After Office Hours

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After Office Hours Page 10

by E Caroline Wilson

  He stared at her. “You don’t know how to drive, Devin?”

  “No. We never owned a car. Joe offered to teach me, but I’d heard that boyfriends should never teach their girlfriends how to drive because they end up having fights.” She pursed her lips, wishing she had a better reason. To someone like David who came from money, not having a driver’s license was unheard of. With a touch of defensiveness, she added, “I didn’t grow up like you did, with townhouses, summer homes, and tennis courts.”

  “I know that, Devin. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to give you the impression I think you’re from Mars.”

  “It’s all right.” A particularly loud burst of thunder sounded, and her body twitched. “I definitely don’t want to be on the road in this weather. We’re not exactly driving to the next town. There’s…there’s no reason why we can’t stay at the house tonight and drive home in the morning, is there?”

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  Lightning lit up the sky. “No,” she hastily replied. “I’d rather get home later than planned than end up in a wreck. My father died in one, you know.”

  “That’s right, you did tell me that. I guess that makes you extra cautious.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” he repeated. “I can have you home by early tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Yes, it’s fine.” She struggled to sound calm as she retrieved her cellphone from her purse. She and David were going to sleep under the same roof, and it was, as they said in badly written books, a dark and stormy night…a night made for romance. “I’ll just send Mama a text so she won’t worry.”

  “Do you think you should call?”

  “No, I don’t want to wake her. She goes in later on Sundays, ten o’clock, but she goes to bed early if she plans to attend early Mass. She’s sure to be asleep by now and won’t realize I’m not there until she wakes up. Then she’ll see my text.”

  Chapter 10

  Amparo, curled up on the couch watching a DVD with her boyfriend, Rafael, reached over the arm of the sofa to pick up her phone from the end table when it played the sound indicating a notification had come in. Silently she read it.

  Rafael, beside her on the sofa, squeezed her arm. “Everything okay? You got another man I don’t know about sending you texts?” he teased.

  “It’s from Devin. Just as I thought. She was supposed to be going out to the island for the day. Now she says they’re going to stay the night out there. Because of the rain.” Her smirk showed she didn’t buy that excuse.

  “Well, it is pretty stormy out,” Rafael pointed out. “It could be dangerous for them to drive back to the city in this weather. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to her, would you?”

  “Of course not. But, Raffie, this can’t be good. You know that it’s only going to—”

  She was silenced by his kiss.

  “Don’t go getting all gloomy on me,” he said. “You’ve been saying all day that it wouldn’t surprise you if she didn’t come back tonight. Now it’s happened. I know you get no joy out of being right, but Devin’s a grown woman. She’s able to decide if she wants to spend the night with a man.” He frowned momentarily. “You don’t think she’s in any danger, to you? I mean, this rich lawyer she’s with, he’s not a serial killer or anything like that, is he?”

  “No. He’s a nice young man.”

  “Then he won’t hurt her.”

  “I’m afraid he will hurt her…emotionally, not physically.”

  “Come on, Amparo. She’ll be okay. She knows the score. Can you really blame her? She got invited out to the Hamptons for a weekend in May. Why would she turn that down?”

  “Oh, Raffie.”

  He rubbed her shoulder. “‘Oh, Raffie’, nothing. This is good for us. Devin’s out for the night, and you and I have this place to ourselves. You know it’s a lot nicer here than it is at my place. You know how my super’s been making me miserable since the owners brought the building co-op. And this time we won’t have to jump up and get dressed after making love and pretend we’ve been watching TV all night when Devin comes home…not that we’re fooling her, I’m sure. And I’ll get to actually sleep in bed with you for once, instead of on this couch.” He blew out a breath. “You know, if you marry me like I’ve asked you to, we wouldn’t have this problem. We’d be together…be able to sleep together in the privacy of our own bedroom.”

  “We wouldn’t have that problem, but we’d still have a big problem, Raffie. No way can Devin afford this apartment by herself. You know that. And I would never leave her to fend for herself.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t want you to. I just wish we had met before you and Devin rented this place.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “I do, too. But it is what it is.”

