Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 15

by Honey Phillips

  Trying not to think too hard about why she was doing it, she slipped into the guest bathroom and took a lightning fast shower. Her body already felt hypersensitized, her nipples diamond hard and a constant low ache pulsing between her legs.

  Wrapped only in a towel, she reluctantly returned to the guest bedroom. This room, too, had a touch of Judy’s unique style, looking like it belonged in a Victorian household with a heavily carved four-poster bed and matching dresser, blue damask wallpaper and a tufted blue velvet fainting couch. As she made her way into the corner, the tears started to slip down her cheeks. She felt very small and guilty and by the time T’chok finally appeared, she was a sobbing mess.

  “I am pleased that you obeyed me, little girl.”

  Her breath caught when she heard his voice. She started to turn to him, but he stopped her. “Stay where you are until I give you permission to move.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She heard him moving around the room behind her as she kept her nose pressed to the wall. Her knees trembled and she was very conscious of her bare bottom exposed to his view. One hand started to snake back to cover the vulnerable flesh.

  “No, R’chel. Do I need to tie you down to make sure you obey?”

  Another flash of unwilling lust coursed through her, but she shook her head violently. “No, sir. I’ll behave.”

  “Good girl.” She could feel him behind her now, heat emanating from his big body, although he was not actually touching her. His arms reached out to the wall, surrounding her on both sides. As he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, she saw his horns curve over her head, leaving her caged, but she felt safe rather than imprisoned. She held her position, even though she longed to push back into the warmth and safety of his body.

  “Do you know why I’m going to punish you?”

  “Y-yes, sir”

  “Tell me.”

  “I didn’t trust you. I ran away.”

  His warm breath was a teasing whisper against her ear, awakening the sensitive flesh. “Yes, my zuzu. If you had waited—”

  “I know. I realized that you could have gone after Benji today instead of chasing after me. I’ll never forgive myself if he’s harmed because of the delay.”

  “You put yourself in danger.” His voice hardened. “You entered a vehicle belonging to a strange male.”

  “You know about that?” she whispered.

  His hands clenched against the wall and she saw his claws spring out, longer than she had ever seen them.

  “I know. I tracked his vehicle and I found him. He will no longer attempt to rape vulnerable females.”

  T’chok’s tone left no doubt as to the man’s fate. She supposed she should feel sorry for the loss of a life but, remembering the terror she had experienced at his hands, she felt nothing but satisfaction.

  “Do you know how I felt when I discovered traces of your blood in his vehicle?” His voice was still hard, but she could also hear the pain beneath his anger and her heart cracked. She knew how devastated she would have been if she thought something had happened to this alien that she had grown to love so much. To love? The thought flooded her with an unexpected certainty but before she had a chance to examine it, T’chok stepped back from behind her and she immediately missed his closeness.

  “Turn around.”

  He had removed his shirt and the wide utility belt but retained the tight uniform pants. Her eyes dropped to the enormous bulge accented by the heavier fabric that protected his genitals. Forcing her gaze from the arousing, and intimidating, sight, her eyes traveled up over his tight stomach and the dusting of silky black hair covering his massive chest. A spot of bright red, high on one shoulder caught her attention, and she gasped as she realized that he was bleeding.

  “T’chok, you’re hurt. What happened? Was it that man?”

  “That weakling? Of course not. He only appeared strong when confronting those smaller than himself.” He cupped her injured cheek gently, as he had done earlier. “All Yehrin warriors have a tracking chip. I removed mine.”

  “But why?”

  “I meant what I said earlier. I will not let you go again. If we returned, we would be separated, and I will not permit that.” He didn’t go into detail, but she suspected that her escape attempt would be a reason to remove her from the breeding females and send her to an actual Yehrin prison the way Bambi had been sent. She couldn’t let him go on the run with her.

  “But you’re a warrior.” She had seen the way he interacted with his men, knew the easy confidence of his command only too well.

