Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4)

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Three for Julie (Blissful Bets #4) Page 6

by Alaska Angelini

  Alpha. The word triggered something inside Taylor’s mind. The term felt right. Perfect. And he was completely accepting. This man was his superior. He could feel it deep within his core.

  Popping began to echo loudly in Taylor’s ear. By the time he tried to figure out what it was, reality dawned. Curiosity was replaced with agony and Taylor’s eyes flew open. Ayden’s face was but inches away.

  “As quiet as you can possibly be.” The words were spoken gently, but the command was laced with every syllable. “Your bones are breaking and readjusting. This portion of the transformation will only last about five minutes, but it’s going to feel like an eternity.” Taylor nodded and clenched his jaw. He could feel his skin lifting and twisting under his clothes.

  Londyn walked closer, but Taylor hardly cared. There was a sense of sibling rivalry, yet an acceptance Taylor had never felt for someone before. It was a kinship that went beyond a close friend. At the moment, he couldn’t understand it at all. Hadn’t he just despised this guy?

  Sweat poured from his skin. Every trickle that ran across felt sensitive to the point of adding to the pain of his uncontrollable, jerking body. A sound full of agony broke the silence and he hardly recognized his own voice.

  “You’re doing great. Just breathe through it, buddy. A few more minutes and the adjusting will end.”


  “Yeah, we’re right here.” The big cop hovered before him, but Taylor could hardly make out any of his features. His eyes were blurring in and out. One minute they’d focus to a measure he’d never seen before, and the next he’d almost be completely blind.

  A tremor shook him as he felt his ribs began to snap. “Fuck!” Crack. Crack. “Oh my God, make it stop. I can’t take anymore.” A wave of dizziness hit hard, and Taylor could feel consciousness slipping away.

  Ayden’s tanned face began to fade. “This is the worst part, but it goes fast. After this, the rest is manageable.”

  The room of the apartment came back to Taylor crystal clear and his eyes shot open from the pain. His back arched on the couch and he felt himself fly forward.

  “He’s all right,” he heard Ayden reassure the brothers. “Let him fight it out on the floor.”

  Was he on the floor? Taylor looked down at the light brown carpet. Aching covered his bones. As the popping continued, he couldn’t fight it anymore. The level of discomfort was nowhere near the amount he’d just undergone, and it almost felt good in comparison.

  “That’s it. Hard part is over with. You made it. Just lay there and breathe through the rest. Soon we’re going to have to put you in bed though. The fever will burn you up for a few hours and you’re going to want to be under the blankets.”

  “Fever?” The raspy sound of his voice grated Taylor’s ears.

  “Yeah. It’s going to get pretty high, but it’s just the infection taking over your senses and immune system.” Ayden stood. “You’re going to be all right. I know you must be confused by what’s going on, but we’re all here if you need anything. We’re your brothers now, for life. There isn’t a thing any of us wouldn’t do for each other.”

  “You’re leaving?” Taylor pushed himself to his elbows and winced.

  “I have to go back to the station for a bit, but I’ll be back. Aston. Londyn. Let’s get him in bed and then I need to talk to both of you.”

  Taylor didn’t argue as they lifted him and placed him in the queen-size bed. The chills were already starting to take over, and the blankets were the only thing he cared about at the moment. As he watched them walk out, sleep was starting to take over, and he’d never felt more tired in his entire life.

  Chapter 8

  Aston followed his Alpha and brother outside into the dark. The look on Ayden’s face was unreadable as he stared at Londyn.

  “It was an accident. I promise. I would have never intentionally infected him.” Londyn looked down, obviously embarrassed at his actions.

  “I know you didn’t mean to do it, but this is the second time it’s happened.” Ayden looked over to Aston. “It was just two years ago when you infected your own brother. I told you I never wanted you to make the same mistake, and you promised me you wouldn’t. But you did.”

  Londyn quietly stared at the ground. He had mega respect for their Alpha, and Aston could feel his heart aching for having broken his word. Unfortunately, Aston knew Ayden could feel Londyn’s remorse too.

