Love is in the Air

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Love is in the Air Page 17

by Denise O'Hara

  Mr. Darcy smiled in return and kissed his lovely wife. “Now, Mrs. Darcy, we still have the day together. Do you still want to go swimming this morning?” he asked.

  “Are you up for it?” she asked.

  “Absolutely! You know how I love swimming. And this place is so much more appealing than the pond. It is beautiful is it not?”

  “Yes, it is very beautiful. You have certainly shown a flair when it comes to giving the most special gifts. And I do know how much you love to swim. In fact, that brings to mind what I would like from you as the finale to our anniversary. Shall we go to the pool now?” she asked.

  “By all means! Your wish is my command,” he said as he kissed her hand once more and led her outside to their private alcove.

  “Would you mind getting in first, Mr. Darcy?”

  He looked at her inquisitively but asked no questions. He dove into the pool. As he came up from the water, he said, “Oh, this is delightful. Now it is your turn.”

  “I want to tell you something, Mr. Darcy of Pemberley. Do you remember that day when we surprised each other the first time I visited Pemberley with my aunt and uncle?”

  “Yes, I shall never forget it. I came upon you just as I had finished a swim in the pond.”

  “And how did you feel when I saw you in your wet clothing and damp hair, sir?” she asked.

  “Completely embarrassed to be seen in such a condition by the lady on whom I wanted very much to make a good impression. You must have noticed how I changed into more appropriate attire in record time and rejoined you as quickly as was possible.”

  “Oh, yes, I noticed, Mr. Darcy. But your appearance when I saw you in more appropriate attire was rather disappointing, if I am honest,” she said.

  Mr. Darcy laughed. “I have no doubt of it! But you do realize I had to dress in haste to be assured of spending more time with you before you could get away?”

  “That was perfectly clear. No, my meaning is that it was a disappointment to see you had changed out of your former clothing. I will confess that my heart was beating so fast at seeing you. I do believe I speak with complete honesty when I say that I had never seen your equal when I first caught sight of you that day. You looked positively delicious, and I found that I was rather famished.”

  Mr. Darcy was staring at his wife as she made this startling revelation. He would never have had guessed she thought such about him that day.

  Elizabeth’s gaze never left her husband. “I was wondering if, perhaps, we might recreate the scene, but with a different outcome?” she suggested.

  Mr. Darcy grinned and without saying another word, slowly came out of the water on the side furthest from where Elizabeth stood. He dried off a bit, and then began to walk towards her, but without looking at her. When he was close to her he said, “Miss Bennet!”

  “Mr. Darcy!” she replied.

  “And your family, they are well?”

  “Yes, they are quite well in health. Though I must say,” she added, going off the original script, “My mother can still be ridiculous, and some of my sisters, quite silly to completely senseless.”

  Mr. Darcy smiled, “Well that is certainly a great misfortune indeed, Miss Bennet. You know if you had taken me up on my offer, I could have taken you away from all of that. All of this could have been yours,” he said as he gestured towards the estate. “All of this,” he said playfully as he grabbed her and kissed her.

  On releasing her, she said, “Mr. Darcy, you take my breath away! Has anyone ever told you that you look quite like a Grecian statue? Handsome beyond words.”

  “Well, naturally, I am addressed as such daily,” he smiled.

  “Really? By whom?” she asked.

  “Different ladies every day. I cannot possibly keep up with them all. And has anyone ever told you that you look like the most appealing candy in a candy shop in Paris, and I am a boy with ten-thousand a year to get as much as I want. And I have quite a sweet tooth, I assure you,” he said as he leaned closely to kiss her.

  Elizabeth playfully pulled away before his lips reached hers. “Mr. Darcy! Sir, you make me blush! The Gardiners might come around the corner any moment.”

  “They had better not!” said Mr. Darcy with a mischievous grin. He put his face against Elizabeth’s hair and kissed it. “Miss Bennet, you smell edible yourself. Tell me, did you come here to beg me to marry you after all?”

  “Well, not exactly. I am still pining for my cousin, you know. He is a man difficult to forget. I am here to tell you some urgent request from Longbourn.”

  “Of course, Miss Bennet. I am at your service,” he said with a bow. “And your family are all in good health?”

  “Yes, yes, they are all in excellent health. But they have sent me here because try as they may, they have not been able to teach me to swim, and they are quite concerned. They suggested I find a man without fault, and, of course, I thought only of you,” Elizabeth giggled.

  “Naturally,” Mr. Darcy said.

  “I could not help but notice you are an excellent swimmer, Mr. Darcy. Do you think you might teach me? I would need you to stay very close to me in order for you to accomplish it. Would you mind terribly?”

  “I think I could manage it, Miss Bennet.” Without another word, he lifted his wife into his arms and jumped into the pool with her.

