Merlin's Daughters

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Merlin's Daughters Page 2

by Meredith Rae Morgan

  Chapter 2

  As soon as she stepped on the dock at the portal to the Fairy Realm, Gwyneth closed her eyes, raised her arms and expanded her Soul as far as it would go, silently summoning the Fairies to gather for a general assembly.

  She turned to Viviene and said, “My dear, I recommend that you wait in the Boatman's cottage for a little while.” Gwyneth patted Viviene's arm. “For one thing, an assembly of Fairies can be overwhelming – sometimes even for me. It isn't something you'll want to experience on your first day here. Secondly, Fairies are very nervous around Humans. Until I explain who you are and why you are here, it would be best if you kept out of sight.”

  Viviene agreed and accepted the hospitality of the Boatman, a silent Troll who showed her into his house and then went to sit on the dock where he worked at mending nets in order to watch over her without imposing his hideous presence on her.

  Gwyneth flew to the palace and changed from her traveling clothes into a purple gown that shimmered with an inner glow from thread spun by spiders. She wore slippers made of amber, but no jewelry. Unlike other monarchs Gwyneth never wore a crown of gold or jewels of any kind. She didn't need adornment. Her beauty was legendary. Occasionally if she wanted to impress a visitor or emphasize her role as queen, she had her dresser wind her hair in a wreath around her head and weave flowers into it, making a more beautiful crown than those worn by any other monarch in the Nether World.

  For this assembly of Fairies, which Gwyneth considered to be something of a family meeting, she wore her hair Fairy-style: long and loose, and unadorned. Four hundred years old, and in the prime of her life, she was reputed to be the most beautiful Fairy who had ever lived. More importantly to her, she was the most powerful monarch in the Nether World, reigning for centuries over a Realm at peace. The prosperity and productivity of the Fairies was legendary. The happy world of the Fairies had been protected for centuries by the wisdom of their magnificent Queen and guaranteed by the might of the sword, Excalibur.

  That peace and prosperity was now in peril and every Fairy in the Realm knew it. Virtually every Fairy who was not posted to some assignment far from the Realm responded instantly to their queen's summons. Within a half an hour, the air around the palace thrummed with the buzzing of tens of thousands of Fairy wings. The Fairies lighted wherever space could be found. They filled first the courtyard and then the tops of the walls and turrets. Late arrivals lighted on rooftops and some of the most tardy simply hovered in the air. Fear had long been an uncommon emotion in the Fairy Realm, but the Fairies were afraid.

  Gwyneth stepped out onto the portico in front of the main entrance to the palace, radiant in beauty and exuding power and magic. She stood for a long time in silence, willing her subjects to be calmed and comforted by her presence. It worked. Gradually, the Fairies settled down. Gwyneth began to speak, in the silent language of Fairies, her magic sending her voice deep into the hearts of each of the Fairies in attendance, as well as those Fairies who were far away and unable to attend in person.

  The Queen said, “You know that Excalibur has been missing for some time. We have all worried about it. I can now tell you that our sacred sword has been located.”

  The Fairies buzzed with excitement. Gwyneth held up her hand, palm out, and went on, “Unfortunately, somehow Excalibur has made its way to the Human Realm.”

  The buzzing of the Fairies rose to an alarmed crescendo and then ceased when Gwyneth glared at the assembly. She went on, “Plans are in place to rescue Excalibur. I won't lie to you: the Fairy Realm is in grave danger and the happiness and security we have enjoyed these many centuries will likely be interrupted at least for a while. First, I want to say that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. However, I have to warn you that I cannot guarantee I can prevent harm from coming to our Realm.

  “What is more, it is very likely I will have to travel to the Human Realm...” She shuddered and closed her eyes to quell her nausea at the very thought of traveling east of Avalon. The Fairies were silent, waiting respectfully for their queen to compose herself. Eventually, Gwyneth raised her head and continued, “I have no idea how long I will be gone. I want you to go on with your lives. Work hard. Be happy. Fill your days with work and song. Project as much Fairy-light out into Earth's Realms as you can.