  “I will remain a warrior no matter where I am located. I am your warrior, my zuzu. I claim you as my L’chka.”

  “That’s what T’lan called Emily. He said that she was his... mate.” She bit her lip but didn’t look away. His strange eyes were very blue as they looked into hers.

  “Mate, wife, breeder, beloved. It means many things. Most of all, it means that you are mine. Do you accept my claim?”

  Warmth filled her but one part of his speech made her hesitate. “Breeder?”

  “Yes, my zuzu. I wish to fill you with my seed and watch you grow plump with our child.”

  Rachel twisted her fingers together. “I don’t think I’m ready for that. Benji has been more like a son than a brother. I love him and I’m glad to have been there for him but I’m not sure that I’m ready for another child.”

  “Then we will wait.” A black claw, no longer long and threatening, lifted her chin. “I will not lie. I very much wish to have a child with you, but I do not want you for that reason.” A shadow crossed his face. “And it is possible that it may not occur, even if we both wish it. It is true that M’lee is with child by a Yehrin male but that does not mean that it will happen again. We have been… unlucky where breeding is concerned.”

  “What if it doesn’t happen with me?” This time she had to look away. The thought of him with those other females still hurt. “You tried so many times before.”

  “I entered into those breeding contracts for the good of my race. I am claiming you as my L’chka for my own sake. Because I love you and I will not live without you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “You love me?”

  “Of course, R’chel. How could you doubt it?”

  More tears, of happiness this time, filled her eyes.

  “I love you, T’chok. I accept your claim.”

  “My L’chka.” His mouth came down over hers, claiming her in a demanding kiss that left her no choice but to respond. She clung to him, loving his strength, his fierceness, and the underlying tenderness she felt in the way he cradled her so gently, even while wringing every drop of response from her. When he raised his head, satisfaction filled his face, but then he frowned.

  “I must tend to your wounds before we continue.” He reached for a small container. “This is healing gel. It will relieve the discomfort.”

  She stood obediently as he smoothed the cool gel over her cheek before moving down her body, tending every scratch and bruise with gentle hands. The careful inspection, his big hands moving over her body, even the growl that emerged when he discovered additional damage, they all combined to make her feel both cared for and aroused. By the time he was finished, she was flushed and glowing. He dropped a quick, hard kiss on her lips, then stepped back.

  “And now, my zuzu, it is time for your punishment.”

  She shivered, not entirely from fear, but could detect no respite in his eyes. He led her over to the bed but did not put her on it. Instead, he took a pillow from the quantity neatly arranged at the head of the bed and threw it to the ground.

  “On your knees,” he ordered, and she shivered again but knelt before him. He was even taller from this angle, and she swallowed hard as her eyes traveled up his body. She wasn’t afraid exactly. She felt small and helpless, but more excited than scared.

  “Unfasten my uniform. The release is here.” He brought her hands up to a small catch on either side of his narrow hips. The mat
erial fell away and his cock sprang out. She couldn’t prevent the gasp that escaped her lips. Other than the brief glimpse across the room when they were in his quarters, she had never seen it. Indeed, she had never seen a penis in real life before, although she doubted that human men were so well-equipped. She bit her lip as she took in the close-up view. The swollen head was so dark it was almost black, already glistening with excitement. The thick, undulating shaft barely narrowed as it led down to a wide base and this close, she could see the faint ridges that covered the surface. Her tongue came out to moisten suddenly dry lips and she heard him groan.

  T’chok’s cock throbbed at the sight of his little human kneeling before him. Her eyes were enormous as she studied him, expression nervous and excited. When her small pink tongue swept across her lips, he could not withhold his groan.

  “Take me in your hand,” he ordered.

  Tentatively, she reached out and attempted to close her hand around his shaft. Her hand was too small—her fingers could not close around him—and her touch was so delicate that he could barely feel her soft skin, but he had never felt so excited before.

