Lupa (Second Edition)

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Lupa (Second Edition) Page 30

by Kimberly Odum Wells

It was after midnight when we pulled onto the dirt road leading to my family home. Josette slept for a while but now she’s wide awake and a bundle of nervous energy. I knew she worried about my father. I worried about him too, but not for the same reasons. I could care less what he thought of Josette. My first concern, now and forevermore, would be Josette. That she was safe and protected. It was like my free-will had been stolen. I didn’t mind.

  I was worried that my dad was going to get himself on the wrong side of the fence. Josette’s dad was killed on his way to visit his mother. Wouldn’t he have stopped at his best friend and lieutenant’s house to report in with the new plan?

  The tree lined road was well packed dirt. No pot holes or cracks from rain run-off on the property of Benjamin Dupre, hell, even the forested area around the house looked maintained, as if a crew of men carrying branch cutters, weed eaters and push mowers lived in there somewhere. I looked pass my reflection in the window into the darkness beyond. There was something fishy in Denmark. I only hoped that the big fish was not my dad.

  “Nice place,” Thomas said.

  I brought my head around to look at the house I’d grown up in. The house I’d been born in. The two story plantation was as immaculate as the grounds around it. Eight white, round columns with gas burning lanterns on each, black shutters framing each of the ten foot high windows and a bright red door that got a new coat of paint every spring, after being scrapped and sanded, no corner cutting at this house.

  The small lanterns on each side of the door were on and the addition of the overhead electric lights brightened the wrap-around porch to almost daylight luminosity. The crunching of an endless sea of pebbles sounded like machine gun-fire in my head as we made our slow advance. I took a deep breath when Wallace pulled to a stop a little ahead of the front door. The car behind us back doors lined up perfectly with the red door on the porch. He’d put the car in a position where Diana and Josette had the best chance of reaching the house first.

  I opened my door and walked to Josette. Movements mirrored on my left. Jean Rene was walking to his queen as well. Our arms came up at the same time as we approached. I didn’t have to look at him to know that we both smiled when they reached for us. Our mates are our masters, that they’d chosen us was a damn miracle.

  “I missed you,” I said pulling Josette into my arms. Truer words had never been said. Okay maybe that’s an exaggeration. But I did miss her...a lot. She laughed and my heart skipped a few beats, stopped, and then kicked into overdrive all in a matter of seconds.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she said. She put her hands on my shoulder and I leaned down to receive my kiss. Her lips soft and her skin warm; she’d licked her lips a second before our mouths joined, and after kissing her I licked my own so I could taste her.

  I’m staring. I knew that I was, but I couldn’t help myself. I was lost in the world of Josette Freeland. No wait! Josette Dupre. In what parallel universe did the planets align where I ended up the luckiest man in the world?

  “Mrs. Dupre,” I whispered.

  “Mr. Dupre,” she answered in a low voice. I loved her voice. It’s deep, almost masculine; it carried a tiny bit of rasp. It’s sexy as hell. Like her.

  “Shall we,” I said and held my arm out. She took it and we walked towards the entrance of my father’s house, climbed the four shallow stairs, stopped at the red door and I used the spit polished, brass knocker to announce our arrival. No doorbell for Benjamin Dupre.

  Marilyn opened the door.” Maxwell,” she said all excited. The smile looked real. It probably was. But I’d never particularly liked the woman. She’d been with us since my mom died, first as a nanny, and later as my dad’s live-in secret lover.

  “Marilyn, I’d like to introduce my wife, Josette,” I said. “The queen,” I added at the last minute. I hadn’t expected it. But the Lycaon and Nonakris asked what type of reign she wanted. We hadn’t talked about it yet, but it was important to me that it started right away. As in—right then, standing in the doorway of my mother’s family home, looking into the smiling face of my father’s lover.

  Marilyn—good ol’ Marilyn—she didn’t let me down. She curtseyed.

  “Nonakris,” she said.

  “My title will be Ulrich,” Josette corrected her with a smile.

  Marilyn looked a little taken aback, but she nodded, “Of course Ulrich.

  “Are you going to let us in?” I asked with a little laugh. One of the reasons I didn’t like Marilyn was because she walked around like she owned the place. I wanted to scream, “Get out of the damn door, and let me in my own damn house!” But I didn’t.

  “Of course,” she said and stepped aside.

  I watched as her mouth dropped a little more each time one of our guest stepped inside the house. We crowded her in the foyer. I was about to offer introductions when the sound of my father’s voice filled the entire downstairs of the house.