  “At the same time, I want each of you to find or build a hiding place for yourself, preferably underground and at some distance from your home. Practice turning yourselves into inanimate objects. There may come a day when the Fairy Realm will be under direct attack from outside enemies. Without Excalibur's protection and in my absence, you will be on your own. I don't want you to fight back! I want you to wrap yourselves in magic and hide.”

  The Fairies' wings whirred in acknowledgment.

  Gwyneth went on, “I also want to tell you that a group of Human women will be arriving soon...”

  That news alarmed the Fairies more than anything she had said before and the buzz of their wings rose to almost a roar. Gwyneth silenced it with a raised hand. “They are the Priestesses of the Grail from the Isle of Avalon. Many of you have met them. They are no longer safe in their convent on the Tor because of the encroachment of the Druids and other Humans who have built a village there. The Priestesses are Humans -- most of them, anyway -- but they have lived in Avalon for generations and they have lost most of the Human aggression and hubris that Fairies so rightly fear and loathe.” She tried, unsuccessfully, to suppress a shudder. “The women are Humans but they pose no danger to us. On the contrary, they are in grave danger from other Humans. I invited them here for their protection. One of them has arrived already. She is here to search for a place to build a convent for her sisters. She will then return to Avalon and bring the others back with her.”

  Gwyneth looked around and picked out a Fairy she knew to be especially smart and courageous, saying, “Peach, I want you to assist her in the search for a safe place for their convent. Keep me informed of your progress.” She looked around and said, “These women are our guests and their safety is our responsibility. Please treat them with kindness and respect.” The Fairies buzzed unhappily but Gwyneth knew they would obey.

  She sighed, and added, “Does anyone have any questions?”

  One of the oldest and wisest of the Fairy-Crones asked, “How can we help you, Majesty?”

  Gwyneth closed her eyes and smiled. No monarch in any Realm could ever have been prouder of her subjects than she was at that moment. She had just informed them they were in mortal danger and she was bringing into their midst beings whose species they already feared. They were not happy about it, but there was no hint of rebellion. They were alarmed, but there was no panic. Instead, they asked what they could to to help her. Tears welled up in her eyes. She looked around and made loving Soul-contact with every one of her beloved subjects. The aura around the Fairy throng changed from the purple of fear to a shimmering golden glow as the love among the Fairies imparted courage, which – combined with their magic – marshaled awesome power. Gwyneth paused for a long time to let that power grow and to ensure all the Fairies participated in it.

  Eventually she said, “There are a number of things you can do. First, Gretel, I want you to move into the Palace and act as Regent in my absence. Your wisdom and magic are known and revered throughout the Realm. The Fairies know and trust you. Please see me in my chamber after this gathering.

  “Second, I need perhaps a dozen or so volunteers to serve as messengers. I want Fairies who can fly fast and whose magic will allow them to shape shift and even turn into other species when necessary. It goes without saying that your missions will be dangerous.” She looked around, and pointed, “Ruby, I want you to pick the best from among the volunteers. I'll meet with your group in the morning.”

  She paused again waiting for more questions. A tiny voice from a Fairy child asked, “How bad will it be, Majesty?”

  Gwyneth shook her head and answered
honestly, “I don't know how bad, but I can tell you that it will be worse than anything the Fairies have experienced in my lifetime. Some of the oldest of the Fairy Crones tell stories of a time long ago when there was a war between the Elves and the Witches, much of which was fought within the Fairy Realm. We have experienced nothing like that in hundreds of years. Perhaps we have become complacent. I hope we have not lost our courage.

  “Whatever happens, rely on your magic to protect you. Hide and live to fight the more important battle of rebuilding our Realm when the attacks end. Understood?”

  The Fairy throng vibrated with alarm, but their confidence in their magic prevented panic. Their Queen blessed them with a beatific smile filled with love and revealed to them the power of her own magic. They were both consoled and inspired to face whatever was coming with courage and in obedience to her commands.

