The Wolf & The Pretender

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The Wolf & The Pretender Page 16

by Serena Simspson

  “What if he’s better where he is?”

  That was the one option she never thought of. Did he want to be dead, away from all the negativity? He could live his afterlife in peace. His green eyes flashed before her. Memories of him lifting his hand and stroking her face, wiping the tears off her cheeks flooded her. He smiled at her. She remembered how his eyes glazed over when she took his dick into her mouth. Then there was that hum of contentment when he held her.

  “If I’m not there, he’s not content. Whether his mind remembers me or not, there’s an ache in his heart. He knows someone, something is missing. His eyes search the horizon looking for me. Kayden was not meant to be alone in life or death. It took him finding me eating a lonely meal for me to realize neither was I.”

  “Did I mention I like you?”

  “Sorry for the pipe comment.” It really wasn’t his fault he didn’t have any control over the Shadows.

  “Don’t be, I like a good pipe. Purity doesn’t mean what you think it means on my world. You aren’t pure because you’re a virgin or a child. Did you know there are some virgins that know more about sex than married women? Purity is a state of the heart. Darkness is also a state of the heart. The thing about darkness is that it spreads faster than purity in this sentence purity means love.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that. I’ve seen darkness encroaching on the streets of my city and in the hearts of the people I pass daily.”

  “Sad isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I think love can still win. It’s an uphill battle, but it’s worth fighting.”

  “That’s why you can’t be allowed to embrace death. You’re still needed bringer of the light. Your title has now changed from henceforth you will be the keeper of the light.”

  She looked around at the bleak landscape. They weren’t in his pretty city or even her dirty city. There was nothing here. It reflected the emptiness of her heart.

  “There is no light without Kayden.”

  “I know.”

  Something beat on her chest stealing her next words. She jerked upward her eyes opened wide to the glaring of a light.

  “If you close those eyes, I swear I will hang you up by your toes.” A tired-looking Tristan was threatening her. In all the time she spent with the Kur’iks she had never seen one look that exhausted before.

  Tears rolled from the eyes she refused to close. It seemed she would indeed live in a world without light or love. Her tongue tried to come out to moisten her lips, but it was too dry to move.

  “The things I do for my patients.” He picked her up gently before cradling her to his chest. “Don’t abandon us Keva, we need you. He needs you.” He walked her to another bed laying her down.

  She was placed tightly against Kayden. Her head found his chest over his heart. The beat was so faint she barely heard it, but it beat. She gave a smile that was wrapped in victory before her eyes slid closed.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Recovery wasn’t easy. They were sitting on the couch in the living room with the rest of the Kur’iks around them. Now that Tristan had given them the okay to move a little.

  “I thought I had it bad when Tristan told me that all I could do is rest. You’re barely allowed to go to the bathroom.” Ava shook her head.

  Keva lifted her head looked at Tristan and growled before snuggling against Kayden again. She would complain, but the fact that she and Kayden were told to stick to each other like glue worked for her. When they were apart, fear would overwhelm her, convincing some part of her brain that this was all a fever dream and he was dead.

  “The Shadows are dead. Keva and Kayden can take as long as needed to recover.”

  Keva didn’t open her eyes to look at Ven. Mira was right, the young male liked to stir up trouble.

  “It’s not over Ven and you know it. What happened to the bodies that the Shadows left behind?”

  “Most of them were so close to death that nothing could be done. A few I believe died when the Shadows were defeated. There were a few that are on life support there is help for them. The city has launched an investigation into what happened. I hear the F.B.I are throwing their hat into the ring. So now it’s a wait and see game.” Mira told her.

  “What did you mean when you told Ven it’s not all over?” Ava asked.

  “It’s like a three-act play with two intermissions. Consider that the last scene from the first act and this is an intermission. Get your drinks and popcorn and chocolate before the second act starts.”

  “But they are all gone.”

  Keva shrugged at Mira’s Ava’s words. “Hitler’s gone, too.”

  “But his followers are alive and well,” Mira sighed, sinking into Tristan’s lap. “Will this ever end?”

  Keva didn’t know, so she breathed Kayden in.


  “Do you think you should be doing that?” Kayden walked into the bathroom to find Keva filling the tub.