  “Use both hands,” he urged, but even with both hands stacked together, she couldn’t cover his length. She squeezed gently, curiously, and he felt his balls tighten. Forcing himself under control, he placed his hand on top of hers and showed her how to stroke him.

  “Oh. It’s rough, like your tongue. I bet that feels amazing.” She blushed, looking adorably confused but his teeth were clenched too hard against the pleasure of her touch for him to respond.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she confessed.

  Possessive satisfaction roared through him and enabled him to speak. “Then you will learn with me. And you will never do it for any other male. Put your mouth on me.”

  That small pink tongue reappeared, licking her own lips before sweeping gently across his weeping cockhead.

  “Like this?”

  “More,” he managed to get out. Tongue circling him, she explored, licking tentatively down his shaft before returning to sweep back and forth across the top. Growing bolder, she dipped into the slit, sending ripples of pleasure down his spine.

  “Mm. You taste so good. Should I… would you like me to suck you?” Her face reddened and her voice was barely audible.

  “Yes,” he growled. He slid his hand into the silken curtain of her hair and urged her gently forward. Her lips stretched wide as they closed around him. Even though his cock was barely within the moist warmth of her mouth, his balls tightened, and he felt a tingle at the base of his spine. Her tongue flicked across the sensitive underside and he used his hand to encourage her to take more of him. Her mouth stretched wider and he knew that she was reaching the limits for her first time. He prepared to draw back but she grabbed him more firmly and sucked, hard. With a helpless roar, he came, seed gushing from his loins in a heated torrent. She choked a little but tried to swallow everything he gave her until he was left shuddering in her grasp, his cock still jerking in an ecstasy of pleasure.

  “Wow.” She let him slip out of her mouth with a gentle lick that sent another shudder through him. “I had no idea that would be so satisfying.” She sat back on her heels and grinned at him. “Was that supposed to be a punishment?”

  Recovering as rapidly as possible, he resumed his warrior’s mask. “Oh, no, little girl. That was so I could concentrate on your needs. Your punishment is just beginning.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Rachel instinctively drew back, guilt and apprehension replacing the satisfaction she felt at pleasing him. T’chok pulled back the covers, then sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Come here, R’chel.”

  She hesitated, but his impossibly blue eyes were fastened on her and the weight of her guilt tugged her forward. When she was standing in front of him, he surprised her by pulling her between his legs and hugging her. She leaned into him, letting the heat of his body and the tenderness of his hold soothe her fears. When he finally let her go, his face was as soft as she had ever seen it.

  “Now, over my lap, little girl.”

  “W-what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to spank you.” His face was still soft. “It’s going to hurt but you will take it like a good girl and once it’s done, the events of the past two days will be behind us and we will move forward. Do you understand?”

  An unexpected relief filled her. She wanted this, she wanted to be free of her guilt. Despite that knowledge, it took all of her self-control to place herself over his lap. He was so big that she felt even more exposed and vulnerable, but there was a throbbing ache between her legs and her nipples were tight points. She could feel his erection pressing against her stomach.

  “Good girl.” His big hand was warm and soothing as he rubbed her exposed bottom, then dipped between her legs. Her cheeks flushed as she felt how easily it moved through the slick warmth and he chuckled. “Perhaps you will enjoy this more than you should.”

  Before she had a chance to respond, his hand descended. The first stroke left a stinging warmth, but she could handle it. By the fifth, she was squirming, but he simply tugged her more tightly against him. By the tenth she started to cry and as soon as the first tear fell, all of her sorrow and fear and guilt came unlocked and she simply sobbed. Her bottom stung but the fiery heat took second place to the pain in her heart. By the time he finished her spanking and gathered her into his arms, she was limp and exhausted, but she felt that a weight had been lifted.

  She snuggled against him for a long time before she realized that the heat in her bottom was transitioning into a demanding ache. When she wiggled to try and relieve the need, T’chok groaned and she was suddenly extremely conscious of the long, thick shaft beneath her. Summoning her courage, she looked up at him.

