The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 10

by Krissy V et al.

  Midway through cleaning the sitting room I hear the front door slam shut and I breathe a sigh of relief; they're gone. This room is filthier than I had envisioned, but I manage to get it cleaned before nine am. Next, I tackle the girl's bedroom knowing that it's going to be the hardest room and will take the longest.

  By the time I'm finished cleaning upstairs it's after lunch time, I've managed to get the clothes washed and they're currently drying. My entire body is sore. I'm tired, and hungry. I've not eaten today, that's nothing new. Usually the only time I eat is lunch, and if I'm lucky, it’s leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. Although Zella and Anna have realized that and tend to eat everything in sight.

  Sitting down at the kitchen table, I have a cup of coffee along with a ham and cheese omelette. Making one for Anna this morning made me want to have one.

  Talia never said what she wanted for dinner, neither did the girls. Usually they'd let me know, I hate being the one to make the decision. If they don't like it Talia will punish me and the girls will be even more bitchy than normal; criticizing the whole meal. I'm grateful that they've not been violent. They've pushed me and tripped me but they haven't gone any further than that.

  Four thirty and the entire house is cleaned, all washing has been washed, dried, folded, and put away. Dinner is on and will be ready for when they arrive home. I'm hoping that I'll be able to go to sleep once I've served them dinner. It all depends on what Talia wants me to do when she gets home—she’s known to change her mind. I set the dining room table, it's something Talia always insists on, that she and the girls will have one meal together every day, and that meal will be eaten at the dining room table. It's usually dinner as mornings are hectic here and they're rarely here for lunch.

  The front door opens and I brace myself, not knowing who it is or what's going to be said.

  "Yoreli!" It's Zella, but where Zella is, Anna is always close by. "I'm going to shower, you'll do my hair and makeup once I'm finished." She tells me and I sigh. "Mom will be home in fifteen minutes."

  I close my eyes, that doesn't give me much time to finish the dinner and get Zella ready for her date. "Okay, Zella." I shout back, "Does Anna need anything?"

  "No, I don't. I'd like to have dinner soon though," she yells, sounding pissed off.

  "You're so touchy." Zella teases her, they're standing outside of the kitchen.

  "Touchy? Zella, you kissed him."

  "Look, Anna, I never knew you liked him. Who did you think I was going on a date with tonight? The pope?"

  Oh, they like the same guy.

  "I've liked Gary for three years, Zel. How can you say you never knew? Hell, even the slave knows that I like him."

  "The slave doesn't listen to you. Now, if you don't mind, I need to shower. Why don't you go and do something productive?" Zella responds nastily.

  Their words hit me hard, just like I know they were meant to do, but that's all that I am to this family; a slave. It doesn't matter that my father was married to Talia and that we're stepsisters. When my dad died, everything changed. I was no longer a member of this family, instead I became their slave.

  The sound of the shower turning on has me rushing around. I put the coffee pot on, knowing that as soon as Talia's home, she'll want a cup and sometimes Anna will have one too. I add the finishing touches to the dinner, happy that all I'll have to do is dish it up when everyone's ready to eat.

  The shower turns off and I make my way upstairs. When I reach the girl's bedroom, I knock on the door and wait to be told to enter.

  "Yoreli, hurry," Zella cries; she looks flustered. "I don't have much time. He's picking me up at six thirty and we've to eat yet."

  I give her a small smile, "You'll be fine. Take a seat and I'll do your makeup first. What look are you going for?" I ask. I actually do enjoy doing the girls makeup for whenever they go somewhere nice.

  "I want a sultry look." I nod and begin to apply her makeup. Anna's sitting in the background glaring at the both of us.

  Finally, I'm able to go to bed. I wasn't allowed to when they were having dinner, I had to wait until they were finished and clean up after them. Then I had to give Anna a foot massage to cheer her up because she's jealous that Gary chose Zella over her. When I finished with Anna, Zella arrived home with a smile on her face.

