OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 14

by Laura Acton

  Appreciative of the food and warmth, but fearing he would be forced back home, Dan said, “Thank you, sir. I’ll be going now.” He attempted to open the door but found it locked. He turned frantic eyes on the officer. He had been tricked, betrayed. His breaths came a little faster as he tried the latch again.

  Unbeknownst to Dan, Fargusson locked the doors when he believed the kid would rabbit at the hospital comment. Using a calm tone, Marc said, “Dan, I’m sorry, but I cannot allow you to walk around out there. You are a minor, and it isn’t safe. You will freeze to death if you stay outside.

  “I want to ensure you have a safe place to stay tonight. But if you are unwilling or unable to supply me with an alternative, I must call child welfare and order you to go with them.”

  The fear in the eyes tore at Fargusson. “Dan, I care what happens to you, and I don’t want our encounter to end that way. Part of my job is protecting people who cannot protect themselves.” The frightened teen’s eyes zeroed in on him intently. Whoa, my last statement connected.

  Fargusson smiled and lightened his tone. “And by the state of your face tonight Dan, you need safeguarding. Let me assist you. Allow me to keep you from harm. Help me do my job. Can you tell me the name of a person you would feel safe going to tonight? It doesn’t have to be family, only an adult who will make sure you’re safe and care for you.”

  Dan squeezed the penny hard. He didn’t intend to answer and surprised himself when he said, “Marbella Ridgewater.”

  “Thank you, Dan. Do you know where Marbella lives?”

  Dan shook his head. Regretting speaking Bella’s name, he started trembling as he became lightheaded. A hand landed on his left bicep and squeezed. When he flinched away, the constable withdrew his hand.

  Marc realized his mistake when Dan shied away from his touch. He only wanted to offer comfort, but the reaction indicated the boy feared or distrusted physical contact. “I’m sorry. I won’t touch you again. I’m going to call this in and have my dispatcher find her address, and I’ll take you there.”

  Unsure what would happen now, Dan stared at his clenched fist as he fought dizziness and rising fatigue. Why did I say her name? Will she send me back or turn me away? Did she tell me the truth when she said she loved me and would always take care of me if I needed her?

  After Marc radioed in the situation and obtained the address, he said, “We’ll be there in about twenty or thirty minutes. Relax for now.” As he put the car in drive, the name Ridgewater clicked. Marc gave a quick side glance at Dan. I’m taking him to Grande Dame Ridgewater. Whoa! Who is this kid?

  Outside Ridgewater Home – 1:45 a.m.

  Fargusson stopped at the gated entrance of the Ridgewater residence. He pressed the call button and explained why he was here to the groggy voice on the other end. After the gate opened, he drove down a long and winding driveway which led up to a breathtakingly colossal mansion.

  Upon arriving, Marc parked under the portico near the front entry and unlocked the passenger door. Noting Dan didn’t move, and the closed eyes, Marc’s worry shot up again. He got out went around to the other side and opened Dan’s door. “Dan, we are here.” When he didn’t rouse, Marc placed a hand on his shoulder and shook lightly. “Dan, wake up. We’re here.”

  Blinking his eyes open, Dan shifted to exit the vehicle and groaned as pain shot through his abdomen. The officer gripped his elbow and assisted him out without saying a word. Insecurities ran rampant as he shuffled toward Bella’s door. He could not stop shaking, a mix of cold, pain, and fear of rejection. He bowed his head as the policeman rang the doorbell.

  When the portal opened, Constable Fargusson introduced himself to the sleepy man wearing a robe who answered and asked if he knew the boy. The man nodded, then turned as someone rushed down the stairs and he opened the door wider to reveal a woman in her mid to late sixties Marc guessed.

  A gentle voice said, “Danny, my boy, what brings you here?”

  Contemplating if he needed to run, with his eyes still lowered, at the sound of Bella’s voice and in response to her question, Dan opened his left hand, palm up, revealing his treasured coin.

  With affection, Bella said, “A penny for your thoughts, my Danny.”

  At that, Dan lifted his chin, his eyes seeking out Marbella. Only she cared. With Bella could he show his pain, his real self, knowing he would be accepted. Tears welled but didn’t fall as he gazed into her kind, brown eyes.

