Happily Ever After: A Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

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Happily Ever After: A Contemporary Romance Boxed Set Page 26

by Piper Rayne

  I might be the world’s biggest fool but I’ve never been one to assume.

  My success is based on that one concept. Never assume. It will make you miss out on opportunities and Ivy is the one opportunity I don’t want to miss.

  I have to know what she’s thinking.

  The thought moves me as I go and search her out.

  Ten minutes later I find her. My heart stills as I watch her just sitting there on the bench gazing ahead of her at the lake. She’s sitting with her legs tucked under her, her chin resting on her hands, and she looks pensive.

  I pull in a deep breath and take my stride toward her, refusing to go against my one rule in life and assume that worried look should fend me away.

  She looks at me when I approach, those beautiful brown eyes wide with surprise. Her brown skin glistens in the sunlight and her lips part when I make my way in front of her and crouch down.

  “Leo.” Her dark eye lashes flutter.

  I hope like hell she’s not going to tell me I shouldn’t have come.

  “You left my bed,” I say simply.

  She brings her hands together and looks more worried than I’ve ever seen her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Is that sorrow for last night too? You’re sorry it happened?” I just have to know that part.

  She rivets her gaze to mine and presses her lips together. The moments that pass feel stretched and it pains me to wait. It feels like I’ve been waiting so long to see what it would be like to be with her that it pains me to wait longer for her answer.

  “No,” she replies and my damn heart lifts. I swear it stopped beating and started up again in that second.

  If she doesn’t regret last night then it means I was right. She wanted to be with me as much as I wanted her.

  “Talk to me Ivy. We need to talk. Why did you leave?”

  “Leo, I… there’s a lot.”

  “Give me one reason. Let’s start with one reason.”

  She looks like she’s thinking about the most important. “I’m not sure how you feel about me. We haven’t dated and I don’t…. I wouldn’t normally do something like that. I mean…God, what we did last night.” She pauses. “It was very special and also intimate. I’ve never had a one night stand, and um. . .I’m not needy but um– .” She bites her lip.

  “I don’t think you’re needy.”

  “I didn’t want you to think that because of Ben, and because I had to ask you to be my date for the wedding.” The words keep tumbling from her lips.

  “I promise you I don’t.” It’s time for me to come clean. “Ivy… I don’t think anything besides good when it comes to you. Everything I said to Ben was stuff I’ve felt for a long time. Even when you were with him.”

  “What?” There’s a look of surprise on her face.

  “Last night didn’t just happen because of what I said to Ben. It happened because of how I feel about you. That’s why it happened. I can’t remember a time in the years I’ve known you when I didn’t feel that way.” I confess all, I feel this is the right thing to do. . .especially after the incredible night we’ve spent together.

  Now she looks genuinely surprised.


  I sigh. I think that’s the biggest secret I’ve ever had. The biggest thing I’ve ever held on to.

  “Leo, why didn’t you say something to me?”

  “Maybe the same reasons you left,” I answer with a small smile. “Now you know how I feel about you and I couldn’t have been happier when you asked me to go to the wedding with you.”

  Her face brightens and hope sparks my heart.

  “I… can’t remember a time in the years I’ve known you when I didn’t feel the way I do about you.”

  I smile at that. “And what way is that Princess Ivy?”

  “I wanted to be with you.”

  “So since I want to be with you too we should do something about that shouldn’t we Ivy Carson?”

  She nods slowly. “You want to?”

  “I want to.”

  “It doesn’t bother you that I’m older?”

  “That never even crossed my mind.” I straighten up pushing to stand. “Have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  “On a date?” She arches her eyebrow.

  “Yeah. A real date. We can do something fun. Just the two of us. There’s no wedding, none of that business of us trying to be friends when it’s clear we want more.” I put my hand out for her to take. When she does and stands too I see clearly what I want for us. “Will you go with me?”


  I raise her hand, bring it to my lips and kiss the soft satin skin.

  “Then it’s a date. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  Chapter 9


  “I won fair and square.” I squeal.

  “You do realize that when you bowl the pins have to all fall down to consider that a win right?” Leo counters and I pretend to scowl at him.

  “Yes, but my one pin that fell over gave me one over on you.” I shake my bottom and do a happy dance.

  He gave me an exasperated sigh. “Okay Ivy. I’ll allow you to have the win.”

  “How about we both win?” I lift my hand for a high five.

  He gives me the high five hand slap, but says, “It’s fine. I’m man enough to accept defeat.”

  We both laugh as he opens the door for me to step out of the bowling alley.

  We had so much fun bowling. It was eighties night at the alley so they were playing all the songs we love. We got so lost in the game and the music that we lost track of the score.

  Now it’s over and we’re heading to the Dumpling House, close to the alley, to finish the evening with a delicious feast of dim sum.

  When we walk in, the waitress seats us over in the corner so we can gaze out at the river. The Chicago River at night against the skyline is so beautiful. It’s one of my favorite night time city views to look at. A close second is San Francisco.

