The Wolf & The Pretender

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The Wolf & The Pretender Page 11

by Serena Simspson

  “If you try to kiss my mom, only Keva will make it back to the house.”

  Kayden laughed feeling some of the pressure in his chest release. It was only then that he realized no one had left. They were all getting into vehicles to escort Keva back home.

  He was taking his mate home for what he hoped would not be the last time. A tear slipped out of his eye running down his cheek until it dripped to her face. He didn’t wipe it away, he let another one lose. They should be connected in all things and sorrow was a part of life they would experience together.

  When the SUV stopped, he took Keva into the house bringing her to Tristan’s med room. He laid her down on the bed and prepared himself for the fight of his life. She wasn’t leaving him alone if he had anything to say about it.


  Keva was lying on a soft bed of grass surrounded by the smell of honeysuckle. Could she want anything more? She had been here for days resting, recuperating. Turning her head, she looked for the other. The presence that demanded she make a choice, one she so far avoided.

  “I know you’re awake,” the voice said.

  Keva couldn’t figure out of it was male or female, there wasn’t enough inflection in it to tell. It did sparkle though a sparkle herd with the ears and not seen with the eyes. The voice reminded her of Kayden’s eyes. She missed him.

  “It is time to decide if you will stay, which implies you will go on or will you go back.”

  “Where am I? Wouldn’t that help me make my decision?”

  “You’re being giving a decision you cannot have everything.”

  Keva opened her eyes to look around. The world around her was idyllic, the grass was soft, and the scents were heavenly. This wasn’t real, that she was sure of. What was real was the pain she felt before she came here. There was an itch she couldn’t place that said there was someone waiting for her, missing her.

  Another part of her cried out fool, leave the pain behind. Why should she have to pay twice? What if someone was truly waiting?

  “Your decision?”

  “What would you do?”

  “I am not allowed to influence you.”

  It didn’t matter her mind was made up. “I want the dream.”

  The sound the beat of her heart made played in her ears. She pushed it away not ready to open her eyes. Where was she? The longer she didn’t know the easier it was to believe in the dream. Muted voices reached her, but she pushed them away sinking once again to that place where everything was perfect, if not real.

  The next time the beat of her heart insisted she open her eyes a tiny sigh escaped from her lips. Must reality, that nasty thing, take away the peace she found? The beat dropped skipping beats almost stopping but allowing her once again to slip away.

  When the beat increased one more time, she wasn’t given a choice. Her eyes opened to find out what the confusion and loud voices were about.

  “Her heart is trying to stop.” Pads were placed on her chest then a shot of electricity went through her body.

  Oh, hell no, did she look like a party favor, a pinata you beat with a stick? One hand came up weakly trying to stop another jolt of electricity.

  “Wait,” a voice cried out.

  The electric jolt didn’t come. Her hand dropped.

  “Keva come back to me.” The voice of her dream whispered. The smell of honeysuckle and masculinity surrounded her. “Come back, love.”

  She pried her eyes open. She was never leaving him again. Her lashes fluttered close, all that could be seen behind them was Kayden.

  “I’m going to decrease her oxygen and give her a small shot of adrenaline it will help with rebuilding her energy supplies. You’ll need to stay close to her.”

  A warm body slipped next to her. Finally, she could sleep.

  This time she was lucid when her eyes opened. She knew who Kayden was by the feel of his body next to hers. Her fingers the ones that couldn’t control themselves around his body were already exploring his chest.

  “Keva,” his sleep roughened voice made her shiver.

  “Am I really alive?”

  “You are. What were you thinking?”

  “That those kids had their whole life in front of them. That no one should do that to a parent, that I couldn’t let it happen when I could stop it. That I love you with all my heart, but I still had to do it.”

  “I love you Keva, when you disappeared from sight, I knew it. Everything I said before about taking our time and you being sure haunted me. I acted like you didn’t know your own mind or couldn’t be trusted. When what I was doing was protecting my heart. I was sure that you would change your mind and I would once again be left alone. Not knowing how you felt was worse than facing rejection. Can you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I was just as stubborn and scared as you were.” She snuggled deep into his arms. “The Shadow meant to kill me.”

  “Why I thought he wanted to be with you, own you, body and soul.”

  “You tainted me.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  “Tell that to the hand that was around my neck.” She turned over and eyed the heart monitor knowing that if she kissed Kayden it was going to attract attention. “How did I survive and when can we leave?”

  “Deja and Safire gave you something?”

  “No. Wait they both took my hand before we came into the house.”

  “It slowed your heartbeat as well as lowered your blood pressure, basically dropping you into a state that mirrored death.”

  “Normally I think I would be fascinated by that, honestly, I’m a little scared. Was it deliberate?”

  “Knowing them the answer is yes. They saved your life.”

  Deja and Safire saved her life. They knew what she was going to do before she did it. And Ven was Deja’s son. The twinkle in his eyes and the whispered words before they left made sense now. Somehow, he knew.

