Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 8

by Naomi Aoki

  “Why the hell would I want a relationship for?” The expression Brian wore would have made anyone think Kennosuke had just asked him to give up rugby and beer. It only steeled his resolve more.

  “That’s just it Brian. I. Do.”

  “Between us? Yeah that isn’t happening.”

  “You don’t think I realise that?” Kennosuke rubbed at his arms, goosebumps breaking out on the surface as the water turned cold. “I can’t move here. You won’t move to Japan... so, that is why I’m saying ‘No.”

  “Jeez Kennosuke, you are only twenty-two... why the fuck would you want to settle down. Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun... I mean, you enjoyed it last time you were here.”

  His head thudded against the wall. It wasn’t the distance that was scaring Brian off, he just felt nothing for him. “But that’s just it. We only have ‘fun’ if I am here, in New Zealand. You weren’t interested in Japan... and yet you expect me to jump into your bed all willing like simply because I’m here.” Fuck he needed to get out the shower. Kennosuke was pretty sure his lips were turning blue. To step out of the shower meant he would mean getting closer to Brian. Too close.

  “That’s... different.”

  “Not to me it isn’t... Doesn’t matter. My answer isn’t changing.”

  “Ken...” Pleading. Begging. It all made it harder to resist Brian, but Kennosuke was determined not to give in.

  “No, Brian... Now, get the fuck out.”

  The door of the bathroom slammed shut and Kennosuke slid to the floor of the tub, cold water continuing to flow from the shower head. He couldn’t stay here another night. Kennosuke needed to convince Jamie that they needed to book a motel, because he couldn’t spend another night in Brian’s bed, whether the man was in it or not.

  “IF YOU AREN’T PLANNING on getting serious with Ken, then keep your hands off him!”

  “They weren’t on him.”

  “You know what I, fucking mean, Brian,” Jamie snapped pointing the knife he held in Brian’s direction. “Ken doesn’t need you toying with him for your own amusement.”

  “Yeah. Yeah.” He wandered into the kitchen scratching at his chest. Clawing at the uneasy feeling taking up residence as though a part of him thought he’d been too hasty in saying ‘No’ to Kennosuke. Brian didn’t do relationships. Never had one that could be classed as such – at least not by him – and he didn’t intend to change that now. Yet, Kennosuke’s rebuke had stung more than Brian wanted to admit, never thinking the man would turn him down.

  “I mean it Brian. You’re my best mate, practically family... but Ken... he is family. Fuck things up with him and it’ll be more than this deal you’ll be losing.”

  “You’re threatening me?” Brian straightened up, his voice dropping low and he let all the danger buried deep inside him flood it. “You think you can threaten me... and over what? Whether I fuck or don’t fuck Kennosuke?”

  Most men cowered when Brian came at them like this and it didn’t matter if wore his uniform or not. He enjoyed watching their fear grow, their panicked attempts to escape his clutches as he stalked toward them. He wanted to scare them, not just intimidate them and Brian had expected Jamie to react the same. But he didn’t. Jamie stood his ground, scowling back at Brian and not so subtly adjusting his grip on the knife he held.

  “This alpha-male posturing thing you’re trying... it isn’t going to work on me. It won’t scare me Brian. I deal with scary every fucking day – have the scars to prove it – and you sure as hell don’t match up to the dangerous fuckers in Gou’s pay.”

  Brian took a step back, eyes flicking to the knife and it chilled him to realise his friend wouldn’t hesitate to use it. He relaxed his stance and dialled back his anger.

  Jamie closed his eyes and breathed out slow. “I don’t care if you fuck Ken or not. What I don’t want is for you to lead him on... give him false hope for something I don’t think your capable of giving... all in the name of a bit of fun.”

  “You don’t need to worry. He’s made it more than clear he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  Brian stalked over to the couch, leaving Jamie’s angry muttering behind and dropped on to it. He should’ve stayed in bed. Should’ve kept the distance between him and Kennosuke like he’d done in Japan, though it had been a hard-fought battle to keep his hands to himself. Kennosuke was so God damned tempting.

