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Witch Page 2

by Steve Barlow

  To cast a spell of fire, go to 18.


  You take out your wand but before you can use it, one of the genies unleashes a lightning bolt at you.

  It strikes your hand causing the wand to spin from your grasp. The other genie takes hold of your leg. There’s only one way out of this dire situation!

  Go to 23.


  You point at your phone lying on the table. “That is mine. Mistress Weathervane was the last person to have it. She must have brought it here. And the others belong to my sisters. And you’re telling me you don’t know how they got here?”

  Elias shakes his head. “I do not.”

  You go to pick up your phone.

  “DON’T TOUCH IT!” screams Miss Devine. “Or it will go badly for you, witch!”

  Miss Devine begins to transform before your eyes into a hideous hag.

  “Miss Devine, you’re not Miss Devine!” stammers Elias.

  “No, you miserable fool, I’m a banshee,” screeches the creature. “A sworn enemy of all witches! I’ve been using you and your company to snare witches and send them to The Dark Realm.”

  She pulls back a curtain hanging on the wall to reveal a dark piece of glass. You see your sisters trapped behind it, writhing in agony.

  You point your wand at the banshee. “Release them or else,” you threaten.

  She laughs. “Old magic will not work against me!”

  If you believe her, go to 43.

  If you don’t, go to 2.


  “Faster,” you command.

  The skateboard hurtles along the street, barely missing the pedestrians.

  Suddenly a huge truck pulls out in front of you.

  “Stop!” you cry, but it is too late. You slam into the vehicle. Your wand goes flying and the skateboard is smashed into pieces. You lie on the road, battered and bruised.

  You only have one option!

  Go to 23.


  “Sorry,” you say. “I thought I was doing a good deed. What is my punishment?”

  “You will not be allowed to go on tomorrow’s visit to the Witches Convention at Tempest Towers.”

  Tempest Towers is the headquarters of Elias Midnight, the founder of Enchantments Incorporated. Each year, witches from around the world visit to see the latest magical fashions, artefacts and potions.

  Mistress Weathervane continues, “Instead, you will stay here and clean up the classrooms. I am also confiscating your smartphone with its magical apps until after the convention.”

  This is another blow. Instead of wands, modern witches have access to magical apps on their phones and without it you cannot perform any spells.

  “Now, off you go.”

  You head out of the office and the door slams shut behind you.

  Go to 17.


  A young woman steps out of the lift.

  “Who are you?” she asks.

  “Er, I was late for the academy visit,” you quickly reply. “I’ve only just arrived.”

  “Thank goodness you’re here, I need help!” she says. “I’m Miss Devine, Elias Midnight’s personal assistant.” She gives a sob. “He has been taken over by forces from The Dark Realm. He has done something terrible to your sisters. I tried to stop him, but he is too powerful. I can take you to them, if you promise to help me stop whatever he is planning.”

  To help Miss Devine, go to 21.

  To use magic to test her story, go to 46.


  “Disappear!” you cry. But more flowers explode. The clouds of pollen grow thicker.

  You collapse to the floor. The flowers are hexed to resist intruders! If you cast any more spells, you’ll set off more explosions.

  Go to 23.


  “I don’t think I should be getting myself into any more trouble…”

  Mother Oak’s eyes narrow. “If you don’t, there will be more trouble in this world than you could ever imagine.”

  You realise that you need to hear more.

  Go to 7.


  “What have you done with my sisters?” you ask.

  Elias Midnight looks puzzled. “I have no idea what you are talking about,” he replies. He turns to Miss Devine. “Do you?” he asks.

  Miss Devine shakes her head.

  “What are those phones doing on the table, then?”

  “I have no idea,” answers Elias.

  To attack Elias with magic, go to 9.

  To question him further, go to 33.


  You bring the skateboard to a halt, point your wand and order, “Reveal!”

  Immediately the cloud begins to disintegrate and reveal its true nature. Two genies float in the sky before you! With a roar they head towards you.

  To try and outfly the genies, go to 3.

  To use your wand, go to 32.


  Crying, “Transform!” you point your wand at the manticores. A maelstrom of stars spins around the creatures. When it disappears there are three furry kittens in place of the manticores!

  The guards look on in disbelief as you hurry towards the entrance. The door slides open and you enter, wave your wand and order, “Barricade!” The doors slam shut. You are in the building.

  Go to 24.


  “What do I need to do?” you ask.

  “You must make your way into Tempest Towers, defeat Elias and rescue your sisters,” Mother Oak replies. “This will help you.” She hands you a wand. “I know it isn’t a modern magic app, but trust in it and the correct magical command will come to you.”

  She gives you a round, glass pentacle. “This is my magical pentacle. If you are ever in trouble, hold it, call upon the powers of the old magic and it will return you to this time and place, where you can begin your task again.”

  You take the wand and the pentacle.

  “I cannot use magic to teleport you into the building,” says Mother Oak. “There is a hex on it. You will have to make your own way there and find a way in.”

  To fly to Tempest Towers on a broomstick, go to 13.

  To use your magic skateboard, go to 30.


  “Perhaps not, but maybe this will,” you say.

