Magic's Love

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Magic's Love Page 29

by Alexandra Von Burg

  “I understand...Can you feel her, Evan?”

  “Not really. Somet’in’s blocking her magic. All I know is that she’s alive.”

  “That’s something, at least.”

  Chapter 20


  Lash returned to the camp before day break, sated from his cougar’s hunt. He dressed quickly, wanting to give his mate some food and water before anyone saw that he was caring for her. No one had specifically told him not to feed her, but neither had anyone said to make sure that she was well fed. He grabbed his canteen and a power bar from his personal stash, and crept past the first cell in the jailhouse where four shifters were quietly snoring. He unlocked the cell and slowly opened the door to minimize the creaking of hinges. Sitting on the floor next to her, he brushed the hair out of her face.

  Lila woke at the movement, but before she could cry out, two fingers pressed her lips. She couldn’t see anything, but somehow Lila knew it was Blondie in the cell with her. She slowly sat up wondering why he was there. Then she felt the canteen being pressed into her hands. She drank and then held it out blindly for him to take. He did, and then put a wrapped bar in her hands.

  Lash sat with her as she slowly ate the power bar, handing her the canteen periodically to drink from. He wanted to touch her, caress her cheek or hold her hand, but he knew she would not tolerate it, so he kept his hands to himself. He stared at her instead, ravishing her with his eyes. He also breathed in her scent. It was just as delicious as it had been before when he’d had to manhandle her into the cell. He smiled to himself, remembering how it felt to hold her softness in his arms.

  Lash wondered again at how his mate could already be mated to someone else. This was unheard of among cat shifters. Wolves were the only shifters he knew who mated in groups. Cat shifters mated one other for life; true mate or not, it didn’t matter. The scent of her other mate should have discouraged his attraction, but it did not. Maybe Lash’s father had been right, maybe there was something wrong with him. Something more than just liking both girls and boys. Lash didn’t actually think there was anything wrong with liking both sexes, because he’d met plenty of gay shifters, but he had never heard of a mated trio. Or would it be a triangle? Mated ménage, perhaps. He had plenty of experience with group sex, but not group mating.

  Lila interrupted his musings by holding out the empty wrapper for him to take. Giving her the last of the water, Lash supposed he should get out of her cell before he was caught there. Without thinking, he leaned in to kiss her on her temple. Lila’s hands were suddenly on his throat, pressing into his windpipe. Lash backed off immediately.

  “Sorry,” he whispered and then he left.

  Lila stared into the dark after Blondie, wondering for the second time what his game was. He said he was there to help her, but he was up to something else as well. Her magic did not reject him. Even if she had not been wearing the magic stunting collar, she somehow knew that Blondie would be able to touch her without getting shocked. Why? He couldn’t be her second mate, she didn’t like him. She wasn’t attracted to him. Yes, she found him attractive, but she did not want him.

  Did her magic want him? If her magic was blocked, it might not be the sort of attraction that she had felt with Evan. The collar might be dulling her desire as much as it dulled her magic. Wait, why was she even thinking about being attracted to him? Blondie was the enemy!

  Besides, she still didn’t want another mate, despite what the Oracle had told her.

  Lila pulled her knees up and leaned her forehead against them. Depression came easily, surrounding her in a fog of self-pity. She did not notice Tee sitting next to her until he clasped their hands together.

  Lila jerked her head up and looked to her left. The cell had been dark as pitch a minute ago, but now she could plainly see Tee seated next to her on the mattress. He’d assumed the same position as her, leaning against the wall, his long legs bent up close to his body.

  “Do not despair, my child,” he said softly. “All will be as it is meant to be.”

  Tee lifted their hands and kissed the back of hers, then covered it with his other hand. The touch infused Lila with a comfort she recalled from childhood, and Lila closed her eyes to soak it in. Then she wondered, not for the first time, if she had manufactured Tee just because she needed his comfort. She opened her eyes to ask him, but he was gone, the warmth of his hands slowly dissipating.

