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Blacque-Bleu Page 11

by Belinda McBride

  Uneasiness prickled his skin, and Blacque glanced at the windows, making certain the shades were pulled tightly closed. Once he was confident they were safe, he turned his attention back to the vampire.

  Bleu looked better, almost back to the way he looked when he’d first set up shop next door to Blacque’s garage. His thick hair waved back from his face in a style that was oddly old-fashioned, but that was probably just the result of neglect. Like Blacque, the vampire didn’t seem to spend too much time on his appearance.

  His eyes had become richer in color; the intense blue reminded him of the crystalline depths of the Caribbean. He looked at Bleu’s mouth. The scars had smoothed away from those generous lips, leaving his face looking fresh and youthful as he must have looked before the war destroyed him.

  There was still so much he wanted to know about the other man. What had his chosen profession been? What had he done in the years following the war? Most importantly, Blacque wanted to know what brought the vampire to Arcada, and why had he fallen so ill?

  But for now, he didn’t want to talk. Maybe in the weeks ahead, when the sting of their premature separation wasn’t so sharp. Now he wanted to touch. He reached out and trailed a hand down Bleu’s lean torso, smiling when the vampire gasped. His heart beat faster at the passion that was etched so openly on his face.

  Boldly he ran one hand over a rosy nipple, then leaned in to nip and bite it to erection, feeling another erection down below rising to greet his hand. He cupped the silky cockhead in his rough palm. When Bleu groaned, Blacque’s arousal hit him like a tidal wave.

  He ran his tongue down the flat, hairless planes of the vampire’s belly, teasing at the navel and then dipping into the nest of silky black curls that nestled his cock. He held it at the base and licked the head, laughing as Bleu’s hips jerked.

  He could imagine what felt good to the other man based on what he liked, but he was fairly certain Bleu didn’t appreciate pain to the degree that he did. Not this early in, at least.

  He nuzzled the space between cock and balls, letting his wet tongue trail down to Bleu’s velvety sac. He gently sucked his balls into his mouth one at a time and reached up to stroke Bleu’s muscular buttocks.

  Giving in to impulse, he rubbed his face in Bleu’s groin, gathering every bit of the vampire’s scent, letting it settle on his skin and in his hair.

  “Damnation, Lukas!” Bleu gripped his head to hold him steady. Reaching up, he fisted the vampire’s rigid cock and returned to his effort, bobbing his head, trying to take him a little deeper each time.

  Blacque tasted sweat and musk and the unique flavor of Bleu’s body. He moved faster, pumping at the base of his shaft with every deep swallow.

  “Okay…okay…enough.” Bleu’s voice was harsh and breathless. “Bed, Lukas.”

  He wanted to growl in disappointment but obeyed, letting Bleu’s cock free and rising from the floor.

  “Get on the bed. Lie on your back.” He followed Bleu’s instructions, lying back as the vampire covered his body, pinning him to the bed. “Hold on to the headboard. Don’t let go until I tell you.”

  He reached up and held on. It was every bit as effective as if the vampire had chained him to the bed. He growled in protest but found himself unable to let go. Where had this willing obedience come from?

  “Are you glamouring me?”

  Bleu gave him a wicked smile, then shook his head. “No, pup. You just happen to have a very special character trait, one that I cherish.” He leaned down and kissed Blacque fully on the lips. He lingered for a moment, letting the tip of his tongue probe and tease, and then broke the kiss. “You have the gift of submission. For someone like me, that is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” He bent down again and kissed Blacque deeply this time, his tongue sweeping into his mouth.

  For a creature with a pair of razor-sharp fangs, Bleu sure loved to kiss. He was damn good at it, as far as Blacque could tell. He lay back, enraptured by the sensual dance of lips and tongue. He felt a surge of arousal when Bleu nicked him, drawing blood from his lip. When he sucked Blacque’s lower lip into his mouth, Blacque fisted the headboard, hearing it give an ominous groan.

  Bleu broke away and laved a wide path down his shoulder, following the trail of tattoos on his arms, ending up at his inner elbow and then dropping to his wrist, feathering kisses over his pulse point. A nip brought a gasp from Blacque, and his hips bucked, but he didn’t let go of the headboard.

