Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 16

by M. K. Eidem

  "No!" Immediately rang out through the room.

  "Then I don't want any of you to see this as a reflection on how your King or your Commander sees you. You are the first line of protection for our Royals. You are the ones that deal with our people on a day-to-day basis. You are the ones that must instantly decide if someone is truly a threat or just an overzealous citizen. Just as some of you did the other night when a group of youngsters tried to touch the outer wall. Those children are alive because of you." She paused for a moment, letting that sink in then asked. "Questions?"

  When a hand rose in the back, she asked, "Yes, Philips?"

  The guard's eyes widened in surprise that she knew his name. "Will we still be allowed to apply for the RGTP?"

  "No." She refused to lie to them. "I know that’s not what you want to hear, but right now I need you in the positions you currently hold. I need you there not only to protect our Royals but to help train the new Palace Guards who will be replenishing your numbers. Only someone with experience can do that.”

  “Will we ever be allowed to apply?” Philips asked.

  “Once the forces of the House of Protection are fully staffed, and Captain Chandra and I agree that our most important and first line of protection is properly trained, then yes. Those of you who have had to put aside your personal ambitions for the betterment of your House will have the first chance to apply.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Stephanie!" The joy in Jacinda's voice was easily heard as she wrapped her arms around her daughter.

  "Hi, Mom," Stephanie said, hugging her back. While it had only been a day since she'd last seen her, it seemed like longer.

  "How nice of you to join me for lunch since Jotham couldn't."

  "Lunch?" She looked around and saw a table set for two.

  "You've already eaten?" Jacinda asked, her disappointment easily heard.

  "No," she replied, along with her stomach. "I just hadn't realized the time. Jotham's not joining you?"

  "No, one of his meetings is running long," she said as he moved toward the table.

  "I thought he was doing better at not scheduling working lunches."

  "He is, but there are still times..." Jacinda waved her hand dismissively as she sat down. "It just means I get to have lunch with my daughter... alone. So tell me everything."

  Stephanie couldn't help but laugh. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her mother so vitalized and happy. For sure not since her father had met the ancestors, maybe not ever, at least not since she'd become an adult and started to notice these things.

  Sitting down she told her mother the reason she was there. "Well, I was hoping you could help me with something."

  "Me?" Jacinda gave her a surprised look.

  "Yes, you. It seems Barek feels the interior of my office needs to better reflect the position I now hold."

  "He's right," Jacinda told her quietly.

  "Will you help me? I have no idea what to do. Barek suggested I go to Mister Chesney..."

  "Oh, no. While Mister Chesney is a wonderful man, he would have your office decorated as Jotham’s or Barek's, and that isn't you nor would it be appropriate."

  "No, it's not." Stephanie gave her mother a grateful smile. "I knew you would understand, Mom."

  "I do."

  "So do you have the time? I know your schedule is pretty full with the Union and the duties you're starting to assume as Queen."

  "I'll always have time for my children. The Union is basically planned. As for the duties, right now they mostly involve meeting with Assemblymen’s wives I don't already know."

  "Sounds... interesting," Stephanie said neutrally, and her mother laughed.

  "Actually it is. I know you would find it boring and tedious, but I enjoy it. Most of the time. I've been one of those women, Stephanie, and because of that I understand them better than any Queen before."

  "That's true," Stephanie agreed. "You are going to make an amazing Queen, Mother."

  "Thank you, honey." She reached across the table and squeezed her daughter's hand. "It means a great deal to me knowing I have your support."

  "You do, Mom. Always."

  "I'll need to check my schedule, but I think I have time tomorrow morning to see your office, so I know the space I have to work with."

  "Just let me know when and I'll make sure I'm available."

  "Good. Now when are you going to make your appointment with Pazel?"

  "Appointment?" Stephanie asked as she nodded her thanks to a servant who was switching out their plates. "Why would I need an appointment with Pazel?"

  "So he can finalize his design for you. For the Union."

  The forc Stephanie had lifted to her mouth paused. "For me? I'll be working the day of your Union."

  "Oh no you won't!" her mother told her in that tone Stephanie recognized from her youth. It meant that in this there would be no changing her mother's mind. "All my children will be witnesses to my Union to Jotham."

  "I will witness it, Mother, but..."

  "No 'buts,' Stephanie Anne. I've already discussed it with Jotham, and he agrees. No matter the family's professional duty, all will be there as family."

  Stephanie's mind whirled as she thought about all the things she'd have to rearrange to meet her mother's demand. Granted, she could monitor all the comms through her earpiece, but it wouldn't give her the ability to discretely respond. "Alright, Mom, but I'm wearing my uniform."

  "There will be family visuals taken, along with the ceremony being streamed to those outside the Temple, Stephanie. They will go into the Archives for our future generations to see. While I'm extremely proud of the position you have achieved, I want my daughter there, not the Commander."

  Stephanie carefully set her forc down and tried not to be hurt by her mother's words. She understood why she was asking but did Queen Cassandra ask the High Admiral to not wear his Coalition uniform for official functions?

  "Alright, Mother, as you've already discussed it with the King and he has agreed, I will bow to your wishes and contact Pazel."

