Rose Bound Magic

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Rose Bound Magic Page 12

by Caitlin Crowe

  She stared back at them dumbly, her brain at a standstill. “Well,” she stuttered, “I was working here in the Writing House. One evening I met some of the people who are from his household as they were passing through. They offered me the job, and after getting Papa’s permission, I left with them. With winter coming, I was looking for a little spare money.”

  “So, what kind of job is it?”

  Shrugging, she paused to think about it. “Mostly, I’m his companion. He was hurt a long time ago, and though his body has healed the best it can, his mind hasn’t. We spend time together, and we read and talk.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad. Add in the money you make!” Poppy exclaimed. “No marriage needed!

  “What’s he like? The man you keep company?” asked her other sister.

  Bell rested her chin on her fist to think. “Hmm… I guess when you first see him, he can be terrifying. He’s very tall and powerful, and he has a lot of scars all over his body from his accident. They can be very distracting, and I know he’s very self-conscious of them. But he is still handsome, and he has a very nice smile. He’s shy, and he reads a lot. We spend almost every evening in the library after dinner. Oh, and he has this big fluffy black dog that looks more like a monstrous wolf than any dog I’ve ever seen.” She glanced up at her sister’s snickering like school girls. “What?”

  “It seems like someone has feelings for this man,” Poppy said.

  “Who would have thought our smart little sister would develop feelings for her ward,” Geranium added with a snort.

  “Feelings?” Bell echoed, her face growing warm. The thought made her feel uncomfortable. Did she care for Beast beyond friendship? “No, not at all,” she rebuffed, deciding to examine that particular idea at a more secluded time.

  “Sureeeeee,” her sisters cried in unison, neither of them believing her.

  “As long as you chose better than us,” Poppy said.

  “But we know you will,” added Geranium.

  The sisters sat in silence for several moments, each lost in their own thoughts before the stillness of the cottage finally caught Bell’s attention. “Hold on, if we’re all here, then where is Papa and the kids?” she asked Poppy, wide-eyed.

  “What? Oh, don’t worry! Geranium and I were having some peace and quiet – Oppa went with Papa to pick the kids up from school. I’m sure Dr. Jayr will have just happened by and will arrive in tow,” Poppy side-eyed her sister. Geranium rolled her eyes at her sister’s obvious poke at his affection for her.

  “Does Oppa do this regularly?” Bell inquired innocently, watching Poppy’s face turn the color of a tomato.

  Cutting in, Geranium said, “Well, of course, he does! He loves our dear sister and her children more than anything, and she’s half in love with him as well. I don’t know why they don’t just get married already and leave, so we have some extra room in this place.”

  “You of all people should understand my hesitation about getting married again, Geranium. Besides, if we left, who would help out you and Papa? His mind hasn’t gotten any worse, but he still needs help here.”

  Squirming in her chair, Bell tried not to look at her sisters. More than anything, Bell wanted to help, but she knew she had to go back. “I’m sorry, I can’t stay.”

  “What are you talking about?” asked Poppy bewildered.

  “Of course you can’t stay!”

  “We didn’t mean –,”

  “We weren’t insinuating –,”

  “Belladonna, we couldn’t be happier you left!”

  Raising her eyes to meet her eldest sister’s she whispered, “Truly?”

  Geranium snorted. “Besides the money you send home, you are off doing something. It’s clear you enjoy yourself and what you’re doing, even if you still miss us. Maybe you don’t enjoy it all the time, but most of the time you do. The way you speak of that man – it’s just clear.”

  “Most importantly,” Poppy cut in, “you have done far too much for all of us. You were the one who gave up everything, first to settle the accounts in the Big City, and then to come here to care for Papa all on your own, never asking for any kind of help from your older sisters who were too selfish to realize you needed it. It’s our turn now. You deserve to live in a big house with fancy clothes and a nice man who reads with you in the evenings.”

