Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 24

by M. K. Eidem

  Opening the doors to the wing, a loud, rambunctious sound greeted them. It was nothing like the way the ordinarily subdued wing was. There was laughter, music, and the sounds of running feet.

  "Aunt Stephanie! Aunt Stephanie! Can we see it?"

  Stephanie laughed, then leaned down and hugged Roland before asking. "See what?"

  "The medal. I told Brett you'd show it to him. He hasn't seen it yet."

  "Well then maybe you should have asked me to bring it," she said, thumping his nose lightly.

  "But don't you wear it all the time?" Roland asked, his little eyebrows pulling together in confusion.

  "No, Roland, I don't." Looking behind him she saw Brett Chamberlain standing there looking crushed. "But I might be persuaded to go get it. If you ask nicely."

  "Please, Aunt Stephanie? Please. Please. Pleasse."

  "That's called begging, young man, not asking," Ethan said, walking up behind his youngest. "Hey, Sis. Nick." He leaned in and kissed his sister's cheek before shaking Nick's hand. "Glad you finally made it. Maybe your presence will calm things down a bit."

  "Why? What's wrong?" Nick asked, quickly going into Captain mode.

  "Nothing dire, just Aunt Palma telling embarrassing childhood stories which Mom is doing nothing to discourage. And then there are my two little trouble makers trying to get Brett to do things they know they aren't allowed to do. Like trying to climb the garden walls."

  "Oh, Ancestors," Stephanie whispered. "I never even considered that."

  "Don't worry, we stopped them, and Peter informed the House of Knowledge Guards who are assisting yours on the walls." Ethan leaned in close so only they heard. "But you should have seen Barek's expression. It was like he'd never considered doing the same thing."

  "Of course I never did," Barek said, walking up behind Ethan carrying two extra glasses. "Because I know where the doors are."

  "You do?" Stephanie asked, her eyes narrowing as he handed the extra glasses to her and Nick.

  "Of course," Barek told her completely serious, then he smiled. "I found one the first time I tried to climb the wall.”

  Before Stephanie could say anything about that, the clinking of a knife against a glass quieted everyone down.

  "Good to know that still works," Jacinda said. "Now that everyone is here and I have your attention, there are just a few things I'd like to say before dinner is served." She looked to Jotham who'd stepped up beside her. "We'd like to thank all of you for coming tonight. Both of our families," she raised her glass around the room. "And those that have become some of our closest of friends." She raised her glass to the Chamberlains.

  "If life has taught me anything, it’s to not take it for granted. To enjoy the moment you're in, and love those with you, because you will never have this moment again. So to those we have lost; Lata, Stephan, Dadrian, and our parents; thank you for your love and everything you've taught us. Both the good and the bad, because it's made us who we are today." She raised her glass, taking a sip then continued. "To those that are still with us. Jotham and I love you dearly and thank you for the love, joy, and support each and every one of you have given us in your own special way and hope you will continue to do so for many, many cycles to come."

  "Here. Here." Everyone said and raised their glasses to drink.

  "I believe we all know who the speechmaker in the family is now," Jotham said, and Jacinda blushed as everyone laughed. "That being said, I too would like to thank each and every one of you for the part you played in convincing this amazing woman to take a chance on this grumpy, old man. I love you, Jacinda." Leaning down he gave her a hard kiss before saying, "Now, let’s eat!"

  Stephanie couldn't remember when she'd enjoyed a meal more. The conversations were lively with Aunt Palma switching to tell embarrassing stories about their mother growing up instead of her children. At one point, Jacinda threw a roll at her sister, and if it hadn't been for Kasmira and Cyndy, the boys would have joined in.

  After the meal, with the boys playing in the garden, Birgin went to the pianola Jacinda had moved into the wing, and began to play. It wasn't an unusual thing to happen when the Michelakakises and Metaxases got together, but then Cyndy began to sing, and it became something extraordinary. Then if that weren't enough, Cyndy convinced Peter to join them, and Stephanie nearly fell off her chair. Who would have believed such a big, deadly man had such a beautiful voice.