  “We’ll figure out a punishment for you later. Right now, I need Aston to go stay with Julie. I don’t trust someone not being in the same apartment with her. I got forensics back on the pictures and notes and they’re clean as a whistle. No fingerprints. Nothing.”

  “But why Aston? I need to mend things—”

  Ayden growled. “You have to stay with Taylor and make sure he’s okay. You did this, and you’re going to be responsible for him. Plus, Julie already has a deep connection with you. Right now ,we need her to bond with your brother. He can go for the next two days, and maybe if you’re lucky you can have the following two. Taylor should be better by then.”

  Londyn nodded. Aston felt butterflies take over. From the moment he saw Julie walk into Ayden’s office, he knew she was the one. The fact that it was his brother’s future mate wasn’t apparent at the time, but when he learned from Ayden who she was, it bothered him. Deep down, he knew Londyn would be hurt. But that wasn’t necessarily the case at all. There was no hostility on Londyn’s part. His brother wasn’t ignorant of how the bonding worked.

  Now that he knew it was meant to happen, it was a green light. He wanted her. Wanted her more than anything. And the reality that he was getting his chance blew his mind. Was he ready for this?

  “Aston, I’ll call Officer Steel and let her know you’re on your way. She’ll still be out there for the night, but at the end of her shift it’ll just be you and Julie from now on. You okay with that?”

  He nodded. “I’ll take good care of her.”

  “You better,” Londyn snapped. Aston felt the anger subside within his brother. Emotions were a bond wolves shared. Since Londyn was the one who infected him, their connection was even stronger than the typical one. “Will you tell her I never meant to hurt her? Tell her—”

  Aston held up his hand. “I got you. I’ll be sure to tell Julie everything. I know you love her.”

  Londyn nodded and looked over at Ayden. When their Alpha motioned toward the apartment Londyn headed that way. Taylor was probably pretty bad off, and he would definitely need someone at his side.

  The door shut and Aston turned to his Alpha. “How long do you think it’ll take before she’ll feel anything for me?”

  Ayden shrugged. “I’m not sure. Might take a while since she’s already torn between the other two, but you never know. Now that she’s been exposed to all three of you, it might just take off. Go find out.”

  A smile lit Ayden’s face and he turned and headed for his car. Aston raced inside and threw some clothes in his overnight bag. He slipped on a pair of jeans and placed his gun at the small of his back. The shirt he slid over his wide chest fit a little snug, but not tight enough to show he was wearing his 9 mm. He grabbed his keys and looked down at them. This was it.

  * * * *

  Voices echoed around Julie as she staggered down a dirty alley. She had no idea where she was or what she was doing. All she knew was that she was starving and her body ached all over. Blood dripped openly down her shin, and although Julie knew she should try to clean it up, she continued to push herself to the door at the end of the building.

  Stringy, brown hair hung over her shoulder, so dirty that Julie knew it couldn’t have been hers. It was enough to throw her off, but she was momentarily distracted by two men coming toward her. They’d just come from where she was headed, and they looked to be angry.

  Spanish words were shouted at her by the taller of the two. Julie had no idea what they were saying, but her body reacted as if it did. A slender, tanned arm lifted before her and a wad of cas
h was clenched in Julie’s fist. Confused, she watched in fear as the men came to stand before her.

  The shorter of the two snatched the money and slapped her across the face. Julie hit the ground hard. Her body was too weak to try to fight her attackers. The taste of blood nearly made her gag. As she watched the taller one pull a baggy from his pocket, she could feel herself shaking her head no. She knew they were about to inject her with drugs, and although she didn’t know why, she could feel the desperation in not wanting to go on anymore.

  The needle pierced her arm, and Julie was surprised when she didn’t fight it. Her vision was already getting blurry, and she could feel herself being carried inside. When she was tossed on the bed and her shirt ripped open, Julie’s body came to life. She could feel herself screaming and kicking, and deep within, she knew it was going to happen all over again tomorrow. This was her life. This is what she had become.

