Magic's Love

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Magic's Love Page 24

by Alexandra Von Burg

  Evan looked at Lila waiting for judgment. When none came, he continued.

  “Eventually she discovered our secret and she killed Fallon in front of me. She thought she had complete control of me, but I bided my time until the perfect opportunity arose. It took years, but one night I was alone with her and I was able to stab her with a sliver of wood. Once she was paralyzed, I found a sword and cut her head off. Then I escaped to the new world.”

  Lila sat stunned, feeling so much empathy, but not knowing how to express it.

  “I escaped captivity in 1502. I had lost my innocence and virginity to an evil vampire who turned me and killed the person I loved in front of me. It fucked with my head, and for centuries I have been an uncaring mercenary. Until I met you, Angel.”

  Lila’s eyes widened. The knowledge that Evan had been alone and unloved for more than 500 years was mind boggling. She reached a hand up to caress his cheek.

  “I’m so sorry you were enslaved, and that you lost your lover, but I’m so glad you escaped and survived to find me. I love you.”

  Her words slayed Evan. He hugged her close and whispered into her ear, ”I will love you Lila, for the rest of time.”

  The couple left the small airfield near Tampa in their rental car and headed for Sarasota. The weather was sunny and a balmy 72 degrees. Lila marveled at how much upstate New York felt like home for her now, and returning to Florida felt foreign. Even so, she had not forgotten the way home, and she easily navigated their way past miles of swamp land until they arrived at Shady Acres trailer park. It was home to most of what was left of her circus family, as well as Jerry’s Big Cat Sanctuary.

  After retiring his circus act, Mom’s boyfriend Jerry opened a home for his retired cats, buying a few extra acres from the circus-owned land that made up the trailer park. In a way, it was a retirement community for circus performers and cats, though some of the people still performed with other circus outfits. Since Lila had left high school, Jerry had taken in half a dozen more retired, abandoned, and lost large cats of varying breeds.

  Lila’s heart began to pound as she turned down the dirt road that led to the trailer park entrance. She was both nervous and excited about introducing Evan to everyone. They were surely all at home prepping for the feast tomorrow, and would all come out to see them. Evan put a hand on her knee to reassure her and calm her nerves. Lila slowed as they reached a fork in the road with two hand painted signs. To the left was “Private”, and to the right was “Cat Preserve.” A distant roar was heard to their right, and suddenly Lila’s excitement overshadowed her nerves. She smiled at Evan so wide that he could not help grinning back at her. He looked so young and happy, Lila knew all would be okay, and she stomped on the accelerator as she turned down the left fork beeping the horn as she went to alert all to their arrival. She and Evan were laughing as she pulled to a stop in a row of cars making up a parking area near a cluster of brightly painted trailers with a crowd of people moving toward them.

  When Lila turned the car off, they heard someone yell “Lila!” and with one more grin for Evan, Lila jumped out and ran to embrace her mother and then got enveloped by the rest of her family. For the next ten minutes the crowd exclaimed and embraced Lila one or two at a time. Evan stood with his arms resting on top of the rented sports car, watching the reunion with great pleasure. They truly were a family, and hopefully they would accept him, if only for Lila’s sake.

  Finally Lila turned back to Evan. Smiling shyly, she separated from the group holding the hand of a woman who was her height, but otherwise looked nothing like her. She pulled her mother towards the car as Evan pushed his sunglasses on top of his head and walked around to meet them.

  “Mom, this is Evan. Evan, my mom, Lily.”

  “I’ve heard so much about you, young man.” The slightly older woman was completely

  human. She embraced Evan with a warm hug and took his arm to guide him back to the crowd. She was blond and blue eyed, had sharper features than Lila, a few wrinkles showed at the corners of her eyes and mouth as if she laughed a lot. She was slim but had less definition to her curves than Lila. She did, however, share Lila’s love of yoga pants, t-shirts, and sneakers, as that was what she was wearing; a near fashion twin to Lila.