  It was only later after she and Nick had returned to their quarters to get the Medal of the Ancestors so she could show it to Brett that the night changed. It started with the beeping of her portable comm. Recognizing the sender, she sighed.

  "Would you mind taking that to show the boys while I handle this?" she asked.

  "No problem," he said taking the case containing the medal from her. Sometimes he still found it hard to believe that his life mate had received it. "Are you going to use your office here or the one in the Palace?"

  "Here," she told him.

  "Then I'll see you when I get back." Leaning down he gave her a quick kiss then left their quarters.

  Putting her hand on the security panel outside her home office, she waited for her identity to be confirmed. Once it was, she entered her office then paused and looked down at what she was wearing. She and Nick had both changed before last meal and the wrap top she was wearing, while not that revealing, wasn't something a Commander would wear on duty. She thought back to when she'd contacted Peter about Woodrow and how he hadn't been concerned with being bare-chested. In fact, she could recall other times when she'd contacted superior officers in the middle of the night, and they'd been out of uniform too. If it was all right for them, then it was all right for her.

  Moving to her comm, she sat down, entered her code, and answered the waiting transmission then frowned.

  "Captain Burke, why are you contacting me this way when you are in the Palace?" she asked.

  "Commander, I chose this way, so everything was officially documented and on the record."

  Stephanie raised her eyebrow at that. "Alright, what do you have for me, Captain?"

  "I have several documented incidents where Sergeant Woodrow reported late to duty and/or left before his replacements arrived."

  "Ethan was left without protection?!"

  "No, the remainder of the detail remained, only Woodrow left," Burk reassured her.

  "Woodrow's reason?" she demanded.

  "I didn't ask and didn't inform him it was being reported. I also went through his comm logs. He's not only been talking to someone in the House of Healing but with the Sokol Corporation, both while on and off duty."

  Stephanie's eyes hardened hearing that. "Do you have names?"

  "No, I don't have the security clearance to access that information, but I have the codes."

  "Send them to me," she ordered, and in a moment they appeared on her screen. "Where's Woodrow right now?"

  "He is currently off duty and chose to leave the Palace."

  "You had him followed?"

  "Yes, ma’am."


  "There's one other thing, Commander."

  "What is it?"

  "Woodrow has been trying to get the other guards to turn against you. Stating that as a Princess, you have no authority over them and that was the only reason you were awarded the Medal of the Ancestors."

  "On duty?"

  "On and off."

  "And you know this because?"

  "Because every guard he's spoken to has come directly to me and reported it."

  "And Woodrow still keeps talking?"

  "He's unaware he's been reported, and I requested that the complainants keep it that way. I included that in my reports."

  "Understood. I will get these codes tracked down then decide on the appropriate action. Good work, Captain."

  Once the comm disconnected, Stephanie sat back and thought for a moment. She had it in her power to verify who the Sokol code belonged to, it would take some time, but she could. The House of Healing
code though... that was entirely beyond her ability. But if the rumors that had filtered through the Fleet shortly after Queen Cassandra had assumed her throne were true, then she had broken the transmission codes. No one knew how but they'd been replaced with something unbreakable. If it were true, there was only one person that could help her. Entering a code she waited.

  "What's happened, Commander?"

  She was surprised when William Zafar's face immediately filled the screen. She hadn't considered he would recognize her comm code. Not when he dealt with so many every day.

  "Are the Chamberlains okay?" Was his next question, when she didn't immediately answer.

  That explained it. Of course, he'd be aware of those protecting his life mate's family.

  "William, what's wrong?" She heard the Queen's voice demanding.

  Stephanie needed to reassure them before this got out of hand.