  Talia demanded that I clean the girls room again; as they had already made a mess. So while they were talking about Zella's date I was cleaning again. Finally, when it got to eleven pm, I thought for sure that I was finished for the day. But Talia had other ideas, I was to clean the sitting room and dining room. She wanted everything spotless for the morning, she informed me she has an important business meeting at eight am and it'll be in the dining room.

  I close my bedroom door behind me, strip out of my clothes and collapse onto the bed. It's just after midnight and I have to be up at six in order to have everything ready for Talia's meeting. She wants food for them, along with tea, coffee, and refreshments. We've all been instructed that we're not to argue or shout while the meeting is happening.

  I close my eyes and start to fall asleep but the sound of my door opening has my body tensing. Not tonight. I silently beg, I'm too worn out, there's no way I'll be able to fight her. She's just going to take whatever she wants from me.

  Chapter Three

  "Wake up!"

  Huh? I move away from the sound, wanting to stay asleep.

  "I said wake up, you lazy bitch!" That angry voice filters through my mind.


  I cry out at the pain that radiates from my ass.

  "I said wake up."


  "Owwwwww," I cry moving away once more. This time, I'm awake.

  "I told you to wake up."

  Fear hits me as I recognize that voice, slowly turning to see her I catch a glimpse of the alarm clock I have. The time is flashing. Oh no, there was a power outage last night. "What time is it?"

  "Time?" she questions through gritted teeth. "I have less than half an hour before everyone arrives and you've not made any food."

  I scramble off the bed, "My alarm didn't go off." As soon as I say the words, I instantly regret them.

  Her brown eyes flash with anger. "I let you live under my roof, feed you, clothe you, and this is how you repay me? Making up excuses, today of all days?"

  "I'm so sorry, Talia, I had my alarm set for six thirty, I was going to have everything ready. What can I do?" I'm so frightened right now, I've never seen her look so angry before. Blinking myself fully awake, I look at her, really look at her and realize she’s dressed already. Why didn’t she wake me before she got dressed? She’s in her usual work attire of a pencil skirt and fancy blouse, today she’s paired them with a smart-looking blazer and her heels are at least six-inches.

  She glares at me, "Get dressed, I need you to go to the store and get some food."

  "What do you want me to get?" I ask as I rush to my wardrobe to get dressed. Fingers tangle in my hair, I let out a yelp as I'm pulled backward and thrown down onto the bed.

  I watch in absolute shock as Talia raises her hand and viciously backhands me. My head is thrown to the side, my fingers brush along the skin where she's just hit me. It stings like hell.

  "Get dressed. You have twenty minutes to get everything." She screams at me, "I should have gotten rid of you when your father died. You've been nothing but a burden." She turns on her heel and walks out of my room. “Don’t test me, Yoreli. You now have fifteen minutes.”

  I race around the room getting dressed, I don’t want to make her anymore angry than she already is. I'm downstairs within two minutes. I snatch Talia's car keys off the table by the door, along with the shopping list she has given me and her credit card. I'm not allowed to have cash as she's worried I'll spend money on something and she'll not know. Whereas using her credit card means she can see exactly what I'm spending.

  I rush out to the car and quickly slide into the plush leather seat. It’s a Bugatti Ch
iron Sport. This car is fast. I don’t get to drive it often, Talia has three cars, I usually have to drive the wagon as I call it. It’s my dad’s old car. I race to the store, thankfully rush hour hasn't begun so there's no traffic.

  After grabbing everything on the list as quickly as possible, I rush to the checkout line. As I stand here and practically tap my foot, the sharply dressed man in front of me takes his time to pay; he’s been on the phone for as long as I’ve been in line. His voice is deep and smooth. He’s tall and he’s got to be at least six feet, maybe even six-two? As though he can feel me staring at him, he turns to look at me, his eyes narrowing on me before quickly turning back to face the cashier. Finally, he finishes up and glances over his shoulder as he leaves, his eyes zoning in on my neck where the red marks have turned to an ugly blueish black. Thankfully, he turns back and walks out of the store. There’s something about him that’s familiar and yet I can’t seem to recall how I know him.

