Hunter's Mate

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Hunter's Mate Page 2

by Becca Jameson

  An overwhelming sense of urgency filled Hunter’s entire being. He needed to know who she was, where she’d come from, what she was doing in Canyon Springs. He needed to touch her, hear her voice, hold her in his arms, run his hands through her hair. He needed her to understand who she was to him and be willing to move forward in the direction the two of them were destined.

  None of that was going to happen right now. If he followed her, he would scare the hell out of her. She was out running alone, which made him nervous for her safety. Why the hell would she be out on this mostly deserted road?

  Hunter continued to stare at the spot he’d last seen her, breathing more heavily than he had been the moment he’d first stopped. For thirty years, he’d heard the lore. He knew how this worked. Shifters rarely had a say in who Fate determined they were destined to mate. Most of the time, it simply happened. Just like this. Out of nowhere, blindsiding its victims whether or not they were ready.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered, running his hands through his messy hair. He could still scent her as if she hadn’t continued running, not because her pheromones could still reach him but because he couldn’t shake the memory.

  Her scent had been magnified and lingered longer because she was sweating. Apparently there was nothing more intoxicating than the smell of one’s mate, especially while she was in the middle of a workout. He couldn’t wait to run his tongue along her neck and taste her essence.

  Frustrated at her absence while he was left pining for more contact, Hunter started walking around the corner, following the same path as her. He knew he needed to keep his distance, but hoped he might be granted another view when he rounded the bend. If only he could catch the back of her on the straightaway…

  He got lucky when a few minutes later, he saw her. She had put quite a bit of distance between them, but as a wolf shifter, his eyesight was extraordinary. He could easily make out her features from behind. Fantastic ass. Firm calves and thighs. Long blond curls bouncing against her back.

  She was like an apparition. Too good to be true. Disappearing once again.

  Instead of walking back to his place as he normally did, he picked up the pace, jogging the distance. He had things to do. Shower. Dress. Find Caleb and share the news. Figure out who the woman was. And then begin the process of convincing her she was his.

  He was shaking with nervous energy as he entered his house and ran toward the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up, he sent Caleb a text.

  I have news. Can you meet up?

  Seconds later, he received a reply.

  Ironic. I was just about to say the same thing.

  McGregor’s in twenty?

  I’ll see you there.

  Hunter couldn’t stop smiling as he stepped under the spray of water. Weird that Caleb thought he had something important to say too. No way could they both have met their mate on the same day, so what was up with Caleb?

  Hunter closed his eyes as he stood under the spray, his hand going to his cock as he visualized the sexy blonde once again.

  Chapter 3

  Layla stood under the shower, letting the water run down her face, washing away not only the dirt and sweat from her run but also the stress and tension from two years of working her ass off.

  Even though it had been risky quitting her job in LA so abruptly with no actual plan in place for the future, she felt a weight lifted. She hadn’t even told Elena what she’d done or that she wasn’t returning, not even during the four-hour drive from the Denver airport to Canyon Springs. There was plenty of time to talk and figure out her future.

  The water felt so good running down her back. After she finished washing, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She’d needed this forced pseudo vacation. Even though the reason for her being in Canyon Springs was to settle her great aunt’s estate, it wasn’t as if she was overly sad. She’d never met the woman.

  At first, she’d been irritated, not wanting to drop everything and leave LA. For the first day, she’d paced her apartment, stressed. Her world had seemed like a huge fucking mess. And that wasn’t far from the truth. But then that light bulb hit, and she’d purged herself of the past two years.

  Layla couldn’t wait to spend time with Elena. Reconnect. Remind Elena that sometimes it was okay to laugh and enjoy herself. Without Layla around, she doubted Elena had loosened up for the better part of two years.

  From the time the two of them were born, Layla had been easy going while Elena had been far more serious. Together they were balanced. Their grandparents used to tell them that all the time. Layla was too laid back. Elena was too uptight. The two of them together were a perfect combination. Layla nudged Elena to take some risks, and Elena talked Layla down when her plans were too overboard.

  Layla smiled at some of their childhood antics as she turned off the water and reached for a towel. She remembered the time she’d convinced Elena they should go skinny dipping at the lake one night on the outskirts of Hyde Park. She’d nearly dragged her sister toward the water. Elena had rightfully been leery since they weren’t the only teenagers in town who tended to come to that particular lake in the summer.

  It turned out when they exited the water thirty minutes later, their clothes were nowhere to be found. Layla thought Elena would kill her. Instead, Elena calmly walked over to a rock, lifted it, and plucked the keys to their shared car off the ground. Without a word, she opened the trunk of the car and tugged out a duffle bag. Moments later, she handed Layla a towel and spare clothes.

  With her tail between her legs, Layla quietly accepted the items, realizing that the situation wouldn’t have worked out so well if Elena hadn’t been practical and prepared. Elena never spoke of the event again, and they never did find out who stole their clothes, but Elena’s point was made. Skinny dipping late at night in that location had been a risk, and things could have ended up leaving them far more embarrassed if they’d been left all night with no keys to the car and no clothes.