  Lila introduced Jerry, a tall handsome man in his late forties with a shaved head and a five o’clock salt and pepper shadow. He wore faded jeans, boots, and a soiled denim button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He was weathered and tanned a brown that suggested that he spent most of his time working outside in the sun without protection. His handshake was firm, callused, and his forearm muscled. He shook Evan’s hand and held his eye with the proprietary gaze of a stepfather meeting a suitor, penetrating and unwavering. Evan gave Jerry his most charming smile and held his gaze without challenge or faltering. This was the correct move, because Jerry pulled him in for a hug with his other arm, a pat on the back, and a, “Glad you could make it, Son.”

  The rest of the crowd was a blur for the moment. Roy and Janey were little people who appeared to be in their late forties; they were definitely Magique. The senior Rizollis were present, a human couple in their sixties with figures that spoke of a lifetime of physical exertion. Issac turned out to be the one who threw knives and taught Lila how to swallow a sword. He introduced his current girlfriend/assistant, Valerie. Both of them were human. Four older men whom Evan would learn later were ex-clowns, and Bertie, a very wide bearded lady wearing a tropical printed mumu, who was apparently paired up with one of the clowns. Two of the clowns were Magique.

  They were a happy and raucous bunch that seemed to need nothing other than each other to have a good time. They corralled the visitors to a couple of picnic tables centrally located to sit and coolers of ice, sodas, and beers were dragged out of hiding. Apparently, the holiday could begin now that Lila had arrived.

  Evan found himself seated opposite Lila and between Gertie and Valerie. Across the table, Lila was flanked by her mother and Janey. Both women touched Lila as if she might disappear at any moment. It was obvious that Lila had been missed. Evan grinned and engaged in small talk with the family until Roy climbed up onto the table, raised his beer, and cleared his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention.

  “Lila and Evan, welcome home to the Finckle Family Circus.”

  A chorus rang out, “Here, here!” And they drank the toast.

  “While I have your attention,” Roy continued, “I would like to ask Evan his intentions towards our precious girl Lila.”

  Evan was prepared for this reception, and smiled his charming and genuine smile that had endeared and mesmerized so many in his past. He looked at every person at the table before he said, “I was hoping to wait until tomorrow when I assume even more of the family will be present, but you’ve forced my hand, so now will have to do.

  “Lily, Jerry, Finckle Family, I hope to gain your blessing this weekend, as I intend to marry Lila as soon as she permits.”

  “Uh, sorry to rain on your parade, Mr. O’connell, but there seems to be something missing. “ Lily said, raising Lila’s naked left hand in the air for all to see.

  Lila tried not to smirk as she looked at Evan across the table with such adoration that his heart squeezed in his chest. Evan winked at her and stood to slowly walk around the table. When he reached Lila, he got down on one knee and put his hand out to her. Around them, the circus took in a collective breath.

  “Lila Bell O’Connell, will you do me the great honour of making our mating official by marrying me?”

  “Yes, Evan, I will,” Lila laughed. She was delighted that he’d thought to indulge her mother and include this human tradition. Then he pulled something out of his pocket and slipped it on Lila’s finger. Now the crowd gasped.

  On her hand sat a beautifully crafted ring. A large middle square cut ruby was bracketed by two slightly smaller square diamonds in a sleek modern silver colored setting. Lila realized it was probably platinum since vampires were allergic to

  Lila was speechless. It was the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen.

  “You picked this out for me,” she whispered in awe.

  “I did. Do you like it, Angel?” There was the slight hint of nervousness in his voice.

  Lila looked into his eyes and smiled.

  “I love it. I love you. I always will.”

  “Well, that was not what I’d expected to hear, but I wholeheartedly approve, and we all look forward to getting to know you.”

  Roy raised his beer for another toast and the crowd cheered and drank again. Lila threw her arms around Evan’s neck and kissed him to whistles and catcalls.

  The next hour was spent in chitchat, some people getting to know Evan and others catching up with Lila. Eventually people began to wander off, remembering tasks and errands that needed to be finished before reassembling for dinner in a few hours. When all had wandered away, Evan and Jerry got bags out of the rental car, and took them inside Lily’s trailer, leaving mother and daughter outside to continue talking.