  Marbella’s face fell in empathy for the agony displayed in Dan’s soulful eyes. Tears glistened in her own eyes at what she witnessed. She stepped forward and encircled him, drawing him to her in a loving embrace. “Danny, oh my dear sweet Danny boy. It will be okay. I’m here for you, Danny. You are safe with me,” she crooned in a soft, tender voice.

  Dan crumbled into her arms, clinging to her as he started crying. His body shook more, and her embrace caused the pain in his back and side to flare to new levels as she squeezed him, but he didn’t pull away. She cares.

  Fargusson observed the exchange. His eyes misted as the stoic young man fell apart completely. Some days this job is so hard, but days like today I make a real difference. He spoke to the other man. “He should be checked out by a doctor. I tried to take him to a hospital, but it appeared to frighten him, so I brought him here.”

  Wilson nodded, already using his field training, to ascertain Dan required medical attention. “We appreciate your assistance.”

  As Bella held Dan, she gazed at the constable. “Thank you for bringing Danny to me. I’ll take care of him now.”

  Too choked with emotion to say much more Fargusson responded, “Just doing my job.”

  His energy spent, Dan’s knees buckled, and he started to go down as his world swam with bits of blackness and his vision grayed at the edges. Strong arms caught him, as a smooth, deep voice said, “I got you, son.”

  When Dan passed out, Marbella allowed Wilson to gather Danny into his arms. “Take him to the guest room upstairs. I’ll call Dr. Braxton.”

  As the two hurried off with Dan, leaving the door open, Marc peered down at a shiny coin on the ground. So that is what he was holding so tightly. He bent and picked it up. Spotting an entry table, Marc placed it there and shut the door before striding to the cruiser. A penny for your thoughts.

  The whole scene perplexed Marc, but he gave silent thanks he attended Pastore’s seminar on how to talk to distraught kids. It meant this boy was now with people who cared a great deal for him instead of being placed with social services.

  Bonds as Strong as Blood


  February 12

  TRF HQ – Dispatch Desk – 1:50 a.m.

  Yawning and exhausted, Walter Gambrill strode into TRF Headquarters. His new position as Commander of Toronto’s Tactical Response Force required him to be up at all hours of the day and night. He intended to forge the best SWAT teams in the country. To do that, he put in numerous hands-on hours with his teams to understand how they operated.

  The move from Ottawa to Toronto several years ago had been difficult on his family, but everyone settled in and was doing well now. His only regret was he no longer lived close to his longtime friend William. Though in truth, after the death of William’s daughter, he needed a change, and with William and Danny at the Yukon base for the past six-plus years, Walter rarely saw his friend or godson … yet even with the distance, their bonds remained strong.

  Tonight, he did a ride along with Sergeant MacFarland’s team to observe Nick Pastore in action. Nick had been with TRF four years now and three of those he assumed the role of lead negotiator. Pastore’s insights and uncanny ability to resolve volatile and emotionally charged situations made him an asset to TRF. With MacFarland’s coming retirement, Walter wanted to evaluate Pastore’s leadership abilities. What he witnessed tonight solidified his decision to promote Nick to sergeant when MacFarland left in three months.

  He smiled as the men of Alpha Team filed into the conference room to debrief. Once they fini
shed, he would speak to both MacFarland and Pastore so they could begin working on a transition plan. Walter stopped when the dispatcher flagged him down.

  “Sir, you received several calls from a William Broderick. I didn’t disturb you during the call, but the man insisted it was urgent you contact him.” Bill handed over a slip of paper with a number.

  Walter’s mind became alert regardless of the fact he had been up for almost twenty hours now. He reached for the desk phone and dialed. His heart sunk as William relayed the details to him. Concluding the conversation, Walter said, “I’ll make the necessary calls. Send me an email with his school ID. You are right. Danny could be anywhere, but we will find him.”

  Noting the team completed debriefing, Walter strode in and addressed MacFarland. “I received a call from a friend in Ottawa. I need your team to patrol tonight and concentrate in the Woodbridge area. His son, my godson, is missing after a brutal attack. Six youths beat him severely at school yesterday afternoon. It is critical he is found. He believes his boy might be in that area.”

