Sierra Bravo

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Sierra Bravo Page 21

by Simon Haynes

Foster deflated like a punctured tyre, her bluster gone, and in a low voice she agreed. "Very well. Send through your estimate, and I'll make sure it's included in our budget."

  "Thank you!" Harriet straightened. "It was a pleasure doing business. I hope we don't have to meet again."

  And with that, she and Birch strode out.

  "That felt good," said Harriet, as they left the building.

  "I could tell," muttered Birch. "Do you think she'll keep her word?"

  Harriet smiled. "If she doesn't, I'll tell Bernie they're stripping stolen robots in Foster's office, and they're using the empty shells for target practice. By the time Bernie's finished punching her way through the walls, Foster will be throwing buckets of cash at us."

  "Harriet Walsh, remind me never to cross you."

  Chapter 30

  Alice kept an eye on the fuel gauge as the ship flew towards Chirless. She'd told Arnie to keep the speed down, to ensure they had enough fuel to get back to Dismolle, but it was going to be close. She'd already got Bernie to fill the ship once, and what with the bill for Flint's robot, she didn't think another tank of fuel was very likely.

  "I always wanted to be a pilot."

  Alice looked round, and saw Scrap studying the flight console. "Can't you just download a program or something? Instant learning?"

  "I'm sure I could, yes." The robot gazed at the horizon, a distant look in his eyes. "One day, perhaps. When Mr Flint … no longer requires my services."

  "It's a big galaxy. Plenty to explore."

  "Indeed." Scrap smiled at her, his warm yellow eyes glowing in the darkened flight deck. "That's something for me to look forward to, I think. For now, I must tend to Mr Flint."

  "Scrap? What are you doing up there? Leave the girl alone!"

  "Speak of the devil," murmured Alice, but when she looked round the robot had gone. Moments later she heard Scrap and Flint in the back of the flight deck, discussing the old man's medication, diet and exercise regime. Actually, it sounded more like a dispute, but that seemed to be normal for those two.

  "I tell you, I'm going to mow the lawn," said Flint. "You've only just been rebuilt, and I'm not having you running over your toes with the mower."

  "I assure you, I am completely operational, and my—"

  "Yeah, yeah, you always say that, and then something falls of." There was a hollow clang. "How's the leg? Still attached?"

  "My new leg is excellent, thank you. How's your eyesight?"

  "As good as ever."

  "I'll take that as a fail, then."

  Alice donned her headset, cutting off their good-natured banter. The city of Chirless was dead ahead, and even at their reduced speed it was growing rapidly. Flint had already given her the address, and the ship was tracking a course towards his house. They were flying low, and after passing a commercial district they reached Flint's neighborhood, where modest houses sat on small plots of land. Alice aimed for his garden, and was just about to set down when she heard shouting. She pulled off the headset and turned in her seat. "What is it?"

  "No, no, no!" shouted Flint. "Get off my lawn!"

  Arnie obliged, and they set down in the road instead. As the engines faded to silence, Alice got up and escorted the others to the hatch.

  Flint hesitated, one hand on the ladder. "This is where it happened, right? She flew up to the roof, then went out the hatch and plunged all the way to the ocean?"

  Slowly, Alice nodded.

  "Good." And with that, Flint took the ladder to the ground. Scrap glanced at the ceiling, shook his head, and followed.

  Alice found them waiting for her at the foot of the ladder. "Thanks for the help," she said. "I'm really sorry Scrap got hurt."

  "Don't thank us. You people didn't have to put your lives on the line for Chirless, but you did it anyway." Flint saluted her. "You did well, Alice. You have a bright future ahead of you."

  Alice smiled. "Take care of each other, okay?"

  "I'll have to, because this tin lump can't take care of himself. Getting run over, indeed."

  "And this old fool couldn't find his mouth unless he's complaining," said Scrap fondly.

  They turned and walked across the garden, and Alice watched as Flint took a seat in the shade, while Scrap wheeled the old mower out of the garden shed. As the little engine clattered into life, emitting clouds of smoke, she climbed the ladder to the airlock, still smiling to herself.