  Julie sprung up in bed. Her body was drenched in sweat, and she couldn’t breathe. The dream was one she had had over a period of months. It was the same one every time, and she wasn’t sure why it kept haunting her. She quickly jumped from the bed and ran to the toilet. As she threw up, she could smell the way the vile men’s sweat had clung in her nostrils. The whole experience was one she prayed she’d never have again, but she knew she would. This happened every few weeks, and frankly she was tired of it. The only thing she could chalk it up to was her own addiction.

  Julie flushed and jumped in the shower. The woman was full of hopelessness. Her soul was so empty it broke Julie’s heart. More than ever, she wished she could call Rosa to talk. Her nanny was the closest thing to a mother that she had, and she knew the woman would know what to say to put her at ease.

  As she washed her hair, Julie turned her focus on the positives. What would make her happy? Rosa would want that. She sure as hell wouldn’t want booze for Julie.

  She got out of the shower and blow-dried her hair. When she finished, she couldn’t stop. The alcohol was never far from her mind. She grabbed her rollers, plugging them in. When she saw her makeup, she kept going. A good hour passed as she listened to music and fixed herself up.

  The brush grabbed her attention, so Julie lifted it from her vanity and began singing the lyrics songs into the handle. The rollers in her hair were falling out, but she didn’t technically care. She didn’t have plans to go anywhere. At this point, she just had to keep busy.

  The chorus began playing and Julie bobbed her head to the side as she forced her eyes open wide. She broke off halfway through the verse and died laughing. But it didn’t last as she caught Aston’s reflection in the background of the mirror. Horrified, Julie froze.

  “No, please continue. You’re very entertaining.” He had a huge smile on his face, and she could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

  The radio was still blaring. She quickly walked over and turned it off.

  “I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me. I’d say I’m sorry for showing up like this, but I don’t think I’ve had this much fun watching someone in…well, ever.”

  Julie wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. “I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t hear you. I was just trying to keep myself entertained. I guess you could say I got a little antsy.”

  “It’s okay. Your door was actually unlocked. Did you know that?”

  “What?” Julie raced into the living room, almost running over Aston in the process. “No. Wait. I could have sworn I locked the door after Officer Steel gave me his card.” Julie spun around, scanning everything. On her kitchen counter sat a manila envelope. She shook her head. “No fucking way. No…I was here. There’s a cop outside. I don’t understand.”

  Aston pulled out his gun. “Have you been in your room the entire time since Officer Steel showed up at your door?”

  “No, after he left I was in here talking to Mel. I ordered a pizza, but I called and let Officer Steel know.” Julie racked her scattered mind. “After I ate, I took a nap. Then a shower. I pretty much spent the last hour doing my hair and makeup, and making a fool out of myself. I guess you could say I haven’t been in here for a while.”

  Aston scanned the kitchen and made his way through the living room, opening the closet by the door. “I’m going to check out everything. Stay right there. Call out if you need me.”

  Julie nodded and walked to the envelope. She wanted to open it and see what was inside, but she knew it would be best if Ayden handled it from here. If she started messing with something they might lose evidence somehow and she wanted this bastard caught.

  “All clear.” Aston placed his gun in the back of his pants and walked over. “I need to check on Officer Steel. I want you to lock this door behind me. Do not open it unless I announce that it’s me. Understand? Not for anyone, Julie.”

  “All right.” Julie locked the door behind him and watched out of the peephole as he stayed in the shadows of the courtyard. She blinked repeatedly since she kept losing him. Shit, he was good. Julie turned and ran to her phone. She punched in Taylor’s number and stomped the floor as it went straight to voice mail. Dammit. She needed to talk to him.

  One by one, Julie went through the numbers in her phone. Sure, there was Evelyn, Sarah, and Mel, but other than that Julie wasn’t really close with anyone else. Taylor was all she had. Well, there was Londyn, but she didn’t think she was ready for that yet. “Secretary.” Corinne! She could call her. Julie dialed the number and sighed as it went to voice mail, too.

