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Bonded Page 16

by Nicky Charles

  “Bye, Reno. It was so nice to meet you.” Beth gave him a shy smile, her voice barely audible over the din of the bar. She flicked a glance towards Brandi and then back at him. “Things always work out. Don’t worry.”

  Reno shook her proffered hand, noting how small and delicate it looked in his. What was she talking about? What ‘things’ would work out? Surely in the space of a couple of hours, she hadn’t realized that he was… ? Nah, of course not.

  He looked at Beth speculatively and saw she was studying him, a faint twinkle in her eye as if she found something humorous. “You and Damien are a lot alike, you know. Prickly and gruff on the outside but inside you’re just—”

  Damien interrupted her. He was glancing about as if wondering who might be listening in on the conversation, though given the general level of noise it was highly unlikely anyone would hear the soft spoken girl. “Ah… Beth. This might not be the best place to discuss your… er… ”

  She laughed softly, then stood on tiptoe to brush her lips against Damien’s cheek. “All right. I’ll keep your little secret.”

  Damien tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a thoroughly love-struck look about him. Interlacing their fingers, he led her away.

  Reno took a moment to watch their progress to the door. Damien kept Beth tucked to his side, their heads close together. She said something that made him laugh and in response he stroked her cheek before pulling her even closer. She was a tiny thing, barely up to his shoulder and looked too young to have hooked up with someone as experienced as Damien. Reno wondered how long their relationship would last—Damien and fidelity weren’t exactly best friends—then decided it was none of his business.

  Someone jostled him and he realized he still had the platter of food in his hand. Glancing about, he located an empty table and made his way there, making a show of being slightly tipsy. He’d be damned if he messed up and a DC officer had to explain away his drinking behaviour at a bar, he’d never live it down.

  Slouching in a dark corner, he began to eat. The food was like greasy sawdust in his mouth and he sought to distract himself from the taste by watching the guest of honour, or at least that’s what he told himself.

  Brandi was leaving. It was just a change in departments but once a DC officer went to Casual Incidents it was only a matter of time before they left for good. A twice yearly visit to go over territorial reports would be the sum total of her contact with Headquarters, and if he was on a case, he might not see her at all!

  His gut lurched at the idea and he set the burger down, unable to eat any more. This was ridiculous. There was no reason for the news to hit him this hard. He and Brandi didn’t get along. If anything, her leaving should be a relief, right?

  Reno forced himself to think of all of their conflicts; the arguments, the sniping at each other, the Langstaff case; now there was a situation to put their relationship in perspective. Sure she’d been sympathetic that first night, but afterwards her report had nearly ruined his career, hadn’t it?

  Folding his arms, he leaned back in his chair and nodded. Yeah, the Langstaff hearing had been brutal, not only because he’d condemned himself but because of the betrayal he’d felt on her part. For weeks afterwards he’d growled bitterly over her actions until the captain had literally knocked some sense into him, showing him how Brandi had soft-soaped certain points in her report. Apparently it could have been much more damaging.

  Reno rubbed his neck, having forgotten that point. Huh. Maybe Langstaff didn’t give him a reason to celebrate her leaving. The rift between them had seemed insurmountable since then, though. She glared at him whenever they met and griped about his minor infractions of the rules. It was as if she went out of her way to keep him angry and at a distance.

  He clamped his mouth shut. If she wanted to hold a grudge, it was her choice. Still… A muscle worked in his jaw as he drummed his fingers on the table. She was leaving and he might never see her again. An overpowering urge was driving him to seek her out one last time.

  She was on the dance floor now. He narrowed his eyes and watched as she moved from partner to partner. His hands clenched tighter each time a new male held her, his wolf suddenly feeling territorial.

  He subdued the beast as best he could. Everyone’s having a farewell dance with her. It means nothing, he reminded the creature.

  Then why not us, the wolf queried. Don’t we deserve a turn? One last chance to talk, to try to make things right?