  The cashier rings up my items quickly and I pack them into bags, needing to hurry up and get the hell out of here. I don’t have long left and no doubt Talia’s getting angrier the longer I’m gone.

  Just as I'm pulling out of my parking space, I see the man that was in front of me in the store standing by a fancy car. His eyes narrowed on the car and when he sees my face his eyes widen. The bright green eyes are striking, he's gorgeous. He's dressed in a suit, as soon as I drive past, I glance in the rear-view mirror and see him taking his cell out of his pocket.

  I arrive home to find Talia waiting for me at the door. "Hurry, they'll be here any minute."

  I nod as I grab the bags from the passenger seat. "I got everything you wanted."

  She scrunches up her nose in disdain, "You had better." I hurry past her into the house and into the kitchen, tossing the bags onto the table. Talia follows me into the kitchen, standing in the doorway while I begin to pull stuff out of the bags and get everything arranged on the trays. "Once you've done that, I want you upstairs packing for us. We're leaving tomorrow."

  I nod, "Yes, Ma'am. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to pack?" I ask as I quickly put the coffee pot on.

  "We're going to Key West. We'll be gone for a week. I want you to pack the girls bathing suits and bikinis. It's going to be hot."

  "Of course, I'll pack the sunscreen too."

  "Get this done first," she demands.

  The doorbell sounds, and I begin panicking, I've not gotten everything ready. I need another couple of minutes. I still need to make sandwiches, but I got cakes to put onto a platter so they can help themselves. Looking down I try and relax, I focus in on my wrist.

  No! Crap, where is it?

  I glance around the kitchen seeing if I can find it. But it’s not here and I don’t have time to search, Talia’s going to be pissed if I don’t get this food ready.

  "Yoreli, are you ready?" Talia asks walking into the kitchen. "They're starting to arrive." She lifts the platter of cakes off the table and turns on her heel and walks out.

  I manage to get the sandwiches made as Talia comes back. "Good, now make sure there's another pot of coffee on. Once that's done, you may leave."

  I nod, "Yes, Ma'am." I begin to clean the kitchen, knowing that she'll be back to take the coffee pot and cups with her. If I don't clean up now, I'll have to do it later.

  The tip of the blade digs in further into my neck, I know that it's only a matter of time before she nicks the skin and I'll start bleeding. This is new, she's never played with knives before. I didn't think blood play was her thing but I'm not even sure what her thing is anymore.

  "Yoreli, you're tenser than usual." She laughs, "You're scared, I can feel your body quivering beneath my touch."

  I can't say anything, I don't want to say the wrong thing. I'm paralyzed by fear.

  She moves the knife down my body, almost as if she's caressing me. "You're going to love this," she tells me, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I cry out as the knife breaks my skin, "Stop!" I beg, as tears fall, but she continues, making her way up to my breasts.

  Her laughter drowns out my sobs. "Oh, Yoreli, you should know me better than this by now. You don't tell me what to do, I'm the one that is in charge, not you."

  I nod, the tears still falling. I'm scared to look at my chest to see what she's done. Blood trickles down my body and I cringe as her tongue snakes out and licks it away.

  "You're going to be a good girl while we're gone, aren't you?" She runs the knife down my body again.

  I nod as a whimper escapes me.

  "Good. If you misbehave, I'll find out and you will be punished."

  "I'll be good," I promise, my voice just above a whisper.

  Her smile can only be described as sinister. "Excellent." She pushes the knife further into me, not far enough to do any damage but enough so that I'll have a scar.

  The bed dips as she moves, the clattering of the blade as it hits the floor sends relief throughout my body. When Talia straddles me, I tense, what the hell is she going to do now? Her lips cover the cut she’s just made on my body and she sucks. The sound of her drinking my blood makes the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

  She rains kisses up toward my breasts, I flinch when she begins biting my nipples. “Please.” I beg wanting her to stop, needing her to end this. I close my eyes as she gets off me, surprised that she’s done as I’ve asked.