  Jerry showed Evan inside the small single trailer where they deposited the suitcases in the only bedroom. It was very small, but neat and clean. The walls were littered with photographs from Lila’s childhood. Every age was represented, most showing Lila learning or performing some kind of circus skill. The largest was a framed 8x10 inch photo of Lila and Issac, standing side by side, sword hilts protruding from their mouths. Evan had to smile. When he looked up at Jerry, he was studying him with intensity.

  “You’re bonded to Lila,” Jerry said. “Is she your true mate?”


  “I’ve never seen Lila look at anyone the way she looks at you. Congratulations, man, you’ve got yourself a Bell.”

  He shook Evan’s hand again, and grasped his shoulder, giving him a short squeeze and Evan smiled.

  After an awkward pause, Evan asked, “So this is where Lila was raised?”


  “Where did she sleep?”

  Jerry smiled sadly.

  “When Lily came here she was very lonely. She kept Lila in her bed for as long as the child would tolerate it. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but sometime during middle school, Lila started sleeping on the couch.”

  Jerry and Evan shared a look of empathy for the Bell women.

  “When did you and Lily, uh...” Evan trailed off.

  “Not until Lila left for college. Before that I was lucky to keep Lily company on a night here and there when Lila slept over at a friend’s house.”

  “How long have you loved her?”

  Jerry chuckled.

  “You’re smarter than you look. I have loved Lily since the first day Janey brought her to us, her small belly just starting to round. I’m only ten years her senior, but back then it was a lifetime, and it took Lily at least ten years to let go of her lover.”

  Jerry smiled to himself remembering.

  “I can’t complain though, I ended up with the girl in the end.”

  “Com’on, let’s get the girls and go feed the cats before our dinner.” Jerry led the way outside.

  When they exited the trailer, Lily looked up at Jerry with an expression of adoration that Evan had seen on Lila’s face. Suddenly, the resemblance between mother and daughter revealed itself. Lila might not share physical features with her mother, but their expressions and mannerisms were near identical.

  “Lily Bell,” Jerry interrupted their conversation, ”it’s time for Lila to come pet her kitties.”

  Hearing this, Lila jumped up from the table to follow Jerry two trailers over and in. With Evan and Lily in tow, Jerry and Lila collected four buckets and filled them with steaks and what looked like vitamin pill bottles. Jerry also carried a whip on his belt. Lila worked with Jerry as if this was an old chore that she comfortably fell back into.

  Jerry took his two buckets, handing one to Evan as he exited the trailer. Lila and Lily followed, each with one bucket. Single file, they traveled a well worn narrow path through the tropical foliage. Five minutes later they emerged from the greenery into a more open space that housed two very large enclosures among the trees. They were at least 20 feet wide and the depth disappeared into the distance. Another half dozen smaller cages off to one side housed a single cat or none.

  They started on the far left. The enclosure held one male and three female lions. Jerry unlocked a large padlock and stepped right in without hesitation, Lila right behind him. Lily stayed outside the cage and put a hand on Evan to stop him from entering.

  “They don’t like strangers,” she whispered.

  Evan watched with fascination as Jerry and Lila greeted the pride with familiarity. The lionesses trotted to Lila purring a low rumble and rubbing their heads all over her. The male came too, but at an arthritic pace. Evan noticed that his full mane was light in color, as if there were enough white hairs mixed in to change the shade.

  “Abe is pushing fifty,” Lily murmured to Evan. “He and Sheba are the original pair that Jerry inherited from his teacher. Alice is one of their cubs, and Consuela came from a rescue in Texas. They made their own pride, so Jerry kept them together. All the groupings here are by personality. Even if the breeds don’t match, Jerry tries to make pairs so they don’t get lonely.”

  Evan looked at Lily.

  “How is that possible? Wouldn’t different breeds naturally be enemies?”

  Lily shrugged.

  “Maybe in the wild, but most of these cats were born and raised in captivity.”

  Evan looked closely at the pride of lions now chowing down on steaks and accepting pets and hands exploring flanks and joints. This pride had to be shifters, but it was hard to see. Maybe they had been in animal form for so long that they’d forgotten their human side. Evan just could not believe that a full lion would be so comfortable with people.