  Reno grimaced. He hated dancing, but the beast was right. This might be his last chance to talk to her. Maybe he’d just mosey on over and join in.

  Before he could judge the wisdom of his actions, he was making his way through the crowds. Honky-tonk music blared over the speakers and a large number of patrons were dancing between the tables as well as on the official dance floor.

  “Excuse me. Pardon me.” Reno kept his eyes fixed on his quarry. She seemed to be moving deeper into the crowd. He took a moment to determine her trajectory before skirting around the edge of the room until she was right in front of him.

  “My turn.” He tapped Bradley Owens from Computer Tech Support on the shoulder—the man was still as much of a lech as ever—and cut in before a protest was raised.

  “Reno?” Brandi looked up at him in surprise.

  He flashed her his best lady-killer smile and nodded his head. “At your service.”

  She inhaled deeply as if to speak, and then slugged him in the gut!

  Chapter 13

  Brandi couldn’t believe it. Here she was, enjoying a night that was in her honour and Reno Smith had the nerve to approach her. Not only approach her, but dance with her! Without even thinking she’d slugged him as hard as she could in the stomach and then tried to walk away. Try being the operative word. Not only did the man have a rock hard stomach—as evidenced by her now aching hand—his reflexes were fast, too. She hadn’t even taken one step before he’d locked his hand onto her arm, preventing her escape. Then he’d spun her around so she was facing him again, the speed of the action leaving her almost breathless.

  “Not so fast, Miss Jones. Everyone else has been getting a dance. Why not me?” He used the hated name while tugging her into his arms and proceeding to sway back and forth in a vague semblance of dancing. Unfortunately, a fast song was playing at the moment so they stood out like a sore thumb and people were staring at them with knowing smiles.

  “Because I like everyone else,” she hissed. “I don’t like you.” Her body tingled everywhere they touched. A restless ache grew within her and her thoughts clouded. For over two years she’d studiously avoided touching him and now the rush of sensation almost overwhelmed her. Her wolf, sensing Reno, pushed to be free and Brandi had to fight to keep the animal in check.

  “Now Brandi, you’re going to hurt my feelings if you keep on a-talkin’ like that.” Reno looked down at her with a mocking smile, his slight western drawl more apparent and more annoyingly appealing than usual.

  She felt her heart skip a beat and focussed on keeping her breathing even. Damn the man. Wasn’t it bad enough that he always gave her a hard time and dissed her chosen profession? He haunted her dreams, killed her interest in every other male, made her wolf unmanageable, messed up her thinking… Did he have to ruin this night for her too?

  “I’d like to hurt more than your feelings.” Brandi glared at him and pushed against his chest, trying once again to get away while ignoring the excited whimpers of her inner wolf. The darn beast always acted up when Reno was around. It was a wonder no one had caught on to the fact yet.

  In response, he firmed his grip around her waist and leaned in close, his nose brushing against her ear, the gesture reminiscent of their first encounter at the Academy. He whispered to her softly. “You say the sweetest things.”

  She pushed away the memory of that ill-fated first time and jutted out her chin. “Back off, Reno. I mean it.”

  “Calm down. I just want to talk to you.” He loosened his grip. His voice w
as unexpectedly serious this time.

  She shot him a suspicious glance. What was he up to? “Talk about what?”

  He looked around and, finding what he was looking for, led her off the dance floor. Guiding her to a relatively quiet spot between a candy bar machine and dust-laden plastic plant, Reno positioned himself so his body shielded them from view. She sneezed as some of the dust from the fake fronds rose in the air when she brushed against them.

  Reno cleared his throat, glanced over his shoulder as if to ensure that no one was watching, and then finally spoke. “I want to talk about us.”

  “Us? There is no us. We don’t even get along.” She gave a deliberately vague answer while trying to stem the wave of panic and hope that flared inside her. Did he know about the bond? And if he did, how had he figured it out?

  “I know we don’t get along and it bothers me.” He leaned against the wall with one arm and looked down at her with a puzzled expression. Was he picking up on her feelings? Brandi took a deep breath and forced herself to remain calm. From the sound of things, his choice of words didn’t mean what she feared. And that was good, wasn’t it?

