OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 70

by Laura Acton

  Kinsey said, “I’m aware of what you did. Why did you do it?”

  Dan’s mind scrambled, and his heart rate sped up. She knows what I did? Did she find out about Lexa and me? Why is she asking why? Is she planning on telling the brass in retaliation for how I acted? Shit, if so, me and Lexa will both be fired, thus safeguarding Kinsey’s spot on the team. Shit, what should I say? As his mind spun, he mumbled, “Uh you do?”

  “Yeah, I do. I want to understand why?” In better control of her emotions, Kinsey turned to face Broderick.

  Dan braced himself for condemnation in her expression but was stunned when she smiled at him with teary eyes.

  “Why do such a thing?”

  Nothing made any sense to Dan. She’s crying, she found out about my relationship with Lexa, but she is smiling at me, and it isn’t a creepy, ‘you’re gonna pay’ smile. Crap, women confuse me. Still trying to figure out what to say or do, Kinsey shocked him further by hugging him.

  As Kinsey stepped back, she caught Dan’s utter confusion. Dipping her head, astounded herself that she embraced him. “You don’t like me. So why?”

  Dan wheels turned attempting to put together incongruent parts, and then the pieces clicked. Relief swept through Dan at lightning speed. He gave Kinsey one of his WOW smiles. “Colton talked to you.”

  Kinsey nodded. “He offered me the position on Charlie Team and said he would hold it open for me until McKenna returns. He said you recommended me. Why me?”

  “Kinsey, when I did your eval back in January, I put your name on the short list for a reason. You possess the right qualities for TRF. If I hadn’t been such a jackass, I would’ve given you the respect you deserve and earned.”

  Shifting a bit and peering down at his boots, ashamed, Dan continued. “I have no excuse for my behavior other than I believed Lexa’s position might be in jeopardy and reacted on an emotional basis rather than a logical one. She is my usual partner. I guess I couldn’t accept a team without her. It was my fault she got shot. I should’ve told her to wait and protected her. Lexa’s place on the team was at risk because of me.”

  Astonished by his candor, Kinsey gaped. “Dan, it isn’t your fault the gang member shot her. I read the transcript. McKenna should’ve waited for you before going out on that roof.”

  “Yeah, well, we can talk about that until we’re blue in the face, but I won’t change my mind. My job is to protect my partner, and I didn’t.” Wanting and needing to change the topic, Dan asked, “So Colton talked to you. Are you gonna take the spot?”

  “Depends. If McKenna passes her requals, yes. If she does not, I will stay on Alpha,” Kinsey replied honestly.

  Dan nodded. “Fair enough. Can you do me a favor though?”

  “If I can?” Kinsey studied him. He is not the man I believed him to be. He expressed regret for his conduct and suggested me for Harmon’s team.

  “Can you keep it to yourself that I spoke to Colton?”

  “Why?” Dan’s request further confused Kinsey.

  Not wanting to advertise his hand in this, Dan said, “With the way I behaved towards you, the guys might get the wrong impression. They might think I am trying to push you off the team. That isn’t my goal. I only desire to make amends, and I learned yesterday about Hector leaving Colton’s team. TRF needs constables like you, and this seemed like a win-win solution.”

  “Dan, that doesn’t make much sense. I doubt they would think anything of the sort. But if you want me to keep quiet, I will,” Kinsey answered.

  “Thanks.” Dan relaxed and leaned on the air handler. The two stayed on the roof talking about miscellaneous topics for the next half hour, then Kinsey excused herself to go finish counting ammo … something she came to hate as much as the rest of them.

  Brody hovered next to Dan. “Excellent day, brother. I’m proud of you.”

  Dan sighed and rubbed his ear as he stared at the cloudless sky. “Brody, what a day. You helped me save a kid today. Thanks.”

  Awkward Moments


  July 13

  Lake Ontario Picnic Area – 12:15 p.m.

  Dan brought his Ducati to a halt in the parking area close to where the annual First Responders Fundraising Picnic was taking place. He straddled the motorcycle as he breathed deep, pushing down the anxiety being within proximity of an open body of water brought forth. Unable to come up with a decent excuse for not coming, and frankly, not wanting to disappoint Allie, he took steps to ensure he didn’t need to go near the lake.