  Bleu clasped his hip and trailed strong fingers along the line of his groin, then teased at the juncture of his thigh. He ignored Blacque’s aching cock and forced his leg to bend at the knee. Dropping hot kisses on the back of his thigh, Bleu leaned in and nipped his exposed ass, then caught a single golden ring between his teeth. Blacque felt the tug on his balls, and a spasm ran through him, so violent and strong that he thought surely he’d climaxed.

  He felt warm saliva trickle down to his hole, and then a finger played there, pressing and teasing until he submitted, relaxing into the pressure. He strained to look down at Bleu and could barely see the man down there under his raised leg. The vampire worried at the golden hoops in Blacque’s testicles even as he played with his ass. The realization of what the vampire intended sent another surge of twisting arousal through Blacque. His body arched off the bed, but his hands kept him anchored.

  Blacque’s heart slammed in his chest, and he closed his eyes, divided between raw, adrenaline-fueled fear and sheer bliss at the primal invasion of his body. He held his breath and then released it in a harsh gasp. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he had to blink to keep it from running into his eyes.

  “Get your lube, pup.”

  His hand felt fused to the wooden headboard, but he loosened his grip and fumbled at the bedside table. He handed the bottle to Bleu with a hand that was not particularly steady. Bleu sat up, gazing at him through sensual, half-closed eyes. He smiled slowly, obviously enjoying the effect he was having on Blacque.

  “I love what this is doing to you, Lukas.” He stared for a moment longer and then looked down at the container in his hand. “Do you want this? Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes. Please.” Blacque heard his voice, broken and pleading, but shame and embarrassment no longer existed in his world. Now there was only Bleu and the bliss he was lavishing on his body. He was desperate, not for the climax, but for the journey that would take him there.

  “Hands back on the board, pup.”

  Like magic, they were back in place. He heard the snap of the bottle’s lid and opened his eyes. He watched as Bleu knelt between his legs and slicked up his shaft. He looked up and smiled.

  “I want you on your hands and knees so I can fuck you hard. But more than that, I want to watch your face as I fuck you the first time.”

  Blacque swallowed and nodded. He didn’t care. He just needed Bleu to keep doing what he was doing—weaving an erotic spell that took them out of the harsh world of their daily lives. He dropped his head to the pillow. The overload of sensation had him resting on a cloud rather than a mattress in a bedroom. Bleu adjusted his hips slightly, and then the pressure came, building until Blacque felt his body reluctantly give way. He remembered entering Bleu’s body and forced himself to relax, letting the vampire guide and control his penetration.

  His hands fisted the headboard, but his body went loose; he barely felt it when Bleu bent his legs and looped them up over his arms. He watched, seeing the play of expressions on Bleu’s face. He frowned fiercely and then let his head fall back in ecstasy. He stroked Blacque’s legs and then looked down into his face. “So tight. So hot.”

  Bleu’s shaft was a cool, heated presence invading his body. He drew back smoothly, then paused to add more lube. He pressed forward and drew back again, lubing up each time he withdrew. Finally he groaned; his face almost looked pained. He thrust and slid in all the way to the root, and Blacque’s body arched against the burn. His softened cock suddenly filled at the painful invasion. Bleu thrust again, and he
slid over Blacque’s prostate with dizzying speed.

  They fucked. Blacque lay helpless under the vampire’s onslaught, and it became completely necessary for him to grasp that headboard. With every thrust, Bleu sent a shock wave through his body. Pain and pleasure mingled, and his cock was hard and alive, rolling across his belly every time the vampire pounded into his ass. When he thought he could take no more, he prayed that it would never end.

  Bleu dropped his legs and lunged forward, his face inches from Blacque’s. He shifted position, and the penetration wasn’t as deep, but Blacque looked up into his face and lost himself in the depths of Bleu’s eyes.

  “Will you come when I tell you to come?” Bleu stared at him with unnerving intensity. “If I stop…” His body went still, and Blacque fought not to writhe and plunge in protest. He took a breath and held it until he reclaimed control of his body.