  Guilt rolled around in Bell’s heart – both because she couldn’t be truthful with them, and because somewhere deep inside her, she knew she was relieved not to have to worry continuously about food or money while she was with Alder. Everything was taken care of for her.

  Before a response was required, the front door opened, and all of the missing inhabitants, plus a few extras, returned. The cacophony of voices was silenced when the third person sitting at the table was recognized.

  The silence lasted only a moment before everyone yelled, and Bell was engulfed in sticky fingers and arms as all of Poppy’s children rushed at her babbling over each other. Even Frank, who was at the age where little boys were too self-conscious to show such behavior was trying to talk over everyone else and hugging her from behind the chair, hanging onto her neck.

  When they all settled down, their eyes’ were still shining in awe at the return of their missing Aunt.

  Rising Bell approached Papa, tears flowing down his cheeks. “I’ve come to visit for a little while if that’s okay.”

  He grabbed her in a shaking embrace. “What kind of silly question is that my sweet Belladonna. Oh! How I’ve missed you! I’m so glad he gave you time off to come see us! I knew he always seemed like a kind man.”

  She couldn’t respond, instead only hugging her father tighter.

  Breaking away, she looked over Papa’s shoulder. Oppa and Dr. Jayr stood framed in the open door, both looking stunned at her sudden arrival. Bell had known them before; neither of them had ever treated her as an outsider, which she had always been grateful for.

  She hugged first the one and then the other. “It’s nice to see both of you as well.” Lowering her voice, she added, “Thank you for taking care of my family. I’m forever in your debt.” She looked meaningfully at both men who shifted uncomfortably.

  “It’s my pleasure,” Oppa said, embarrassed.

  “No way around it,” Dr. Jayr murmured, looking over Bell’s head at Geranium.

  “Stop staring at me! It’s rude!” her sister barked, having somehow sensed that the Doctor had been looking at her. His face turned ruby red, and Bell knew he was relieved that Geranium couldn’t see it.

  “I think this calls for a celebration!” Poppy exclaimed, taking in the room full of emotional people.

  “Party!” all the kids screeched; their excitement rekindled.

  “My youngest daughter has returned! Of course, there needs to be a party!” Papa added.

  Looking around the cottage, stuffed with people she loved, a warm glow emanated from somewhere deep inside her. “Alright,” she consented, a broad smile spreading across her face, dimpling her cheeks.

  Chapter Ten

  Walking to Town arm-in-arm with Geranium the next morning, Bell couldn’t remember a time she and her family had enjoyed each other’s company to this extent. Their mother had held grand balls, but they had only been for adults. The girls might have been paraded out shortly to be displayed, but they had never participated.

  After their mother died, she and her sisters had been left either to nannies or to themselves, Papa always busy with work. Poppy had been focused on learning everything she could to be an ‘achieved woman’ like their mother, Geranium had been focused on being the most beautiful, and Belladonna had been left alone.

  Last night seemed to hold a golden glow in Bell’s mind that she knew would never fade. There had been endless laughter and pleasure, everyone ecstatic just to be together in one overly crowded room.

  As if reading her thoughts, her sister said, “I had a lovely time last night. I don’t remember ever having a party like that.”

�I don’t either. It was wonderful.” Bell smiled softly. “You know, Dr. Jayr really does care for you, Geranium. He was always kind to me before, even when almost everyone else in town thought that I was odd. And he’s a competent doctor. Seeing him dote on you last night, it was clear to everyone.” She watched her sister’s face, which remained curiously blank. Bell reflected that if one didn’t know Geranium couldn’t see, you would never guess. She traversed the road so well, eyes ahead, that it seemed she still could.

  “I know he does,” she replied. “But I am his patient. I don’t want to be with a man who would always be my doctor, who I would always be indebted too. Being alone is much more comfortable for me. Never again do I want to be put in a position like before, where I rely on only one person for everything.”

