  She wanted to bite into his shoulder as he slammed into her repeatedly while moaning her name. Willow’s hips jerks. Her body was ready. And it needed more than her fingers. She stared over at the box on her nightstand.

  Her body needed to be fucked. Using her other hand, she lifted the lid on the box and retrieved the Lapis Lazuli stone massager... the big blue and gold dick. With her other hand, she rubbed lower, until her fingers were sinking into her juices.

  She rubbed some of that wetness over the stone phallus before positioning the head of it at her entrance. Moving slowly, she eased the stone in until it was seated deeply inside of her.

  Willow’s heart began to race. A shiver raced down her spine. Her desire rose a notch. Suddenly, she found herself unable to be still. She pulled the stone out and pushed it back in. She gasped at the pleasure that one thrust created.

  Willow threw the covers off of her and stared down. Was this stone really magical? She gyrated against the phallus. Spirals of pleasure radiated from her core and spread all over her body.

  Her hips jerked. She’d never cum fast in her life. It usually took a lot of foreplay and deep, deep penetration to make her come undone. Most men didn’t put in the type of effort needed for her to have an orgasm.

  With her Lapis Lazuli massager, she came quicker than she’d ever cum in her life. She bit her lip, almost drawing blood as her orgasm crashed into her, causing her body to rock. For a long time, she lay there trembling, unable to believe she’d brought herself to that type of orgasm.

  She lay there for about thirty minutes before she was finally able to move. Another shiver raced down her spine when she slid the magical phallus out of her body. This blue and gold dick was definitely a keeper.

  She put on her robe then went to the bathroom and washed her phallus and took another shower. When she returned to bed, she gently placed her new best friend back in its case.

  She couldn’t wait to wake up in the morning and write about her experience in her diary. Hell, she couldn’t wait until tomorrow night to use her toy again. All the tension from the trials she’d faced that day were gone from her body.

  Her mind felt clearer than it had in a long time. And it was all thanks to a magical dick. Willow fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Nine

  It was a beautiful day.

  The sun was shining brightly. The birds were chirping excitedly. And Willow was at her favorite place. Work. Seated across the desk from Lee, the marketing expert, Willow watched him flip through her new proposal folder.

  She’d gotten up early that morning and typed it up. She’d showed it to her roomies on the way to work and they loved it. Now, she just needed Lee’s approval. She’d let him work on getting it approved by Kang.

  “Willow, I like this. I really like it. This screams summer fun. And it’s sexy.”

  “I know right.” Willow crossed her legs. She wasn’t used to wearing dresses to work. But this felt like a dress day.

  “So, no jewelry?” He asked.

  “Not for this campaign. I want to save that idea for our Valentine’s day campaign. Kang was right. It’s a little late to be trying to get jewelry made. Even if Shao is a jewelry making god.”

  “He is. The best in Korea and Taiwan.”

  “Which means our February campaign is going to be awesome. We’ll have plenty of time to perfect the design. For the Summer Lovin campaign, I only want the perfume. No cologne. We’re leaving the fellas out of this one.”

  “That’s the part we’ll have problems with when it comes to Kang. Our other companies always put out a perfume and a cologne for each campaign.”

  “Which is why we need to be different. And this one, is only for a limited time. Maybe we can bring it out every summer.”

  “I like it. Still, it’s going to be a hard sale for Kang.”

  “I’m sure you can make him come around to see things our way.”

  “You put too much faith in me, Ms. Thompson.”

  “Nonsense. You’re the marketing guru, if you think it’s a good idea, that means it’s good.”

  “I think your idea for the shape of the bottle is what’s going to make women flock to it.”

  “A heart shaped bottle
that looks like it has a drop of sweat dripping down the side of it will be perfect. It’s the type of bottle women will not want to throw away. Even when they’re done with it, they will keep it on their shelves for decoration.”

  “It’s this limited time thing that I don’t like. If the campaign does well, I think we should keep the item on the shelves. This is a good idea.”

  “That works too. We can say, do to your amazing response, we’ve decided to keep Summer Lovin all year round.”

  “Look at you, thinking like a marketing guru.”

  Willow blushed.

  “I’ll take this to Kang and get his approval. Are you sure you don’t want to sit in on that meeting?”

  “I’m positive.” Willow stood up. “Let me know how much he yells once he hears it. If he yells loudly, that means we’re good. If he’s calm about it, that’s not good.”

  Lee chuckled. “You know our VP well.”

  “Of course, I do. He’s my best frie... I mean.... We used to be...” Shit.

  “I’ll take these to Kang,” Lee told her. “I’ll make sure it gets approved.”

  “Thanks. I’ll leave first.”

  “You’ve learned a lot from Kang.”


  “I’ll leave first. That’s not something Americans often say.”

  “Oh, right.” Pushing her hair behind her ear, Willow chuckled. “I picked that up in the Kang household. I still stay it. It’s a habit. People usually look at me crazy when I say it.” Willow shrugged. “Old habits are hard to break. I’ll go now. You have a lot to do and I don’t want to hold you up.”

  Lee nodded. Willow left his office. In the hallway, she smoothed out the imaginary wrinkles on her navy-blue dress as she tried to pull herself together. To get to the elevator, she had to go pass Kang’s office.

  She’d been able to avoid him when she came to Lee’s office this morning, due to the fact that Kang and Nahm had been in a meeting with the finance department when she arrived. Kang was really making the rounds.

  Hopefully, he was still busy. Willow took a deep breath, then started walking down the hall. The closer she got to his closed office door, the more nervous she felt. She didn’t know why.


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