  “Very good, Lukas. Very good.” Bleu lowered more of his weight until Blacque’s cock was trapped between their bodies. “Such beautiful control.” He kissed Blacque gently, and his hips began to pump slowly. “Am I hurting you?”

  Blacque nodded. “It’s good hurt, though.”

  Bleu reached up and trailed a finger down the side of his face. “I rely on you to tell me if it’s too much. Will you promise me that?”

  Blacque nodded, dizzy from the slow, smooth glide of Bleu’s cock in his body.

  “What do you want, Blacque? Do you want to come?”

  He nodded.

  “Tell me what you want, Blacque.”

  He panted, looking up into Bleu’s face. “Fuck me. Hard. Make me come.”

  Bleu came back for another kiss, this one not so gentle. “Let go of the headboard, Lukas. Hold me.”

  His arms felt stiff and numb, and they tingled as he let go, but Blacque reached down and placed one arm around Bleu’s shoulder and the other around his ass. Bleu let his eyes drop closed again, clearly savoring the contact. “Soft first, and then hard.” He opened his eyes and looked down at Blacque. “Is that all right?

  “Yeah.” Blacque licked his lips, desperate to continue, desperate to fuck and be fucked, to be completely and totally possessed by the vampire. Bleu nuzzled his neck and shoulder and slowly picked up his pace. They writhed together. Blacque tightened his arms around the other man, urging him to take him harder and deeper. Slow and sensual gradually gave way to hard and fast. Their hips churned, their skin slapped, and Blacque felt it rising, a pressure building in his body like the waters of a tsunami. His eyes snapped open, and Bleu was watching him.

  “Soon?” Bleu asked. He nodded, losing the last tendrils of control over his body. “Come, then, Blacque.” The vampire whispered in his ear. His teeth bore down on the skin of Blacque’s neck. Blacque shouted, angling his head, giving Bleu the permission he needed. Right at the moment that Blacque teetered on the precipice, pain lanced through his neck, firing his climax. He shouted again and again, too overwhelmed to feel the cum spilling on his belly. Blacque’s world fractured into shards of pleasure laced with pain. His back arched, his muscles clenched and released, and too soon he was unable to shout, unable to buck and meet the thrusts of Bleu’s body.

  In a fog, he heard Bleu gasp and swear in French. He felt his body shudder, felt his warm breath against his skin. Bleu’s seed flooded his ass, cool and foreign and so very welcome. He held on to Bleu through the climax, rubbing his big, rough hands over the silken skin of the vampire’s back. Bleu didn’t try to move off his body, and if he had, Blacque wouldn’t have let him go. He never wanted to let him go.

  Bleu lay in the darkness, his attention divided between the man who was sleeping at his side and the rustling breeze outside the window. It was three in the morning, the afternoon of his day, and he was wakeful. He rolled onto his side and studied Lukas Blacque as he slept. He wanted to touch but didn’t want to wake the wolf.

  So this was it.

  Inside, his soul cried, his body grieved for the loss of the companion who offered so much. The shifter had proven to be so much more than food and a body to slake his needs with. He was a friend, a selfless companion who saw the man who Bleu had been before he’d died. He was frightening in his feral strength and heartbreaking in his lonely determination.

  He was a fucking martyr, and Bleu bit back anger at the needless loss.

  He took a deep breath and blew it out. No, Lukas was right. If he tried to maintain a relationship with a vampire—another man—he risked the contempt of his pack and the challenges of the wolves. Hell, they’d be on him enough without adding this particular fuel to their bloodlust.

  Even this last night had been an unacceptable risk. If a single wolf scented them on each other, the secret would be out.

  If only things were just a little different—if only Dane Blacque hadn’t stooped to emotional blackmail.

  Hell. If only Blacque were even slightly bisexual, he wouldn’t be facing such a shitty future. Oliver Bleu would move on as he always had, hunting blood where he found it, taking sex when he could. Blacque would be locked into a lie. Perhaps he’d make a grandchild for Dane; perhaps he’d even take a mate. But like countless other closeted men and women, he’d always know he was living a false life.