  Tonight Leo and I have done some of our favorite things. We both love bowling and we both adore dim sum. We’ve been here before but with Cory.

  I’m still thinking about what I should say to him.

  Tonight was great and I hope we go out again. A second date would mean we’d like a third and fourth. I’d have to say something.

  “Should we go for the Full Course of Heaven?” Leo asks.

  “Yes. That would be amazing.” The Full Course of Heaven is literally like a taste of heaven. You get all the dishes brought out in little baskets at intervals. The food here is so delicious and I love that you get to taste a bit of everything.

  “Perfect.” I grin at him.

  The waitress comes over and takes our orders. When she saunters away Leo rests on his elbows and gazes at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I had a really good time tonight.”

  “Me too,” I answer.

  I still can’t believe we’re on a date. Two nights ago we spent the night exploring each other’s bodies, and having incredible sex.

  “I’m glad to hear it. I thought we’d both enjoy something fun. Besides we were due a trip here and some bowling. The next few weeks are going to probably be busy for the both of us.”

  “You can say that again.” I nod.

  He’ll be away in the weeks leading up to football season. There’s a lot of PR that happens during that time and as an agent representing the stars he has to be present for all the action.

  He’ll be busy with that and I’ll have my camp.

  “You looking forward to your camp?”

  “Yes. I am. Every year things change with my company. This year was really good. I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen after the camp. We have a boys’ school that registered thirty boys for the program.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. I’m not surprised though. You came up with a pretty damn good idea.” I can see the honesty in his eyes. He not only likes me, but is proud of my career accomplishments. I know I shouldn
’t compare him to Ben but I can’t help it. Leo is a million times better than Ben.

  “Thank you, and thanks for always supporting me. It means a lot.”

  “You’re more than welcome.” He gives me a smile, and my skin warms in reply.

  The waitress starts bringing out the food and it smells divine.

  The second she sets it down on the table we dive in and start talking about everything. It feels like we’re talking about everything we’ve ever wanted to talk about.

  Our conversation is interrupted when I hear Ben’s voice. I look to my left and see the little TV over in the corner. He seems like he’s live and talking about the new season.

  I look at him and remember Saturday night. I’m surprised when I don’t feel anything. Not a damn thing at all one way or the other. I return my focus to Leo and find him already looking at me.

  “You okay?” he asks. “We can leave if you want.”

  I chuckle. “No. We will do no such thing and waste this gorgeous food. I’m okay.”

  “Sorry he was so mean to you. What a loser.”

  “Thanks. Seeing him the other night made me realize he was always that way but I just never saw it until it was too late.” I confess, unsure whether I should be talking about my ex to my Leo.

  “Yeah. I think you’re right. Sometimes we don’t see what’s in front of us and we only see what we want to see. It’s not a bad thing, but we get a surprise when it knocks us for six and you’re left wondering how come you never saw it coming.”

  “That’s how I feel. I’m not going to let him affect me anymore. I don’t know why he insists on bothering me the way he does.”

  Leo laughs a little. “Jealousy.”

  “Really?” I would never have thought so.

  “Absolutely. I think too he’s just not happy you proved him wrong.”

  “I’m so glad we broke up.”

  “Me too. His loss looks like my gain.” He reaches over the table and touches my hand.

  Memories of the other night flow into my mind and I can’t resist the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips.

  The twinkle in his eyes suggests he’s thinking that too.

  “Yes, it looks that way.”

  We just arrived at my apartment and we’re standing outside my door, kissing. I still can’t believe this is us.

  His kisses ignite a lust filled passion inside me I’ve never felt before. It makes me crave him all over again. When he cups the back of my head the kiss turns greedy and I find myself clutching on to his shirt. My fingers brush over the bare skin of the tight, taut skin of his abs and he surprises me by pulling away.

  He releases me and steps back, breathing heavily.

  “What? Why did you stop?” I ask, confused. I want more, much more.

  “I didn’t want to stop, but if I go any further I won’t want to leave.” He tells me.

  I bite my lip. “Is that such a bad thing? I mean we’ve already…”

  “I know, but I want tonight to be about our first date. I want you to see that I’m interested in you, not just your sexy body. I want us to date, properly.”

  I smile wider at him. “Date number two.”

  He nods slowly. “Date number two. There’s an open-air cinema in the park. I checked and they’ll be showing Casablanca on Wednesday.”

  My hands press against my heart. “I love that film.”

  “I know. So, do you want to go see it with me?”

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  “It’s a date.”

  I look at him and warmth fills my heart. Happiness and excitement lifts my soul, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next with Leo Haller.

  I get the feeling I’m in for a very interesting time.

  Chapter 10


  I stifle a groan and press the phone to my ear trying my best to listen to my father. He’s taken that flat monotone with me which means he’s sober and in business mode.

  I listen to him and stare out the floor to ceiling windows of my office, hoping this call will be over and done with soon. I always get antsy when he calls me. I never know which way the conversation will go.