  “Julie, open up!” Aston knocked twice on the door. She laid down her phone. Police lights were already lighting up the area. She stuck her head out and saw all the neighbors peeking from their doors.

  “Did you find him?” Julie came in and shut the door. Aston was pacing, running his fingers through his hair. Something was obviously wrong. “Aston, talk to me.”

  “She’s dead. Her throat was cut.”

  “Who’s dead?” Julie was so confused.

  “Officer Steel. She’s dead.”

  Julie took a step back and Aston didn’t miss it. “What is it?”

  “The cop…Officer Steel. The one who came to my door was a man. He was wearing an identical uniform to CCPD. He even had a name badge that said Steel.”

  Aston sighed. “Her name tag was missing. He probably took it when he killed her.”

  “But I don’t understand,” Julie said. “I didn’t know this man. I’ve never seen him before in my life. Why would he be doing this?”

  “I don’t know.” Aston’s phone rang and he looked down at the number. “It’s Ayden. I need to get this.”

  Julie sat down on the couch, tears coming to her eyes. She was overwhelmed and scared. This man killed a person, a woman police officer, because of her. Did this woman have kids? A husband? What about kind and loving parents who were going to miss her? It was too much. Julie walked over to the freezer and took out the bottle. She poured a small glass and downed it.

  “You got it. Okay, keep me updated.” Aston hung up the phone and realization dawned on Julie.

  “You never told me why you were here. You have a bag. Am I missing something?”

  Aston sighed. “Ayden informed me that since Taylor wasn’t staying that someone needed to. He’s ordered me to watch over you for a few days.”

  An argument was on the tip of her tongue, but Julie wasn’t stupid. “Of course. I’m glad you’re here.” And truthfully she was. There was something about this man that she liked and it wasn’t just his good looks. It was the way he made her feel. Aston represented caring, safety, and security. She liked that.

  “Good. I thought you were going to fight me.” Aston walked over to the door and opened it. “Ayden’s coming to get the envelope. I’m sure it won’t take them long. They’ll just have to take some pictures and stuff, but it should be a quick process.”

  “I’m just going to get dressed.” Julie turned and headed to her room. She pulled out a simple pair of undergarments, a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve black shir
t. As she caught her reflection in the mirror, she groaned. The damn rollers were still in her hair.

  Julie put everything on but the shirt and went into the restroom. One by one, she took the rollers out and threw them in the sink. She’d worry about putting them back in their appropriate place later.

  Big, brown curls bounced everywhere as she ran her fingers through her dark hair. Julie didn’t even bother wondering how she looked as she slid on her house shoes. Time was precious and she didn’t want to miss a minute of what they were saying. Plus, she needed to catch Ayden before he left.

  Julie burst out of the door and caught the eye of every uniformed officer in her living room. Why were there so many people? And why were they huddled together, whispering?

  “All right, everyone.” Ayden pointed to the door and the room quickly cleared out. “Julie, can you describe this man that came to your door posing as an officer.”

  “Sure.” Julie tried to push back the frizzy curls, but they kept getting in her face. She looked at Aston and Ayden. Both of them were a good few inches over six feet. “I’d say maybe five nine, five ten. Um, blondish-colored hair.” Julie raised her hand. “Balding on the top. “Maybe slightly overweight.” She closed her eyes. “I hate that I can’t think of anything really distinguishing about him. He looked average joe, Ayden. Like someone you wouldn’t look twice at.”

  “No, that’s a great start, Jules. You did good.” He opened the door. “Do you think if I got you together with a sketch artist you might be able to work with him?”

  “Absolutely.” Julie walked closer. “Ayden…Officer Steel. Did she have…kids, a husband?”

  The look Ayden gave her said everything. “Yes. A husband and two kids. A teenager, and the youngest was eight, I believe.”


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