  "The Chamberlains are fine," she reassured them. "Nothing has occurred that affects them. In fact, they are still currently in the King's Wing with the Royal Family." She saw the tension in the High Admiral's face ease some.

  "Then why are you contacting us so early?" he demanded as he blanked the screen and she heard the rustle of fabric and knew he was getting out of bed.

  "My apologies, High Admiral and Queen Cassandra. I should have realized a comm at such a time would alarm you."

  "If this doesn't concern the Chamberlains then what do you need?" William's face reappeared on the screen, this time wearing a robe. When she hesitated, he demanded, "Commander!"

  And while as High Admiral he no longer had the authority to order anything from her, she still answered.

  "I need to have a comm code identified," she told him.

  "A comm code?" he frowned.

  "Yes, one associated with a Royal House."

  The High Admiral stiffened, his expression went blank. "Why would you be contacting me about this?"

  Stephanie knew she had to tread carefully here. "Because right after you became High Admiral, all the comm codes in the Fleet were changed, especially the Royal ones. Rumor had it was because someone had broken them.”

  "Why contact me about a rumor, Commander?" the High Admiral asked his tone still icy.

  "Because I'm not stupid, High Admiral. If they were broken, there is only one person capable of doing it, and that's your life mate, Queen Cassandra."

  "You've spoken with Jotham about this?"

  "With Jotham?" Stephanie's eyes narrowed. "No. Why would I?"

  "Royal codes within the Fleet cannot be broken, Commander," he told her.

  "And if it’s not within the Fleet, but on planet?" she asked.

  "You're saying you suspect there is a traitor on Carina?" His eyes widened in shock.

  "Not a traitor, per se, but someone within the House of Protection that is not loyal to us."

  "What House are they communicating with?" This came from Cassandra whose face had joined William's on the screen.

  "Someone within the House of Healing. Someone with Royal coding and they are communicating with one of my Royal Guards. I need to know who before I can determine the extent of the breach and the action I need to take," Stephanie told the Queen.

  "You believe there is a threat against your mother?" Cassandra demanded.

  "Physical? No, but King Yusuf isn't happy she's marrying Jotham." Stephanie dropped all pretense of this not being personal. "I won't have something upsetting mom at her Union."

  "Send me the code," Cassandra told her. "If I can trace it, you'll have it."

  "Thank you, Majesty, and again I'm sorry for the concern I caused regarding your family."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie was shocked at how fast Queen Cassandra got back to her. She'd just finished identifying the Sokol code and had just stepped out of her office to see Nick returning when her comm dinged again. She'd thought she'd have to go into her secure room. Instead, one word followed the transmission code.


  "What's wrong?" Nick asked, then said. "Can you tell me?"

  "I have to because I need your advice. You've dealt with Royals a great deal longer than I have."

  "What's happened?" he asked.

  Stephanie went on to tell the Captain of her King's Guard what exactly was going on and what she had found out.

  "That fucking foabhor!" Nick exclaimed.

  "Focus. I need to know how badly this could compromise our security."

  Nick took a deep breath then cleared his mind of the fact he wanted to kill Woodrow and did as she asked. For a Royal Guard to be in contact with a Royal outside the House he served was unheard of. It's why Royal Guards were preferred to be from the House they served. Stephanie wasn't the first to have allowed it, but this was the first time he'd heard of it backfiring. Was that because it hadn't, or because it had been covered up?


  He heard the uncertainty in her voice and knew that it wouldn't have been there if they weren't in their private quarters. If others had been around, they would have only seen the strong, confident Commander that she was.

  "While I don't like it," he told her, "I don't see how it could have compromised our security. Woodrow isn't close enough to Jotham or Barek for it to be an issue."

  "You don't see his proximity to Prince Ethan as an issue?"

  "Not in any way that involves Queen Pima," he told her. "The Sokol comms worry me more."

  "Because Sokol has nothing left to lose." She nodded understandingly.


  "Do you see it as enough of an infraction to strip Woodrow of his position and dismiss him?"