  It didn’t stop Layla from dragging Elena into more crazy antics, but Layla never had to worry as long as she listened to her sister’s voice of reason. They usually ended up doing whatever Layla suggested, but they nearly always came out unscathed. Elena would tamp down Layla’s proposals and then she’d think ahead.

  Layla wrapped her towel around her middle and headed across the hall toward the guest room where she’d dropped her suitcase. She smiled when she found Elena propped up on her bed, dressed and ready to go.

  Elena was wearing black jeans, a black camisole, and a hot pink blouse that hung unbuttoned. She plucked at the front of her blouse. “This is the only nice thing I brought, so unless you plan on shopping, we can’t possibly go out every night.”

  Layla laughed. “You know I have enough clothes for the both of us.”

  “Of course you do.” Elena rolled her eyes.

  “You know what’s annoying though?” She gave her sister a mock evil eye.


  Layla threw a sandal playfully at her sister. “You look exactly the same as me. I think I’ll stop working out.”

  Elena laughed. “I’m sure you’re in much better shape. Let’s not have a competition running sprints or anything. Remember I chose to go to the grocery store while you were out jogging. I don’t think the exercise was equal.”

  “Ha. Maybe.” Layla dropped her towel and tugged the quintessential little black dress over her head. She owned several.

  “How are we related?” Elena asked. “I’ve never once worn something that tight or that revealing. Are you going to put on a bra or panties?”

  “Nope.” Layla grinned as she grabbed a pair of heels. Also black and very high.

  “How do you walk in those things?”

  Layla laughed again. This banter with her far more conservative sister felt like home. “Practice.”

  “I can think of far more interesting things to spend my time practicing.”

  Layla clapped her hands together. “I hope one
of them is picking up hot shifters. Let’s go.” She turned and left the room, knowing Elena would follow.

  As they headed down the squeaky stairs, Elena spoke from behind her. “You know picking up men isn’t my strong suit.”

  “Yep. Tonight you have me as your wingman. Or wing-woman.”

  “If I remember correctly,” Elena responded, “historically, you tend to get into trouble, and I either have to hold your hair while you vomit, extricate you from some grabby guy who only looks good through your beer goggles, or watch you flirt with dozens of men while I sit alone at the bar.”

  Layla shot Elena a goofy glare as she opened the front door. “If you’d keep up with me drinking, make out with hot men, or hop down from your chair to dance with me, you’d never notice anything different between us.”

  “Like that will ever happen.”

  Layla slid a tiny black purse over her shoulder as they left the house. “Do you think they have Uber in this town?”

  “I don’t think we’ll need it. I’ll drive.”

  Layla groaned. She wished Elena would lighten up a bit. Have fun. Live a little. Drink. Dance. Get stupid. It wasn’t her style though, and they were no longer teenagers. Layla didn’t need Elena to cover her ass like she’d needed her to when they snuck out of their grandparents’ home in high school.

  Nope. They were grown adults. Except you quit your job and only have enough money to live for a few weeks.

  They stepped outside, and Elena locked Marge’s front door. She’d gotten the rental car. A practical white Toyota Camry. As they settled in their seats, Layla thought about the man she’d seen while out jogging. “If even one tenth of the men who live in this town are as fine as the one I saw while I was running, we’ll both be in heaven.”

  Elena glanced at her as she pulled onto the road. “You’re dreaming.”

  Layla giggled. “About which part?”

  “Both. I know shifters often tend to be a bit larger than other humans, but I’m not sure that means they’re sexier. And, again, let me point out, I’m not leaving the bar with a stranger. Gross.”

  Layla stared at her sister’s profile. A mirror image of her own profile. Even though the two of them had been separated for most of the last two years, their hair was almost the same length and their skin almost the same shade. They had been born with the unusual combination of darker skin, brown eyes, and bleach blond hair. “We’ll see. Go into this with an open mind.”

  Elena shot her a glare as she came to the town’s only stop sign. “Gross,” she repeated.

  “Maybe the hot guy has a brother.”

  “Maybe the hot guy you saw running isn’t going out to a bar tonight.”

  Layla shrugged. It didn’t matter. She hadn’t suggested going out because she’d seen that guy. She was simply dying to check out the citizens of Canyon Springs.

  “You know not everyone in town is a shifter, and I bet it’s impolite to ask anyone.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  Elena pulled into the parking lot of McGregor’s. The lot was pretty full. Granted, it was a Friday night, and this was the only bar in town. On the flip side, how many people lived in Canyon Springs?

  Layla watched as a few people entered the bar while a few others exited. Yep. This was going to be fun. Life was too short not to enjoy it.

  “Why do I get the feeling this is a horrible decision?” Elena asked as she searched for a parking spot.

  “Because you always feel like everything is a bad idea. This time, you’re wrong. Trust me. We’re going to go in there, have a few drinks, dance with some buff locals, and maybe get lucky.”

  “Oh yeah. This night is going to go so wrong,” Elena muttered under her breath as she pulled up in front. “Why don’t you go inside and make sure it isn’t too crowded and that they serve food. I’m starving, and I want to be sure we have a table.”