  “Sir, why would he be in Toronto? Ottawa is a four-hour drive?” tactical leader Jason Gordon asked.

  Not wanting to share the gritty details of William’s and Dan’s estrangement, Walter utilized current events to explain. “By the account of the teen who confessed his part in the assault, head trauma is involved and possible internal injuries. One of the assailants rammed the boy’s head into the shower handle. After the beating, he wandered away and may be confused since he climbed into the back of a truck headed for Toronto. Once I receive his photo, Bill will provide you each a copy.”

  Nick’s phone rang and after he excused himself to answer, he began rubbing his face with one hand while he listened. Hanging up, he turned to MacFarland. “Sarge, that was Janie. Her mother passed away tonight.”

  Though shocked by the timing, MacFarland nodded with understanding at the expected news. Janie’s mother was on the waiting list for a liver transplant for seven months and in the past few weeks deteriorated rapidly. “I’m sorry for your loss, Nick. Janie will need you. We can handle things for the rest of shift without you. As we pre-arranged, your leave is approved.”

  “Thanks.” As Nick hurried out, he realized that now both he and Janie were the only family either had with both sets of parents deceased. He wished Martin could grow up with grandparents, but that would not be the case. Entering the lockers, he readjusted his thinking. Martin does have one grandparent with a bond as strong as blood. MacFarland dotes on him like a grandson.

  After Pastore left, Walter provided them with additional info, “Soldiers from Dwyer Hill are en route to assist with the search. They will be combing the area once they arrive. Please give them any assistance they require.”

  “Why would Special Forces soldiers be involved?” MacFarland queried.

  “The missing boy is the sixteen-year-old son of their general.”

  MacFarland stood. “Well, gentlemen, let’s head out.” To his commander, he said, “We’ll do our best to locate him, sir.”

  “Thank you.” Walter strode to his office to check email, wanting to send a BOLO out to all officers as soon as possible.

  Ridgewater Home – 1:50 a.m.

  Halfway up the stairs, Bella’s rattled mind re-engaged, and she recalled leaving the entryway open. Turning she found the door closed and the constable gone. Snagging one of the cordless phones at the top of the staircase, she placed a call to Dr. Michael Braxton as she followed Wilson. She hung up, relieved Michael, a dear friend, and her personal doctor was on his way.

  Having observed Danny’s bluing lips, Bella’s primary objective was to dry and warm him. She moved forward to prepare the guest bed, pulling back the comforter, blanket, and top sheet. “We need to get his wet clothes off. Sit on the chair with him, so we keep the bedding dry.”

  Wilson did as she requested and while he cradled Danny, supporting the semiconscious teen in his arms, Bella rushed to the adjoining bathroom to retrieve towels. Upon returning, she crouched to untie and remove Dan’s boots and socks. She then stood and unbuttoned his pants. Wilson lifted the boy’s hips slightly as she tugged the cold, damp jeans and briefs off and tossed them on the floor … housekeeping would come later.

  Using a towel, Bella briskly dried his lower half. “Okay move him to the bed now, so I can cover his legs.”

  After cautiously repositioning himself and the youth to the edge of the mattress, Wilson maintained Dan in a sitting pose in his lap while Bella covered his bare lower body with the warm bedcovers. Wilson adjusted his hold, using one hand to unzip Dan’s soaked jacket, leaving his other arm in place to prevent the boy from falling.

  A restraining arm across his hips brought Dan out of his stupor. An unknown terror coerced him to awareness, forcing his eyes to blink upon opening. Disoriented and gripped with fear as he grew aware of his nudity below the waist, and an unfamiliar male lap below him, he started to struggle as hands tried to remove his remaining garments.

  “Danny, settle. You are with me.”

  Bella’s face appeared in front of him, and Dan stilled as he focused on her.

  “We must get you out of your coat and shirt, my boy. Then you can relax under the comfy, warm blanket we have on your legs.” When Dan swiveled his head to peer at Wilson and his eyes filled with apprehension, Bella said, “This is Wilson Keswick. He works for me. You can trust him.”