  “You are dismissed.”

  The assembly of Fairies disappeared instantly and the courtyard fell silent. Gwyneth stood alone on the portico for a long time with her eyes closed, wrapping her magic around her subjects and hoping to the bottom of her Soul that it might help. She could almost hear the echoes of the Fairy wings in the silence.

  She turned to Peach and said, “Go to the Boatman's cottage and fetch the young Priestess. Find a beautiful spot somewhere far inland where she and her sisters can feel safe. Build them a convent. Assist her in bringing her sister priestesses here.”

  Peach said, “Majesty, when the Trouble comes, how can we protect them? Humans can't turn themselves into other objects, can they?”

  Gwyneth shook her head, “Not to my knowledge. Perhaps they should dig a cellar or find a cave. I don't think Fairy magic will help them. When the Trouble comes, they will be better off here than in Avalon, but they will be on their own.”

  Peach flew off to do her Queen's bidding. Gwyneth noticed with satisfaction that Peach made a valiant effort to hide the disgust she felt at having to interact with Humans. Gwyneth wished she could believe the priestesses would appreciate the efforts the Fairies were making on their behalf. She knew they wouldn't. The Priestesses of the Grail were perhaps the best of Humans, but they were Humans nonetheless. She suspected they would be all but oblivious to the challenge their presence posed to the Fairies who were protecting them. Gwyneth shuddered, trying to put down her own disgust at the thought of having such beings inhabiting her Realm.

  Gwyneth was tired the next morning. Her meetings with Gretel and with the Messengers had run long into the night. She lingered in bed partly out of fatigue, but more because the task she faced that day was so odious she wanted to delay it as long as possible. She told herself that was no way for a Queen to behave in a crisis, so she forced herself to get up and to dress carefully.

  She wanted to travel comfortably, but she also wanted to make a spectacular entrance upon her arrival. She selected a scarlet gown that had gold thread woven into it. Her dresser wound her hair in a braid and wrapped it around her head in a wreath, which would be practical for traveling, as well as regal and beautiful. Her beauty was astonishing, but she and her dresser decided to guild the lily a bit by adding flowers to her halo: tiny roses – red ones that looked like rubies in her crown of tresses.

  The dresser stepped back and folded her hands, “Oh, Majesty, you have never looked more wonderful! Where are you going? To visit the Elf King?” Gwyneth almost laughed at the quavering in the dresser's voice when she mentioned the Elf King. Gwyneth was aware that virtually every Fairy in the Realm (with the exception of herself) had a crush Elves in general. The Elf King was reputed to be the most handsome and magical of all the Elves, and the Fairies had developed a sort of group fantasy about the prospect of a relationship between him and their Queen. Gwyneth never had the heart to tell any of them that she thought the Elf King was a conceited bastard who was probably a coward to boot. She couldn't stand him, and she was fully aware the feeling was mutual. Nevertheless, she humored the Fairies and refrained from demonstrating her true feelings for the Elf King .

  She laughed and said, “Oh, how I wish the trip were that pleasant!” She closed her eyes to still her Soul and slow her pounding heart, “I am going to see Merlin.”

  The dresser hovered in mid-air as she placed the last of the roses in Gwyneth's hair. “Merlin?! You can't stand Merlin! Why are you going to see him? And, why have you taken such pains with dressing to visit such an ancient old Druid?” She made a sour face.

  Gwyneth smiled and said, “You're right: for the most part I loathe him. Sometimes I think Merlin has caused more trouble in Earth's Realms than all the Humans combined.” She paused, “Maybe that's an exaggeration, but he's certainly responsible for a lot of my headaches.

  “Unfortunately, we need his help.” She made a face, “Which makes this trip all the more distasteful because I have to be nice to him and try to enlist his cooperation. That is why I wanted to take care with my appearance. Merlin is famous for enjoying beauty in females. Perhaps even in his daughter.” She shuddered even as she said that.