  She eyed him carefully, trying to determine his true intent. Had he purposely struck that pose, looming over her to show he was dominant? Straightening, she lifted her chin, trying to appear taller and fell back on her usual defence when he was around, which was to aggravate him. “If it bothers you so much, why do you always act like such an asshole?”

  He opened his mouth and seemed about to issue a retort when he stopped, clamping his mouth tightly shut. A muscle worked in his jaw and he paused a moment before replying in a surprisingly reasonable tone. “See? That’s what I mean. Whenever we get together we end up fighting. I think it’s time we stopped.”

  “Why?” She narrowed her eyes. Reno Smith wasn’t the type just to make nice on a whim. He must want something.

  “I don’t know.” He rubbed his neck and shifted his feet. “I guess I’m just getting tired of it.”

  “Well, it won’t be a problem anymore. I’m leaving and going to Casual Incidents so we won’t be seeing each other anymore.” While she proclaimed the news airily, a part of her ached at the very thought of being away from him and her wolf howled in despair.

  “Yeah, I know.” His voice actually sounded regretful. He straightened and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Look, I don’t want us to end things this way, okay? I’m sorry I’ve always given you a hard time. Enforcers and DCs just don’t get along, you know?”

  Brandi nodded slowly. There was some truth to that statement. Enforcers tended to be more interested in getting the job done rather than looking for the most unobtrusive method. They left messes behind and just assumed her office would find a way to tidy things up. “Yeah, I know. But you and I… We’ve had more than the usual number of run-ins.”

  Reno made a face before nodding. “My fault. I purposely antagonize you sometimes.”

  She gave a brief laugh not at all surprised by his admission though it made her feel uncomfortably aware of her own past behaviour. Guilt ate at her for her own part in their animosity though she knew it had been basic survival. If she was angry with him, the hurt inside wasn’t so bad and the mental wall was easier to maintain. However, she was leaving now, so perhaps she could, just this once, make her own confession.

  Looking over his shoulder, she scanned the room. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the party. No one was looking their way.

  “I… uh… do the same thing to you.” She slid a sideways glance at him, their gazes met and a smile slowly found its way onto her face. Reno Smith actually looked sheepish! As her smile grew, so did his, and a feeling of joy bloomed inside her. Too bad there hadn’t been more opportunities to share smiles with him. His face transformed when he was happy; the guarded, brooding look faded, a faint dimple appeared near the corner of his mouth, and she could see the laughter dancing in his eyes.

  Perhaps it was the fault of her studying his expression so intently, but after a moment, he sobered and she mourned the loss of that happy look.

  He cleared his throat and inhaled deeply before speaking, as if gathering his nerve. “The main thing I wanted to apologize for was the Langstaff case. I was way out of line, implying you didn’t care about the boy and his father.”

  Brandi stared down at the floor, absentmindedly noting the faded and scuffed tiles. They looked tired and worn, which was sort of how she felt inside these days. Langstaff. Was that when the job had started to suck the life out of her? Probably.

  It had been her first hard-core case and his words that morning had cut her to the quick. The hurt had stayed with her long after the fact. Now, years later, she could acknowledge why he’d acted in that manner; his actions had been driven by his own guilt and self-hatred. It hadn’t been personal, but at the time it sure had felt that way.

  “You were way out of line at Langstaff, but I understand why. Most of the mess was already cleaned up when I got there and I was still sick to my stomach. You were there for the whole thing.” She lifted her hand, hesitated, not sure if he’d accept the comfort she was offering, before pressing her palm to his chest.

  It was a simple gesture yet the act felt intimate. Sound faded into the background as she concentrated on their point of connection. The thin layer of material that separated them seemed to melt away. She took a shuddering breath and absorbed the feel of him. His chest was warm and solid under her palm; the steady thumping of his heart matching the beat of her own. Slowly, she moved her fingers in a gentle caress and felt the surface rise and fall as he inhaled. She moved her gaze up to the column of his throat and then to his face.