  The smell of onions and bacon filled the air along with the sound of Jamie humming. It should have made him feel hungry, but his appetite had fled with Kennosuke’s rebuke and his argument with Jamie. Tilting his head back, Brian stared at Jamie over the back of the couch wanting to chase the tension from before away.

  “What have you got planned today?”

  “Lawyers. Bank.”

  “When are you...”

  “Going to see your old man?”


  “Tomorrow. Meeting him out at the site with the real estate agent.”

  “Need me to come?

  Jamie snorted. “No, I think I can manage your old man... and your presence would only upset Ken.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jamie paused, wooden spoon clattering against the bench as it fell from the pan and he turned to face Brian. “He might have scared me once, but not anymore. As I said, I’ve dealt with worse.”

  Brian huffed but couldn’t deny Jamie was right. His friend had changed in the past two years since meeting Gou. Tougher, not so naïve to the world. Brian wasn’t sure if he liked how far Jamie had fallen onto the wrong side of the law.

  “He will test you. You and Kennosuke both.”

  “Can’t be any worse than what Ken and I have experienced before.”

  “Yeah. I suppose.” Didn’t mean Brian wasn’t still worried about this meeting. Worried more about Kennosuke than Jamie... only because Kennosuke had been stabbed six weeks prior and nothing else. He clenched his fist at the memory, pissed that the man responsible still hadn’t been found.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kennosuke didn’t care that he was acting like a petulant child, scowling out the window of the car. But Jamie had turned down his request for them to stay at a motel instead of Brian’s, so if he wanted to sulk about it he would. For at least the next five-minutes until the adult world needed his full attention. He ignored Jamie’s attempts at conversation and glared at the houses; the business they passed instead. Kennosuke wished he was in Kyoto, far away from Brian-fucking-Cooper. Only two more sleeps.

  His less-than-adult attitude faded as Jamie pulled into a car park in the centre of the city. Kennosuke glanced up at the building in confusion having thought they were dealing with the bank first, but this was quite clearly the lawyers. It sunk in how much of a risk Jamie was taking – Brian too – with this deal. Using local lawyers and trusting they wouldn’t hand you over to the police wasn’t something Kennosuke had ever needed to worry about before. All the Araki-gumi lawyers, accountants and doctors were all tied to the group, hell even the banks they used had been started with Araki-gumi money. Trust gained through bonds of blood, sake and money. He hoped like hell this lawyer was on their side or their stay in New Zealand would be short.

  Kennosuke stepped on to the pavement, foot slipping on the ice he couldn’t see and waited for Jamie to join him. He smoothed the wrinkles out his suit before hurriedly shoving his hands in his pockets. Kennouske wished he’d thought to grab gloves. Their presence was getting a lot of attention as he noticed the subtle glances of passers-by. Lingering gazes that took in their suits and shoes, more expensive than anything worn by the businessmen working in offices nearby – or by anyone in Invercargill. None of them could create the air of power that he and Jamie did, but unlike back home where people cowered and hurried out of the way, the people here just stared.

  They should be running.

  White puffs of air escaped with each breath Kennosuke took as he followed Jamie to an office building across the road from where they parked. He stay
ed close, a force of habit hard to break even in this danger free environment. Well-practised moves – scouring the area for potential threats – that came from many a dark night in the back alleys of Kyoto. In the time they’d been working together – since he’d first met him – Kennosuke had seen Jamie grow into their world; standing tall like he did now and no longer cowered by the heavy mantle the title ‘Boss’ brought with it. He couldn’t wait to see how Jamie wielded his power in a setting more familiar to him.

  As they reached the building, Kennosuke glanced up at it. He smirked at its measly three-stories and wondered if it was the tallest building in the city. Grinned wider as he realised his apartment building would tower over anything here and it was small by Kyoto standards. Walking through the wide glass doors that were heavy to push open, a wall of warmth hit him and Kennosuke one more wished he was back home.

  “Jamie? Riley never mentioned you were coming home,” a voice uttered from behind the reception desk. Surprise and familiarity rung through it and as Kennosuke looked closer at her, he could have sworn they’d met before. What on earth was Jamie thinking?

