OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 22

by Laura Acton

  Jon lifted one and showed it to Nick who chuckled. “Dan definitely has more than a passing connection with Mrs. Ridgewater.” He set down the one which showed a much younger but still identifiable General Broderick sitting beside a beautiful lady who held an infant. However, on the general’s lap sat a blond toddler with huge, striking, sapphire blue eyes which shone with the light of his smile. No mistaking the child was Dan at about three years old.

  The doors opened and in walked the graceful woman with snow-white hair. Marbella recognized them by Dan’s descriptions. She noted they found Danny’s photos. Presenting them with a serene smile, Bella said, “Hello, I am Marbella Ridgewater. I understand you are Sergeant Pastore and Constable Hardy. A pleasure to finally meet you. Danny has many kind things to say about you two. He holds you both in high esteem. Wilson tells me you need to speak with me about an old case. How may I help?”

  Her words sliced both Jon and Nick to the core. Neither felt like they deserved Dan’s admiration after the way they mistreated him.

  Marbella motioned for them to take a seat and moved to a chair herself. She sat primly waiting for them to broach the topic.

  Pushing his guilt down for the moment, Nick cleared his throat, “Dame Ridgewater.”

  “Bella, please. Any friend of Danny’s is a friend of mine.”

  Nick nodded. “Bella then, Dan asked us to check in on you. The men convicted of your kidnapping among other crimes were released from prison in error a few weeks ago. Dan is concerned about your safety.”

  “So like my Danny. Always took to heart the serve and protect motto.” She rose, walked to the pictures, and picked up the one of her and Dan with him in uniform. “One of the reasons Danny chose the police force. I was surprised and proud when Danny held fast to his desires though he defied William’s wishes when he joined the constabulary instead of the military. Oh, the arguments his decision brought about, but once Danny drew a line in the sand, he refused to be pulled across it for the sake of family tradition.”

  She laughed and glanced over at them before setting the portrait down. “Those two never quite saw eye to eye. Even today. I believe it is because they are alike in many ways, both stubborn as mules, but Danny possesses enough of Yvonne that he and Willie often butt heads.”

  Bella glided back to her chair. “I’m sorry, I went off on a bit of a tangent. I tend to reminisce more these days. So, back to why you are here this evening. Yes, I remember the abduction. A horrible experience mainly because of what they did to Danny. Why is he concerned for my safety now? I saw the news today. They were accidentally released a while back. It is highly unlikely they are in the country anymore. They must’ve realized the mistake would be discovered.”

  Jon shifted, not comfortable explaining what happened to Dan, so he said truthfully, “Dan didn’t say. Though he was adamant, we check on you and make sure you’re safe.”

  “Danny knows I’m safe with Wilson. The gentleman who greeted you is my security man. Why didn’t Danny call or come by himself? I would’ve loved for him to visit. It’s been far too long since he stopped in to say hi and share a cup of tea with me.”

  Nick also did not want to reveal Dan’s current state. By the pictures, Dan knew her well but she was not family, and it was not his place to share the details. “He isn’t able to come or call at the moment.”

  Both men’s tones and partial answers told Marbella something was wrong. “Why? Is he alright?”

  The flash in their eyes told her what she needed to know. “Your manner tells me he is not. I understand how Danny’s mind works. He would be here unless something prevented him. Where is he? What happened?”

  Shades of similarity to the kidnapping filtered into her mind, but these men were TRF. Danny trusted them, and she understood they cared about him from all Danny and Willie shared. However, she would still take precautions, make better choices, and not be caught unaware, blinded by the need to rush to Danny. She would verify before she left and she would take her car.

  “The four convicts abducted Dan yesterday. We located and rescued him today. He is now in the hospital.” Nick wondered if observing Dan in his beaten state would be too much of a shock for someone of her advanced age, so added, “The doctor wants him to rest and said it would be a couple days before he is ready to receive visitors.”