  “Maxwell, Josette,” he said. He walked towards us with his arms stretched wide. A big smile plastered on his face. Funny, he hadn’t sounded happy on the phone earlier.

  Chewing two kids out over the phone was one thing, being an ass in front of company was another. My dad was a lot of things, but he would never be accused of bad etiquette. Maybe when we sat him down tomorrow it won’t go so bad. Too many people around to break the rules of acceptable behavior.

  “Father,” I said taking Josette with me. I released her hand at the absolute last second before putting my arms around him and quickly stepped out of the hug.

  “Father this is Josette.”

  He looked at her. His eyes didn’t roam, but I knew he was checking her out head to toe. What did he see when he looked at my wife, my mate. Five three, wild curly hair standing all over her head, brown skin, with breast and hips and thighs, nothing like my mother, or the old queen, or hell, even Marilyn. All women who were too thin in my opinion, I’ve always liked a woman with a little meat on her bones. Not that I had many.

  “How wonderful to meet you,” he said. “I feel like I know you already.” He got points for opening his arms to her.

  “Thank you Mr. Dupre,” Josette said stepping into the hug.

  We turned to the people standing in the foyer behind us. I saw my dad’s eyebrow go up when he spot Wallace. The redhead giant wore kilts...maybe the same one. I’d have to remember to ask him later.

  Diana and Jean Rene stepped forward first, both smiling, both regal. Jean Rene wearing a black three piece suit with tie that matched his new denim eyes, and Diana in a long gown, with hair that matched Josette’s, only longer with a silver laurel leaf tiara in her hair. My father was looking between the two women, noticing that they looked almost identical.

  “Father this is Diana, Accalia of the Nuntis Clan, Nonakris of the House of Lycaeus, white wolf to call of Jean Rene Alphonse de Laurent, Lykos of the Nuntis Clan, Lycaon of the house of Lycaeus.” It was a mouth full.

  My father looked amazed. I was surprised. The last time I’d mentioned the Sun Wolf and the White Queen he’d shot me down; called them fable.

  “Thank you for allowing us to stay in your home. It’s lovely,” Diana said.

  “Yes, it’s always troublesome to find a place with enough land to accommodate our wolves.” Jean Rene added.

  Dad was looking at the rest of the group. It was large but there were ten bedrooms in the house; more than enough room.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Your group is allowed to sleep in the house.”

  I felt like slapping my hand to my forehead. Did my dad actually think Jean Rene meant for his people to sleep outside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Jean Rene laughed.

  “Wallace is the only among us that prefers outdoors to more modern comforts,” he said, “The rest of us very much appreciate your offering of room and board.”

  “I do ask that you allow our personal guards to remain with us. They’ll find a way in otherwise,” Diana added.

��m sorry, I still don’t understand,” my dad said.

  I nodded to Wallace who was standing near the door. He opened it and Diana’s white wolf and Jean Rene’s grey one ran in, claws clicking on the hardwood. Marilyn let out a little yelp when she saw them.

  My dad took a step back. “There are more of these?”

  “Five more, but they will patrol the exterior of the house and surrounding lands,” Diana said as she ran her fingers through the fur on the back of the white wolf standing at her side. The grey one was laid out in front of her and Jean Rene’s feet.

  “They’re very well behaved and completely house broken,” Jean Rene said when my dad didn’t say anything.

  “Of course, you’re our guest,” he finally said.

  “Thank you,” Diana said, “I guess we should introduce you to the rest of the gang.” She and her mate stepped aside. “This is Rob, my personal guard, the queen said. The silent killer nodded once. “And this is Wallace, the king’s personal guard.”

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Dupre, a fine little king you’ve raised,” he said. If my father had any questions on the title Wallace had given me he didn’t say anything. Wallace and Rob bookend Diana and Jean Rene before she continued, “This is Thomas Wolfe, head of, The Odin, the king’s guard and his wife Lillian Wolfe.”

  Thomas and Lillian walked forward, Thomas offered a hand. My dad took it, looked at their joined hands as Thomas pumped it up and down.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Thomas said.

  My dad was nodding his head; the look on his face was priceless. Thomas hand was replaced by Lillian’s. She smiled at him, held his gaze until he found his words. “Wolfe Hunters,” was all he said.

  “Yes, Mr. Dupre, Wolfe Hunters.” She smiled through his shock.

  “You were attacked?”