  “Um, Yeah. Hi Maree. No one knows I’m home – well except Brian – were only here for a couple of days. Ah, the appointment is under Kitayama. Business. Not a personal trip.”

  Kennosuke watched her consider Jamie’s answer carefully and he waited to see how she replied. Familiar was an understatement. The woman standing in front of them tapping on a keyboard as she pulled up their appointment was Jamie’s sister in-law. They’d met a few times on Kennosuke’s previous visit to New Zealand, but the nature of his family’s business had never been discussed. Though if she were smart – if any of Jamie’s family were – they would at least suspect.

  “Hmm... so, it is.” She looked up and stared at Jamie, lips pursed. “I thought you were teaching English?”

  “That’s... more like a part-time gig. I’ve gotten more involved with Gou’s other business.”

  “Jamie,” Maree growled and Kennosuke stepped forward unsure what she might do next.

  “Don’t Maree. I know what I’m doing.”

  “You and Brian both,” she muttered turning back to the computer. “Go sit over there-” gesturing at the couches behind them. “-John will be with you soon. I guess you don’t want me telling the family.”

  “Please. We really aren’t going to be in town long.”

  Ken headed with Jamie over to the couches and sunk into the soft cushions next to him. “Why the fuck did we come to a place your sister in-law works at?” he hissed in Japanese not wanting to risk anyone understanding their conversation. “We aren’t exactly undertaking a legal venture... and why the hell did she mention Brian?” Not that it surprised him that Maree knew Brian, but the way she spoke it indicated she knew a lot more than Kennosuke would have expected.

  “She’s Brian’s sister.”

  “She’s what? Fuck Jamie, that’s even more of a reason why we should not be here.” This could only be bad. No wonder she’d been suspicious of Jamie turning up like this.

  Jamie chuckled. “She knows everything. So, does John. He’s not just a lawyer but has been a patched member since he was eighteen – not sure how he stayed clean long enough to pass the bar – and handles all of the gang’s business.”

  Kennosuke wasn’t sure how long they waited for the lawyer, too busy trying to take in everything Jamie had said. An elbow to the ribs soon jolted him from his thoughts and he looked up to see a man striding toward them. He looked to be in his mid-forties, silver-flecked dark short hair and dressed immaculately. To an ordinary person it would be hard to believe this lawyer liked to skirt the law, but Kennosuke could see it. He recognised the dangerous arrogance of a man who liked looking for loopholes and exploiting them. “Mister Kitayama... and?”

  “Also, Kitayama,” Jamie informed him, taking the lawyers outstretched hand and shaking it firmly.

  “Ah, good to know. I’m John Milton, I look forward to working with you... if you would just like to follow me.” John gestured in the direction of the corridor to the left of the reception desk.


  They followed him down the corridor to an office at the end and stepped inside. John locked the door and gestured at the two seats in front of the desk. Kennosuke felt on edge as he sat knowing the room was locked, but he slowly relaxed realising it made sense. While dealing with matters that weren’t exactly legal the last thing they needed was someone walking in unexpectedly. Kennosuke did however still miss the comforting presence of a weapon.

  “You have the papers for me to sign, John?”

  “Yes. Now, I’ve gone through all the documentation and created a New Zealand arm of the company you head, Jamie.” Kennosuke watched John pass the papers to Jamie who then handed them off to him.

  If it confused John as to why Jamie handed him the papers, despite it being Jamie’s name at the top of the page, he was smart enough not to mention it. This was Kennosuke’s whole purpose of being here – well asides from playing bodyguard – having just finished his Degree in Financial Management. Jamie had quickly admitted to having no financial sense beyond basic budgeting and the ability to balk at the price tags of the presents Gou bought him.

  Of course, he expected the legalities of financial law would be different to Japan, but Kennosuke wouldn’t deal with the day to day accounting. He only needed to make sure the current numbers staked up and that the layers of shell companies and trusts he created hid the Araki-gumi’s involvement in the new venture.

  “Well?” Jamie asked.

  “Everything is in order, Boss.” Kennosuke handed the paperwork back to Jamie to sign after adding his own signature. He was pleased that his handiwork appeared to be holding up to scrutiny as he took the next set of papers Jamie handed him.