  “You know, if you I got married, we can just rent a two-bedroom,” Rafael pointed out. “Between the three of us, we could afford the rent, and Devin would have her own room.”

  “I’d feel better about it if she were happily married. If she were to get married after we rented a more expensive apartment, you and I would be stuck paying nearly twenty-five hundred a month. Devin and I don’t have a car, but you do. You have payments, plus insurance, maintenance, and repairs. It all adds up.” Amparo sighed. “Of course, if Devin had married Joe and moved in with him, you and I could get married. But she has such lofty ideas.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting something better out of life, Amparo. I’m glad you don’t live in the projects anymore.”

  “Oh, so am I, but sometimes I think Devin’s gonna be an old maid, still living with me when she’s fifty.”

  “That’s a long time off. Let’s concentrate on the here and now. Did she say what time she’ll be back tomorrow?”

  “Sometime in the early afternoon.” Amparo sighed. “That means I won’t get to see her until after I get home from work.”

  “That’s even better,” he said. “She’s not coming home super early. Come on, Amparo. We hardly ever get to have the place to ourselves all night. Let’s make the most of it.”

  Nodding, she rested her head on his chest.

  “See? That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.”


  Once parked near the steps to the front door, David got out of the car and ran around to her side to open the door. The rain was coming down in buckets; he’d had to turn the speed of the windshield wipers to high just to be able to see the road. He extended a hand to Devin, who grabbed her purse and jumped out.

  By the time they got to the base of the steps, they were soaked. The raised landing outside the front door was covered, and Devin stopped to stand at the edge of the railing and watch the fury of nature. She sensed him standing close behind her, and her heartbeat sped up when his arms went around her waist from behind.

  “Mmm, Devin,” he murmured against her hair. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

  She turned around. “Kiss me again, David,” she commanded, knowing full well that he would comply.

  He obliged, this time his hands straying lower to explore the generous globes of her ass. Devin made soft squeals at the intimate gesture, his large hands squeezing and kneading her flesh. She knew then and there that what she previously could only dream of—making love to David—was about to happen.

  At that moment a loud burst of thunder actually shook the landing. If that was some type of sign from above, she wasn’t sure what it meant. She only knew that she longed to lie down with David, to clutch at his bare skin, to entwine her lips with his, to press her breasts against his chest, to feel him inside her, pounding her with thrust after thrust. She stood on tiptoe, her fingers skimming through his hair, pressing her body into his. When the kiss ended, they stared at each other with raw desire, chests rising and falling and arms still around each other. “You know I want you,” he murmured between kisses.

  She gazed into his eyes. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  He licked his
lips. “I guess there’s just one thing for us to do.”

  “Yes,” she replied without hesitation. “Get out of this rain and into a nice, dry bed.”

  His blue eyes darkened with desire. “I can’t think of anything I’d like better.” He leaned in for another kiss, brief this time, but every bit as sexy.

  In reply, she held out her hand. He promptly clasped it with his and raised it to his lips, his eyes never leaving hers. After lowering her hand, he led her the few steps to the front door and used his free hand to enter the numeric code to unlock the door. He pushed it open and pulled her inside before following.

  He captured her hand once more and led her to his bedroom. The moment they crossed the threshold he reached for her and kissed her passionately. Devin’s shawl, wet from the rain, slipped to the floor. She felt him tugging at the zipper of her dress. Her own hands impatiently pulled the tail of his shirt out of his pants. As she expected, he wore no undershirt. Her hands delighted at the feel of his smooth, muscled flesh. She stopped long enough to step back and allow the dress to fall to her waist, at which point David stepped forward and gave it a push over her hips, and it fell in a heap, joining her shawl on the floor. Clad only in a matching bra and panty set in a satin print of squares of varying shades of orange, ranging from light coral to cantaloupe, that was highly flattering to her dark complexion, she stepped out of the heap of material that was her dress. She was careful to keep her open-toed mules on, knowing they looked sexy. She had his full attention, and making the most of it, she stepped back as she reached behind to unclasp her bra. With deliberate slowness, and enjoying his rapidly rising chest as he panted with eagerness, she crossed her arms to the opposite shoulder and ever so slowly pulled the straps down her arms, then removed the bra entirely, exposing her breasts.