  "To be in contact with the man considered a threat to the one he's supposed to be guarding? Definitely. But are you willing to lose a highly trained guard this close to the Union?"

  "It's because we're so close to the Union that I want to act, and quickly. I'd rather have fewer guards I know I can trust, than more that I can't."

  "And there is the Jacketing Ceremony tomorrow," he said quietly.

  "Yes, we're about to gain another forty highly-trained guards who are going to help tremendously, although not all of them will be Royal ones."

  Nick nodded his understanding. Five of the guards being jacketed would become Palace Guards. He also knew that Stephanie had personally met with each one. She knew that each of them had wanted to be a Royal Guard, but this was where their particular skills were more suited. They had all decided to accept the position instead of returning to the Fleet which had always been an option for them.

  "Why do you think Woodrow is contacting Queen Pima?" he asked. "I could have understood if it had been Yusuf, but Pima?"

  Stephanie wandered into the kitchen, opened two cold brews, and walked back to hand him one as she thought about it. There could be hundreds of reasons for why Pima wanted information on the House of Protection, but in Stephanie's opinion as a woman, it all boiled down to one. Her mother.

  Growing up, Stephanie and her mother had been close, but it had been in a mother/daughter sort of way because Stephanie had spent the majority of her adult life out with the Fleet. It was only after she'd been injured and the two of them had spent so much time together that they'd gotten to talk and really know each other as adults, and women.

  It was during one of these talks when Stephanie had noticed that the faint marks her mother had always had on her chest had begun to darken. Concerned, she'd insisted her mother see the doctor, and that's when she'd been told what they really were and their family history.

  "Pima's jealous of my mother. Yusuf paid her a great deal of attention at the Royal Ball, or at least he tried to. Jotham interceded every time. Pima wasn't happy about it. I also know he's comm'd her several times and tried to get her to come to visit her 'true' House. Alone."

  "As if Jotham would allow that."

  "There would be no 'allowing,'" Stephanie told him, with narrowed eyes. "If my mother wanted to go, she would, but she doesn't. There's something else."
/>   "What?"

  "Queen Pima's family has been around the Royal Family for generations. She once worked in the Hall of Records of the House of Healing, and while there she extensively researched the bloodlines of the House of Healing."

  "You know this because..."

  She shrugged. "I served in the Coalition with several members from the House of Healing. One had an older sibling that liked to brag how he used to work with the Queen."


  Stephanie chewed on her bottom lip for a moment then said, "I think Pima somehow discovered our family secret."

  "Secret," Nick's eyes widened in surprise. "What secret?"

  Sighing she told him the story her mother had told her. "Generations ago, a Prince from the House of Healing fell in love with two women. One he made his Queen, the other he gave the Tausendjahriger Rosenstock as a symbol of his love."

  "You mean the bush that's in Jotham's garden?"

  "Yes, but he also gave my ancestor something else. Something he never knew about. A child. A little girl that carried the birthmark for the House of Healing across her chest," she touched where her mother's were, "and every third generation down the direct female line, a female is born with that birthmark. My mother carries it. It has been darkening, and she told me that after the ball it filled in with color."

  "And you think Pima knows this?"

  "I do. I saw the way she glared at Mom during the Royal Ball even though her gown covered the birthmarks. If it ever gets out that she carries one drop of House of Healing royal blood and has a colored birthmark..."

  "It could bring chaos to the House of Healing since Jacinda is older than Yusuf."

  "Yes, which is why I think Pima's enlisted Woodrow to spy on the House of Protection."

  "She’s worried about what Jacinda is going to do." Instantly understanding his life mate.

  "That's what I think, yes, and while it’s not a direct threat against the throne, Woodrow is still spying for her."

  "Agreed," he told her.

  "So tomorrow after the Jacketing Ceremony, I'm going to strip Woodrow of his Royal Guard status and have him escorted from the Palace grounds."


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