  Lila blinked in the darkness of the cell. She sank down to lie on the mattress again, if not to sleep, at least to rest more. “All will be as it is meant to be.” That was easy for her invisible friend to say, he was after all, a figment of her imagination! She should have asked Tee to explain himself, what could it hurt? Somehow she thought he would not. Whether he was real or imagined, Tee was a comforting presence, not a font of information. She needed to look elsewhere for the answers to her questions.

  Lila spent two days in that cell, napping and thinking about Evan. It was lonely. The latino soldiers would occasionally come into the building and stare at her through the bars, either singly or in pairs they never said anything to her or each other. They just stared like she was some mythical creature come to life. Eventually Blondie would come in and growl them away. Then he would stare at her for a minute before leaving too. Lila though she saw regret on his handsome face.

  On the third day, Lila woke to the sounds of men yelling in Spanish, running, and general commotion. She heard a helicopter fly overhead. Two soldiers jogged into view, looked at her, and then turned to leave again. Lila got up and stood with her back to the wall watching the front of her cell, and as much of the little hall that she could see. Blondie walked into view and stood against the wall opposite Lila’s cell.

  “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  Blondie’s eyes flicked to his right before he whispered back, “The boss is coming.” The helicopter sound slowed and faded, as if it had landed nearby. All Lila could do was wait to see what would happen next. Eventually, the sound of a group of men approaching the jailhouse became louder. When Lila heard the sound of the jailhouse door being pulled open, Blondie came to attention. The sound of multiple footsteps marched down the aisle until the owners of the feet came into her view.

  A shorter shifter wearing a dark fitted suit and tie was in the lead. He had short dark hair neatly cut, and a dark caramel swarthy complexion. His eyes were the only part of him that Lila could say were unattractive. They were just the tiniest bit too close together, and they were a very dark brown. They looked like beads in his head, and shadowed by dark brows, he looked mean. Lila felt a shiver go down her spine, and she slowly crept further back into the corner of the cell where the mattress was.

  The ‘Boss’ was accompanied by six guards, all of them shifters, and like him, of Latin descent. Each carried a rifle that looked like an A.K.-something. The guards spread out on both sides of Blondie, casually holding the rifles across their bodies. Shit!

  Boss man spoke in Spanish, and Lila didn’t even try to comprehend.

  “This little cunt is the magic one? She looks like a white trash whore. I thought she’d at least be shiny or something.

  “What can she do?” He directed this question at Blondie.

  “I don’t know, sir.” He was tense, holding back his anger at the man’s insults.

  “Why don’t you know?”

  “I was told to place the collar on her before she woke from the drugs used to capture her.”

  The boss looked around as if looking for someone. Not finding him, he ordered one of his guards to go fetch the captain. One of the guards left the building.

  “So you didn’t see her magic?” the boss asked Blondie while they waited for the Captain.

  “No, Sir.”

  “Why are you working for me, Gringo?”

  “As far as I know, Sir, I’m the only one who can open the collar.”

  “Ah yes, the collar. My Northern friend assured me it was most secure.”

  Just then the
guard came back with another shifter. The new man saluted the boss, who scrutinized him with malice.

  “Captain, how do we know if this bitch is the one I want?”


  “If no one tested her magic, how do you know she’s the correct whore I am looking for?”

  “She, uh, her face matches the photos we were given. The tech guys assured me that she’s the one.”

  “But you didn’t test her magic?”

  “No sir! No one told me to.”

  “Conjo.” The boss man muttered.

  “You, Blondie, get in there and take the collar off. I want to see what she can do.”

  “Sir?” asked the captain at the same time that Blondie said, “Yessir!” and moved to unlock the cell.

  “Is that a good idea?” The captain squeaked a bit.

  Boss man glared at the captain before deciding to take a precaution.

  “Blondie, leave the key in the lock and step into the cell.”

  Blondie did as he was told.

  “Captain, lock the cell and throw the key down the hall.”

  The captain did as instructed.