  That was to be the first of many such reenactments of their first seeing each other at Pemberley. It became a favorite game for the couple, and each would come up with some new scenario from time to time. Mr. Darcy had meant for the hideaway to be a place somewhat reminiscent of their honeymoon. He hoped it would become a place where they could escape from their many responsibilities for a while and just enjoy being husband and wife. He was pleasantly surprised when their lovers’ nest was to become as important as it did to them. Often, throughout the years, the couple would kiss their children goodnight and then sneak off to their special place. They would spend the night and come back for breakfast feeling closer to each other than ever before and even more in love. It was an anniversary gift that lasted a lifetime for Mr. and Mrs. Darcy.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Ambrose!” yelled Caroline at the top of her voice.

  “Yes, sweetheart, I am right here,” her husband answered.

  “I do not think I am going to make it, Ambrose. I cannot do this!”

  “It is going to be alright. The Doctor will be here soon, Caroline. I also sent word to Mrs. Gardiner,” he said trying to keep his voice under control. Ambrose Gibb had lost his first wife several years ago and he was terrified of losing Caroline…… and the babies. She was expecting twins and he knew there could be complications.

  There was a knock on the door and a maid opened it slightly to announce that Mrs. Gardiner had arrived. She was told to show the lady in immediately.

  “Hello, how is everything going?” Mrs. Gardiner asked when she entered the room.

  “Oh, Madeline, I am so glad to see you here!” replied Caroline. “It is horrific! I do not think anyone has ever had such pains before.”

  “Oh, my poor dear, you do seem to be having quite a difficult time of it. Ambrose, would you ask for a bowl of cool water and some clothes? I had the ice house send over a block and the kitchen is chopping it up for me and will bring up a bowl soon. We need to get Caroline as comfortable as possible,” directed the calm Mrs. Gardiner.

  “Right away!” said Ambrose quickly leaving to run his errand.

  Mrs. Gardiner came and sat next to Caroline. “Are you having steady contractions, my dear?”

  “Yes, every few minutes. The pain comes in waves,” was Caroline’s answer.

  “Good, good, excellent in fact. That is a sign that your body is doing exactly what it should be doing. Everything will be alright,” assured her friend.

  “Were your times as bad? How could you have done this four times?”

  “Two of my times were much more difficult than the others. But I wanted the reward more than I feared the pain
so I made it through. I envy you today, Caroline.”

  Caroline gave a mocking laugh. “Really, I would be happy to change places with you!”

  “Today you will have the most unbelievable happiness you have ever known. You will join a group of strong women the world over who, in one day’s time, are changed forever. A love that is fiercely protective yet tenderer than you have ever known will encompass you. It will become a part of your very being and you will never consider changing places with another.”

  "I already love my babies so. I want them more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I just did not expect such strong pains.”

  “I know, I know. But I will be here with you to help you through and the Doctor and his nurse will be here soon. You will get your reward today, my dear. Hold on to that thought!”

  Ambrose and a servant came in then with the ice, as well as fresh water and soft rags and the honey.

  Just then another wave of pain hit Caroline and Mrs. Gardiner directed her to breathe and held her hand. Caroline did not yell out as much as she had been previously. She felt comforted by Madeline's experience and presence. After the contraction, Madeline commended her on doing a good job and again assured her that her body was working properly. She dipped the cloth into the cool water keeping Caroline comfortable, gave her cold water to drink and a bit of honey. “The good book says honey brightened Jonathan's eyes when he felt weak. You will gain strength from having a little of it as well,” Madeline explained.

  The doctor arrived with his nurse and before long they ushered Ambrose out having him wait downstairs. He kissed his wife on the forehead and told her he loved her before leaving the birthing room.

  Three hours later he heard a baby's cry and Mrs. Gardiner soon came out with his son. It did not take long before the second child arrived, an identical to the first. The babies had fine dark hair and soft brown eyes.

  "I am so proud of you Caroline," her husband said. "Our sons are perfect."

  "They are the most perfect and most beautiful children there ever was,” she replied with so much love and happiness.

  Edward Ambrose Gibb and Andrew Crompton Gibb were born that day. Soon enough they met their illustrious cousin, Harry Bingley who nicknamed them Eddy and Andy, though almost everyone else still called them Edward & Andrew.

  Ambrose had wanted and waited for children for a very long time. Caroline had all the maternal feelings her friend, Mrs. Gardiner, had predicted she would have. The parent’s favorite time of day was strolling through the park with the double carriage, always receiving compliments on their identical handsome boys. They were always dressed in ruffles and lace as babies and their mother in particular was extremely cautious about their feeding times being exactly as the latest books admonished. She was very keen on the boys being exposed to music at the start of their lives and would play the piano for them every day before their afternoon nap. Ambrose reminded his wife when the need arose that the boys were not to be taught that they were better than others. Ambrose was a sensible man but he had never before had children. It was evident early on in Edward and Andrew's lives that their parents were delighted to indulge them whenever they could. It was not long before it could honestly be said that those little boys had their parents wrapped around their precious little fingers.

