Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1)

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Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1) Page 20

by Patricia Logan

  “You been checking me and my father out, Delancey?” he growled. Kane felt Kelly’s hand drop to his thigh but he ignored the insistent pressure of her fingers as they dug into his tight quad.

  “We don’t go into a job blind, Moore. We both do our homework and we wouldn’t be very good detectives if we didn’t know what business you were actually conducting at this pub.” Kane waved his hand. “It’s all good. Don’t get your shorts in a wad about it. We just want you to know we ain’t idiots.” He sat back as the man glared a minute longer, looking back and forth between the two of them. When he finally relaxed his expression, Kane felt Kelly give a sigh of relief beside him.

  “It’s fine that you checked up on me,” Moore said. “The pub is a clean operation but you already know that if you did check up on my business.” He leaned forward and put both hands on the bar between them, glaring at Kane with a clear challenge in his posture. “There’s somethin’ you ain’t telling me, though. What’s on your mind, Delancey? What really brought you here?”

  Kane smiled. They were finally getting somewhere. “Not everyone who’s a part of your operation is clean. In fact, Shawn Manning was put in jail by the LAPD not that long ago. He was busted selling arms to terrorists.”

  “Shawn Manning was an idiot,” Moore said, shrugging. “Not my fault he got busted and for your information, all my weapons are legal. The FBI already checked them out but I’m pretty sure you already know that.” He turned back to the register and if the back bar hadn’t been covered with a reflective glass that showed the expression on Moore’s face, Kane might have missed the man glance at a locked wooden box beside the register. Kane hadn’t noticed the intricately carved box until now because it blended in with the dark wooden décor. When Moore turned back around, Kane was certain he was going to have to get into the box to take a look for himself.

  “Actually, the knowledge that Shawn Manning was an associate of yours is what brought us here, Moore,” Kelly said from beside Kane. Moore slid a glance to her and frowned.

  “Is that right?” He picked up a bar towel and absently began cleaning a glass that didn’t look the least bit wet or dirty.

  “We know he had ties to Boston and since he had ties to you, we figured…”

  Moore cut her off when he dropped the glass on the floor and reached for her wrist, grabbing it before Kane could even react. The glass shattered as Moore glared at Kelly, baring his teeth.

  “Watch what you say, Murphy. You and your partner put your noses in the wrong place and they might just get cut off,” he growled.

  Kane’s hand shot out and he grabbed Moore’s wrist, squeezing until he released Kelly’s arm. “Keep your hands to yourself, Moore,” he warned. “If you want us to protect you, you’ll lay off right now.”

  Moore glared murderously at him but when Kane finally released his grip, he leaned back. To Kane’s right, the bouncer appeared and Kane slowly turned to look up to meet the gorilla’s gaze. His black obsidian eyes glittered with danger and for some damned reason, Kane couldn’t stop the smirk that split his face.

  “Need something, Shrek?” Kane asked.

  “Back off, Martin. The officers were just leaving,” Moore said with a slight warning in his words.

  Kane chuckled under his breath. “Martin is it? Sorry, I’ll have to remember that.” He slid off the barstool and stood to his full height but was still dwarfed by the bouncer who glared at him like he was dog shit on his boot. The man weighed close to three hundred pounds of solid muscle and Kane had no doubt he’d like to snap him in two if provoked. Kane almost wished he’d try.

  “With all we know about your business, do you still want our help?” Kelly asked as Kane continued to glare daggers at the bodyguard.

  “Yes. I may need you in the future. Just keep your nose out of my business unless I ask for your help,” Moore said.

  Kane returned his attention to Moore who was standing behind the bar glowering. He offered a smile and stuck out his hand.

  “No hard feelings, then. We just wanted you to know that we’re interested in your business—all your business,” Kane said as Moore set down the bar towel and shook his hand. When the man gave a slight nod, Kane let go and Moore stepped back. Kelly also shook his hand before they both turned their backs on him and walked out the door. They waited until they were across the street before speaking again.

  “I thought he was going to punch you, Delancey. Boy, you really know how to piss a guy off,” Kelly said, chuckling as they got into her Mini Cooper.

  “He had it coming,” Kane said. “Let me see your wrist. Did he hurt you?” He reached out and she slid the cardigan back to reveal red fingerprint marks on her wrists that would no doubt be bruises within a few hours.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him,” Kane said, brushing the pad of his thumb feather-soft over the inside of her wrist.

  “It’s fine. I plan on doing the same thing to his balls,” she said with a smirk. “You should know this. I’m tougher than I might look.”

  He had no doubt at all. “Where are we going?” Kane asked as she pulled her arm away and started the car.