  I wanted to kick him. Little tact dad? Lillian was clawed in the face by a rogue werewolf. It was how she and Thomas met. He’d killed the wolf and they’d gotten married.

  “I was,” she said.

  “And yet you and your hunters are with werewolves,” he asked truly dumbfounded at the idea.

  “Not all werewolves are bad Mr. Dupre, The Wolfe Hunters know that. Besides, Thomas and I would hate to miss out on grandbabies just because our daughter married a werewolf,” she said.

  “Momma,” Virginia said. I had a feeling that was an ongoing battle.

  “And last but not least,” Diana said, “The Comte and Comtess Deply, Constantine and Virginia Fournier.”

  Constantine didn’t extend his hand but bowed at the waist.

  So there we stood—in the foyer of my house. I looked around at our group. Marilyn left forgotten, standing a little behind my dad silent, in cream pants and a black silk top. Thomas and Lillian in matching jeans sporting razor edge creased. They both looked good for their age but the pressed jeans gave them away. Who under forty would lay an iron on denim? Constantine was dressed like Jean Rene, a proper French gentleman in a navy suit and powder blue tie a shade darker than his shirt. His shoes were the exact same color. I didn’t even know they sold navy blue dress shoes. Virginia was wearing black pants and a short sleeve t-shirt. She didn’t have any jewelry on, her only accessory was the handgun she wore under her shirt strapped to her back. Wallace rocking his kilt, looking like a big red bear. Rob…serial killer Rob… quiet as the dead with his watchful eyes. I didn’t matter where I stood, whenever I looked at him, he seemed to be watching me, even if he wasn’t looking at me. Scary.

  My dad. Tall, lean, he looks skinny in clothes but I’d worked out with him, trained with him. I knew it was a trick of fabric. The queen and king, side by side, looking every bit the part. Jean Rene in his three piece suit, Diana in her long willowy gown,

  Josette, she looked so young, hell, so did I. She’d been worried about her appearance. She wore a white sundress, it stopped at her knees. She had on white sandals. I had on a pair of faded jeans. They weren’t old, when I bought them they already looked that way, and a white crew neck t-shirt. We matched. It wasn’t intentional, but damned if it didn’t make me happy.

  “It’s late, I know there’s much to discuss, but it can hold until morning. Let us show you to your rooms,” my father said breaking me from the trance I was in.

  “Yes, thank you,” Diana said.

  “We’ll bring in the luggage,” Wallace said.

  I turned to Josette and she looked at me. I knew she didn’t want me to leave but I couldn’t just let Wallace and Rob get our luggage like they were servants. I kissed her on the top of her head and her grip was almost ironclad on my biceps.

  “I’ll be right back,” I whispered in her ear and kissed her before pulling away, giving her a wink and pushing calm her way.

  We unloaded the cars quickly. It went a lot faster than I thought because all the men went. Diana had trunks...trunks! My father was waiting on us when we came back in the house. The women were all gone.

  “Marilyn has shown the women to their rooms,” he announced. He turned, we followed.

  “Is this a family estate,” Jean Rene asked.

  “Yes, it’s been in our family for over a hundred years,” he said.

  “My mother’s family,” I said. I saw my father’s shoulders tighten a little, but he didn’t say anything.

  My mother had come from a wealthy family. Originally there had been homes in New Orleans and New York in addition to this one. My mother died when I was young. My father had never gone to jail like I told Josette when we first met. It was a cover. She wasn’t mad when I told her the truth.

  The thought of her made my heart beat a little faster. In a few short minutes I’d be alone with her. It was nice what Luke and his pack did for us last night but the thought of her laying in my bed made my skin crawl. In a very good way.

  We dropped off each of the men like passengers at transit stops until we reached my room. My dad and I hadn’t said a word. I wondered if he was mad and didn’t care. I’m a dutiful son. I did what I was told, I toed the line. But so does every good soldier. Didn’t mean I liked it, just meant I was loyal. When we reached the door of my bedroom he turned. We’re eye to eye. I bet that really burnt his ass.

  “In the morning,” he said.

  “Sir,” I replied.

  He walked off. Left me standing in the hall. He was forgotten the second he took his first step away from me. Josette presence was a magnet calling for my opposite. She was walking around my room. Picking up things, sitting them back down; I saw her smile at the picture of me and my mom at the zoo, my face painted like a tiger. I saw all this even though I’d not opened the door. I took a deep breath and stopped being afraid of being alone with my own wife and opened the door.