  — ♦ —

  "It seems like a waste of time, tidying this place up," said Birch, as he and Harriet walked into the Chirless Peace Force station. "I mean, it's just going to sit here, abandoned. Who's going to know about the mess inside?"

  "I will," said Harriet, as she righted a fallen chair. "Come on, it won't take long."

  "Fair enough," said Dave, and they got to work in earnest.

  Thirty minutes later, Harriet's commset rang, and when she saw who was calling, she carried it through to the canteen. "Yes?"

  "I've approved your budget," said Foster. "The first deposit will go through tomorrow."

  Harriet was going to say something pithy, but she decided to adopt a more friendly tone. After all, she had no idea how long she'd be dealing with Foster, and it would be better to keep her onside. "Thank you, Mrs Foster. The people of Chirless will be very happy."

  "Chirless? What do you mean, Chirless? I thought this was for Dismolle!"

  "Actually, it's for both. Have a nice day, now." Harriet disconnected and made a second call. She gave the station's address, then confirmed someone would be out within the hour. After that, she went to find Birch.

  He was standing by the gaping hole leading into the street, eying the broken glass. "We should have boarded this up before they took the tools away. Now we've got no chance of securing it."

  "That's all right, I've just booked a glazier. They're going to fit new doors."

  Birch stared at her. "I know Foster was going to cough up some cash, but isn't that a bit extravagant? I mean, it's just an empty station. We might as well stick up some metal fencing."

  They both looked up at a growling roar overhead. A shadow passed over the street, and then they felt a thump as Alice set down on the roof. Then Harriet turned back to Birch. "A metal fence won't give people a very good impression, will it?"

  "What people?"

  "Anyone coming to ask the Peace Force for help. Anyone who comes to our new station." Harriet paused. "Well, your new station, anyway."

  Birch stared at her in shock.

  "Come on, Sergeant Birch, don't tell me you haven't been thinking about it." Harriet looked at him, suddenly wondering whether she was asking too much. "You'd only have to be here a day or two a week, and I reckon Ben sign up as a trainee in a heartbeat. Get him up to speed, and you'd still be able to run your shop."

  "Blow the damned shop!" exclaimed Birch. "I'm in! Where do I sign?"

  Harriet laughed, then saluted him.

  "What's that for?"

  "Technically, you outrank me."

  "So I do." Birch grinned at her. "I could get used to this, trainee."

  "Don't forget you'd be working for Bernie," Harriet warned him. "Hell, I'd better let her know about this. Last she heard, she was running one station and two trainees. Now she's got twice as much on her hands." She took out her commset and dialled the robot, but she got an answering message instead.

  "Thank you for calling the Peace Force. Your call is important to us, and if you mention coupon code G-A-L you will be offered a twenty percent discount on your first night in our cells."

  "Hey Bernie, it's Harriet. Just letting you know we're getting funding from now on, thanks to the Residents' Association. I've also reopened the Chirless Peace Force station and put Birch in charge. That's all, bye."

  "That's all, she says," muttered Birch. "Bernie is going to have a fit."

  "Trust me, when Foster's cash starts pouring into the account, she'll be too busy ordering new batteries and proper equipment to make a fuss." Harriet glanced towards the sta
irs as Alice arrived, taking them two at a time as usual. "Hey you. All good?"

  Alice nodded. "The robot's fixed, Flint's happy, and Bernie will be getting a repair bill."

  "Two out of three isn't bad," said Harriet, with a smile.

  "Trainee Alice, I hope you wiped your feet before you entered my station," said Birch severely.

  "Your station?"

  "I'm the new commander. You should address me as sir, and a proper salute wouldn't go amiss."

  "Oh great, now I've got two superiors. Bernie and you."

  "Three, if you include me," said Harriet.

  "So when do I get a station?" demanded Alice plaintively.

  "There is another city on Dismolle," said Birch. "Actually, Galumi's more of a town, but I hear they've had some problems lately. Maybe we could take a quick look?"

  "One thing at a time!" protested Harriet. "Can we at least tidy this place up first?"

  And with that, they set about preparing the planet's second Peace Force station.

  Galumi could wait.


