OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 25

by Laura Acton

  Wilson explained Buzz would to teach him Judo so he could protect himself if anyone ever attacked him. Dutch, a master tracker, would help him develop navigational skills … to read a map, to navigate by compass, the stars, and the position of the sun so he would never be lost again.

  Dan spent a lot of time with Buzz and Dutch that summer and they visited often … almost every time they took leave. In addition to what they initially imparted to him, Dan learned men did display a full range of emotion. He discovered not all soldiers were hard-asses like the general. He also realized they asked for help, didn’t believe it was a sign a weakness to need assistance, and a true brother would gladly lend his support.

  The most important lesson he took from his time with the three men was family didn’t require a blood tie. He could choose his family … and he did. Bella became his mother and Wilson a trusted uncle. Their teachings stayed with him even today. His family expanded over the years to include Brody, Blaze, Jim, Mason, Winds, Ripsaw, and Alpha team.

  Dan stared at the white cylinder surrounding him, wondering how much longer the CT scan would take. Though not claustrophobic, his pain level increased, making him wish he requested a half dose of painkillers. Being moved back to his bed would be excruciating. Trying to manage the pain, Dan sought refuge in memories again as he closed his eye and let the sounds of Tchaikovsky waft around him.

  The summer had been action-packed, and he almost didn’t want school to begin. His apprehension about experiencing the same type of reception at Toronto High as he received at Hillview proved to be unfounded. His first day he met Charlie Noble and her friends. Her bright, cheerful personality made him feel welcomed and put him at ease.

  Determined to participate in school events, he scaled back his activities with Epic Adventures, but when winter came, he joined them a few times and participated in his second Frostbite marathon. This time, Wilson, Buzz, and Dutch were on his team, and they came in second. He fondly remembered all the trips he took with them. They never treated him like a kid, though they persisted in calling him Pup.

  The platform moving out of the scanner interrupted Dan’s recollections, and he opened his left eye to find the radiologist standing next to him.

  “All done. We’ll have you back up to your room in no time,” Jay said as he removed the headphones.

  Transferring to his bed sucked, causing him to let out a groan or two. As the orderly pushed him down the hall, returning him to his ICU room, Dan wished he could take a full dose of pain meds, but he couldn’t risk being loopy and speaking out of turn if any of the team showed up.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Nurses’ Station

  Run ragged tonight, Rachel glanced up as Dantastic was wheeled past her station. A frown creased her face upon glimpsing his current state. She met him at Heather’s wedding and found herself attracted to him, but she learned he was taken. According to Heather, some special lady, who evidently didn’t attend the reception, captured his heart and he was off the market. Too bad because watching him waltz with his teammate, the only dance he engaged in, left her with a desire to be held in his arms.

  Sherry hurried to the station and asked Rachel, “Has Kaylah come up yet?”

  “No, I have not seen the new phlebotomist. Why?”

  “Daniel in room B and Broderick in D are both overdue for blood draws, but I can’t close off the line and obtain blood from Broderick for her until she comes.” Sherry leaned on the counter and lifted one foot to rotate her ankle, her feet killing her after the busy shift.

  “When she shows, I’ll send her directly there. Two of my patients require them too, but they aren’t overdue.” Rachel logged the last set of vitals for one of her patients.

  A monitor alarm in room C had Sherry rushing off after she quickly said, “Remember, no needles for Broderick. We need to use the IV port in place per Dr. Fraser’s instructions.”

  Rachel didn’t have much of a reprieve herself as room G’s medication finally arrived and she went to administer the painkillers the woman required. Today’s train wreck left everyone overextended and exhausted. As Rachel hurried away, she didn’t see Kaylah heading towards Broderick’s room.

  Don’t Piss Off Bella


  May 9

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Room D – 1:05 a.m.

  Kaylah hated nights like this, so busy she had not gotten a single break in the last nine of the twelve hours she was on shift. And she wouldn’t be getting any respite for three more since management notified her, she needed to cover for her coworker who called in sick until a replacement arrived.