  She ate only a few bites of breakfast and then, leaving Gretel in charge, she flew off toward the lower reaches of the Nether World. After Merlin's meddling resulted in the birth of Arthur, the goddess Nimue and the monarchs of the Nether World banished him, confining him to an underground prison of fantastic beauty where he lived in luxury, attended by Dwarfs and Trolls. Gwyneth let the Dwarf guards know that she was coming, but asked them not to tell Merlin of her visit.

  She composed herself as best she could at the entrance to his underground world.

  She could smell Merlin long before she reached his chamber. Merlin's species was a mystery. Whatever he was, it was an ancient and probably extinct-but-for-him variety of Earthling. He smelled like wet sod. She steeled herself because Merlin's magic and allure were the most powerful she had ever experienced other than that of the Sorceress. The Sorceress did everything she could to minimize the effects of her potent magic except when she needed it. Merlin maximized his power during every encounter. Having a conversation with him was an exhausting – not to mention dangerous – experience.

  Gwyneth was Merlin's elder daughter. Her own powers were prodigious, and she could hold her own against him, but only with great effort and concentration. She closed her eyes, marshaled her magic and marched into Merlin's lair as though she were Queen in his realm as well as her own.

  By the time she entered his chamber, Merlin was waiting at a table with refreshments laid out on a table. He knew she was approaching and was ready for her. He smiled his wicked smile and said, “Well, if it isn't my dear daughter come to pay her once every two or three hundred years visit to her ancient father.”

  Gwyneth laughed and sat down on the opposite side of the table from him. A Troll offered her a bowl to wash her hands and a towel. She made her ablutions without rushing, showing no sign of nerves. Finally, she turned to Merlin and said, “It's nice to think that you are so touched by my filial piety.”

  He laughed out loud. Gwyneth steeled herself, gripping her hands in her lap. When he traveled abroad in the Human realm, Merlin liked to take on the appearance of what Humans thought Wizards were supposed to look like. He wore garments with silly designs and effected age with long white hair and a beard. In his personal abode, he looked very different. Gwyneth had trouble looking directly at him because his allure was so strong it made her feel faint. His ancient origins as a Tree Person were visible in his lithe and willowy shape, but he preferred to appear Human, taking on the appearance of a young, handsome and incredibly sexy Man. As disgusting as Gwyneth generally found Humans, Merlin's magic was powerful enough to make his Human appearance attractive. She knew he put on this act for her because she was his daughter and, therefore, it made her uncomfortable. Merlin always liked to keep people off balance, and he could zero in on their vulnerabilities. He had learned long ago he could not overpower Gwyneth with his magic, but he could make her uncomfortable and he could embarr
ass her with his allure.

  He leaned back and turned on the charm, smiling. Gwyneth poured a cup of wine for herself and refilled his, “Oh, stop it, Merlin. You've made your point. I'm not immune to your allure. I am, of course, embarrassed by that. Are you satisfied?”

  He arched his eyebrows and looked at her for a long time. Dropping his act completely, he leaned forward and asked with what appeared to be honest concern in his voice, “What's wrong?”

  She made a face. She feared him when he was serious and treated her as an equal even more than when he toyed with her. She could keep up with him as far as magic was concerned, but she was not as cunning as he was – or thought he was. Having no choice, however, made her bold. She said, “What is wrong is that your meddling in Human affairs has resulted in a situation that could cause disaster for the Fairy Realm, and maybe all of Earth's realms.”

  “Now what have I done?”

  She sipped her wine and said, “Arthur has evidently received a decent education thus far by Human standards, but he is desperately in need of a mentor who can teach him things he will really need to know when he assumes the throne: things like how to wield power and the effect his actions may have not only in the Human Realm but beyond. That's for the long term. For the short term, he needs to be protected from the power of Excalibur and the evil of my dearly beloved sister, who seems to have inherited your meddlesome ways, compounded by an evil streak that even you can't match.