  Only time would tell what kind of boys they would be and if they bore any resemblance to Caroline’s beloved nephew, Harry.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Jack cannot be your baby, Lilly!” said Harry. “That is ridiculous! He is a grown man who has the second quickest draw in the whole kingdom!”

  “What about Junior?” said the girl with her sad green eyes.

  “That is up to him. He is rather an easy going fellow so he might be willing to play along with you today. You will have to ask him yourself.”

  “He said yes!” the girl answered, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Well, sometimes he is a softy,” said Harry as he shook his head.

  “Come with me lady!” said Levi, jumping out from behind the oak tree. I am the dread pirate Goldbeard, and you will lead me to the King’s treasure!”

  “But I do not know where the treasure is,” said the little Mama as she continued to wrap her baby in a blanket.

  “I will have to take you to the tower of London where you will eat only bread and drink only water until you tell me where it is,” said Goldbeard. He took her by the arm and put her in the tower. “You will not be alone. I have already captured Lady Paige. I am holding her until the ransom is paid.”

  Miss Paige looked up from her book and smiled at her new cellmate in the gazebo. She winked at her and handed her a small piece of chocolate. The girl’s face shone with pure delight. “Here baby, do you want a bite?” she asked the ever smiling Junior. “There you go. Mama will protect you from that bad pirate.”

  Goldbeard and his men were plotting against the King when suddenly out of nowhere, a gigantic bird swooped down from the sky with the King on its back. The king jumped off of his transport and landed in front of the pirate. He bowed deeply and said, “King Harry at your service. What can I do for you today, Goldbeard?”

  “Ha!” said Goldbeard. “You just fell into my trap! That is what you can do for me, Harry.”

  “It is King Harry to you, dread pirate.”

  Goldbeard said, “Bring Harry to the tower with the others, men. You see, today I am going to shave off my beard and put on your crown and introduce myself as the King. No one will ever discover it is not you. Unless…..”

  “Unless what?” asked the true King.

  “Unless you lead me to your massive treasure right here and now,” said the pirate.

  “Never! You do not deserve to have my Father’s gold or my mother’s jewels, dread pirate.”

  “Then I shall have your crown and your castle! To the tower with him!”

  “You may take my crown and my castle dread pirate, but you will never have the heart of a true King and my subjects will see through your deception.” At that, the King turned and allowed himself to be led to the Tower of London. It might take ten or twenty years for him to escape, but he would get back all that he had lost.

  As he entered the tower, he saw a disguised Junior smiling at him. He gave a knowing smile back. He looked out the window and spotted Jack headed his way with a thousand of his best men. Maybe it would not take so long after all, he thought. He sighed and said aloud, “If only I did not have to subsist on mere bread and water! I do wish I had more nourishment to keep my strength up for when the time comes to make my escape.”

  Just as he hung his head in sadness, he felt a tap on his shoulder. “We smuggled chocolates in,” said the peasant woman with smiling green eyes. She handed one to the king and when he put it into his mouth he realized it was no ordinary chocolate. He knew instantly that the disguised Junior had been the smuggler of the rare plant that only grew at the peak of the highest mountain. It may look like chocolate to the unobservant eye, but it would soon give him the strength to break through the walls of the tower and reclaim his rightful place as King.

  Thank You!

  Thank you so much for reading this first part of the Life after the Wedding Series Sequel to Pride and Prejudice. I hope you enjoyed it!

  It would mean a lot if you please take a moment and leave a review!

  The Story Continues …

  A Pride and Prejudice Continuation: Life after the Wedding Series

  Part 2: Love is in the Air

  Part 3: Mr. Darcy and The Scarlet Pimpernel

  Pride and Prejudice Variations by Denise O’Hara are:

  Disdain and Deception

  Yours truly, Mr. Darcy

  Complicated Attachments

  AND a Bit of Sci- Fi in the Mix:

  Darcy and Elizabeth: Timeless

  Timeless Adventures: London

  Timeless Adventures: TITANIC

  A Modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice – LEGALLY DARCY

p; About the Author

  Denise O’Hara loves everything Jane Austen. She accidentally came across her first continuing story of Pride and Prejudice many years ago while browsing her public library. She excitedly checked the sequel out to take with her to Destin, Florida, one of her favorite vacation spots of all time! After years of loving Pride and Prejudice, she was so thrilled to get more of the story!

  Over the years, she read many Pride and Prejudice adaptations and sequels. She decided to jump into the Pride and Prejudice waters herself with her first three stories, A Pride and Prejudice Continuation: Life after the Wedding Series! While Darcy and Elizabeth’s story was her favorite, she always felt there was more to discover about Charles and Jane Bingley. Becoming Jane Bingley delves into the Bingley’s life after the wedding, with the Darcy’s story continuing also. In subsequent books, Caroline Bingley’s story is furthered as well. Of course, she soon found herself intrigued with putting the Darcy and Elizabeth in different predicaments, and has written several books with them taking center stage. Legally Darcy is her first retelling with the couple as modern day couple. But as with all her books, the content remains a clean romance.


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