  “How do you keep them from making more cubs?” Evan asked.

  “Abe is fixed,” Lily answered.

  Evan couldn’t help the sympathy he felt for the big cat. Old school circuses were not known as PETA havens, that was likely why these cats were retired from performing.

  Ten minutes later Jerry and Lila exited the enclosure, Lila broadcasting a one hundred watt smile on her beautiful face. They moved to the next enclosure that looked empty until the sound of the gate opening brought a large Bengal tiger trotting out from the bushes. It made a chuffing sort of sound as it came to greet Jerry and Lila.

  “Bernie!” Lila exclaimed and she ran forward, tackling the 800 pound cat. Evan’s heart stopped when he heard the cat growl a low rumble as Lila flung herself onto it’s back. The big cat shied sideways for two steps before continuing forward with Lila riding him cowboy style. When the cat reached Jerry holding the food, it was purring like a Ferrari. Lila dismounted and the big cat gave her a long swipe with its tongue before devouring it’s dinner. Lila petted and caressed the animal as he ate, repeating the physical exam. This animal was all cat. Not an ounce of shifter in him.

  “Bernie has been with us since Lila could walk. They’re pretty close,” Lily explained. She gave Evan an apologetic smile when he looked at her stricken.

  “Sorry, Evan, they’re all part of her family. I just assumed she’d told you.”

  “Are there any other ‘old friends’ in the next enclosures?” he asked.

  “A couple,” Lily laughed. “But don’t worry, the biggest rule around here is never go into an enclosure without a professional lion tamer.”

  Evan watched with fascination as the huge tiger ignored the pets and handling he was receiving. It was hard to believe that a natural animal would allow anyone to climb all over it, but Bernie did.

  “How old was Bernie when he came here?”

  “Just a few weeks. He lived in Jerry’s trailer for the first year because he had to be hand and bottle fed.

  The next enclosure did not have a lock on it, and housed a black panther, definitely shifter. Jerry carried on a one sided conversation with him
enquiring after his health, wellbeing, and other needs. The cat showed no sign that he understood Jerry’s words, but sniffed at Lila’s crotch for long minutes and then looked around sniffing the air until his golden gaze fell on Evan. The cat paced closer sniffing and chuffing. Evan’s fangs instinctively descended.

  Jerry watched the male carefully, and lifted the whip off his belt as he approached the animal from his side.

  “Jesus,” he said to the cat as he knelt next to it, using the Spanish pronunciation.

  “That is Evan.” He pointed at Evan. Then so quietly that only the cat and Evan could hear he added, “He is Lila’s mate. She chose him.”

  This seemed to satisfy the cat and he turned his back on the two people outside the enclosure, the end of his tail flicking back and forth in an irritated way. Jesus walked back to Lila, and looking back at Evan for a long minute, he proceeded to rub his face and head all over her.

  Jerry barked out a laugh.

  “Jesus is jealous!” Jerry crowed.

  The cat’s show of affection knocked Lila on her ass and she squeaked in surprise.

  “Jesus! Knock it off!” she scolded the cat.

  He gave her lick of his large tongue before leaving her to eat his dinner.

  The rest of the enclosures housed one or two cats each. The pairs had been “self selected,” as Lily had explained. Evan could see that they were mostly animal, not shifter, and Lila stayed by the door of the enclosures holding Jerry’s whip as he doled out food and physical exams.

  When feeding was finished, the sun had begun to sink, and the four carried their empty buckets back towards the trailers. Lily and Lila were holding hands as they walked, swinging their arms to and fro.

  “I’m going to stay at Jerry’s while you are here, to give you some privacy,” Lily said to Lila.

  “Okay,” was all the answer Lila gave.

  “The rest of the family is hosting dinner tonight, and they should be prepping by now,” Lily added.

  When they returned to the trailers, people were laying tablecloths on the two large picnic tables. Lila helped Jerry clean the buckets and then she sat with Evan and Lily at the end of a table.


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