  A stern, hard edge entered Bella’s eyes, and her demeanor shifted one hundred and eighty degrees as she stood. The soft, kind, gentle woman was replaced with one who had the expression of a mother bear protecting its cub. “Which hospital is Danny in? If he is hurt, he will need me. Tell me now.”

  Flabbergasted by the change, Jon glanced at Nick and found his expression similar to his … widened eyes and almost gaping mouth. This woman exuded power … someone you do not cross.

  Nick comprehended if he didn’t supply her the information, she would be calling every hospital. “Dan is at St. Michael’s. I strongly suggest you wait before you visit him. He is in terrible shape at the moment. It might be hard to view.”

  Bella turned to the door to find Wilson standing where expected. He never went far, quite protective of her and in this case, he had been curious why Dan’s teammates showed up unannounced. “Wilson, please call Dr. Ovens, Chief of Medicine at the hospital to verify Danny was admitted. We will leave once confirmation is received.”

  She returned her gaze to the confused officers. “Sorry, necessary precautions. This is how I was kidnapped before. Constable Riqueti came to my home and told me Danny had been critically injured. I went with him blindly. I learned from my mistake. How bad is Danny?”

  Nick and Jon both remained silent, neither wanting to tell her.

  Bella closed her eyes briefly and inhaled deeply before opening them and peering at the constables with fortitude. “By your lack of response, I assume they beat him again. If it is anything like the first time those four got a hold of him, then it is horrible. I understand your concern for me. Rest assured I’m capable of handling this. I am not faint of heart, and this will not be the first time I’ve seen him severely beaten. Though, I do hope this is the last time.”

  Studying their reaction to her, Bella eased back, softening a little. “Danny bruises awfully bad, doesn’t he? Always looks worse than it is.”

  Extremely curious, Jon asked, “Just how well do you know Dan?”

  Bella returned to her kind demeanor as her eyes twinkled with a fond memory. “Ah, my Danny boy. I love him as if he were one of my own. I remember the pride William, his father and my godson, exuded the first time he brought Danny here. Such a bright and bubbly baby, he warmed everyone’s heart with a mere smile and laugh. I was privileged to have Danny live with me beginning shortly after his sixteenth birthday until after he graduated from the academy and moved into his own place.”

  Wilson entered the room. “Ma’am, Dr. Ovens confirmed Daniel is in the ICU, and the car is ready.”

  “Shall we?” Marbella started for the door indicating they should follow.

  TRF SUV En Route to St. Michael’s

  From the passenger seat, Jon said, “Dano appears to have some remarkable high-level connections. I wonder how he ended up living with Ridgewater. I assumed he lived at the Arctic base until he joined the police.”

  As Nick drove behind Ridgewater’s limo, he broke his concentration to glance at Jon. “I did too. My curiosity is piqued. I believe Dan possesses more secrets than we ever imagined. Although, not surprising since he never talks about his past.”

  Jon nodded. “Yeah, with sound reason. Given how screwed up he had things after his sister died it doesn’t surprise me. Sharing things is undoubtedly challenging for him. Probably still hard for him to separate what truly occurred against his assumptions. Though, this tidbit is interesting. We all knew he took his baby steps at the Fourteenth, but none of us ever asked him about his history with the force. What does his file say? Any other ghosts besides these guys and Gould who might come along to bite him in the ass?”

Nick shook his head. “Not much in his personnel file, much like the one I received from the military. His participation in the IA investigation was not included. Dan’s jacket contained his academy records. Did you know he graduated at the top of his class?” Jon shook his head, and Nick continued, “An exceptional six-month review, and his letter of resignation. He separated with a re-hirable designation.”

  Jon mused aloud, “Ridgewater said he chose the police over the Army, defying the general. What would make him change his mind?”

  “Guess we need to ask Dan if we want the answer.” He exhaled heavily not wanting to broach his next topic. “Bram suspects the truth, that we forced Dan to take time off, and pointedly demanded the reason why before I left ICU.”

  “Why? No, that’s not important now. How did you respond?”

