Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 10

by M. K. Eidem

  "The only thing I'm sure of, Stephanie, is that I want to pursue a relationship with you. If that's not something you want, then I'll step back and just be one of your Captains. But you need to know I want to be more than that."

  "I..." she was about to tell him she wanted that too when the door opened.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Turk pulled up short as he entered what would soon be the Commander's Office. He'd expected Nick to be here this early, but not the new Commander. He also hadn't expected to see them standing so close together or to feel like he had interrupted something.

  "It seems everyone is getting an early start this morning," Stephanie said as she moved to sit behind her desk then looked at Turk and asked, "Is there something you needed, Turk?"

  "I... I was just about to go off shift and was coming in to give my report to Captain Deffand on what had occurred overnight."

  Nick frowned at Turk's use of his rank.

  "Is that normal?" she asked, glancing at Nick.

  "Yes," he told her. "The guard in charge of the night shift always reports anything that's occurred overnight in regards to the Palace, Royals, or anyone connected to it. It is how I learned about your mother's transport accident. Because she was an Assemblyman's mother."

  That surprised Stephanie and she looked to Nick. "Why was Lieutenant Turk put in charge last night?"

  Turk stiffened at her questioning his captain's ability. "It was his turn in the rotation as he has returned to the Palace," Nick told her.

  "He had a full shift with Prince Barek yesterday," she reminded him.

  "I am aware, but we are all working multiple shifts. Some back to back."

  Stephanie said nothing, knowing it was true and for now there was nothing she could do about it. But she didn't like it, especially when she needed Turk to be at the Jacketing Ceremony in a few hours.

  "Let's hear your report," she told Turk.

  "Commander, it was a quiet night. No attempted intrusions into the Palace and neither the Pechora Security Force or Transit reported any incidents needing our attention."

  "Are there normally attempted intrusions?" she asked looking to Nick.

  "No, but we do have the occasional kid who tries to touch the exterior walls," he told her gruffly.

  "To impress a girl." Shaking her head she chuckled slightly. "I can't believe they're still doing that." She jotted down a note to contact the education center. They needed to stress that this was unacceptable behavior before someone was hurt or killed.

  "All right, if that's all, you’re dismissed. Lieutenant. Get some rest then report to the Public Wing for the Jacketing Ceremony by 1030."

  "The Jacketing..." Turk trailed off. His gaze went to Nick who didn't countermand her order. "Yes, Commander."

  Nick waited until the door closed to ask. "Why didn't you tell him he was being promoted to Captain?"

  "Because none of them have been informed."

  The Jacketing Ceremony was usually a well-attended event as there were so few positions available and there was little turnover. Royal Guards wanted to meet, congratulate, and assess their new members. But with the increase in length and number of shifts guards were having to cover, those not on duty were choosing to get some much-needed rest instead of attending. Right now, Turk might be annoyed at missing out on the extra sleep, but Stephanie had the feeling he wouldn't mind by the end of the ceremony.

  "It might have changed his attitude if he knew why you were demanding his presence."

  "Are you in the habit of explaining your orders to those under your command?" she asked.

  Nick gave her a rueful smile, "No, they do as ordered."

  "So why would I? Every guard being promoted today has been given the same order. To report to the Jacketing Ceremony by 1030."

  "That's going to pull some off their protective detail." He walked over to his desk and started shuffling through the papers on his desk.

  "No, it won't. It was discussed last night after you left. Every Royal stayed in the King's Wing last night and will remain there until after the Ceremony, therefore freeing up the majority of the Royal Guard."

  Nick's head snapped up and she caught the displeasure on his face. "Why wasn't I informed of this? After all, I'm the Captain of the King's Guard."

  "Because it didn't affect you or any of the men under your command. King Jotham wasn't scheduled to leave the Palace today, neither was my mother. Those currently in charge of the rest of the Royals were informed and told to get some much-needed rest."

  Stephanie watched as Nick struggled to keep from saying he still should have been informed. She knew this had to be hard for him. He was used to being informed. About everything. With the position of Commander being reinstated the chain of command had changed. He no longer had to know everything about everyone all the time.

  "Is there a problem, Captain?" she asked quietly, knowing how Nick answered would set the tone of not only their professional relationship but their private one.

  If they were going to have the latter that was.

  He exhaled a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. "No. I guess it's just going to be a little harder to get used to this than I first thought."

  Stephanie gave him a soft understanding smile. "Your job hasn't changed, Nick."

  "I know," he returned her smile. "There's just a lot less I have to do."

  "Only the things the Captain of the King's Guard should never have been responsible for in the first place. This is a good thing."

  A look she couldn't read crossed his face. "True. Like I said, it's just going to take some time to get used to it."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  The Jacketing Ceremony was traditionally held in the King's Garden and attended by the family and friends of the one being jacketed along with the other Royal Guards. While the King would be in attendance, it was the Commander that actually performed the ceremony and the Captain of the new Guard who placed the jacket on him. A small celebration was then held.