  “Who is Ven’s natural mother?”

  “All I know is that she was a born. No one seems to know more except Enzo and Declyn.”

  “Are there any more like him?”

  “Not that we know of.”

  “I don’t know what his gift is, or Deja’s and Fire’s but it’s amazing. What is your gift?”

  “I’m your anchor.”

  “When have you known evil to be upset by a guy who’s simply an anchor? You realize that we have to put an end to them, right?”

  “It will take time, but we will win.”

  Her head shook as she sat up pulling the leads off until there was nothing but the IV in her hand.

  “You don’t understand we don’t have time. They plan to take over humanity within a matter of weeks and destroy it within a year.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed almost falling on the floor from the vertigo that attacked her.

  Kayden caught her as Tristan ran in the room complaining about stubborn patients. Ven caught her eye from the doorway nodding as he agreed with her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Keva glared at Kayden. Tristan let her leave his hospital room a week ago, still, Kayden watched her like she might disappear any moment. The way he watched her unnerved her, scared her really. He almost lost her, it pulsed behind his eyes. She couldn’t make herself yell at him since she almost lost him too.

  “I’m fine.” He nodded and looked away.

  That wasn’t going to last. When his eyes found her again a smile of understanding lit her face.

  “Again,” he said softly.

  She unleashed her mental gift. Energy swarmed the room ready to do her bidding. When an unexpected Shadow reflected off the wall a ball of energy zinged that way. Kayden snuffed the ball out before it hit the wall.

  “Excellent Keva your reflexes have improved remarkably.”

  She bent in a bow before sauntering across the room to fall into his arms. “I’m sure it had something to do with the teacher and the rewards.” When their sweet kiss ended, she melted onto his lap.

nbsp; The final showdown as she thought of it was coming soon. Someone was going to die and someone else would be granted the right to live. There wasn’t a doubt that she was fighting for Kayden’s right to live. Yes, she wanted to save humanity, but she wanted her lover to live too and she wasn’t willing to sacrifice his life the way she would her own.

  “I need more practice,” she tried to stand.

  “You don’t. All we can do now is wait for the next battle.”

  “That’s not all we can do.” This time she did stand and extend a hand. It was time, she waited until her body was healed. Then she waited, focusing all her attention on her battle readiness. Now there was one more thing she needed to do.

  She led him through the house until they entered their suite.

  “Bathroom,” she left him standing there as she walked through the doors of the large bathroom.

  She loved this room. From the beginning, she had used the shower more than the tub, but the tub called to her. It was large enough for several Kur’iks to bathe comfortably. She snickered at the thought of two Kur’iks in the tub together, not because it couldn’t happen. She couldn’t see it with this lot. The thought of an all-male species with the ability to give birth stopped her. Soon after the world was safe, and she was an unsung hero Kayden would have to tell her about them.

  While the tub filled with water, she added several things a water softener, mineral salts to relax muscles, a bath bomb for color, as well as her favorite scent. It was like making a pot of highly desirable soup.

  “It smells good in here.” He was wearing nothing but his boxers when he came in.

  “Honeysuckle,” she grinned at him removing her clothes and putting them in the hamper.

  “How hot is that water?” Steam rose as the tub filled.

  “Oh, come on, you turn into a scary werewolf. Grr grr!” She growled barring her teeth while curling her fingers into claws. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of hot water.”

  “No, but there’s a good chance I might be scared of you.” He placed his boxers in the hamper.

  “I always said you were smart.” She eased into the tub a sigh of bliss leaving her lips as the hot water enfolded her. “Come in, the water’s perfect.”

  He got in, his back at the head of the tub so he could look at her. A frown followed by a wince ran across his face as the hot water surrounded him.

  “It truly amazes me that fifty percent or more of earthmen don’t look like lobsters that have been over boiled.”

  She giggled. “I don’t think that many men take baths with their wives, girlfriends, etc.…”

  “I wonder why?” He grumbled and sank further down into the water.

  “Feels good doesn’t it?”

  He opened one eye to glare at her before enjoying the water again. Taking her foot, she ran it up and down his leg wishing she could reach his rear.

  She closed her eyes and allowed the water to take her away as her muscles relaxed and the weight of the world drowned itself for a while.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she said after time passed.

  “Isn’t that how all the great earth wars started?”

  She opened her eyes, mouth falling wide. A laugh that started in her belly rolled through her. There was no use wiping her eyes since her hands were wet. She could always pretend her tears were splashes of water. When she finally settled down a smile was plastered to her face.

  “I knew you had jokes.” He simply smiled looking smug.

  “You were thinking?”

  “Yea, I was. I was thinking about us, the here and now as well as the future.” The words scented the air while she searched for the next thing she wanted to say. “There is no telling what will happen tomorrow or even later today. While I don’t know what will happen, I do know how I want it to happen. I want it to happen to us as a mated pair.” Was it rude to drop a bomb in the tub?

  Time stretched between them growing thinner and tauter the longer they were quiet. Eventually, it would break, there would be no more time.