  "Stephanie..." Jacinda's eyes widened at the sudden coolness in her daughter's words.

  "I need to get back to work, Mother." Wiping her mouth, she set her napkin down and stood. "Enjoy the rest of your lunch." With that, she quickly left the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Nick watched Stephanie across the table as she silently ate the meal he'd prepared. He'd been out of the Palace all afternoon with Jotham, and when he'd gotten to their quarters tonight, she'd been in the private exercise room. She'd seemed to be trying to work something out. He recognized the signs because he'd done it many times himself.

  He'd known she'd been worried this morning about how the Palace Guards would react when they learned they'd no longer be allowed to apply for the RGTP, but he'd heard it had gone well. So why was she sitting across from him still upset?

  "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "What?" She looked up from her plate.

  "Something's bothering you. What is it? Is it something that as the Commander you can't talk to me about?"

  "No. It's personal."

  "Then talk to your life mate about it."

  Stephanie leaned back in her chair to run a frustrated hand through her hair. "I shouldn't let it upset me."

  “What?" he asked.

  "My mother. She wants me to attend her Union as her daughter. Not as the Commander."

  "That's perfectly understandable. After all, you are her daughter."

  "But I'm also the Commander, and this Union is going to be the most attended event in the history of the House of Protection. Every Royal on the planet will be in attendance, and I'm in charge of making sure each and every one of them is protected. How can I do that if I'm sitting in the front row?"

  "By trusting those under your command to do their job," he told her. "You do trust us, don't you?"

  "Of course I do. Our people are the best-trained men I've ever worked with."

  "Then what's really bothering you?"

  Stephanie rose from her chair and began to pace. "That my mother refuses to allow me to wear my Commander's uniform. She wants me in a gown, one designed by Pazel and Kia of all things. She already discussed it with Jotham, and since he's agreed, there's no getting out of it."

  "And that upsets you because..."

  "Because it feels like she's disrespecting me," she told him.

  "What?" he asked shocked. "How?"

  "By trying to change me, to make me into someone more like her."

  "You can't really believe that, Stephanie. Your mother is always talking about how proud she is of you. Of everything you've accomplished."

  "Oh, I know she's proud of me, but she's never been comfortable with my chosen career."

  "Because it's a dangerous job and she's your mother. She loves you and wants you safe. My mother's the same way."

  "She is?"

  "Of course. She hated that I worked security while in the Coalition. She said it was dangerous enough out there without me choosing a dangerous career. When I completed the RGTP, she was thrilled, just as your mother was when you were named Commander."

  "Then why is she doing this? She'd never demand Barek not wear his formal attire to the ceremony. Or for Danton to not wear his Assemblyman sash, but me, she wants in a gown. If there's a problem, how can I perform my duty in a gown?"

  "First of all, wearing a gown doesn't stop you from being the Commander. Personally, I would love to see you in one, because I know how beautiful you'll make it look. Every man will see how beautiful my life mate is." He frowned, not liking the thought of that.

  "You're biased," she said blushing.

  "True, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Second, did your mother specifically say you had to wear a gown?"

  The question made her think back. "She said Pazel needed to finalize his design."

  "But she didn't say that she specifically told him to design a gown?”

  "I don't think so, but what else would he design?" She gave him a considering look. "What are you thinking, Nick? If I can't wear my uniform what else is there?"

  "Well, Queen Cassandra wore some amazing outfits during her Challenge and while they were beautiful, they still allowed her to move freely. Especially the one she wore when she addressed the Assembly. Did you see it?"

  "I can't say I noticed what she was wearing. I was too caught up in what was happening."

  "It was a black pant outfit and a loose jacket that covered a sleeveless, beaded top. The pants were form-fitting until about mid-thigh where they widened. The material overlapped so it flowed when she walked, like a gown would, but had built-in slits on the inside of each leg. It was how she was able to hide her birthmark until she was ready to reveal it. If Pazel redesigned it, so the slits were on the outside, you would be able to access any weapon you carried in your boots."

  "You were paying that close of attention?" She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

  "Not so much at the time, but I was impressed on how quickly she removed her boot to reveal the birthmark to Valerian, so I asked. You'd also be able to carry something under the jacket."

  "You think it would be formal enough?"

  "With Pazel and Kia's talent, of course." He pulled her close and gave her a reassuring kiss. "You are the Commander, Stephanie. There are going to be times you'll need to attend events as both the Commander and Princess Stephanie. No one can tell you how to do that, not even your mother. You get to decide your style, so why not start now?"

  "When did you get so smart?" she asked, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "I've always been this smart," he told her nibbling his way along her neck. "You just haven't noticed because of my wit, good looks, and amazing skill in bed."

  "Oh really?" she murmured huskily, tipping her head to the side giving him better access. "Maybe you better prove that to me."