  Although she felt like her sister might have the wrong understanding of the situation, Bell didn’t argue. Geranium had been through too much and needed to feel safe on her own.

  The two walked in amiable silence for the rest of the way.

  Upon entering Town Bell and Geranium headed straight to the Writing House so Bell could surprise Mr. Arqam. She had felt guilty, leaving one day at the end of her shift and never returning, but there hadn’t been any other option.

  Mr. Arqam didn’t look up at the tinkling of the bell, instead intoning, “One moment, let me finish inking this page, please.”

  Bell smiled, leaving Geranium in a comfortable chair and taking the opportunity to inspect the books that had arrived in her absence.

  “Now, what can I help you – Belladonna!”

  Turning, she found Mr. Arqam standing by his desk, open-mouthed.

  “Hello,” she beamed.

  He took several seconds to collect himself before a smile started inching across his face. “My dear girl, you look beautiful as always! I’ve missed you! What a surprise!”

  “It was a surprise to me as well. I didn’t know I was going to be able to come until the last minute, so I wasn’t able to give anyone warning. But I’m glad to see you.” Walking forward, Bell clasped the old man’s hands. “Truly, I am so sorry that I left without telling you. It all happened so suddenly…” she trailed off, not sure how to finish the thought without lying.

  Squeezing her hands once in understanding, he said, “No need to apologize, I received both your letter and your fathers. I understand completely. I am just so relieved to see that you're being treated well. You truly look radiant and happier than I have ever seen you.”

  As the two caught up, Bell was surprised to find that Geranium and Mr. Arqam knew each other well. Even though she couldn’t see, Dr. Jayr had become a regular customer, picking up books and reading them to her sister. When he was unavailable, and Geranium was too impatient to wait, she would wander over to the Writing House, and Mr. Arqam would read aloud to her.

  As they were exiting, Mr. Arqam called them back. “Wait! I have something for you, Belladonna!” Hurrying to the back of the shop, he returned with a large bundle that seemed to contain a dozen or so books. “Here,” he said, shoving it into her arms. “I’ve been setting these aside for you. They’re yours, a thank you for all the hard work you did, even though I couldn’t pay you much.”

  Moved, Bell just nodded, unable to find words that conveyed her feelings. Her sister tactfully allowed Bell to collect herself before heading towards the next destination.

  Everywhere they went, the duo was greeted with smiles and waves, much different than how Bell was used to being treated.

  After a meeting with Mrs. Carter, who had always been particularly nasty, Geranium whispered, “We know everyone had been so horrible to you. Once Poppy and the kids arrived, the nosy people of Town learned that you had been taking care of Papa this whole time and had gone off to a great manor to care for someone. You know how fickle people are – they suddenly decided we were all worthy, and you had simply been tired and overwhelmed. Of course, our family all knew what was actually going on, but it makes for a much more pleasant experience when we’re here to pretend it had all been a misunderstanding.”

  It was clear that her sister was disgusted with the general behavior, but Bell was relieved. It had always been so unpleasant when she came, and she was glad the treatment hadn’t extended further. It seemed to have ceased.

  On their way to Oppa’s bakery to pick up bread for dinner, a very familiar and unwelcome voice called out to them. “Why if it isn’t the two prettiest sisters I’ve ever seen! I’m glad to see the rumors are true, and you’re back, Bell!”

  In tandem, both women’s spines stiffened. Turning together, Bell pasted a rigid smile onto her face. “Roger, how lovely to see you again.”

  Much to Bell’s disappointment, the three years hadn’t made Roger any less attractive. She only prayed that his determination to marry her had diminished with her absence. Better yet, perhaps he was already married to some poor dimwit.

  “After you ran off, I didn’t think you’d ever come home, yet here you are. I was so disappointed Bell – you knew how much I wanted to make you my wife, and yet you went and got yourself ruined, apparently with some man for a little money.” He tsked, anger burning in his eyes.