  Finally he rolled out of the bed and padded to the bathroom, where he turned the shower on, the water as hot as he could bear. He couldn’t run the risk of carrying Blacque’s scent on his body. He soaped off and rinsed his hair under the hot stream of water, then opened his eyes to see Blacque’s razor on a shelf and a bar of Lava soap in a soap dish. The scent of the pumice soap quickened him once again, but he didn’t have the heart to maintain an erection.

  He stepped out of the shower and chose a freshly laundered towel to quickly dry off. He dressed and ran his fingers through his wet hair.

  When necessary, Bleu could move in near complete silence. He stood for a moment, wishing he could say good-bye but knowing it was silly. They’d probably see each other tomorrow or the next day. They’d talk about business and cars and maybe the pack. Life would go on. Their friendship would still be there. All else would be unspoken.

  Briefly he thought about leaving, about packing up his equipment and driving to another city or state. But Arcada was his home now, and he’d found a measure of safety here. If he’d remained on the road, he’d be dead for real by now. He wasn’t ready to give up his sanctuary.

  He looked down at Blacque to gaze at the face of the big wolf as he slept. He closed his eyes, committing this night to memory. He savored every touch, every sigh. Blacque had held him through his climax, soothing him as he plummeted from the heights to the near death of the orgasm. Blacque had held him in near desperation, not allowing him to move so much as an inch. When he thought that Bleu had fallen asleep, he’d let him go with a soft curse.

  Blacque wasn’t the sort to lose himself in angst, but Bleu had sensed his wolf had suffered a world of hell in those moments when he’d forced himself to surrender his wants to his duties.

  Bleu turned from the bed and left the room, moving swiftly into the kitchen. He lingered for a moment, looking around the homey space. It didn’t look like the sort of house Blacque would live in. It was warm and comfortable, as far from Bleu’s spartan lifestyle as could be imagined. He even had magnets on the refrigerator.

  Bleu slipped out the kitchen door and blended into the shadows, where he remained motionless. He scented the air until he located the watcher at the edge of the wood. It had already started. Blacque had enemies, and soon enough they’d show their faces.

  He moved quicker than thought, feet barely touching the ground. In seconds, Bleu was within striking distance of the young werewolf who crouched behind a tree, doing his best to catch a scent on the wind. Bleu stayed downwind, memorizing the young man’s scent and appearance. He was too young to be a serious threat to Blacque, unless he pulled something dirty. Bleu moved just feet from the young man and reached out a hand to run a phantomlike finger down his spine.

  The youth whipped
around, only to find empty air and not a trace of the vampire that had just touched him. From the branches of a tree, Bleu laughed silently, his wicked fangs glinting in the moonlight.

  Chapter 12

  Blacque started the engine on the late-model truck and smiled in pleasure. He gunned the powerful engine for a few moments, satisfied that the truck was running smoothly. One more job out the door.

  He turned off the engine and climbed out the vehicle, admiring the big quad cab. Too fancy for his needs, but still, it was damn nice. The owner had purchased it to haul his daughter’s horse to and from shows. It had needed some minor work, but nothing too complicated. It had brought him a new customer as well—the owner was bringing in his wife’s little sports car the following week.

  He slammed the door closed and tossed the keys in the air, catching them and heading into his office.

  “Hey, Lukas. I’m heading out.”

  He waved to Jason, the newest mechanic on staff. He hadn’t been joking those weeks ago when he’d told his father business was good. It was too much for him and Davey, so he’d brought in another guy. Jason gave Lukas the chills, not because he sensed a potential danger in the guy, but simply because of his aura of otherness. The kid looked like any other twenty-something man around Arcada, but there was something in his pale blue eyes that he hadn’t yet learned to conceal. He wasn’t fae, but he was something.

  He was certainly a miracle worker with an engine.

  Nights were coming early now that fall was moving in, and when he glanced outside, the security lights in the parking lot were beginning to illuminate. He heard the gunning growl of a motorcycle engine, and for just a moment, his heart beat a little faster. The engine wasn’t the throbbing roar of a hog, but the purr some something Japanese. Automatically he surveyed the shop, locating possible weapons.


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