  The first action, he chose to ride his motorcycle which required close-toed shoes and jeans … for safety he would claim. Needing to be comfortable in mixed company for activities on terra firma and not those of the liquid persuasion, he wore shorts underneath his jeans. The backpack implied only enough room for the bags of chips he signed up to bring, and he could proclaim not even a pair of rolled swim trunks fit.

  Second, he agreed to participate in fund-raising activities. The bulk of his afternoon he would be taking part in the rugby matches between the police, firefighters, and paramedics. Afterward, he offered to assist with the carnival games set up for the kids, which were located well away from the beach area. With any luck, he wouldn’t be within fifty feet of the water.

  Taking off his helmet, Dan glanced around and grinned. The place buzzed with excitement and laughter as family and friends of the men and women who proudly served the citizens of Toronto congregated to enjoy a beautiful summer day. Location notwithstanding, he eagerly anticipated today’s fun. His first year with TRF, the event took place before he joined the team, and last year, he had been recuperating from Merrill’s bullet. So, although his third July at TRF, this would be the first time he attended.

  Loki spied Dan and hurried over. “Hey, you need a hand?”

  “I got it, but thanks anyway.” He put the kickstand down and slid off.

  “Got your swimsuit and flip flops?” Loki eyed Dan’s backpack.

  “Playing rugby … not planning on going in the water. Chips are in the bag.” Dan hooked the helmet on the back of his Ducati and undid the bungee cord holding the case of beer strapped behind him and hefted the box in his arms, his other contribution to the day’s consumables.

  “Gonna be hot … a dip in the lake would be refreshing.” Loki strolled with Dan towards the table Alpha Team staked claim to.

  “Beer is as refreshing,” Dan joked. Too bad none for me today.

  “But you still can’t drink.” When Dan only shrugged, Loki’s mind turned to other things. “So, we still set for guy’s night out once you can drink?”

  Chuckling, Dan nodded. For two weeks, Loki pestered him relentlessly about hanging out until he agreed to go after his alcohol ban lifted. He liked the idea of deepening his friendships with Loki and Ray.

  “Cool. We’re going to Muerte por Chiles … their karaoke is the best.”

  “I’m not singing again,” Dan groused as he set the stuff on the bench.

  Loki evilly laughed and rubbed his hands together. “Muahahahahahaha … the whole reason we’re waiting until you can have liquor. After a few tequila shots, I’ll be able to coax you on that stage again.”

  Dan laughed and shook his head. Loki is a riot. “You can try.”

  Allie raced up and grabbed at Dan’s hand. “Come on … we’re going to the beach. You gotta come.”

  Taking a seat on the wooden bench, Dan said, “Can’t now, sweetie. I need to head over to the game I volunteered to take part in.”

  Allie placed both hands on her hips and pouted. “But I wanted you to go swimming with me. I even got new floaties.”

  Hating to disappoint her, Dan deflected, “How about after I’m done and you are all finished swimming, we play tag or go to the swings?”

  Pursing her lips, Allie considered his words. “Okay, but you will play with me today … right?”

  “Absolutely.” Dan held out his pinky to her. “Pinky promise.”

  Allie’s pinky hooked on to Dan’s,
and she shook. “K, bye.” She darted off towards her daddy who held Sharlie at the edge of the water.

  Loki arched a brow. “Never thought you would ever deny Allie anything.”

  Shrugging off his backpack, Dan took out the chips and put them on the picnic table. “Hated to do it, but made a commitment … need to follow through. Catch ya later.” He snagged a water bottle from the cooler and jogged towards the area reserved for the rugby matches.

  As Dan moved away, Loki transferred the beers into the ice chest, then grabbed a cold one for himself before wandering to the beach to help Bram keep an eye on all four girls.

  Lake Ontario Picnic Area – Rugby Field - 12:55 p.m.