  “Have you seen her lately, by the way?”

  He made a disgusted face, “She paid be a visit a few years ago. Her main purpose at that time was to test her powers and torment me.”

  Gwyneth raised her own eyebrows in a gesture identical to Merlin's, and asked, “How did she do?”

  He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows, “Not bad, as a matter of fact. She had been making the rounds of practitioners of black magic. She had learned a lot.”

  “Could you best her?”

  “I could then.”

  “What about now?”

  He made a face, pursing his lips. “I rather doubt it. I've been shut up here for a few years with nothing to practice on but a bunch of Trolls and Dwarfs who have no powers at all and who are totally a my mercy, the poor things. I am out of practice. I'm also old.”

  “How old are you Merlin?”

  He laughed, “I have no idea.”

  He changed the subject, “What does your sister have to do with Arthur's need for an education?”

  Gwyneth said, “I'm not sure, other than that Excalibur disappeared from the Fairy Realm a few months ago. It recently appeared in the Human realm.”

  “Where?!” Gwyneth was pleased to see that Merlin looked truly alarmed by that. He understood the seriousness of the situation. Perhaps he would be willing to cooperate without a lot of drama.

  “Excalibur has been substituted for the Pendragon sword in the stone at Londanum.”

  Merlin's horrified reaction was immediately replaced by a bland expression and a short laugh. “Well, I have to give the wench credit for a great trick.” He paused. “So what does this have to do with me?”

  “We think you should be Arthur's mentor. You can teach him what he needs to know about power. If he is going to be High King in the Human realm and if my sister has taken an interest in him, he needs all the help he can get. We believe Uthur will allow you to become Arthur's mentor. You can keep him away from Excalibur until he is prepared to wield its power, assuming Excalibur wishes him to do so.”

  Merlin looked alarmed, “Are you suggesting that Excalibur will choose Arthur as its Companion.”

  “I don't know if Excalibur has chosen or will choose Arthur. Regardless of Excalibur's choice, I'm afraid that my sister will put Excalibur into Arthur's hands, when he's unprepared for it. I suspect that you might have a better idea than I do of what kind of calamity that would cause.”

  “It would not be good.” They both smiled at the massive understatement.

  “We want you to go to Uthur and volunteer to serve as Arthur's teacher and mentor.”

  “What's in it for me?”

  Gwyneth put her hands on the table and stood up, leaning toward him and snapped, “What's in it for you is the opportunity to prevent a disaster that your meddling and incompetence precipitated in the first place. What's in it for you is the chance to help prevent my sister from establishing some kind of base in the Human Realm from which she can launch attacks on the Nether World.” She paused and pushed him over the edge, “What's in it for you is eternal fame as the greatest wizard who ever lived, the mentor of the Great High King, Arthur. In short what's in it for you is immortality.

  “Isn't that what you wanted when you manipulated the players to give birth to him?

  “We thought we could prevent the wars that will lay waste to all of Earth's Realms by hiding Arthur and letting him live in obscurity. Unfortunately, it appears we were wrong. From what I hear, Arthur shows signs of the greatness that you had in mind for one of his breeding. My sister seems to be determined to use Arthur's power for her own purposes. We would prefer that she not have the opportunity to do so.”

  “And you want me to help you?”

  “We're simply asking you to go ahead and finish what you started, since our efforts have evidently failed.”

  “Who is 'we' by the way?”

  “The Monarchs of the Nether Realm and an alliance of other powerful beings who would like to maintain peace in the Nether World and the Human Realm as well. Personally, if I thought that war and pestilence in the Human realm would have no other effect beyond wiping out the entire species, I'd join forces with my sister to help that along. As you know, it doesn't work that way. Cataclysm in the Human Realm spills over into all Realms. I am determined to protect my Fairies at all cost.”

  He smiled, this time almost kindly, “Is Nimue involved in this?”

  She knitted her brow, “I don't know anyone named Nimue.”