  “You want me to be your mate?” His voice was perfectly neutral.

  “It’s kind of a two-way street. I’d be your mate too.”

  “You would, I would, we would. How? Why? How could you want me?”

  “Nothing had changed Kayden. I told you I loved you and I still do. There’s no guarantee in life, but people have been loving each other from the cradle to the grave. You and I are destined to join them.” She tugged on his hand encouraging him to sit beside her, the tub was big enough for them and children.

  He changed positions managing to keep all the water in the tub. That was a special talent all on its own.

  “When we live through this…” Kayden talked about their future while she never changed his when to an if. He wanted children boys and girls with skin her color that could shift into mighty werewolves.

  She thought of some man trying to trap her child in an alley to put his hands on them and cried when her child turned into a werewolf that could take care of themselves.

  “They don’t have to be werewolves I’ll love them no matter.”

  “No, werewolves for children would be perfect.” She kissed him.

  “So would mini energy users. You’ll teach them so their gifts will always be accessible.”

  “I like your plan. You, me, and a couple of children. Now, all we have to do is take out the Shadows.” She handed him the sponge.

  “Why don’t we eat in our room tonight?” He was rinsing her off having washed her.

  “Can we do that?”

  He rolled his eyes looking a little strange when he did it.

  “Let’s do that,” she reached for the heated towel.

  While Kayden was getting the food, she pulled out his impressive collection of electric candles. The sun was down, and she didn’t want the bright overhead lights on. The candles gave the room a magical glow without the additional heat which was not needed.

  Her gift wasn’t magic, the Kur’iks weren’t magic. As she sat in the chair by the window, she wondered if magic existed. It felt like it was walking up her arms and dancing down her spine. This bond the thing that would join their lives together and make them mates wasn’t that a little like magic?

  Kayden came back with a tray ladened with food ending her thoughts of magic and if a K should be placed at the end. She cleared off the table between the two reading chairs. Her stomach growled as they uncovered the food.

  “I’m hungrier than I thought.”

  “You’ve been practicing all day and haven’t taken time to eat.” He chided her like a parent with a child.

  He shrugged accepting the title as he made a plate for her. She got comfortable while he made himself a plate. They ate trading bits of food like their plates didn’t contain the same meal. Somehow it was tastier when it was on his plate.

  “How do mates become mates,” she put her plate down having finished all the food on it.

  “We mix our genetic material.”

  “And? I mean I can go outside and mix my genetic material with the world and I won’t mate any of them. How much more genetic material can be mixed when you’ve mixed cum and cream?”

  “I have to bite you.”

  “So, if your saliva mixes with my blood?”

  “No, it has to be my teeth.”

  There had to be something in their teeth that started the bonding process. How it knew when to start was another mystery she wouldn’t be answering today.

  “What about the patches of discolored skin down your spine?”

  “That has been there since the moment I was made.”

  “Why made and not created?”

  “Created implies something thought up and done from scratch. Made implies following a blueprint. There was a man that created a car and others that made it after him.”

  His logic was a little too deep and sad for her to want to explore it.

  “Are you saying that there was a blueprint for how to make warriors?”<
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  “That is what our makers implied.”

  Somewhere in the forbidden zone was a free-flowing mass of enzymes, the spark of life. There was also a diagram on how to make hot as hell werewolf warriors to fight. These warriors would never be made because the zone was forbidden. What was she missing about this scenario?

  “Doesn’t it seem strange that someone would put the enzymes and the instructions in the same place?”

  “They believed no one would disturb the area.”

  Yeah, right. Let’s put everything we know in area 51 and then leave it unprotected because we trust the people to stay away. Note to self, see how the plans to take over area 51 are coming. She wasn’t going to be among those risking life and limb to take the place over, but she did want to be there when they revealed their findings. She bet what she found was better than anything hidden away.

  “I’m going to pretend that you don’t believe that people stay away because you asked them too. Someone intended the Kur’ik warriors to live. I wonder why?”

  She stood and dropped the nightgown she was wearing before climbing on the bed.

  “You have an inquisitive mind.” He pulled his tee over his head before undoing his jeans and letting them drop to his feet. When he reached the bed all he had on were his boxers.

  His hands went to the waistband drawing her eyes. When he knew he had her attention, he turned around slowly pushing his boxers down. Then he bent over and lifted a leg, then the other. A long drawn out sound came from her lips. When he turned back around Keva had her legs spread bent at the knees with her feet planted on the mattress. Her fingers were busy playing with her pussy.

  He palmed his dick stroking it from base to tip as he watched her.

  “You’re so beautiful with your berry-colored nipples and your black cherry colored pussy. I want to taste it, thrust into it. I want to live inside of you for the rest of our lives.”

  She half moaned and giggled at the same time. “That may raise some questions we can’t answer.”

  “They would be jealous that they hadn’t thought to do anything that wonderfully pleasurable.” He placed his knee on the bed crawling toward her.


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