  Devin had been blessed with a good body, and she knew it. She stood there, her ankles delicately crossed, wearing only her panties and heeled mules. “Well?” she prompted.

  David stared at her naked breasts, which jutted out so perfectly from her chest, the brown areolae surrounding her nipples perfect circles with neither bumps nor blemishes. He was at a loss for words; she was that beautiful. His instinct told him it was more than pure desire for her that made him react this way.

  “You’re stunning,” he finally said.

  She grinned at the compliment. “Everything you see, I owe to rice and beans.” She then took graceful steps around in a half circle, revealing that those pretty panties that matched her bra were actually thongs, revealing high, plump ass cheeks on display.

  He stared at her in wonder. This was the moment he dreamed of ever since Devin walked into his office. She looked even better in person than she had on tape, and he knew it was because this was live.…and she was offering herself to him. He wasn’t being a voyeur; he was a participant.

  And in his heart, he knew this was much more special than just “bagging” another female whose body he been lusting after. Devin was more than that to him. She was special. He’d seen many a pretty body in his time, but Devin had them all beat. His throat temporarily went dry as she slowly turned before him, allowing him to see her in all her glory. On a scale of one to ten, she was a fifteen. He had never seen a woman with a more perfect build. Her graceful neck…her full, C-cup breasts with nipples that looked like Hershey kisses…her small waist…her flat abdomen…her hips that flared out into a deliciously full ass cheeks he couldn’t wait to fill his hands with…her shapely legs. Even her feet were beautiful, the toenails polished in a luscious deep shade of pink. Someone should make a mold of her body cast in bronze to be held up as the perfection of the female form. But she was here, now, and she was all his.

  David kept staring at her, licking his lips, and when she turned her head to look at him over one shoulder, he suddenly came to life. He lunged forward, turned her around, and swept her into his arms, and kissing her senseless. His hands ran through her hair, searching for whatever pins or fasteners that held it in place atop her head, carelessly tossing the ones he found on the floor. When her hair cascaded down around her bare shoulders, Devin shook her head, releasing it in all its bushy glory, a sight that took his breath away. His hands went to cup her ass, squeezing and kneading the generous globes.

  She eagerly returned his kiss, her arms looped his arms and torso, her hands clutching his upper back. She didn’t so much as make a sound when he lifted her by her ass and carried her a few steps to the king-sized bed, where he deposited her as gently as possible…no easy feat, considering how hot he was for her. He tore off his khakis and briefs, his cock jumping free like a caged animal. He dipped his head to kiss her, one hand stroking her jaw. He continued to run his fingertips along her soft skin after the kiss ended, gazing at her.

  He knelt on the bed beside her, Devin opening her arms to embrace him. He took her in his arms and wordlessly held her for a long moment, savoring the feel of her smooth skin, then began kissing her face, starting with her eyebrows.

  Devin closed her eyes in anticipation. His skin felt warm, his muscles sinewy beneath her hands. One of his hands slipped between her thigh and the mattress, and she raised her knees slightly to allow him better access. His hand stroked the back of her thigh, up and down. She signed in contentment, loving the feel of his hands on her body.

  Admit it, she thought. This is why you brought extra clothes. You were hoping to spend the night here with David, hoping you would get the opportunity to make love to this kind, considerate, and oh-so-handsome man.

  Her lips parted, her breathing suddenly too intense for her nostrils alone to handle, as his lips brushed over her closed eyelid, then traveled down past the side of her nose and finally captured her mouth. She threw her arms around his neck and tilted her head, moaning softly as he gently pulled her full lower lip into his mouth. She loved his hungry moan as he pushed her groin against his own. Devin practically swooned at the feel of his arousal pressed against the front of her sex. Now it was her turn to moan into his mouth.