  “Okay Blondie, take the collar off the bitch.”

  Blondie approached Lila slowly, looking her straight in the eye and trying to convey…something to her wordlessly. Lila really wished she had been better in Spanish class. When his hands came up to the collar around her neck her eyes went wide in disbelief.

  Blondie breathed out, “Get ready,” barely loud enough for Lila to hear.

  Before she could panic, she took a long slow breath and grabbed the front of his shirt, bunching it in her hands and pushing down, wordlessly indicating (she hoped,) that he would need to eat pavement a.s.a.p. With his back to the audience, Blondie gave her a stunning smile and a wink, acknowledging that he was onboard.

  The collar came apart in two pieces in Blondie’s hands. At that same moment, six automatic rifles were lifted to shoulders and aimed at Lila. Time slowed for Lila, and she couldn’t hear anything beyond her own heartbeat. Instead of panicking, Lila embraced her Magic and let her light shine. Every man was immediately blinded. At the sound of the first shot, Lila yanked at Blondie’s shirt, pushing him down to the floor while he threw himself out of the way. At the same time, Lila’s instinct threw up a shield that the bullets bounced off of before reaching her or Blondie.

  Lila’s perception of time and sound snapped back to normal. The noise was overwhelming, even in the cocoon of her magic, but it did not stop her from hearing the sounds of battle outside the building. Did the other soldiers panic when they heard the sounds of gunfire? Or was there an actual attack going on? Whatever, Lila was leaving now that she had her power back.

  She gathered a very large portion of her pent up magic and sent a percussive blast towards the boss and soldiers firing at her. They were all thrown backward through the concrete block wall behind them, the bars of her cell following the shifters through the hole she had created with the force of the blast.

  “Holy shit!” she and Blondie both said at the same time, staring at the hole for a moment.

  Blondie came to his senses first.

  “Can you do that again through this wall?” He pointed to the back wall of her cell.

  Taking a deep breath, Lila focused and blasted at the back wall. She managed a hole large enough for them both to step through. Climbing out the backside of her cell, Lila saw nothing but jungle in front of her. Blondie grabbed her hand and ran into the thick foliage of the jungle, the sounds of gunfire fading behind them.

  For some time, Lila thought of nothing more than being dragged behind the big blond man as foliage whipped at her and she desperately tried not to get tangled as they fled. Eventually, though, she had to slow to catch her breath, so she pulled back on Blondie’s firm grip.

  “Hey, slow down a minute. What’s going on back there?”

  “No idea, Baby, but we need to get gone as far as we can before someone comes looking.”

  Lila harrumphed, unsatisfied with that answer. She resisted his pull when he tried to continue their flight.

  “Who are you? Who do you work for? Why are you here? Why are you helping me?”

  He turned and gave her that thousand watt smile again before leaning in to kiss her long and hard.

  “I’m your hero, Baby, I’m here to rescue you.”

  He turned away again to lead her further away from the kidnappers and deeper into the jungle. Lila let him tug her by her hand, stunned. He had kissed her and she was not repulsed. He was holding her hand still, and not getting shocked.

  It will bind itself to the other three of the elements.

  Oh God, was this shifter her next mate? Her second mate? No. Just NO! She didn’t want him! He was her captor.

  Lila jerked herself backward, putting her weight into the motion to pull Blondie up short. He turned around to look at her inquisitively.

  “Name, rank, and employer, now.” She said in her most threatening tone. It would have been more effective if she had been able to yank her hand out of his grip, but her hand remained clasped in his.

  “My name is Lash, Baby, and my rank remains ‘rescuer’. As for my employer, I’d have to confess that I’ve quit recently.”

  “Do you mean, like twenty minutes ago when you helped me escape?”

  “Wha-no! I didn’t work for Ramirez. I was working for the ISF, undercover, but as soon as I saw you I stopped working for everyone else.” Blondie/Lash, looked at her with something akin to adoration then. Oh no, this was not happening!