  “Ryan and Williams texted me while you were having your little showdown with Shrek. They said they have something to show us. I already texted Snow to tell him to put the FBI in the apartment for the next shift. I don’t know about you but I need to get home and do laundry after we meet Cassidy and Mike. I’m already in the sad underwear.”

  Kane laughed hard as she drove to the station.


  Luca finally agreed to lunch with Stephen after his boss called several times asking him out to dinner. Since he’d seen and kissed Kane Delancey and then the man hadn’t shown up, Luca wasn’t in the mood to go out with anyone, much less have to deal with the feelings he had every time he thought about the huge cop who’d made him feel truly desired and kissed him like he was the most precious man on earth. He wasn’t the kind of man who mooned over guys. He went out, had fun, and went home with them if he wanted them, but Luca never sat by his phone and waited for a man to call.

  Generally, Luca was the guy who blew off other men’s attempts at having a relationship with him and he’d never gone so far as to think of tomorrow with a man until he’d met Kane Delancey. He wanted a lot of tomorrows with the hot cop and for a little while, he’d actually fooled himself in thinking the detective wanted that too. He’d sought him out more than once and Luca had let his guard down. He’d just been an idiot to think Kane Delancey wanted him. He probably wanted a warm place to stick his dick and was confused about who that was. It clearly hadn’t been Luca.

  But it almost had been.

  This time when Stephen picked him up in yet another gorgeous Bentley, he insisted he didn’t want to eat at an expensive place. Luca figured if he wasn’t going to fuck the man, he really shouldn’t lead him on. He’d decided not to sleep with Stephen Auerbach and intended to stick with it. The man was gorgeous, even though he was nearly forty years Luca’s senior. He had no doubt that making love with the man would be a pleasurable experience. Stephen would probably be as generous a lover with Luca as he was with his money but there was just no chemistry. In fact, he planned on telling Stephen that he really should move on if that’s what he was hoping for. He wanted his friendship but Stephen wasn’t the kind of man he needed in his bed.

  Kane Delancey was in the forefront of his mind again. The way the man vibrated sexual energy whenever he was near Luca—lifting him onto his lap in his gorgeous car, pinning him against the door of his office, each time kissing him more passionately than the last time—had Luca’s head reeling. He wanted the huge muscled detective so badly but the certainty that he’d use him and cast him aside when he was done with him, made him cease all daydreaming.

  The fact was, Luca had dated and slept with a lot of men, never going out with them more than a couple of times before inevitably breaking it off because they simply bored the shit out of him. Then a
gain, what kind of men did he think he was going to pick up in clubs which were little more than meat markets. He wasn’t casting his net in a sea of men who held PhDs and that had suited him fine. Most of the guys he slept with were barely concentrating on the college courses they took as they waited for the weekend and another round of partying—unambitious men who were great for a hard fuck with nothing else to interest Luca. Then again, he hadn’t looked for anything else.

  He’d wanted things to be different with Kane.

  Stephen agreed to let Luca pick the restaurant, smiling when he sat back into the Bentley’s plush leather as Luca gave Stephen’s driver the address of his favorite sushi haunt close to the jewelry store. The place was dark inside and always packed with regulars at lunch but since Stephen didn’t like crowds, Luca thought it might just be the perfect place. The booths had high backs and were very private. When they walked through the door, the owner came over to Luca with a wide grin and a bow of her head.

  “Welcome, Luca-san. This way,” she said brightly. Luca was pretty sure she didn’t know much more English than that but he thanked her and followed her quick small footsteps to his favorite booth at the back of the restaurant. She handed them menus as they slid into the red Naugahyde booth. Stephen immediately smiled at him over the menu when she walked away.

  “They know you here.”

  “This is the best sushi in West Hollywood,” Luca said brightly. “You like sushi, right?”

  “I told you I love sushi when we got into the car but you seemed to be daydreaming, sweetheart,” Stephen said. “Is everything all right?”

  Luca looked at him over the menu which he already knew by heart. He felt guilty but he figured it was probably best to get the talk he needed to have with Stephen out of the way. He opened his mouth and then shut it quickly as he spotted Jae, his favorite waitress, coming over. Stephen watched him with a puzzled look before Luca nodded at her over his shoulder. When Stephen turned and saw her, he quickly looked over the menu and then gave his order. Luca rattled off his regular order as she set down edamame beans in a large dish, memorizing both orders before walking away.

  “She must have a good memory,” Stephen said with a smile at Luca.

  Luca picked up an edamame pod and squeezed the tender warm beans into his mouth before nodding.

  “Jae only had to memorize your order. She already knows mine. I order the same thing every time I come in.”

  “I’ll have to try the spider hand roll next time then. It sounds good,” Stephen said.

  “You’ll like the volcano roll and spicy yellowtail collar. They’re both delicious,” Luca replied.