  Today, with the large number being jacketed, the Ceremony was being held in the Public Wing in one of the secure meeting rooms. Jotham would be in attendance and because of security reasons, only two family members for each guard would be allowed to attend. With Nick and Kort being the only two Captains, they would be assisting Stephanie in the Ceremony.

  Everyone stood as Jotham promptly entered the room at 1100, and the ceremony began.

  Nick found it hard to contain the pride he felt as he watched and listened to Stephanie. She'd only become the Commander the day before, and yet she acted as if she'd had the office for cycles. She announced the name of each new guard, spoke of his background, both personal and professional, then after he or Kort jacketed him, welcomed him into the Royal Guard of the House of Protection. Sergeant Woodrow was the last to be announced, and Nick was glad to see Woodrow had smartened up enough to not be wearing anything related to the House of Healing. Nick also caught the little smirk on Woodrow's face when he put the jacket on him and not Kort. Woodrow thought he was now a member of Jotham's Royal Guard.

  "Captain Deffand. Captain Green. Thank you for assisting today. If you would remain." Stephanie didn't make it a question then faced the new Royal Guards.

  "Gentlemen, I know today is an important day for you as it is for our House, and you are excited to receive your assignments. But there is something else that needs to be done before that can happen. If you would return to your seats."

  A low buzz of confusion floated around the room, but everyone obeyed. Once they had settled, Stephanie continued.

  "As you all know, the House of Protection has greatly expanded recently, and with each new Royal, there is the need for them to have their own guard and Captain. King Jotham approved the list I submitted to him, and today those chosen will be promoted to Captain." She waited for the crowd to settle again.

  "Lieutenant Jasper, if you would please take your place next to Captain Deffand and Captain Green."

  As he did, she
read his list of credentials and achievements. "Because of this and his loyalty to the House of Protection, Lieutenant Jasper is now the Captain of Prince Barek's Royal Guard."

  Stephanie moved past Nick and Kort to stand in front of Jasper. Reaching out she removed the golden double arrows on each side of his collar designating him as a Lieutenant in the House of Protection's Royal Guard and replaced them with the triple arrows that made him a Captain. Stepping back, she saluted him.

  "Congratulations, Captain."

  "Thank you, Commander," Jasper said, returning her salute.

  Back at the podium, Stephanie slipped another set of Captain Arrows into her pocket then repeated the presentation as she announced Danton's Captain, Ethan's, and then Kasmira's. When she got to the boys, she paused and let her gaze travel over the crowd.

  "Many might believe that the Captain or guard of a child has an easier or softer assignment. After all, children have a more structured schedule than adults. They aren't required at many official ceremonies and are rarely involved in late night escapades. At least not until they enter their teens." Nick heard some chuckles at her comment. "But they must also be allowed to be children. To interact naturally with their classmates, and to talk to and play with them even if they are not vetted. This, to my way of thinking, makes them the most difficult of all Royals to protect. The Captain for children must constantly be evaluating and reevaluating the situation then make instant decisions. There is one among you who I believe is more than capable of handling the daunting task of watching over not one but two very active young boys while allowing them to be just that. Boys. And that person is Lieutenant Halvard Turk."

  Nick saw the startled look on Turk's face and knew he'd never expected to hear his name announced. When he made no move to stand or come forward, she prompted.

  "Lieutenant Turk?"

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Turk had arrived promptly at 1030 as ordered and taken a seat in the second to the last row. He tried not to let his aggravation at having to be here show. While the Jacketing Ceremony was an important event, he needed sleep more than he needed to attend this.

  He'd been as surprised as everyone else when after the Jacketing Ceremony the Commander said she would be announcing those who would be promoted to Captain. It was something that had been heavily discussed amongst the guards.

  He'd also found himself surprised at how well the Commander conducted herself. She spoke without notes and seemed to honestly know each man she was promoting. How was that possible when she only became the Commander yesterday? He found himself agreeing with her selections for Captain and her feelings about the difficulty of protecting children. As the oldest in his family, he'd often watched his younger siblings and knew how fast they could get into trouble. He sure didn't envy the Captain that would have to deal with two active boys.

  "Lieutenant Halvard Turk."

  Hearing his name, his gaze snapped toward the Commander, wondering why she was singling him out. He hadn't fallen asleep and started to snore, had he? As all eyes turned to him and Stephanie repeated his name, he suddenly realized what was happening and couldn't believe it. She was naming him a Captain? After the way he'd failed her? Seeing Deffand's eyebrows draw together Halvard realized everyone was waiting on him.

  Rising, he slowly made his way to the front, taking his place next to Landon who'd been named Kasmira's Captain.

  "Congratulations, Captain Turk." Stephanie reached out and oh so slowly Halvard shook her hand.

  He had to swallow hard before he could speak. "Thank you, Commander. I won't let you down."

  "I know you won't, Halvard," she responded quietly then turned and stepped to the side and faced the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the new Captains of the House of Protection's Royal Guard."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  An hour later Stephanie was standing behind her desk with her Captains and newly jacketed Guards standing at attention before her.

  "At ease," she said. "Captains, as most of you are already familiar with the routine of the Royals you have been assigned, we won't get into that right now. Landon and Burk, I'm sure you'll help Turk get up to speed on the boys’ schedule."