  “Told him to stay with Dan because he might need someone he trusted and that wouldn’t be Lexa or us.” Nick slammed the steering wheel. “Son of a bitch! He could’ve died because I lost control and threw my phone. We could’ve tracked him down yesterday, and he wouldn’t be beaten to hell.”

  “Hey. This isn’t on you alone. If I hadn’t flown off half-cocked.” Jon stared out the window as he clenched his fist.

  Nick reined in his temper. “I’m glad Ridgewater is going to the hospital. She appears to be fond of him and able to provide comfort Dan won’t seek from the team given the current situation.”

  “I agree. This will also put Dan’s mind at ease. He wanted her protected. If she is with him, we kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps the bastards are aware of his connection and taunted him by telling him she is a target again.”

  “Possible. Bram did say Dan became quite agitated. You may be on to something. We should take extra precautions in case.”

  Jon’s strategic mind began working. “Perhaps a call to Fulco and Arbor is needed. We need to set a trap and ensnare these bastards.”

  At a stoplight, Nick glared at Jon. “I will NOT use either Dame Ridgewater or Dan as bait.”

  “Not what I’m suggesting. Glen said they have not returned to the farmhouse. So, they’re unaware we found Dan or that she will be with him. With her permission, we might be able to use her home, and one of us can pose as the Grand Dame.”

  Nick chuckled. “Jonny, I would love to see you in a dress and a wig.”

  Joining in the laughter Jon responded, “Actually thought Kinsey, not me. I’m a bit too tall. Although, you are more her height and this would give you the opportunity to wear those high heels you admired back in December.”

  Nick groaned. The team razzed endlessly for hanging out in the ladies’ footwear sections during the sting operation at the boutiques.

  The Perfect Rat Trap


  May 8

  Castlemore Tavern & Grill – 6:00 p.m.

  Finishing his fourth beer in the bar on the outskirts of Toronto, Robert said, “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Little Robbie steel-toe trying to think,” Al scoffed. “Thought I smelled something burning.”

  “Fuck off, Al. What you smell is your own fucking stench. Will you ever learn to bathe properly?”

  “Cool it you two. We don’t want to draw attention.” Charley munched on another onion ring.

  “What’s on your mind, Robert?” Brogan took another bite of his double cheeseburger and shoved in a few fries before he finished swallowing.

  “I don’t think we should go back to your grandfather’s place. I say we leave Brodickhead alone to suffer a slow painful death. It’ll be at least two weeks before anyone realizes he is gone. That is if anyone bothers to notice. What is worse than starving to death?” Robert laughed.

  “Not much, but he’s bleeding internally, and will most likely die before the day is out. Didn’t you notice the blood dripping from his mouth?” Each of the remaining men shrugged as Charley knocked back his rum and coke, something he sorely missed while in prison.

  Brogan downed the last of his whiskey. “No matter, we can still go after a ransom for the ratfink. I like the idea of leaving him to an agonizing death. He’s so pathetic to think anyone gives a damn about him. Broderick is an outcast and will die alone and forgotten, a fitting end for ratting us out to IA.”

  “Still can’t believe goodie-two-shoes broke a rule. Would’ve liked to report him to the chief. Watching him be kicked off the force would’ve been sweet justice.” Al wiped his greasy fingers on his pants instead of a napkin.

  Brogan’s eyes burned with hatred. “The prick deserves to die. I can live without him being ostracized again. Barrios, Gould, and our other buddies did enough of that to drive him away once.”

  “Surprised he came back. Wonder what he did in between.” Robert flagged down the waitress, eyeing her as he adjusted his loins, wanting to fuck a woman. Ten years without one was too long, and they were too focused on Broderick since getting out the chance had yet to present itself.

  Al took a drag on his cigarette and smirked. “Doesn’t your pea brain have enough power to recall all the news reports last summer? He joined the army.”

  “Sir, smoking is banned in all bars. Please put out your cigarette.”

  “When the fuck did that happen?” Al groused at the server.

  “At least a decade ago. Where’ve you been?”