  Layla shook her head, exasperated. “So practical. Fine. I’ll go look. Be right back.” She jumped out of the car and sauntered toward the entrance, head high, shoulders back. Even though her only task was to assess the situation, she wasn’t about to miss an opportunity.

  She stepped inside and scanned the room. There were quite a few people inside, but several tables were vacant, and people were definitely eating. Thank God. All of Elena’s excuses were void.

  Spinning on her feet, she returned to the car and climbed back in. “All your expectations will be met here, Elle. Let’s park.”

  Chapter 4

  January 12, 1965

  * * *

  Dear Mabel,

  * * *

  How is the weather there? It’s been snowing off and on for weeks here. They say it will be a long winter. I’ve had to keep the class inside during recess most days lately. It’s either too cold or too wet. The kids get restless. So do I!

  I was remembering earlier how you and I used to love a snow day when we were growing up. We would take those old trash can lids, race up the hill, and slide down it. Somehow, even though we were always the same height and weight, you always beat me. How did you do that?

  God, I miss you. Sometimes it hurts. I love Josiah dearly, but he can’t replace the friendship I had with you for twenty-two years. My heart hurts every time I open the mailbox and find another letter returned to me.

  Please write back instead.

  * * *

  Love, Marge

  * * *

  Hunter was furious. He’d never been so damn mad at Caleb in his entire life. He’d also never taken a swing at him. But that was about to change. He wasn’t stupid enough to fight his best friend inside McGregor’s though, so he stomped toward the entrance, knowing full well that Caleb was right behind him.

  The entire time, he glanced around the bar. He was certain he’d scented his mate not two minutes ago. He’d know her smell anywhere, anytime for the rest of his life. Even if he never saw her again, he’d remember her scent for as long as he lived. Where the hell was she? It was like she wafted through the air and then disappeared. Maddening.

  How dare Caleb suggest the owner of that particular combination of pheromones belonged to him. Not a chance. The blonde woman he’d seen jogging earlier was his.

  In addition, he wasn’t even close to entertaining the thought that she could belong to both of them. Nope. Never. Fuck.

  The last fifteen minutes had been surreal. Apparently Hunter hadn’t been the only one who’d met his mate today. Caleb had too. They’d spoken over one another with excitement until Caleb pulled out his phone to show off the picture of the woman he insisted was his. The same woman Hunter had seen out jogging.

  This could not be happening, Hunter thought as he stomped out the front door.

  Besides Caleb, several other patrons followed the two of them outside. Not surprising. Everyone in town knew them. No one in town had ever seen them fight. Caleb was half surprised that Royce, the bartender, had even suggested they take their disagreement outside.

  Now they were drawing a crowd.

  Before Hunter could turn around, Caleb shoved him from behind. “Don’t be an ass. Let this go. She’s mine.”

  Hunter spun around and took a swing, hitting Caleb right in the jaw.

  Caleb staggered backward, rubbing his cheek. “You seriously fucking hit me? I can’t believe you, man.”

  “You just pushed me, for God’s sake.”

  “That was not a push. You want to see a goddamn push?” Caleb bent at the waist and rushed forward, his shoulder hitting Hunter in the stomach and knocking the wind out of him as he shuffled backward to avoid falling on his ass.

  Hunter grabbed his friend by the shoulders and lifted a knee right into Caleb’s chest.

  Caleb reeled backward, arms flailing as he tried to catch his breath. “Fuck you.”

  “No thanks,” Hunter taunted, unable to stop himself. “I found someone else for that job.” He took another swing, hitting Caleb in the chin.

  Caleb’s face turned red with fury as he charged forward again. He
never made it though. Instead, he suddenly stopped dead at the exact moment Hunter inhaled the scent of his mate.

  Caleb spun in the same direction as Hunter, obviously catching the same essence in the air.

  Fuck, Hunter thought the split second he had no choice but to admit they had both met the same woman today.

  And then he saw her and stopped breathing. Not because he didn’t expect her to be approaching. That part was a given. What rocked his world was the fact that there were two of her.

  “Fuck me,” Caleb whispered as he stepped closer to Hunter, so close their shoulders brushed. “Twins.”

  “Jesus.” Hunter’s gaze honed in on the sister in the skintight black dress and heels. Even though the two women were still several car lengths away, approaching from the back of the parking lot, he knew exactly which of these identical twins was his destiny.

  My God they were similar. Not in style. That was for sure. But if they were both naked, he doubted anyone could tell them apart. Not that he’d ever probably see the one in black pants naked in this lifetime, nor would he ever let anyone see his woman naked either, but still.

  Hunter’s tongue was tied. He couldn’t find his voice at all.

  The same must have been true for Caleb because he’d also gone mute.

  The two women were watching them, both frowning, a look he decided was adorable and would probably be the death of him in the future. As they got closer, they gave Caleb and Hunter a wide berth and kept going, entering the bar while both men spun around to watch them disappear.

  “Apparently we were both right,” Caleb pointed out unnecessarily.


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