  “Are you going to claim me now?”

  He growled an assent, then hesitated. “Are you sure about this, my zuzu?”

  “Yes. I love you, T’chok. I want to be with you. There’s just one thing…”

  “I know. You are not ready for a child. I have used a birth control protocol.”

  Even though she thought she’d cried herself out, tears filled her eyes. “Thank you for understanding. But that wasn’t actually what I was going to say. I’m a virgin.”

  His eyes heated, burning blue. “That does not displease me.”

  She started to roll her eyes but then he was kissing her with a demanding, frantic urgency that burned away everything but her desire. He lifted her onto the bed, creating a renewed heat in her punished bottom but the warmth only added to the urgency as he came down over her. His mouth and hands were everywhere, sucking hard on her breasts, dancing between her thighs, sending her over into a sudden, unexpected orgasm. She was still shuddering when he pushed at first one, then two fingers into her pussy. The stretch burned a little but turned rapidly into an aching need.

  “More,” she demanded.

  He obliged, adding his third finger as she gasped and arched against him, his thumb working her clit and keeping her on the edge of another climax.

  “Please, T’chok.”

  Fingers slid out, leaving a burning emptiness, and she felt him at her entrance. She tried to raise her hips, but he stopped her.

  “R’chel,” he gasped. “I must tell you.”

  “Tell me later.”

  “No.” He shuddered and his hips jerked forward, the movement pressing his cock against her. “The birth control protocol—it is not well tested.”

  Fuck. A thousand thoughts danced through her mind, but in the end, only one dominated. She loved him and he loved her. Whatever happened, he would take care of her. She lifted her legs up around his hips.

  “Make love to me, T’chok.”

  He growled and grasped her hip as he pushed inside. Her body opened for him, one slow inch at a time. The pressure was overwhelming, but his thumb against her clit balanced out the burning stretch. She could feel the rough surface of his cock sc
raping against her sensitive flesh, setting her nerves aflame with pleasure. He barely paused when he finally buried himself to the hilt, immediately beginning a slow withdrawal that let her feel every undulation on the long thick shaft.

  Her eyes had closed as she fought to handle the overwhelming sensations, but she opened them now to see him curved over her, his dark horns arching overhead, his eyes like blue flames as he watched the point where their bodies connected. He looked up to find her watching him, and his hips snapped forward, creating a sudden shocking fullness and she exploded, her pussy convulsing in helpless ecstasy as she cried out his name.

  The feel of R’chel’s climax, her impossibly tight cunt clamping down on his cock tore away every last shred of T’chok’s restraint. His eyes never left hers as his need took over. He lifted her hips, holding her in place as he thrust with desperate urgency, his balls already tightening, the fire racing up his spine, as he lost himself in silken heat, until he came in a great, shuddering wave and collapsed down over her.

  The energy drained from his body, leaving him limp with pleasure as R’chel’s arms came up to circle his neck. He pressed a lazy kiss against her lips but when she sighed and opened to him, his weariness was replaced by renewed desire. Her eyes widened as his cock stirred.


  “Always,” he assured her, but he felt her flinch as he withdrew. “However, perhaps a pause is in order. I will fetch a cleansing cloth.”

  When he stood up, her eyes widened again.

  “You’re all blue.”

  “Of course. Our seed is blue. Is that not true for human males?”

  “Not unless they’re smurfs,” she giggled.


  “Never mind.” She waved him away, but he heard her laugh again as he left. When he returned, she had crawled higher into the bed and was nestled against the pillows, her eyes heavy. He cleansed her gently, wiping away the traces of blue to reveal the pink flesh, still swollen and tempting. Only her sleepy yawn dissuaded him from taking her again. He could wait, he thought, as he turned out the light and she snuggled into his arms. She was his now and they would never be separated again.


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