  She peered at the first of four orders for ICU patients and hurried the man’s room. “Ah, you are awake,” Kaylah spoke loudly without regard for the woman sleeping in the chair.

  Dan glared at the person who entered his room. She was not his nurse. “Quiet,” he whispered as he pointed to Bella, “don’t wake her.” The movement hurt, and pain enveloped his arm, shoulder, and back. He clenched his jaw, not wanting to make a sound which might wake Bella. He had been happy to find her asleep when the orderly rolled him back in here, Bella needed rest.

  “Oh, sorry,” Kaylah lowered her voice as she set her bucket on the rolling table. “I’m your vampire tonight,” she joked as she applied the pre-printed labels reading Daniel, Broderick to the vials after checking them against his wristband to ensure they matched. Stupid data entry person swapped the order.

  Grabbing her disposable tourniquet, disinfectant wipe package, and needle, Kaylah turned back to the patient and displayed them. “Only a little stick.”

  Dan’s eyes riveted to the needle, and every aching muscle went rigid. Beads of sweat erupted on his forehead as his body began to shake. “No!” Dan’s exclamation came out louder than he realized.

  “I’m an excellent vampire. You won’t feel a thing.” Kaylah moved forward to wrap the band around the arm.

  “NO!” Dan yelled as he tried to move out of her reach, causing his pain to skyrocket.

  Bella bolted out of the chair, the blanket falling to the linoleum. She was at Danny’s side in an instant and rapidly assessed the situation based on Danny’s tremoring and tense body. Spying the capped needle, she grabbed it and threw the damned thing to the floor out of his sight. Tenderly, Bella cooed, “Danny, you are okay. I’m here. I promise you, no needles, my boy.”

  Startled by the ferocity of their reactions, Kaylah gaped as the beaten man visibly relaxed as the woman brushed through his hair.

  Once she calmed Dan, Bella’s demeanor shifted one-eighty, and her voice became steely as she demanded, “Who are you and what are you doing in here?”

  Taking a step back, Kaylah swallowed as the woman’s piercing eyes shot through her. “Um, Kaylah. I came to draw blood on Mr. Daniel.”

  Sherry rushed in and came to a halt, noticing her patient’s pain-etched face as she caught the name. “This is Constable Broderick.” She spied the needle on the ground and cringed. No wonder mama bear growled. “Outside. Now!” she directed Kaylah.

  Once the door closed, Bella glared at the woman in the hall who caused Danny fear and renewed agony when he tightened his muscles. The glass wall didn’t entirely prevent Sherry’s setdown of Kaylah from wafting to her, but she turned her attention to Danny, he came first.

  Riding the downward crest of pain as his shoulder and back muscles spasmed, Dan gritted his teeth and clenched his hands. The gentle touch of Bella as she massaged his head helped him to relax.

  “You need pain relief, my boy.” Bella fussed, drying his brow.

  “No.” Dan blew out a breath, the spasms easing.

  “You don’t fool me. You are hurting badly, and need relief.”

  “I can’t.” Dan opened his eye to gaze at Bella.

  “Why not?”

  Unable to lie to her, Dan’s eye welled with liquid as he admitted, “I would rather deal with the pain instead of the loopy confusion that comes with meds. If I’m dosed and not in control, I mig
ht say things to people I shouldn’t.”

  Bella dabbed Danny’s eye with a tissue to clear his vision. She wondered what he was worried about saying and to whom, but the nurse outside appeared to be wrapping up her set down, so she waited to query Danny further.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Hallway

  Once outside the room, Sherry shut the door and adopted a stern tone and stance before unleashing on Kaylah. “What in tarnation are you doing taking a needle into Mr. Broderick’s room? They’re forbidden. He suffers from acute trypanophobia. Your action caused him significant distress and based on his condition, increased pain.”

  Kaylah turned to the unit nurse and pointed to the room sign. “This is room B, and I checked his wristband. That man is Broderick Daniel,” Kaylah declared, defending herself, yet remaining uneasy despite the glass partition separating her from the older lady’s menacing glare.