  She looked at me. The heat in her gaze had me weak in the knees. I crossed the room, dropped the bag on the ground after kicking the door close with my foot. There was so much to be said, so much to do, but not now, not tonight.

  “Your dad’s a lot nicer in person,” she whispered.

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about my dad,” I said. “I need you.”

  And did I ever. After driving for ten hours apart, being so close to her was doing something to me that I’d never experienced before. Everything about her has made me experience things I’d never experience before. My life had turned into a giant question mark. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? As long as we were together, who cared?

  I’d been with one other girl before Josette. A girl I dated when I was sixteen. My father didn’t approve so that was that. It ended before it started, but not before I lost my virginity. I’m no different from any other red-blooded male. Okay maybe a little different.

  I stared at my wife. MY WIFE! She’s lovely, she’s beautiful, she’s perfect. Her mouth was open a little and she was breathing hard. I watched her chest rise and fall. I closed my eyes and took in her scent: wild flowers, green dark earth. The last one was mine. Not on her; a part of her scent now.

  “Do I smell different,” I asked. The things a werewolf say to each other. I knew she’d know I wasn’t talking about a change in cologne, laundry detergent, or soap. She stood on her toes and pressed her nose into my neck, right behind my ear. She exhaled through her mouth before taking in a long deep breath.

  “Yes,” she said a little surprised.

  I smiled like an idiot. She smiled right with me.

  “That’s you Tehila,” I said taking her hand and putting it to my nose. “You smell like me too.”

  She moved our joined hands to her nose. Smelled mine and then her; than mine again. “I’ve always loved how you smell,” she said.

  I grabbed her in my arms and she threw her legs around my waist. I kissed her. Kissed her like she held the last bit of air for my oxygen deprived lungs.

  Tonight I’d have to control my beast. No growling and biting, and definitely no screaming. It’s going to be hard. I always lost control around her. I didn’t have time to wonder about it now, maybe tomorrow.

  She lowered her legs to the ground and I caught the hem of her dress. She held up her arms as I pulled it over her head. I stepped back, letting the garment fall from my fingers. Sweet baby Jesus, she was gorgeous. I pulled my shirt over my head, hearing it rip in my haste. I toed off my shoes, didn’t have to worry about socks, I hadn’t worn any. I unbuttoned my pants, loving the way her eyes followed my hands. The sound of the zipper being pulled down seemed deafening. I watched the pulse in her neck speed up, watched as she licked her lips before biting the bottom corner, holding it between her teeth. She wanted me just as badly. Almost.

  I slid the pants down my legs and stepped out of them. Josette still had on her underwear.

  We hadn’t gone back to her house after the raid for her nice clothes. Everything we owned were in the two overnight bags I’d dropped on the floor. Things we’d picked up at the local discount store about a mile from Luke’s. It sold a lot of dollar items, but had a clothing section where you could purchase disposal clothes. The kind that frayed and raveled while you’re wearing them and damned near fell apart once you washed them. Josette’s underwear was purchased there. Plan white, utilitarian, cotton-like bra and panties, and man, how she rocked them.

  Like her dress her underwear is a nice contrast against her skin, which was the color of those caramel squares I used to buy when my mom would take me to town. I took a deep breath and smelled her blood. We heal fast, werewolves do, but the damage Josette and I had done to each other was pretty bad. She was healing, but her wounds were still open enough to allow me to scent the delicate copper of her blood. I was starting to think I was half vampire. I’d have to ask Jean Rene tomorrow if we’re the only mythological creatures in existence. Who better to ask?

  I ran my fingers over the bite low on her neck and used my other to rub the one on her shoulder. My hands dropped and ran across the wounds left by my claws where I’d pierced her thighs. I took in a shaky breath when she ran her hands over the wounds on my back. Five holes where she’d sunk her claws in me and then four long gouges when I’d pulled away from her.

  “Are you sore?” I asked. I’d hurt her, but not hurt hurt her. We’d fought no-holds-barred. I fought her like a man. She deserved no less.

  “A little,” she said. Next time I’ll fight dirty,” she said smiling a secret smile. The one that was sexy, it told me that she was talking fight, but thinking about another type of rolling around.

  “Oh yeah,” I asked grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. She tilted it, giving me access to her neck.

  “Yeah,” she said, the whispered word was erotic. The single syllable was explicit.

  “Show me.” My lips were pressed against her throat.

  “I’d get you here, she said. Her voice a little louder and my heart almost stopped along with my breathing when she dug her fingers into my sides.