  After Dan arrived at the field, he kicked off his cross-trainers and shucked his jeans, revealing shorts and incredibly muscular legs. As the teams gathered, he tied his laces, preparing to engage in a game he hadn’t played since high school. Forty minutes later, sweating, enjoying himself immensely, the police winning against the firefighters, Dan chugged water as he took a short break. As he set his bottle down, his pulse rate increased when he spied Lexa.

  He drove past her home every single day, trying to gather enough nerve to talk to her, but every time, he only stopped and stared at her house, and never knocked on her door. He still had not figured out what to say and realized their first meeting would be awkward. He wanted to do it away from the team, in case either of them slipped up and said something they shouldn’t.

  They locked gazes from thirty feet away. The connection between them still undeniable … but Dan spotted her hand clasping someone else’s … a man’s hand. He shifted his focus to the right, and his heart plummeted to his stomach, as he fought the desire hurl.

  Lexa averted her eyes, unable to bear witness to shattering Dan’s heart once more. Her decision to bring a date today … one of self-preservation. She needed Boss to know she moved on, couldn’t leave any lingering doubts in his head which might jeopardize her return to the team.

  Ray glanced between the former couple as Lexa approached. Dan’s expression turned to stone before his very eyes. Man, Lexa sure can be cold. Why the hell did she bring him?

  Duke enjoyed holding Lexa’s hand. When she called and asked if he planned to attend the annual fundraiser, he had been pleasantly shocked. He didn’t think she would be interested in something so soon … well, ever, if truth be told. Though he intended to occupy his day off training Blue, he jumped at the chance to spend time with her.

  When Lexa and her date stopped, Ray said, “Duke, the dog handler, right?”

  “Yes, Ray, if I remember correctly?” Duke released his hold on Lexa then held out his to shake Ray’s.

  After shaking hands, Ray peered at Lexa. “Who are you rooting for, police or fire?”

  Catching an odd bit of hostility in Ray’s tone, but unsure why, Lexa replied, “Police of course. Dan’s scored well for us. We’re certain to win this year.”

  Dialing back his ire, but unable to stop himself, Ray made a veiled dig. “Yeah, Dan’s the best. I’d choose him any day … to be on my team.”

  Lexa eyed Ray. Did he figure out Dan and I dated or did Boss let something slip? No, Boss would never … my guilty conscience and imagination must be running amuck. Smiling, she said, “Same here. That’s why Alpha’s number one!”

  Nick sauntered back to the field, with two beers and one soda. He grinned when his gaze found Lexa. After handing the beers to Kinsey and her fiancé, he changed direction to say hello. “You made it. Ready for requals next week?”

  “Raring to go.” Lexa gave Nick a small hug and stepped back. “Boss, this is Duke, I don’t know if you remember meeting him or not?”

  Remember? Who could forget? Nick put on a smile. “Kinda hard to forget a man who with his dog Blue, rescued Dan from the cave after we accosted and accused him of stalking you. A pleasure to meet you again, Duke.”

  Relaxed and self-assured, Duke chuckled. “Ditto. Hopefully, we can get through this event without a need for any of our services.”

  Casting an eye at the match which resumed, Nick grimaced as the men piled on each other going for the ball. “Not so sure about that. Darned good thing the paramedics are around, rugby is a rough and tumble sport requiring speed and agility. Not one suited to me.”

  “Broderick is certainly fast,” Duke said as Lexa’s blond, athletic teammate scored yet again … his fourth time so far.

  “Runs like the wind,” Jim remarked as he joined the group.

  Nick turned to Jim, wondering if he and Lexa would receive a cold reception since Jim was aware of what went down. The affable grin the medic gave him made Nick relax. “With any luck, Dan won’t need your services today.”

  “Came prepared,” Jim half-joked. Ever since locating Dan in Rouge Park, he carried a med-pack specific for his needs in the trunk of his car. His brother had the damnedest luck.

  The roar of the crowd caused them all to turn to the field. Jim, Nick, Lexa, and Ray all added their voices to the cheering as Dan scored again.

  As the play continued, Lexa peered at Jim. “Aren’t you rooting for the wrong team?”

  Jim chuckled. “Not yet … now when the paramedics are playing … all bets are off.” He moved closer to her and dropped his voice, allowing concern to flow in his tone. “How are you doing, Lexa?”