  He cupped and grasped her butt while they kissed for what seemed like an eternity.

  David could hardly believe it. At last, he was in bed with Devin. Her body was beyond amazing. She simply could not have been more perfect, and of course he hadn’t seen all of her yet, for the very core of her femininity was still covered by her thongs.

  His hand moved up to stroke between her legs, which she parted for him. The crotch of her panties was damp, sending his pulse racing. She softly spoke his name.

  He gazed at her lush body, from her breasts down to her adorable belly button that sat in the center of a flat abdomen, the tiniest of pouches directly beneath it. He called it ‘the sex pouch’, that ever so slight protrusion most sexually active women had. His eyes lingered on the wisp of satin that covered her mound. In the video it had been covered by a close-dropped triangle of curly hair. He was eager to see the only part of her body that was still covered.

  He stretched his body and lay atop her. A grunt escaped from his throat when he felt her hardened nipples stab into his chest. Eager to discover the feminine secrets under her thong, his hand moved between her legs, slipping under the fabric. His hands met with a strip of curls. Touching the rest of her sex, he found it smooth. The hairy triangle he’d seen in the video had been shaped up.

  She shifted slightly beneath him, opening her thighs, beckoning him to explore. He obliged, only too happy to discover she was already wet with desire. She grunted deep in her throat when his fingers made contact with the delicate folds of flesh, seeking out the tiny bud that was the root of her sexuality. She moaned aloud, and he stifled it with his kiss.

  She arched her back as his mouth moved down her body, his fingers continuing to move in and out of her now-saturated sex. He took his time, sucking and gently biting her breasts, making her already hardened nipples grow even more stiff. He even licked her belly button, causing her to jump several inches above the mattress; she had no idea she was so sensitive there. And when his tongue r
eplaced his fingers she practically screamed with joy. She closed her eyes, opening them only when he suddenly stopped. Concerned, she propped herself up on her elbows, only to relax into the pillows again when got off the bed, only to smoothly plant his knees on either side of her head and lean down to re-bury his face between her thighs. His erection hung just inches away from Devin’s face. She strained her neck to reach it, loving the way he groaned when she ran her tongue along its length. He tasted clean and slightly salty. She took the tip into her mouth and felt his body shudder. His tongue began fluttering wildly over her clit, which increased her own excitement. She felt her passion build and then the familiar, oh-so-delicious feeling as her passion reached its apex. She squealed in delight as her body erupted, David’s tongue eagerly lapping up her essence.

  Taking advantage of her need to catch her breath, he climbed off her and opened the top drawer of his nightstand, no doubt removing a condom. She heard him tear it open and fastened her eyes on his broad, muscular back as he head bent down. When he turned back to her, kneeling on the side of the bed, his erection was sheathed.

  He laid down beside her, turned her hips on her side and lifted her leg over his thigh. Devin’s upper body was lying flat, but she didn’t mind being twisted like a pretzel at her waist, not when David kissed her. She moaned when he slid into her during their kiss. She enjoyed sex in a multitude of positions, but she considered this one a beautifully personal way to make love. One of his hands fondled her breasts, the other pressed against her flat abdomen, pushing her to meet his thrusts, the tip of his long middle finger lightly touching her clit and spreading wonderful sensations through her body.

  They moved together, enjoying life’s ultimate pleasure, David’s hands and mouth constantly moving over her body to a soundtrack of moans, gasps, and skin slapping against skin, as well as the storm outside, which had slowed to a steady downpour with no more thunder. He squeezed the fleshy mounds of her ass cheeks, lightly slapped them, pinched her nipples, sucked at the skin of her neck and sloppily claimed her mouth while filling her body more and more deeply with his own. They began to move more quickly, Devin crying out her pleasure while David whispered encouraging, sexy phrases. When his finger began to massage her clit with light, feathery touches while he drilled into her, she began to lose it. She dug the back of her head into the mattress and screamed in delight. Sensing her pending climax, David sped up his thrusts until he, too, let out a prolonged grunt and experienced release.


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