  "Yes, Commander," they both replied.

  "Also, as there will be overlap in Ethan, Kasmira, and the boys’ schedules, especially at night, I expect the three of you to work it out, so everyone gets enough rest." At their nods, she continued. "Now as for the new guard assignments..."

  She first read the name of the Captain then of the guards who would be serving under him. She saw Woodrow's eyes widen when he was assigned to Burk, Ethan's Captain.

  "Also, for those of you assigned in Comorin. Larger living quarters have been obtained which back onto Ethan's property. While your official desks will be here in the Palace, I don't expect you to report here daily. Comm reports will be sufficient. An office is also being set up in your new quarters for the three of you. Any questions?"

  When no one responded she said, "Those of you leaving for Comorin gather your belongings. Prince Ethan and his family are planning on leaving within the hour. Dismissed."

  The room cleared until only Stephanie and Nick remained. "Did you need something, Nick?"

  "No, I just wanted to say you did an amazing job at the Ceremony. You let each new guard and his family know how highly you thought of them, that they were the best of Carina, and the Captains the best of the best."

  "That's because they are."

  "True, but you expressed it far better than I ever could. Makes me proud to be one of yours. Now I'd better see to my new guards before my Commander hears about it."

  Stephanie shook her head but couldn't help smiling as Nick left the office. Ancestors, that man was going to be a handful, but he was right. He was hers, she just needed to figure out how to make it work. For both of them.

  Chapter Nine

  Stephanie nodded to the guards at the doors which separated the Public Wing from the rest of the Palace. It had been a busy day, and she'd accomplished a great deal, but there was still one thing she needed to do. Making her way through the Public area, she gave a small nod to the few brave enough to make eye contact with the Commander. Reaching another guarded corridor, she acknowledged the Palace Guard, then proceeded down the hall until she reached her destination and knocked.

  "Enter," came the gruff response. Chandra hated being bothered at this time of day, and his men knew it. The Public Wing of the Palace officially closed at the setting of the first sun, but routinely the building and grounds weren't fully secure until the third had set. The announcement of Jotham’s and Jacinda's Union had more than doubled the number of visitors to the Palace, all hoping to catch a glimpse of the future Queen. Now, with her daughter being named Commander and receiving the Medal of the Ancestors, it was if the entire planet was traipsing through and none of them wanted to leave. It strained his already overworked guard.

  Looking up to see who it was, he surged to his feet and started to salute. "Commander!"

  "Please, Captain," she quickly waved him off. "There's no need for that. May I sit?"

  "Of course," Chandra gestured to the chair in front of his desk then slowly sat back down in his.

  "First, I have to apologize for not coming sooner to introduce myself to you," she began.

  "No introduction was necessary, Commander."

  Stephanie grimaced slightly at that because while she knew it was true, she was still having a hard time adjusting to being so recognizable. "Perhaps, but it’s still common courtesy to personally introduce oneself." Chandra nodded his acceptance of her apology, so she continued. "Second, it's come to my attention that with the increase in the need for Royal Guards, your men have been adversely affected."

  "My men are more than capable of protecting the Palace," Chandra growled angrily.

  "I wasn't suggesting they weren't, Captain, but you've lost twenty-five highly trained men in the last twelve weeks, and fifteen returned somewhat disheartened from
what I understand."

  Chandra said nothing because he couldn't argue with that.

  "I would like to speak with those returning guards."

  "Why?" he demanded.

  Stephanie didn't outwardly react to his aggression. "Because I understand what it feels like to fail at something you want so very badly."

  Chandra's eyebrows shot up at that. She was the Commander of the House of Protection, the first female to ever hold such a position. She was also the recipient of the Medal of the Ancestors, the first in one hundred and fifty cycles. With her mother's Union, she would become a Princess, and the House of Protection hadn't had one of those in generations. So what could she possibly think she'd ever failed at?

  "Do you think that could be arranged?" she asked at his continued silence.

  "Yes," he finally got out. "Just let me know when and where you wish to meet them, and they will be there."

  "Thank you. I also want to let you know that I'm working on a way so we won't have to continue pulling from the Palace Guards to sustain our ranks."

  "My men are more than qualified to be Royal Guards."

  She easily heard Chandra's outrage and instantly agreed, "They are. I never meant to imply differently. Palace Guards are the first and most important line of defense in protecting the Palace and our Royals when they are within its walls. They must make instantaneous decisions on whether someone is a threat or just an overzealous visitor. That takes a great deal of training and experience." The indignation eased from Chandra's expression. "Something they won't have if their ranks continue to be decimated, especially if those that remain are disheartened. They deserve better than that."

  "So what are you suggesting?"

  "I've requested to be allowed to pull qualified House of Protection personnel from the Coalition who are willing to resign their commission."

  "What? But that's impossible."

  "Not impossible, Captain, just something never attempted before. Prince Barek is working on the legalities. They would still need to complete the RGTP or PGTP training programs, of course, but it would be a way to replenish our ranks with competent people."


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