  “Jamie-” flicking through pages of building reports, regulations pertaining to construction and site usage. “-what do you expect me to do with these?”

  “Nothing. Just hold them. We need to take them with us tomorrow.”

  Huffing, Kennosuke leaned back and waited for Jamie to finish talking to John. The faster they got this whole venture set up and under way the sooner they could leave New Zealand, desperate to put distance between him and Brian.

  THE LAWYERS HAD BEEN boring. The bank hadn’t been much better. So many forms for Jamie to sign while Kennosuke just nodded his agreement and glanced at any documents handed his way. Though he almost preferred it to the cold reception Brian gave him when they arrived back at the house. The dismissive gruff tone of voice as Brian raced out the door dressed in uniform – that had Kennosuke struggling not to stare appreciatively at – as though his presence had chased him out.

  Yet, sleeping in Brian’s bed and waiting for him to return wasn’t much better. After several hours of tossing and turning, he got up, wrapped blankets around him and curled up on the couch. With no fire going, the room was freezing. He had considered lighting it, until Kennosuke realised he had no idea how. Still it didn’t motivate him to return to Brian’s bed. Kennosuke didn’t begin to warm up again until they were in the car, heater going full blast.

  Heading out onto the road, Jamie drove in a vaguely familiar direction as they left the grey fogged streets of the city behind. The countryside still had skies of grey and the usually green paddocks were tipped with frost. Sheep huddled beneath stands of leafless trees as farmers rolled out something green for them to eat. They travelled for forty-minutes but instead of arriving at Jamie’s family farm, they pulled into a gravel lot alongside two other vehicles. Kennosuke glanced at the abandoned factory, decaying concrete, chipped paint and crumbling walls all that was left of the place as it waited patiently for the bulldozer to come and bring it to its knees.

  Jamie turned the engine off and the warmth in the car slowly bleed out. Kennosuke turned to open the car door before noticing the men milling about the site. They all wore suits, but he wanted to laugh at the awkward way they moved, their uncomfortablen
ess at being made to wear them glaringly obvious. Whatever the image they were hoping to convey would soon be dwarfed by his and Jamie’s presence.

  Stepping out of the car his feet crunched on the gravel, slipping on the ice-slick stones, Kennosuke strode carefully around the car to stand next to Jamie. An older man moved quickly over to meet them, his features while weathered with age reminded Kennosuke of Brian and he assumed this man was Brian’s father.

  “Mr Cooper.” Jamie held out his gloved hand as Brian’s father approached not at all intimidated by him.

  “Jamie McKay. Never thought I would see you take up this kind of life.”

  Jamie shrugged. “It’s Kitayama now, and I never thought Brian would either. But then things change.”

  “And this is?” Kennosuke heard Mr Cooper ask and gesture in his direction, but he kept quiet. He was more than happy for Jamie to do all the talking.

  “This is Kennosuke Kitayama. Gou’s nephew.”

  Kennosuke held his breath, waiting for the inevitable comment on the age gap between Jamie and his uncle. It didn’t come. Instead he felt the heavy weight of Mr Cooper’s gaze as he tried to size Kennosuke up.

  “Ah. The Japanese boy my son is infatuated with?”

  He clenched his fist, infatuation wasn’t how Kennosuke would describe it, but then an infatuation soon passes. Kennosuke hoped his would pass quick.

  Jamie cleared his throat picking up on Kennosuke’s anger and shifted the conversation away from Brian. “Is that the real estate agent?” He gestured at the man standing next to a bright blue SUV, wearing gumboots with his suit. “Because I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy standing in a paddock freezing my arse off and gossiping about Brian’s love life.”

  Kennosuke couldn’t agree more and sighed with relief, letting the conversation flow around him. He moved in sync with Jamie, on alert for any sign of trouble not knowing if any of the men accompanying Brian’s father could be trusted. He wouldn’t take the risk. Past experiences had taught him viciously what happened when you got too relaxed and without weapons of any kind – though he had been tempted to grab a knife from Brian’s kitchen before they left – everyone needed to be treated as a potential threat.


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