  “And maybe here,” she said, her hands now pressed firmly on each side of my lower back.

  “Careful love, those are kidneys,” I said. It was a dangerous blow, even for a werewolf.

  “You can take it,” she said in a low voice. I growled into her neck.

  She ran her palms up and down my back while I unfastened her plain white bra. She stood still while I slid the straps down her arms. I kneeled before her, looked into her beautiful brown eyes as my fingers hooked the waist band of her panties and pulled them down her leg. She put her hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she raised first one leg and then the other.

  I’m tall, even kneeling, my eye level was at her breasts, and as lovely as they were, they weren’t the main objective. The dark scent like no other, the one that only women have is filling my head. I’m a werewolf. My sense of smell—off the charts. I ran through a catalog of smells and tried to find one or several that could accurately describe it. I come up with a whole lot of nothing.

  I stood up, grabbed her around the waist and kissed her as I carried her to my bed. I threw back the bedspread without letting her go and crawled to the middle of the king size mattress. What happened was natural, no nervousness of it being new, for her or for me.

  I’d thought my size would hurt her but she was made from me. We buried our sound in our skin, biting down on each other’s shoulders or necks or arms or backs or legs. That’s right I said leg. We fell asleep as the sun was coming over the horizon. I sent a prayer up that everyone slept in.

  My eyes opened the moment Josette woke up. She hadn’t moved but I could hear her breathing, the beat of her heart, the nervousness of being in a strange place and having to prove herself to my father if he didn’t jump on the band wagon. I pulled her in my arms.

  “Good morning, Tehila.”

  “Good morning, Honi,”

  I love that she had a pet name for me, loved that she stayed with the Native American language, but chose a word from a love story that she cherished. I knew how much Josette loved a good story, knew how much she loved the story of the Nonakris and Lycaon, and how she wanted to call me by the name of Diana’s beloved, that she believed that our love rivaled theirs. It did and yet it was stronger. The Lycaon thought we were stronger than him, Josette and I. Did that mean I loved her more?

  “Time to get up, I hear the others.”

  “You’re getting better,” I said in her hair.

  “I can’t get any worse,” she said with a little laugh snuggling closer to me.

  I could feel the heat of her skin burning through mine and warming my blood. What the hell?

  “You’re perfect, “I said kissing the top of her head. “And right, time to get up.”

  We got dressed and came out of our rooms at the same time as everyone else. We all looked up and down the hall and laughed at our unplanned, but perfectly synchronized exits. We entered the dining room in pairs. Like animals to Noah’s ark. My father was already up with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. The sideboard was lined with dishes full of food.

  “Good morning everyone, I hope you all slept well,” my father said folding the newspaper and laying it next to him. Marilyn brought out a place setting for the seat next to him. They’d eaten already...together. I’m not eight. I don’t care who my dad lets warm his bed.

  “Yes, Mr. Dupre, I slept as sound as a newborn babe. The beds are quite comfortable, the mattresses like clouds. They barely make a sound when you move about on them,” Wallace said.

  Was it me or was there hidden meaning in his grand speech.

  “Wouldn’t you agree Rob?” The carbon-monoxide killer’s lips kicked up on one side and then returned to their normal stoic straight line. “Yes, very comfortable mattresses.”

  If my father caught on he didn’t show it in his face. Virginia elbowed Wallace in his side hard enough that I felt it. Yes, Wallace had jokes this morning.

  “Constantine how was your night?” Wallace said side-stepping Virginia. “Sleep well,” he asked walking briskly in the direction of...oh no, Lillian Thomas.

  Her sta
re did what Virginia’s elbow to the side hadn’t, it shut him right up. He looked like a scolded school boy. Hunched shoulders and hung head included.

  “So that you don’t run down the line of us, I’ll answer for all the mated couples and tell you that our night was well spent,” Constantine said.

  Oh my God, did he just say that?

  Virginia groaned.

  Thomas stood next to his wife with his mouth open.

  Jean Rene continued to make his plate with a sly smile on his face.

  Rob frowned, only to fight the smile that was trying to surface.

  Lillian lowered her head into her hands.

  Diana said,” Really Wallace, Constantine, I can’t take you anywhere?”

  Josette buried her head in my neck and whispered, “TMI, TMI, Constantine.”

  My father cleared his throat. “, glad to hear you all rested comfortably.”

  And with that, the room broke out in a thunderous chorus of laughter.

  Chapter Seventeen


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