  After several nights of pitched battles on the streets of Chirless, we're happy to report that things appear to have settled down at last. We're told that Anita Darting, the infamous crime lord, was attempting to establish herself in the city once more. Fortunately, a group of Chirless Peace Force veterans banded together and put a stop to her plans. It's rumoured that one or two members of the Dismolle Peace Force assisted in this effort, but that rumour has yet to be confirmed.

  In other news, Agatha Foster, head of the Residents' Association, insists the recent increase in fees is a temporary measure. Others are not so sure, since no 'temporary increase' has ever been rescinded.

  Finally in the news, it is with some surprise that we announce the re-opening of the Peace Force station right here in Chirless. David Birch, a veteran of the Force, will be in command, and he will be assisted by new trainee Ben James. The lines are open, and anyone with concerns about their safety or security are encouraged to call for help.

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  What's next in the Harriet Walsh series?

  These three books are it for the time being, but look out for more Harriet Walsh titles in future!

  In the meantime, you might like to check out the Hal Spacejock series, also by Simon Haynes. Harriet Walsh features in book four, No Free Lunch, as well as several later books in the same series.

  Harriet is also mother to the main character in the Hal Junior series!

  Simon Haynes was born in England and grew up in Spain. His family moved to Australia when he was 16.

  In addition to novels, Simon writes computer software. In fact, he writes computer software to help him write novels faster, which leaves him more time to improve his writing software. And write novels faster. (yWriter)

  Simon's goal is to write fifteen novels before someone takes his keyboard away.

  Update 2018: goal achieved and I still have my keyboard!

  New goal: write thirty novels.

  Simon's website is

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  Publication Details

  This edition published 2018 by

  Bowman Press

  ISBN 978-1-877034-29-9 (Paperback)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Hal Spacejock series:

  Hal Spacejock ZERO: Origin (2020)

  Hal Spacejock 1: A Robot Named Clunk *

  Hal Spacejock 2: Second Course *

  Hal Spacejock 3: Just Desserts *

  Hal Spacejock 4: No Free Lunch

  Hal Spacejock 5: Baker's Dough

  Hal Spacejock 6: Safe Art

  Hal Spacejock 7: Big Bang

  Hal Spacejock 8: Double Trouble

  Hal Spacejock 9: Max Damage

  Hal Spacejock 10: Cold Boots

  Available now in ebook and paperback.

  * Also available in Audiobook

  Ghostly goings-on in Victorian London!

  A Riddle in Bronze

  1. A Riddle in Bronze (2019)

  2. An Enigma in Silver (2020)

  3. A Conundrum in Gold (2020)

  Available in ebook and paperback.

  Gripping Space Opera by Simon Haynes

  The Secret War: Raiders

  1. Raiders

  2. Frontier (2019)

  3. Deadlock (2019/2020)

  Available in ebook and paperback.

  The Harriet Walsh series:

  Harriet Walsh 1. Peace Force

  Harriet Walsh 2. Alpha Minor

  Harriet Walsh 3. Sierra Bravo

  Harriet Walsh 4. Storm Force (TBA)

  Available in ebook and paperback.

  New from Simon Haynes

  A Portion of Dragon and Chips

  1. A Portion of Dragon and Chips

  2. A Butt of Heads

  3. A Pair of Nuts on the Throne

  Available now in ebook, paperback and audiobook

  Simon also writes the Hal Junior series for children:

  Hal Junior 1: The Secret Signal

  Hal Junior 2: The Missing Case

  Hal Junior 3: The Gyris Mission

  Hal Junior 4: The Comet Caper

  Available now in ebook and paperback. The Secret Signal available in Audio.

  Maybe you love my work, and you want to know how I wrote it.

  Or maybe you think you can do better!

  Either way, this straightforward guide should prove really useful:

  How to Write a Novel by Simon Haynes

  Available now in ebook, paperback and audiobook.

  Short Fiction by Simon Haynes

  A Piece of the Action

  Billy's Book

  Catch of the Day

  Loss Leader

  No Reply

  Off Course

  Produit d'appel (French)

  Sleight of Hand

  The Desolator

  The Project

  Thonn Day


  Yard Fail


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  To Mary, Ian and Jonathan, I really appreciate the help and support!

  Dedicated to Mum and Dad The best parents in the galaxy!




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