Phoenix Rising Book One Hawk

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Phoenix Rising Book One Hawk Page 3

by Onasmusic

  Chapter Four

  A Month Later

  The party was a huge success Mary was able to make it and all the village welcomed Hawk with open arms. So far no trouble has shown itself and Phoenix was starting to think it wasn’t going to happen. They moved all of Hawks things into their rooms at the manor house and purchased a bigger bed. They found that they like to all sleep as well as play together.

  The bedroom on the cabin was getting rebuilt to make it larger and all in all the trio was as happy as could be. Hawk walked back into the bedroom to wake both Phoenix and Rain. He stood there looking at them so full of love for them he thought he would burst. Hawk could hardly believe it has been a month since he found them. He remembered the first time he saw them in wolf form. As a hawk he was nervous at first until they looked at him and he felt the love even before they spoke to him.

  They are beautiful in wolf and human form. Rain is a black wolf huge and strong with those same deep black eyes. Rain was at least 170 lbs. and 78 “long. Phoenix in wolf form was a sight to behold. Her fur took on the colors in her hair ebony, burgundy and gold streaks running through it. So thick and full more so than the average wolf fur would.

  Hawk loved the evenings when all the work was over and they flew and ran together open and free. The best thing was no trouble so far and no sign of it either.

  Unknown to Rain, Hawk or Phoenix at that very moment a plot was in the air. Someone wanted Rains pack and they were not above killing him to get it. Standing on the edge of the woods watching the house making sure he was downwind. Crazy, angry eyes watching every move the trio makes.

  “How dare she chose them a bird even over me!? She will pay and the males will die.” “I will have my revenge and I will be pack leader.” Hearing the patrol coming he fades into the morning mist as quickly and as quietly as he had for the last month laughing to himself.


  About the author:

  Hello, Thank you for reading my first published book. This has been a lifelong dream of mine. Please offer a review good or bad and come back to learn more about Phoenix, Rain and Hawk.

  Phoenix Rising Book Two: Phoenix

  Ona Williams

  Chapter One

  Phoenix was such a happy girl and a lucky one too. Then she met Rain and married him. Phoenix thought that was the happiest she could ever be. How wrong she was Hawk has added a level of love she didn’t know was possible. He has added so much more love to their house.

  To think a little over a year ago she didn’t know either of them and thought she was doomed to spend her life either alone or tied to a man who did not love her, just wanted to use her gift.

  Phoenix could sometime predict things vision came to her in her sleep.

  Thank God Rain showed up in her life when he did and saved her from that. Then almost a year later Phoenix had a dream of another mate and then Hawk showed up on the scene. When he showed up Hawk said the seer in his town told him to come find them because we knew where his mate was and his mate was in danger.

  That was three months ago now Hawk was a full member of the pack. Hawk is a were-hawk, not a were-wolf and the people love him. Rain was concerned when Phoenix had the dreams about another wolf being their mate. They both was so surprised when Hawk showed up. It has been an easy three months, so far no trouble has come their way. Phoenix knew this was about to change.

  She knew it could not stay this way she was having new dreams and they were not pleasant. Both Rain and Hawk have commented more than once on her woolgathering. That’s the downside to having two mates someone is always in tune with your moods and notice every off thing about you. Phoenix was ok with that though she knew it came from love.

  The last dream really had Phoenix worried something bad was coming and soon. Phoenix could feel it in the air coating everything. Tomorrow she would visit Susan Mayfield. Susan was a top interpreter of dreams and a powerful spellcaster. Phoenix had a feeling she was going to need her before this was all over. Phoenix wasn’t worried about herself in the dream the danger was to her mates.

  She growled low in her throat she would kill anyone who tried to harm her mates. Nothing to do now but finish dinner. As Phoenix was washing the lettuce a movement outside caught her eye. Something or someone was standing just inside the edge of the wood line. Growling Phoenix dropped the lettuce in the sink and ran out the back door sniffing the air as she went.

  Damn too late he must have seen her look up and ran and once again whoever it was stood downwind so no scent. This was the third time in as many days that Phoenix saw someone watching the house. They also stood downwind and stayed one step ahead of her. Phoenix was getting angry, yes it was time to talk to her mates they needed to be on guard.

  Unblocking her mind Phoenix searched for Rain and Hawk. Rain was in his office at the manor house and Hawk was soaring over the forest on guard duty. Reaching out to Hawk first Phoenix called.

  “Hawk do you see anyone running through the woods a stranger?”

  “No, said Hawk, “what’s wrong?”

  “Phoenix,” came a panic call from Rain, “are you alright!”

  “I am fine I do need to talk to you both as soon as possible though. I’ve had a new dream I believe Hawks warning is coming true, troubles coming.”

  “On my way!”

  “Coming home now”

  Well her men were on the way home with one last look into the forest Phoenix went inside to complete preparing dinner and to await her mates. She open her mind again

  “Be careful,’ she sent out and left her mind open to them. She would keep the connection wide open until she held them both.

  A fight is coming….


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