  “It’d been a month, besides Tristan said we are now on rest.” She giggled thinking of Ava every time she said that.

  “I’m not sure we can get away with tub rest.”

  “We’re in the privacy of our suite. How will he ever know?”

  “He’ll know. He’ll pin you with his eyes and you’ll start blushing. Blush for me bringer of the light.”

  “Get it right, it’s keeper of the light. You are the light, you realize that, right?”

  “I’m your light.”

  “Such a smart male.” She slipped into his arms, kissing him. “When this is over.”

  “It’s over love you have to believe that.”

  She nodded, keeping her comments to herself. Why was detective Oliver there and who are detective’s Smith and Jones? Too many unanswered questions, especially if she started asking about the purity and the darkness.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes to take a bath with me.” She stepped back turning off the water before she slid in. A sigh of relief filled the room as the hot water relaxed her tight muscles. Kayden was right, there was no sense walking around waiting for the other shoe to drop. Either it would or it wouldn’t. Right now, they needed to get well.

  He stripped slowly, teasing her. When he finally pushed his pants down, she was wiggling with lust in the tub.

  “No exerting yourself.” He laughed when he got in the tub at the cross look; she shot him. “Does my light keeper need help?”

  “Uh-huh.” She gave him a pitiful look.

  “Let me help you. I love you, Keva.”

  “I love you too, Kayden. You’re my world.”

  Kayden kissed her showing her that he knew multiple ways to satisfy her without technically breaking any of Tristan’s rules. It was a long time before they laid down for bed rest.

  From the desk of…

  Our time together is coming to an end. I am sad, but I hope you enjoyed reading about Kayden and Keva. I love their journey it has so many twists and turns, now I’m wondering what is next in their world. I love the way Kayden and Keva met. Then there were the intriguing people at the coffee shop. Oh, I want to know so much more about Ren, but he’s staying in the shadows.

  Let’s not forget our trip to the tattoo parlor. I only have one tat, but I’d get another if he did it. In the end, it is who Kayden is to Keva that made my heart pound. Honestly, I wanted the story to go on, but I know others were waiting to read it.

  What’s coming next? I told you last month that Julian was up, and he is. I don’t want to spill the beans but wow he’s got an interesting story and an awesome mate. In October, as long as Raphael cooperates, his story is up. You’ll see what I mean next month.

  What about me? Glad you asked. A few of you may be interested in getting to know me better. If you’ve been around a long time, you’ll know I have a daughter. She graduated from high school last year and went to college. Shudders. Releasing your grip on your child is harder than growing up.

  I bring her up for a reason. I want to give you a glimpse at th
e inner workings of my mind.

  Daughter: Mom, can I go to a pool party, it ends at 2 a.m.

  I argue against it until I got enough information to realize there will be security there.

  The next day.

  I go into my daughter’s room and find the cutest blue bucket with a shovel. It reminds me of the pink one she has when she was younger.

  Me: They gave you a bucket to play in the water! That’s so nice of them.

  My daughter looks at me like I grew a second head.

  Daughter: Mom, it was filled with alcohol.

  Me: Oh, I should have known.

  Then we laugh like crazy.

  That’s a little of how my mind works. Other than that, it’s still hot but more humid. I’m wishing for fall and feeling bad because I want all the people who love summer to have a good time and enjoy it. One day I’ll live in the perfect air-conditioned place and spend all summer indoors. Aww, dreams!

  Our time is over, come back next month for a new story and more information from me. Don’t forget every review counts and helps me.

  Until next month: Peace, love, and happy reading.

  Serena Simpson

  Romance with a Twist

  Other Books by the Author

  Love Me Harder

  Aran Book one

  Niko Book two

  Sergey Book three

  Nicolas Book four

  Hale Book five

  Alexei Book six

  Ash Book seven

  The A’rouk Brothers

  Mick Book one

  Damon Book two

  Lucca Bok Three

  The Broken

  Mekhi Book one

  Jabari Book two

  Thrice Book three

  Akron Book four

  Phoenix Book Five

  Slade Book six

  Aran’s twin Prequel

  Werewolves & Mates

  The Wolf & The Empath Book one

  The Wolf & The Psychic Book two




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