  Sherry glanced at the signage on the door. She let out a tiny groan when she spotted a black line across the middle of the D making it appear to be a B. Someone’s head will roll once I figure out who did a colossally stupid thing. She rubbed off the black marker.

  “This is room D, and he is Daniel Broderick. His orders plainly indicate a line draw. Did you bother to check the required identifiers, of which neither room or bed number count?”

  Kaylah bit her lower lip and shook her head.

  “Well, if you bothered to verify the patient ID number in addition to the name you wouldn’t be confusing the two men. You will do your other draws and then wait outside until I’m ready to draw blood from his port, as ordered. And Kaylah, I will be reporting your lack of adherence to protocol to your supervisor. A long, busy shift is no excuse for failing to do so, in fact, that is one reason for the practice.”

  Kaylah said a bit quivery, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm.” Leary of the scary, white-haired woman, Kaylah’s eyes darted to her bucket of supplies.

  Comprehending the phlebotomist’s unease, and not wanting to subject Dan or Bella to Kaylah’s presence, and quite frankly uncertain if mama bear would rip the twit’s head off if she entered the room again, Sherry said, “Stay right here, I’ll retrieve your gear.”

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Room D

  Stepping inside, Sherry noted her patient’s furrowed brow. After handing the supplies to Kaylah, she went to the bed. “I sincerely apologize for what occurred. I assure you it won’t happen again. Dan, are you in significant pain?”

  Bella understood Danny would downplay the pain level to avoid the medication, so she said, “I believe Dr. Fraser has a sedative on order.”

  Dan peered at Bella. Usually, he hated sedatives, but that would be a solution for him to escape this agony and not blabber things he shouldn’t.

  “Yes, ma’am, he does. Why do you ask?” Sherry answered the formidable woman.

  “You will administer a dose, and wait until my boy is in dreamland before drawing his blood. Danny will not be subjected to viewing another needle. Understand?” Bella commanded.

  “But, ma’am, I will be using his port just like the other times. No needles are involved.”

  “He needs the rest. Pain medication doesn’t always give him full relief.”

  Sherry smiled, this woman was a true champion for Dan. “I agree, but I have pain meds available now if you want them, Dan.”

  Dan shook his head. “I can wait.”

  “Are you sure? It will be at least fifteen minutes before the sedative will arrive from the pharmacy.”


  “Okay. I’ll be back soon, and I’ll wait to do the draw until you are out. If you change your mind and need relief, hit the call button.” Sherry exited the room and hurried to the station to put in the request.

  Dan exhaled heavily as Kaylah scurried past his room, fear on her face evident when she glanced at Bella. He tried to smile but his split lip stung and didn’t want to increase his misery, but humor could be heard in his tone, “Bella, you frightened the vampire. Sometimes you’re scarier than the general.”

  Bella’s demeanor and voice softened as she grinned. “I didn’t mean to, but no one hurts you if it is within my power to stop them. Speaking of which,” she reached to the bedside table and retrieved the penny, pressed it into his palm, closed his fingers around the coin, held his hand, and said, “A penny for your thoughts, my Danny.”

  Dan sighed not wanting to tell her.

  “Whatever you are afraid of saying, tell me. I’m always in your corner. Nothing you say or do will ever change how much I love you.”

  His defenses down, Dan teared up. “I screwed up. I’ll lose my team if I say the wrong thing. Being an outcast always hurts too much.”

  “What happened?” Bella didn’t ask, what did you do? She knew him too well. Whatever occurred he would assume blame even if he was not at fault.

  Trusting Bella implicitly, Dan haltingly bared his soul, disclosing every last sordid detail. He revealed he and Lexa disobeyed the rules, snuck behind the team’s back, and lied to them. He confessed he still loved Lexa, although she crushed his heart by telling him she loved him for the first time and in the same breath declared him worthless.