  With the other’s attention on the game, she said, “You know, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. Not too happy with the chain of events, but things happen. Doesn’t mean my friendship with you is diminished.” Jim squeezed her left bicep. “You’re strong … like Dan. A little adversity makes you stronger and won’t keep you down long. When are you returning to the team?”

  “Next week if requals go well.” Lexa grasped his underlying meaning and appreciated his show of compassion. She understood why Jim held a special place in Dan’s heart … the man didn’t judge harshly.

  “Excellent.” When Jim’s partner called, he excused himself to prepare for the paramedics versus firemen match but looked forward to squaring off against Dan, expecting to win a small wager in their friendly competition.

  Lake Ontario Picnic Area – Picnic Tables - 4:15 p.m.

  His form-fitting t-shirt soaked through and clinging to his torso, Dan ambled over to Alpha’s picnic table to grab a cold drink after finishing the final game and before going to assist with the carnival booths. A grin plastered his face, having edged out the medics in overall points, he won the bet with Jim. Instead of cash, he opted to take Heather up on her offer of a home-cooked meal because he was getting sick of take-out.

  He bent over and plunged his hands into the melting ice, cupped some water and dumped it over the back of his neck … the icy-water cooling him down. Selecting a bottle of water, though wishing for a beer, he straightened after closing the lid and came face-to-face with Lexa, well, not quite … more like her face to his chest.

  With Duke off getting them burgers, Lexa came to snag two beers. So far, she managed to avoid being within speaking range of Dan, and she would’ve waited longer to obtain drinks to avoid him, but she allowed her focus to be diverted from the playing field to Kent and Joey flying kites … the littlest Hardy boy shouting with glee when his older brother helped him launch his kite.

  When she stopped and refocused on where she was, Dan’s chest filled her line of vision. The wet shirt molded to his skin, defining his pectoral muscles, and his washboard abs. Damn, he is one fine specimen of a man. Desire rushed in, and she fought the urge to touch him.

  Dan caught the flicker of lust in the golden flecks of Lexa’s eyes as she stared at him. He tamped down on his own physical reaction to the closeness of her body and the fire in her hazel orbs. To combat what would surely be an awkward moment, Dan quipped, “My eyes are up here.”

  Blushing, her cheeks heating up at his outlandish, yet oh so accurate comment, Lexa shifted her gaze upward. “You make a better door than a window,” she retorted and cringed inwardly at her stupid remark. She followed it
by saying, “Just came to grab a couple of beers.”

  Dan stepped to the side, making room for her to reach the cooler. “Grabbing water myself.” What an inane comment, Broderick. Come on … this is Lexa … engage your brain and quit being an idiot.

  After retrieving two bottles, Lexa met Dan’s eyes. “About Duke.”

  “No need to explain. You’re welcome to date anyone you want.” Dan twisted off the cap with more force than necessary.

  Lexa glanced around, ensuring they wouldn’t be overheard, glad everyone who mattered was elsewhere. “I … um, well, I thought it best if Boss thought, well, um—”

  “I understand. He needs to believe things are over between us … which they are … but I get it. Jon said you are doing requals in a few days.”


  “You nervous about coming back?” Dan took a sip.

  “No. Going stir crazy at home. Started a remodeling project to help pass the time.”

  “Knocking down walls, an interesting form of physical therapy.” Dan gave her a lopsided grin. I can do this … I can be her friend.

  “My therapist said the same thing.” Noting Dan’s healthy and more tanned appearance, Lexa smiled. “Loki said you took some time off, something about lazing around on a beach drinking margaritas.”

  Dan inhaled and blew out a breath. “Not quite.” He scanned the area, finding them to be alone. “Was recalled by the general to Kandahar.”

  “What?” Lexa gaped at Dan.

  “Short story now … I’ll explain more later, but part of my early exit contract says I can be recalled for assignments requiring my skills or knowledge for ten years. Well, one came up, and my father summoned me. I spent five weeks there … hence the tan. But as far as anyone except the permanent team and Gambrill is concerned … yeah, beaches and babes.”


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