  Her laughter makes me cringe, “Oh, Yoreli.” She tuts, “Haven’t I told you that I decide what happens, not you? You begging just makes me want to punish you.”

  I hear her moving around, but don’t open my eyes. I’m scared of what I’ll see; what she has planned.

  Buzzing sounds, shit, she has that thing back. My traitorous body reacts in ways I don’t want it too. My nipples pebble and heat pools in stomach. I press my thighs together, not wanting Talia to know how much she’s affecting me.

  “Oh, Yoreli, this isn’t for you.” She laughs as she climbs onto the bed. “This is for me, I know how much you enjoy watching me.” She climbs onto the bed, her laughter gone as she begins to moan, the vibrations muffled as she begins to fuck herself with the vibrator.

  The ragged breathing along with the erratic movements tell me that she’s getting close. Her hand grips my neck and it’s only a matter of time before it’s lights out for me.

  “Give it to me, Yoreli,” she begs as her hands tightens around my neck, taking my breath with it. Her moans get louder and she cries out as she comes.

  Once she’s past the aftershocks, her mouth goes to my pussy. Her teeth nipping at my clit. It doesn’t take long before I come, blacking out from the lack of oxygen.

  Chapter Four

  The doorbell rings and I'm stunned, no one ever stops by unannounced: everyone always calls or texts first. Talia hates it, it means that she doesn’t have enough time to hide me. She hates anyone knowing I’m here. I quickly rush out of the kitchen and toward the stairs, needing to hide in my room.

  “Go.” She instructs me, briskly walking past me as she strides toward the door.

  I make it to my room just in time. I can't help but glance out the window to see if I can see who is here. I notice a dark car parked out front, a burly man dressed in a suit standing against the car.

  “Hello, may I help you?” Talia asks sweetly, that tone of her voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  “I’m looking for someone who lives here.” A deep, silky smooth voice says and my body reacts in ways I’ve not reacted to a voice before. Butterflies form in my stomach and goosebumps spread across my body.

  “Oh?” I hear Zella’s voice, “Hello.” God, the seduction in her voice causes me to shiver in disgust.

  “Whom are you looking for?” Talia asks with a purr.

  “A woman, she was at the store yesterday.” The man says and I gasp, is it the green-eyed man?

  “Zella, Anna? Were you at the store yesterday?” Talia asks, she knows they weren’t
that it was me but she’ll never say.

  “Ma’am, is there another woman living here?” he asks and I hold my breath, why do I feel that I know the face to match that husky voice?

  “No, sorry, you must be mistaken,” Talia responds and for some reason I’m disappointed. I knew she’d say no one else lives here but it hurts and I’m not sure why.

  “Was your car stolen?” he asks, there’s a bite to his tone.

  “No! What’s with all the questions?” Talia replies affronted.

  “Lady, you’re the only person in this state that has a Bugatti Chiron Sport, your car wasn’t stolen, so who was driving it yesterday?” The hardness in his voice makes me flinch, I’ve only ever heard Talia be that way before.

  “I apologize, sir, but you are sorely mistaken. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I have things that need to be done.”

  I can’t hear what is being said, it’s as though they’ve lowered their voices, but I know that they’re still at the door. I can see that the man hasn’t gone back to his car.

  “Is there something you need?” Talia questions. I know that tone of voice, she’s mad and there’s only one person that she’s going to let that anger out on. Me.

  “No,” he replies, but he doesn’t sound happy.

  “Good day,” Talia says moments before the door slams shut.

  Pounding sounds and I brace myself, she’s coming up the stairs. “Yoreli!” she yells causing me to flinch. My bedroom door flies open and bounces off the wall with the force she opened it with. “What the fuck have you been saying?”

  I shrink back at her tone; her eyes are narrowed into slits as she stalks toward me. There’s nowhere I can go, she’s got me in her sights and I’m terrified of what’s to come.

  “Why is that man here?” she questions me and I shrug, I have no idea. “Yoreli, don’t test me. Answer the damn question. Why is he here? Who is he?”


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