  "With pleasure," he said, then bending down swept her up into his arms and carried her into their bedroom.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "What's bothering you, my love?" Jotham asked, watching her in the mirror as she went through her nightly moisturizing routine. It was one of those enjoyable, intimate things he'd forgotten happened when you lived with a woman, and it was something he'd never get tired of seeing Jacinda do. Normally she would chat with him as her fingers glided over her beautiful golden skin but not tonight. Tonight Jacinda seemed lost in her own thoughts. She'd also been slightly distracted over last meal. Jacinda met his gaze in the mirror with the slightest of frowns between her perfectly arched eyebrows. "Does it have something to do with me not having lunch with you today?"

  "What? No, of course not." Wiping her hands on a towel, she turned to face him. "We've talked about this before, Jotham. I'm more than capable of eating a meal by myself, and it's not going to upset me, but I wasn't today. Alone that is. Stephanie had lunch with me."

  "She did? How wonderful." He knew how she missed her alone time with her children.

  "It was... until it wasn't," she told him rising.

  "What do you mean? What happened?" Jotham demanded following her out of the bathroom.

  "I was talking to Stephanie about the Union, and she became upset."

  Jotham frowned at that. "But I thought she supported our Union."

  "She does which is why I don't understand why what I said upset her so," she gave him a confused look.

  Jotham led her to one of the couches and had her sit. "Tell me what you were discussing, and maybe I can help."

  "Well, as I said we were discussing the Union, how there would be family visuals taken for future generations to see. How important it was that they saw us as a family, not just the positions we held." Jotham couldn’t see how that would upset Stephanie. "Then I mentioned how she needed to contact Pazel so he could finalize what he'd designed for her."

  "What he designed?" Jotham frowned at that.

  "Yes. We discussed this, Jotham, and you agreed that our children would attend our Union as witnesses."

  "Of course, but I didn't realize you had Pazel design special outfits for everyone."

  "Oh, he's not, just the gowns for Kasmira and Stephanie. Although the suits he made for Eliron and Roland are adorable. They look so grown up in them." She teared up slightly at the thought of how quickly her grandsons were growing.

  "So even though they will be witnesses, you are allowing Barek, Danton, and Ethan to wear clothing that represents the positions they hold?" Jotham said beginning to understand.

  "Of course. It's not like I would demand Barek not wear the attire of First Son and Heir. It's who he is."

  "So Danton's wearing his Assemblyman's sash?" he asked.

  "Of course, it's a great honor to wear that sash," Jacinda told him.

  "And it's not to wear a Commander's jacket?" Jotham queried quietly.

  "Of course it is. You know how proud I am of everything my daughter's achieved, Jotham."

  "At least privately," he said.

  "What?" Jacinda's eyes widened in shock. "How can you say that?"

  "Because that's how it will be perceived by the public," he told her, surprised that she of all people hadn't realized that.

  "I never even considered... I just wanted my daughter there, wearing something beautiful. She's sacrificed so much for this Union to happen. I just wanted her to know, for everyone to know, how much I love and appreciate her." Jacinda frowned at that, her mind racing. "Instead I've insulted and demeaned her."

  "Not intentionally, my love," he reassured her.

  "That doesn't matter. It's what I've done. No wonder Stephie left so quickly. She must be so hurt. I need to contact her, need to apologize."

  "And you will," he told her. "Tomorrow. It's late."

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You wish me to design what? But Jacinda... I mean the Queen... the future Queen...” Pazel’s choppy sentences the next morning revealed just how much Stephanie’s request had flustered him.
They were in her previous rooms in the King’s Wing because they were less likely to be interrupted there since measurements would need to be taken. She didn’t want anyone walking in and seeing her scar. “She requested I design a gown.”

  “Did she?" Stephanie asked. "Or did she simply request you design something suitable for the Union?”


  “That’s what I thought,” she said.

  “But you are a Princess," Pazel argued.

  “I’m also the Commander, and I need to be able to be both at the Union. I’m sure you are more than talented enough to design something that can accomplish that.”

  “But a gown...”

  “Will not do," she said firmly. "I want something more like what you designed for Queen Cassandra during her Challenge. It must represent who I am, allow me to perform my duty, and still represent my family position within the House of Protection."

  “Kia...” Pazel looked to her for support.

  “She has a point, Pazel.” Kia gave Stephanie a considering look. She had known this young woman since she'd been a child. When Stephanie had been a youngster, Stephanie would often accompany her mother to her fittings. Kia had looked forward to the day when she would design something special for the beautiful mother and daughter, but Stephanie had chosen to go into the Academy and then joined the Coalition. So Kia had never had the chance. "She is more than just a Princess, more than just the Commander. She is the Medal of the Ancestors recipient and a beautiful woman. Her formal attire needs to represent all of that. Not only for her but for all the women who will now follow the path she has opened for them.”

  Stephanie found herself shocked at the passion in Kia's words. She’d only thought of how her appearance would affect her. She’d given no thought to how it would affect the other women who served. But she should have. She’d seen how what her mother wore affected the other wives of the Assemblymen.

  “Her appearance,” Kia continued, “will perhaps be even more scrutinized than Jacinda’s.”

  “Wonderful,” Stephanie muttered. Like she didn’t already have enough to worry about.

  “It will be,” Kia assured her. “Pazel and I will make sure it is. Now let’s get your measurements so we can design an outfit perfect for you.”


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