  He was looking at her hand, a half smile playing over the edges of his mouth before he cleared his throat and looked away. Reluctantly, she let her hand drop to her side, acknowledging his discomfort with gentler emotions. It hurt that he kept himself closed off from her but she tried not to take it personally. Over the years she’d seen enough at Lycan Link to know Enforcers were expected to be hardened; she couldn’t expect him to change who he was just for her.

  “Are we good now?” He flicked a glance at her and she nodded.

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  “So… Today was your last day?” He rocked back and forth on his heels as he asked the obvious question and Brandi wondered if he was reluctant to end the conversation.

  “Uh-huh. I’m going away for a few days’ vacation—I haven’t been on one in years—and then it’s down to sub-level three.” She paused and stared at his face, taking in his strong jaw and nose, his blue eyes flecked with grey and green. “I’ll miss you, Reno Smith.”

  The words were out before she could stop them and it felt like she was ripping her heart out for some reason.

  “And I’ll miss you, Brandi Jones.” Reno reached out and brushed a curl from her face then twisted a lock around his finger.

  “Johansson.” She corrected and he laughed, releasing the curl in favour of chucking her under the chin.

  “You’ll always be Jones to me.”

  “Smith and Jones, go figure.” She shook her head and gave a light laugh at the absurdity.

  Unexpectedly, Reno cupped her face. “You know, I like watching you laugh.” He skimmed his thumb over her cheek and she unconsciously leaned into the gesture enjoying the feel of his work-roughened palm. “A goodbye kiss?”

  Without waiting for a reply, he dipped his head and caught her mouth with his. At first their lips brushed slowly back and forth, then he pressed a little closer. She parted her lips, inviting him in and he accepted, sweeping his tongue over hers, tasting… teasing.

  A shiver ran up her spine and she leaned closer still, wrapping her arms around him, absorbing his warmth, loving the feel of his long hard body. Twice they’d made love and both times were indelibly imprinted on her memory. The strength of his arms, the smoothness of his skin. The play of muscles over his back as he moved within her, his hair-roughened thighs lightly abrading her own.

  Her stomach quivered at the memory and she felt herself growing moist. Reno was affected too; she could feel his arousal pressing against her belly through their clothing. His hands roamed freely up and down her back, finally coming to rest on her rear, firmly caressing her flesh and drawing her closer. Memories of being with him flooded her and the ache inside her grew.

  The idea of being with him again, just one last time, hovered in her mind. It would be easy enough to do, to slip outside to her car, or find an empty storage room. In her mind she played out the scene; his hard body poised at her entrance, herself whimpering with anticipation. The exquisite feeling of being stretched and filled… Then common sense prevailed.

  Being with him once more would only prolong the agony. A clean break was best. Slowly, reluctantly, she pulled away and ended the kiss. His exhalation skimmed over her face; cooler air slipped between their bodies as they stepped back, emphasizing the fact that they were now apart. She stared up at him, unsure of what to say. Words and ideas seldom failed her, but in this situation they did.

  “Umm… ”

  “Yeah… ” He shifted his feet.

  “I guess… ” They spoke simultaneously, paused and each gave a nervous laugh. Reno nodded for her to go first.

  She licked her lips. “I was just going to say that I… I guess I should get back to the party.”

  “That’s what I was thinking, too.” He stared down at her as if trying to see her soul and she searched his eyes equally hard. Was there any sign that he cared, that he felt more than lust for a female with unusual red hair? Did he feel any connection to her at all?

  No. There was only puzzlement, maybe loneliness and the barely suppressed wildness of his wolf.

  Her heart ached and her wolf whined in denial that this was indeed the end, but it had to be. Reaching up, she brushed her fingertips over his mouth and she felt his lips move, pressing a small kiss to them. “Good bye, Reno.”

  “Bye, Brandi.” He stepped back, turned, and walked away.


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