  Bell took an involuntary step back, but Geranium stayed where she was, unable to see the glare directed at them.

  “I told you again and again that I had no interest in marrying you, Roger. It wouldn’t have mattered if I stayed or left.”

  Roger only snorted before turning his attention to Geranium. “Luckily, your sister is prettier than you are. Shame she’s so damaged, but for what I need her for, she doesn’t need to see. I can always hire a housekeeper; that’s not the part I’m interested in a pretty wife for.” He leered at Geranium.

  “I would never marry a man like you. You disgust me.” Before either Bell or Roger could register her intention, Geranium pursed her lips and spat in his face.

  There was a moment of shocked silence before Roger screamed, “You bitch!” He reached out and slapped Geranium, the sound echoing down the street. He grabbed her shoulder and started shaking her. “You should be grateful that anyone would want to marry you, you blind bitch!”

  Panicking Bell did the only thing she could think of – she kicked him as hard as she could, right between the legs. He dropped like a rock, curling into the fetal position. Bell turned to her sister, who had frozen in terror when she had felt his hand against her cheek. Her face was already blooming a dark bruise, a perfect imprint of Roger’s hand.

  “I’m right here. I’m right here, Geranium. You’re okay.”

  To their right, the click of a gun cocking made Bell freeze. Turning slowly, she saw Dr. Jayr pointing a gun past them. Roger rose swearing and started towards the group.

  “I would stay right where you are, Roger,” Dr. Jayr spat, his voice colder than Bell had ever heard.

  “What are you doing? You saw what those whore sisters,” Roger pointed accusatorily at Bell and Geranium, “did to me! Why are you aiming that at me?” Still in pain from Bell’s kick, he seemed to be having trouble standing.

  “What I saw,” Dr. Jayr said, stepping closer without lowering the gun, “was you assault one of these young ladies, and the other defended her. Now stay still – you’ve already committed one crime; if you tried to commit a second, it would be my duty to stop you.”

  Roger glared at the gun, still pointed at him, but didn’t move.

  “Good. The Sheriff will be arriving momentarily. I’m sure several people on this street will be willing to make a statement, even if it seems redundant, given the mark you left on her.”

  In the heat of the moment, Bell hadn’t remembered that they were in the middle of Town. Looking surreptitiously around her, she saw a small crowd had formed, watching from a safe distance.

  Sheriff Johnson came running up, taking in the scene in one quick glance. When he got to Geranium, he paused, inspecting the handprint still on her face. “I see,” he said. “I don’t think there’s a need to have the ladies stay here after goi
ng through such a traumatic ordeal. I’ll take it from here. Dr. Jayr, I think it would be best if you took the ladies back to your clinic to look after them. I’ll come by this evening and collect your statement.”

  Nodding Dr. Jayr lowered the gun and uncocked it before coming over to Geranium. Bell couldn’t hear what he murmured into her ear, but she nodded once before starting to walk, guided by him. Bell trailed after, trying to ignore the rising voices behind her.

  Instead of sitting Geranium on one of the cots in the clinic, Dr. Jayr herded them upstairs to his private residence. He placed her on his bed and crouched down to look at her. Bell felt inclined to turn away, embarrassed, by the loving way he touched her sister’s cheek, the gentleness that of a lover, not a doctor tending a patient.

  After he had examined her and applied a thick, pungent-smelling paste to her cheek, he turned to Bell, running his hand roughly through his hair. “I think it would be best if you left her here for the night. She’s had quite a shock, and I’m not sure she can make it back home.”

  Bell agreed, knowing the Doctor would do everything in his power for her sister.

  Walking out of the clinic after saying goodbye, Bell looked up and down the street. The crowd that had formed had dissipated. Her head lowered so as not to draw any extra attention, Bell hurried to Oppa’s bakery, still needing bread.

  Entering, Bell was startled by large warm arms wrapping around her. “Are you okay, Bell? Where’s your sister?”


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