  He laughed, the sound dancing among the crystals high in the dome of the room, sounding like music, “You may not know her by that name, but I am positive you know her. Who do you know who exudes the most powerful magic other than yours or your sister's?”

  Gwyneth said, “The Sorceress of Avalon.”

  “Tell me about her.”

  “I have known her since I was a child studying with the Priestesses, but I know little about her. She lives deep inside the Tor. The Grail Priestesses revere her. Even the Druids give her wide berth. She told me she's half Human and half Witch.”

  Merlin laughed. “Has she ever mentioned me?”

  “I know she doesn't like you.”

  He laughed again, this time the music rang with undertones of bitterness and even sorrow, “Nimue and I have what might be called a love-hate relationship.” He paused and visibly withered, looking for a second like the ancient wizard he was, “Or at least we did a long time ago. I'm a little surprised to learn she's willing to let me go to Arthur.”

  Gwyneth raised one eyebrow and one corner of her mouth, “We tried to come up with a better idea, but couldn't think of one.”

  “I was the last resort.”

  “Merlin, you are the only option. I confess, I don't like it. The Sorceress doesn't like it. The Druids are positively quaking in their skins at the thought of you being let loose abroad in the Human realm. Nobody likes the idea. There just doesn't appear to be any other alternative.”

  “You know how to make a person feel wanted.”

  “You started this. You need to be involved in trying to avert disaster.”

  “Do you expect me to succeed?”

  “You have powerful magic. I sense that Arthur will be a great High King. You will be revered in the Human Realm as the Wizard who put him on the throne. There is no doubt his reign will not be peaceful. As I said, I wouldn't care if the Humans all died in their stupid wars. My role in this is to protect my Realm and the Nether World in general. Ultimately, I want to bring Excalibur back to the Fairy Realm
where it belongs.”

  “You hate Humans that much?”

  “When I bother to think about them.”

  He poured more wine and ate a grape. “They're not so bad.”

  “I'll take your word for it.” She held out her hand palm up. “What do you say? Will you do it?”

  “Of course I'll do it. I know you don't believe I'm capable of a pure emotion, but I truly love Arthur and I want to help him.”

  “Whatever your reason may be, go to him, and whatever else you may do to prepare him for the throne, keep him far away from Excalibur.”

  “You can't leave it exposed like that.”

  “The Sorceress is going to try to move it into hiding.”

  Merlin smiled, “Then you can rest assured Excalibur will be in the best of hands and she will not turn it over to anyone who is not ready for it.” He looked at her for a long time. “What are you going to do?”

  “Wait to see what happens next. You are free to leave here. Go to Arthur as quickly as you can.”

  “I will leave immediately.” He stood and kissed her hand, saying, “I'll keep in touch, Daughter Dear.”

  “Thank you,” she paused, and managed to add, through only slightly clenched teeth, “Father.”

  Shortly after she returned to her palace in the Fairy Realm, the Messenger arrived from the Sorceress. She reported that Excalibur was very angry and was creating more of a disturbance every day. Even some Humans could hear the sound of its cries. Fortunately all they could hear was a deep vibration coming from the stone in which Excalibur was held captive. The Sorceress intended to visit Excalibur right away.

  Another Messenger arrived to report that the Immortals among the Grail Priestesses had left Avalon with their Treasure. The rest of the Priestesses eagerly awaited news from the Fairy Realm as to when their new convent would be ready.

  Peach reported that she and Viviene had found a beautiful glade and had enlisted a team of Elves to build a convent. Gwyneth asked, “You got Elves to build a convent for Humans?”

  Peach rolled her eyes and said, “Well, you see, Majesty, I didn't tell them it was for Humans!” She added that Viviene was staying out of sight but was supervising the construction and relaying instructions via Fairies. Gwyneth complimented Peach for her creativity, and Peach glowed with pride, her wings whirring with happiness at the compliment.

  Gwyneth had done all she could do from her palace in the Fairy Realm. She tried not to think about what she had to do next.


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