  “Blondie!-Lash, You can’t be my mate. What-the-fuck!”

  Lila doubled over then, guilt, grief, remorse, all the bad emotions suddenly overwhelming her. She had just escaped and ran for more than twenty minutes without thinking about Evan. Oh God, I'm a horrible mate! Tears welled up and spilled over.

  “Baby!” Lash grabbed her shoulders, wanting to hold her, comfort her in her distress.

  “Stop calling me ‘Baby’!” Lila sank to her knees as sorrow and guilt overwhelmed her. She covered her face with her hands, crying into them.

  Lash knelt in front of her and bent his head into the crook of her shoulder, his arms wrapping around her back.

  “Baby, don’t.” His voice hitched as if he was feeling similar emotions. “Let me get you to safety, then we’ll figure out the rest of it.”

  Lila pulled away from Lash’s embrace. She took a few long slow breaths to get her control back. Then she thought about Evan. After days of missing him, she suddenly realized that she could feel him again. She looked up and around her, trying to get a sense of which direction he was in, but she couldn’t quite get a handle on it. Maybe the collar left behind some kind of residue that blocked the bond.

  “What is it?” Lash asked.

  “Evan. He’s...somewhere. Not near, but-” She ended with a frustrated sound. “I can’t feel what direction he’s in.”

  Lash studied her carefully.

  “He’s your...true mate.”

  It came out quietly, and as a statement. Was that disappointment in his voice?

  Lash blinked and looked away. He didn’t understand why he felt so much for this woman, and now that the collar was off, he felt her magic pulling at him. When he touched her, tingles ran up his arm and straight to his groin. He groaned and let go of her to find some control. He needed to get her hidden somewhere before Ramirez’s men came looking. Lash glanced up into the canopy and wondered about her climbing skills. If he could get her up high enough, the other shifters might not scent her. And if he could confuse them with her scent, he could take them out one or two at a time and better his odds.

  “Okay, Baby, here’s what we’re going to do.” Lash eased Lila away from his body to look at her. She was a bit of a wreck, but still beautiful in his eyes.

  “Let’s start by drying those tears. Take your shirt off for me.”

  “What? No!”

  “I’ll give you mine to wear instead.” He began to un
button his own shirt.

  “I want to use your shirt to create a false trail for the other shifters to follow if they come this way.”

  Lila hesitated another minute before peeling her t-shirt over her head and handing it to Lash. She was wearing a practical white full coverage bra, but Lash still admired the shape of her breasts. Before he gave her his shirt, he wiped her face and neck with her shirt. He was about to wipe down between her breasts when Lila stopped his hand.

  “Sorry,” he said, letting Lila wipe herself down. After thoroughly wiping as much sweat off as she could, Lila handed her t-shirt to Lash and donned his camo button down. It was damp, but it carried his pleasant scent.

  “Now what?”

  “Now we walk in circles until I find a tree I like to stash you in. I think if you are high enough, your scent won’t attract attention. They won’t think to look for you above if the trail heads off into the jungle. I’m hoping I can take your shirt a few miles away and bury it, then double back to pick you up.”

  The plan seemed fair to Lila, and she followed behind Lash as he dragged her abused t-shirt over foliage and tree trunks. They continued moving as fast as they could for another twenty minutes. Lila had no idea if they were traveling in a straight line or in circles. Every few minutes, Lash would look up into the canopy. Lila guessed he was searching for the perfect perch.

  They came to a stop at the base of a very wide tree trunk. It actually looked to Lila like it was many trunks that had grown together into one large circumference. It had to be almost fifteen paces around. Vines drooped off of branches that were well above their heads. Lash studied the branches above them and tugged on a thick vine. Then he looked at Lila.

  “How well did you do in elementary gym class?”

  “Rope climbing?” she asked, following his thought.


  “I was homeschooled.” She smirked at him, “But I can climb a rope.” She reached up to begin climbing the vine when Lash stopped her.

  “Wait a minute, I need you to take my clothes.” He began untying his boots.


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