  This is a business call but my father can change like the wind and pick problems from thin air to throw at me.

  “I need you at that meeting. That one is important because it requires all the shareholders to be present,” he explains.

  Shareholders as in him, Jackson and me. When Grandfather died he left the business to the three of us, much to my father’s dismay. He wanted everything, or at least for him and Jackson to have control because they work there. I don’t.

  My father took the matter to court and the judge threw out his plans. My grandfather twisted everything in such a way that my father couldn’t take my name off the company books without me doing it myself.

  To make matters worse Grandfather left the three of us his personal property and assets too. The property in question today is a hotel in Antigua my father wants to sell to a tycoon who wants to expand his chain.

  “I’ll be there,” I tell him. I know it’s not up for discussion. Nothing ever is, not even when I disagree with something. Like I do now.

  I don’t want to sell the property but I wouldn’t dare defy him like that. When we meet to discuss anything business related he expects both Jackson and me to accept what we’re being told.

  “Good. I need you and Jackson at the office early enough so we can go over the contracts.”

  “That’s fine. I can make it. Can I ask how much we’re selling for?” I know even that might be a stretch, but I think I should know.


  Here we go.

  “I just want to know. That’s all.”

  “Two million. We’ll split it three ways as usual.”

  “Two million? That property is worth at least six.” I can’t hide my annoyance. It’s not like we’re talking a deficit of hundreds or thousands. It’s millions.

  “Jackson and I have already discussed this and we’re in agreement with the offer. Two million is fine. The buyer will have to do a lot of renovations so I’ll let him have it for the offer he’s making. I see no reason you would have a problem with it if we’ve agreed.”

  I know Jackson wouldn’t have spoken to him the way he’s making it sound, but I’m pissed that I had to ask to get all the information and he’s already met with Jackson.

  I’m more pissed that as usual I have to go along with whatever is happening to keep the damn peace.

  “Okay, Dad,” I answer stiffly.

  “Good see you on Wednesday. Don’t be late.”

  As if I’m ever late. He hangs up before I can say another word.

  I set my phone down on the desk and continue gazing out the window. It’s lunch time and I can feel the start of a headache prickle my neck.

  I’m seeing Ivy tomorrow night and I wish I’d arranged something for tonight instead, or as well as tomorrow.

  It was amazing to spend time with her last night. God knows I would have loved to take her over and over again the way I did the night of the wedding but it was important to me that she knew I was interested in more than sex.

  I’ve never had a long-term relationship before and I don’t want to screw this up. I’m playing things by ear and taking it slowly so she sees I’m serious.

  I’m more serious than I’ve ever been because she’s the long term girl. Nothing like the string of endless short-lived relationships I’ve had in the past.

  A knock sounds on my door and I straighten up. I’m not expecting anybody today, and anybody who hasn’t come to see me before would have come through Janice.

  “Come in,” I call out.

  When the door opens and Cory steps in my stomach clenches.

  The same way I knew my friend was apprehensive about me being his sister’s date at her friend’s wedding, the same way I know he’s not happy about something.

  The look on his fa
ce suggests it might be the same thing.

  “Hey man,” Cory begins.

  “Hi,” I answer and try to keep my cool.

  I’d decided to tell him I wanted to start dating Ivy, but that I wouldn’t do it until I spoke to her first and we both could talk to him separately. I felt I’d do it maybe next week some time. At least waiting until Ivy and I had gone on the second date. A second date tends to suggest we intend to keep seeing each other and I definitely want to see her again.

  He comes closer and stops paces away from me.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  He sighs and runs a hand over his head. “No not really. This conversation is going to be hard for me.”

  “What’s going on?” Best to act like I can’t read this guy like an open book.

  His eyes hold me in place. “Leo, you’re like a brother to me. We’ve been friends for a very long time and I will always have your back. You took good care of me when I started out playing pro-ball. You made sure I got a good deal with the Hawks and I owe you my career.”

  I keep my gaze trained on him. He’s never said things like that to me before.

  “You sound like you have something big to tell me.” I gesture for him to sit but he stands, his hands resting on my desk.

  “Leo… I was out with the guys last night and I saw you in the Dumpling House with Ivy. You guys looked like you were on a date. Were you?”

  I blow out a ragged breath. I’ve lied to my best mate recently, I won’t do it again. “Yes.” As the word falls from my lip his jaw clenches and his eyes darken.

  “Will there be more dates?” His voice is clipped.

  “I want more dates, yes.” He looks noticeably infuriated now. “I was going to talk to you about it but I was waiting to see how things flair out first.”

  He continues to stare at me like he’s trying to work out what to say. Anxiety twists my stomach into tighter knots with each passing second. I don’t want him to be against me seeing Ivy. I really don’t. I don’t want him to have a problem with me at all. But it’s clear now that he does. There’s no need for me to play the guessing game anymore and try to figure anything out.


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