  He cried when he told Bella he forgave Lexa, understanding they both needed the team, but saying goodbye to a future with her hurt almost as much as losing Brody. Then he divulged Jon’s scathing and vicious comments to him including Lexa deserved better than him. He shared Nick had been somewhat sympathetic but laid all the blame at his feet, and none on Lexa as if the whole affair had been one-sided.

  Dan’s voice broke as he concluded, “I fear the team will abandon me if they become aware of what I did. Though Boss forced me to take time off instead of filing a formal reprimand, he can still fire me. If he does, I’ll lose the place where I belong and make a difference.”

  Bella held all her emotions in check as Danny spilled his guts. The anguish which flooded out of him seeped deeply into her and enraged her to the core. When he finished, she kissed his forehead, the only spot not bruised on his entire face. Then she softly and gently told him it would be okay.

  Not wanting Dan in pain longer than necessary, Sherry put the order in stat, and it arrived sooner than expected. She entered the room and smiled. “This should take effect fast. I’ll check back in ten minutes.”

  “Thank you for your excellent care, Sherry,” Bella said as she caressed Dan’s scalp, noting the tension beginning to ebb from his body.

  Sherry nodded before leaving the room and closing the door.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Nurses’ Station

  Kaylah waited at the desk, and when Sherry approached, she said, “I’m done with the others. Can we do Broderick’s now?”

  Rachel eyed Sherry, detecting the storm about to swamp the hapless phlebotomist and chose not to intervene. She and Sherry valued the level of care they provided to their patients. ICU Head Nurse Lois Clarry demanded high-standards, so a little reaming of support staff was in order.

  “You are on my time now. My patient was in so much pain after your lackadaisical care I had to order a sedative. We will wait until he is sleeping soundly before drawing his blood.” Sherry continued, reiterating everything she stated before and concluded, “Not only will your supervisor be notified, but ours as well. Nurse Clarry will likely ensure you never work in the ICU area again. She doesn’t tolerate shoddy care.”

  When she finished, Sherry turned to Rachel. “Can you listen for my patients? I need to make a call to security and ask them to review the tapes. I want to discover who the heck drew a line across the D making it appear a B.”

  “No problem. Call from the break room and bring me a coffee when you come back, please.”

  “Will do.” Sherry hurried off.

  Kaylah stood silently reviewing everything Sherry said. She recognized her mistake. She had become complacent and short-changed protocols. Being tired was no excuse. Luckily, she had not caused extreme harm to a patient, and she determined
not to bypass hospital regulations in the future.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU Room D

  After Danny drifted off, Bella returned to the chair. Though the middle of the night, she was no longer tired. She needed to determine how to help Danny. Her boy was in a world of agony, and not all physical. Her ire rose as she recalled what Danny shared. How could they treat my boy so callously?

  The expressions on Pastore and Hardy when they visited her home took on new meanings. The men appeared guilty, and now she comprehended why. If Danny had not been on a forced leave of absence, Snow wouldn’t have abducted him, or if he tried, the team would’ve realized sooner, and Danny wouldn’t be so injured.

  Bella peered at the glass wall. Though she had never met Lexa McKenna, by Danny’s description, she could be none other than the sad, tearful woman who stood outside Danny’s room right before they took him for his CT scan. At first, Bella’s heart broke upon viewing her and thought the young lady had been so distraught by Danny’s appearance she didn’t come in. But now … Bella was unsure from whence the tears stemmed.

  Shifting her gaze back to Danny, she understood his insecurities almost as well as Yvonne. From the quick call she made to William to update him while Danny was down in the x-ray department, she learned Yvonne’s flight had been delayed. She checked her watch and noted she still had about a half hour before Yvonne would be boarding.

  Bella smiled at Sherry as she entered. “He is resting easy now.”

  Moving to the bed with her supplies, leaving Kaylah in the hall, Sherry grinned and set to work, efficiently taking the samples required to check if the internal bleeding was subsiding. After handing them to Kaylah, she turned back to Bella. “Ma’am, would you please step out while I do my checks? You can wait right outside the room.”


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