  Al rammed his smoke into his plate, snuffing out his only pleasure … he didn’t regard smoking as a filthy habit.

  Robert said, “I’ll take another beer.”

  Satisfied the offensive cancer stick had been extinguished, the barmaid inquired, “Anyone else want another drink?” When they shook their heads, she turned and sauntered off to put in the order.

  Unsettled as Broderick’s words filtered in his mind, ‘you should’ve escaped while you had the chance,’ Brogan leaned forward to speak in a lower volume. “We won’t be going back to the farm. We need to go after Ridgewater and grab enough cash to leave the country before someone realizes the error.”

  Al nodded. “I’m sure the cons who should’ve been released are screaming to their lawyers by now. We gotta arrange for fake passports and get the hell out of this hole before our faces end up on the news.”

  Charley chimed in, “I remember from last time she owns a private jet. We can grab her and make her fly us anywhere we want to go.”

  “We should ditch the van. We’ve used it too long already. Al, find us a rube from here.” Brogan glanced about the room. “Robert, Charley, go dispose of the vehicle. We’ll call you when we arrange new transportation and pick you up. Make sure to wipe the interior and handles down and remove the plates too. No trace of us is to be left. Got it?”

  “But my beer?” Robert grumbled but shut up when Brogan narrowed his eyes on him. “Yeah, Boss.” He stood and left with Charley, vexed Brogan always made him do the grunt work.

  Al scanned the room. Finding and luring in a mark was his specialty. “Found him, the old coot at the end of the bar. I’ll soften him up, and you make yourself scarce for now.”

  After Brogan went to pay the bill using the money they stole from the van’s owner, Al sauntered over to the old man and sat on the stool next to him, ordered a beer, then told the bartender. “Another for him too.”

  Henry peered at Al, raising his mug. “Thanks, not sure why you did that, but I appreciate the gesture and the ale.”

  Al put on his smooth talk face. “You remind me of my dad. God rest his soul.” With his hook set, Al engaged his mark in conversation reeling him in. Within thirty minutes the hard-luck story he spun garnered an offer to stay the night at the geezer’s home.

  Outside the tavern, after they got into Henry’s car, Brogan approached and slipped into the backseat. He pointed the gun at the man’s head. “Do what I tell you, and you live. Give me any reason, and I’ll be happy to end your life here and now.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Hallway – 6:50 p.m.

  As they escorted Ridgewater through the hospital to Dan’s ICU room, Jon explained the sting they w
anted to set up to potentially capture Snow, Riqueti, Bozonnet, and Turner.

  Bella stopped outside Danny’s room and turned her gaze to Wilson. “What do you think?”

  “A sound plan. With the uniformed officer at the ICU entrance and the extra precautions hospital security is taking, you will be safe here with Daniel. I can go with the constables and provide them access to your system and anything else they may need.” Wilson hoped the filthy vermin did try to grab Bella. Her home would be the perfect rat trap. He glanced into the room, his heart going out to Danny upon glimpsing his battered face.

  “Alright then. Sergeant Pastore, you have my permission. Now, if you will excuse me, Danny needs me.”

  “Yes, and thanks, ma’am.” Nick opened the door and waved to Bram, indicating for him to exit. “Bram, this is Marbella Ridgewater. She will be staying with Dan for now.”

  Bella peered up at the tall, broad man and smiled warmly. “A pleasure to meet you, Constable De Haven. Thank you so much for always being there for Danny. Trust is not easy for him, but by your actions, you earned his. I appreciate what you have done for William too. Those talks helped Willie gain new perspective on many things, prompting long-awaited changes in his relationship with Danny.”

  Stunned by the candid, yet gracious and complimentary remarks, Bram grinned. Although unfamiliar with this woman’s connection to Dan, her comments indicated she possessed close familial ties. “Glad I’m able to help. Dan is an extraordinary man who I’m happy to call my friend.”

  Bella’s elegant hand patted the massive bicep. “You’re very kind. If you will excuse me now, I must go to my Danny.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Room D


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