  You point your wand at the mobile phones. “Old and new work as one!”

  The phones spin into the air and circle the banshee. Magic crackles, spells combine and, as one, blast straight at the hideous creature. The banshee tries to fight back, but is powerless against the force of old and new magic together.

  Soon she falls to her knees, exhausted before you. “Enough, witch, you have won.”

  You call a halt to the magic.

  The banshee scowls. “What will you do to me?”

  To use your wand to destroy the banshee, go to 2.

  To send the banshee into The Dark Realm, go to 14.


  You reach Tempest Towers and land next to a huge flower bed full of exotic plants and colourful flowers.

  You hold out your wand. “Locate a doorway!” you order. But as it does so, the flowers begin to explode, sending thick clouds of pollen into the air.

  “Disperse!” you order, but again more flowers explode. The sticky pollen cloud covers you and you begin to choke.

  To cast another spell, go to 37.

  To get away from the flowers, go to 6.


  “It’s about the lost cat, isn’t it?” you say.

  “It most certainly is,” replies Mistress Weathervane. “You found it using magic without permission.”

  “But the old lady was so upset,” you say. “I had to help.”

  Mistress Weathervane scowls. “The first rule of this academy is that no trainee witch should use magic in the outside world without permission. Secrecy is everything! I have no choice but to punish you!”

  To accept the punishment, go to 35.

  To argue against the punishment, go to 10.


  You point your wand at Miss Devine. But before you can cast the spell, there is a rush of air. You are snatched up in a vortex of wind that spins you around and around.

  “No!” screams Miss Devine. “Elias must know you are here! We’re doomed!”

  Go to 23.


  You speed towards the cloud and are almost upon it, when it suddenly splits into two. You see it for what it really is — two huge genies!

  “Avoid!” you cry. You spin around so quickly that you are almost thrown off your board. You regain balance and zoom away, but the supernatural creatures are fast and they close in on you.

  To use your wand, go to 32.

  To use your pentacle, go to 23.


  “Water!” you cry.

  A stream of water pours from the wand and hits a gingerbread person. It begins to turn to mush.

  Again you point the wand and another blast of water turns a second gingerbread person into a gooey mess. Soon, all of the gingerbread people are victims of your watery wand.

  That’s a lot of soggy bottoms, you think.

  At that moment a lobby lift pings and its doors begin to open.

  To hide, go to 5.

  To wait and see who or what appears, go to 36.


  “I’ll head to Tempest Towers straight away and rescue my sisters!” you cry.

  “Your enthusiasm is to be applauded, but you need to know more,” says Mother Oak.

  You realise she is right.

  Go to 42.


  You are back in Mistress Weathervane’s office. Mother Oak is also present.

  “Well, what a story!” exclaims the headmistress. “It seems that there is a place for both old and new magic. Mother Oak was right after all, and so she will be joining our staff next year!”

  “What about Elias Midnight?” you ask.

  “He knew nothing about the banshee’s plans,” says Mother Oak. “Under our watchful eye, he’ll continue to produce enchantments and potions.”

  “You saved us all,” says Mistress Weathervane. “I’m making you a member of the Circle of Witches! You are a real hero!”

  Question 1

  What is the real identity of the old lady you helped?

  A Mistress Weathervane

  B Elias Midnight

  C Miss Devine

  D Mother Oak

  Question 2

  Where do you find Elias Midnight?

  A Tempest Towers

  B The Academy for Modern Witches

  C The Dark Realm

  D The Circle of Witches

  Question 3

  What type of magical creature is Miss Devine?

  A a witch

  B a warlock

  C a banshee

  D a genie

  Question 4

  What is your mission?

  A capture Elias Midnight

  B kill Elias Midnight

  C destroy Tempest Towers

  D rescue your sister witches

  Question 5

  What do you become a member of?

  A Witches and Wizards Incorporated

  B Witchcraft and Wicca

  C The Temple of Witchcraft

  D The Circle of Witches


  1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D and 5. D.

  About the 2Steves

  “The 2Steves” are one of Britain’s most popular writing double acts for young people, specialising in comedy and adventure. They perform regularly in schools and libraries, and at festivals, taking the power of words and story to audiences of all ages.

  Together they have written many books, including the Monster Hunter series. Find out what they’ve been up to at: www.the2steves.net

  About the illustrator: Judit Tondora

  Judit Tondora was born in Miskolc, Hungary and now works from her countryside studio. Judit’s artwork has appeared in books, comics, posters and on commercial design projects.

  To find out more about her work, visit: www.astound.us/publishing/artists/judit-tondora

  Franklin Watts

  First published in Great Britain in 2019 by The Watts Publishing Group

  Text © Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore 2019

  Illustrations by Judit Tondora © Franklin Watts 2019

  The “2Steves” illustration by Paul Davidson

  used by kind permission of Orchard Books

  The authors and illustrator have asserted their rights in

  accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  All rights reserved.

  PB ISBN 978 1 4451 6966 8

  ebook ISBN 978 1 4451 6967 5

  Library ebook ISBN 978 1 4451 6968 2

  Franklin Watts

  An imprint of

  Hachette Children’s Group

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