  Dan moaned as Wilson helped him stay upright and slip out of the jacket before removing his hat and placing it on the nightstand.

  Bella began to tug his shirt up and halted when reaching his upper chest. “Oh, Danny. Who did this to you?” Bella’s eyes welled with tears again as she viewed the significant bruising on the front and back of his torso. She wanted to scream. Who would do such a thing to Danny?

  Wilson glimpsed the black and purple contusions and reacted. His Special Forces medical training told him this was serious. “You need to lie down.” With careful movements he stood, rotated, and positioned the teen flat on his back, removing the pillows from behind Dan’s head, putting them at his feet and gathering up the comforter to raise the boy’s legs. “Ma’am, he needs an ambulance. Dan must be taken to the hospital, pronto.”

  “No hospital!” Dan frantically attempted to rise, panic growing when two strong hands holding his shoulders down thwarted him.

  “Release him this instant, Wilson.”

  “But ma’am, he’s bleeding internally. See the dark bruising … likely from his liver or kidney. This is life-threatening, and he must lie still.”

  Bella spoke with authority, “Danny, don’t move an inch. Wilson, let go.” After both complied, she softened her tone. “Danny, if your life is in danger, you will go to a hospital. I will stay with you the entire time. You will not be alone for one second. Do you trust me to keep you safe?”

  Dan couldn’t keep his fear at bay, but he gave her a slight nod as his eyes welled with unshed tears.

  “That’s my boy.” Bella covered him with a soft blanket. “Wilson, please go wait for Dr. Braxton.” She eyed him, communicating she needed a moment or two alone with Dan.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Wilson didn’t like this one damned bit, but he complied. The boy needed to be in a medical facility, and he didn’t understand why Bella wouldn’t immediately take him. He still had many things to learn about his new boss … the formidable Marbella Ridgewater. A grin came to his face. She could give my former commander, General Badass, a run for his money.

  Bella settled next to Danny in the queen-sized bed and clasped his hand. “What happened, my sweet boy?”

  Uncorking his pain and anguish, Dan’s words spilled out in a rush along with a flood of tears.

  Stroking his hair, Bella fought the rising anger for the six hoodlums and all the events which caused Danny so much misery in his short life.

  “I don’t want to go back to the ice prison. Don’t let him take me back. Please. It hurts …” Dan begged.

  Bella dabbed Danny
’s face with a tissue to dry his tears. “Rest for now. We will talk later.”

  “Don’t call him. Please don’t … he will be so mad … he hates me because I killed Sara.”

  Her heart shattered. “Hush, my love. I won’t call your father.” She didn’t try to change his belief. She attempted to three years ago, but Dan’s mixed up mind still couldn’t process the truth of Sara’s death or accept his parents loved him dearly. Bella hoped one day whatever caused this would be resolved.

  Michael Braxton hurried in after a quick conversation with Wilson. His face reflected his concern as he gazed at his patient, and grew as he palpated the abdomen. “Bella, he needs a CT scan to determine the extent of the damage and if surgery is necessary to repair the bleed.”

  Marbella gave this thought while the doctor did his exam. “Danny doesn’t do well in hospitals. Bring one of those mobile MRI or CT rigs here to do the scan. It is the middle of the night so one will be available. Cost is no option. If he cannot be treated here, then we will go to the hospital.”

  “He is not your child or grandchild. Do you have the authority to make medical decisions for the minor?” Braxton inquired.

  Bella eyed Michael. “Yes, I do. Now make the arrangements.”

  Braxton understood it was futile to argue with Bella when she used that tone, so he conceded. “Alright. I’ll make the call then clean and suture the laceration above his eye.”

  “Thank you,” Dan whispered to Bella and leaned into her warm hand which still massaged his head. She loves and cares about me.

  Alley Near Convenience Store – 3:00 a.m.

  Marc Fargusson pulled his cruiser to a stop at the curb as he noted a bedraggled man coming out of the alley. He despised the vagrancy laws and preferred to offer assistance rather than ticket the homeless. Marc didn’t understand the political thought process of fining someone who couldn’t afford food, let alone shelter. Exiting his vehicle, Marc questioned, “Do you have someplace to stay the night?”


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