  Stephen chuckled. “You’ve tried everything on the menu, haven’t you?”

  Luca grinned, swallowing a mouthful of edamame. “At least once.” They ate the soybeans for a minute more before Luca cleared his throat. “Listen, Stephen, I have something important to tell you but I’ve been having a hard time trying to figure out just how.” As he opened his mouth to continue, Stephen held up his hand to stop him.

  “Please, sweetheart, let me stop you,” he said, reaching across the table to take Luca’s hand. “I know what you’re going to say and it’s fine.”

  “How do you know what I was going to say?” Luca was slightly surprised but he’d quickly learned that Stephen Auerbach was a very perceptive man.

  “Well, if you were going to tell me that you really like spending time with me but you don’t want to date me or sleep with me, then would I be right?”

  Luca blushed hotly in the dark restaurant as he nodded slowly. He looked down at the table but when Stephen squeezed his hand, he glanced up. The man was grinning at him and the expression shocked the hell out of Luca. He was sure at the very least, he would have looked hurt.

  “It’s okay, darling. I know there’s no chemistry between us. Do you think I can’t tell when a man isn’t into me after all these years, Luca?”

  “No, I just… I mean, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings,” Luca admitted.

  “Listen,” Stephen said, letting go of his hand and sitting back. “I won’t lie to you. I was surprised when you didn’t accept my offer to take you out the first time I asked. No one turns me down, Luca, you should know that by now. Then I got to know you. I have to admit, I was surprised to realize what an amazing man you are. You are stunning to look at but you have depth to your soul and a heart of gold, my love. Most of all, you have been open and honest with me in a way that I haven’t experienced with many people. Most people are intimidated by my wealth but you aren’t. I love that about you. You are a delightful and rare man, Luca.”

  “Thank you, Stephen,” Luca said, feeling a massive wave of relief wash over him. He smiled but then something occurred to him. “I have to ask something, then.”

  “Go on.”

  “If you knew we had no chemistry, why send me the bracelet? Hadn’t you figured the whole chemistry thing out by then?”

  Stephen chuckled. “Seriously, sweetheart, I may have realized that we had no chemistry with a kiss but at my age, I’m happy for a chance at a roll in the sheets. I’m the most optimistic man you’ll ever meet.”

  Luca was still laughing when Jae walked over with their tray of food.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cassidy Ryan and Mike Williams were waiting for Kelly and Kane when they arrived at the Brentwood LAPD substation. The minute the detectives spotted them, Cassidy nodded to one of the interrogation rooms and they followed them inside. Cassidy immediately walked over to the camera in the room and reached up, disconnecting it so that they would have total privacy. Kane was intrigued.

  “What’s going on?” Kelly asked.

  “And why all the secrecy, Ryan?” Kane said.

  “Don’t read anything into it, Delancey,” Cassidy said. “As you guys already know, the men you’re chasing are bastards. We just don’t want to be overheard by anyone who might be interested in passing information on to Moore or his son.”

  “You think someone at the station is working for Moore?” Kane asked, suddenly very concerned. Had their cover been blown? “Another cop?” He shot a glance at the camera. The red light that signaled it was recording was turned off.

  “Relax. We don’t think so but we ain’t taking any chances,” Mike said. “We found out something that pertains to your case.”

  Kane nodded, grateful for these two men. He knew he could trust Ryan and Williams. They were good men. Frankly, their case wasn’t going so well at the moment. Kane had nearly lost his shit with Brandon Moore at the bar and he knew he couldn’t go on like this. He was used to action—putting his life on the line for what he believed—not sitting in a booth in a dark bar and waiting for it to come to him. He knew he wasn’t suited for this assignment. Most of all, they needed some kind of lead and anything the men could do to help move the case along would be a blessing.

  “What did you find, Ryan?” Kelly asked, frowning at both detectives.

  “We’ve been following your case and we thought we’d lend a hand,” Williams said, pulling a folded paper out of the inside of his jacket. “That is a list of all the evidence that was collected when the FBI raided Moore’s pub after Shawn Manning was arrested. As you can see, only one gun was found on the premises, a .22 caliber handgun which was purchased by Brandon Moore and is legally registered.”

  “We already know this, Ryan,” Kane said.

  “Right. But look at what else was logged,” Cassidy said, pointing to the list of evidence that was painstakingly detailed. Kelly moved close and stood beside Kane’s shoulder, staring at the list he held between them.

  “Computers, cash register, carved wooden box with traces of gun residue, bottles…” Kelly read.

  “Yeah, so?” Kane asked, looking up at the two men.

  Cassidy growled out loud. “Look at the ammunition that was logged in. If the man has only one gun, a .22 caliber handgun, why did the FBI recover ammunition for a .38?” He pointed at an item on the page and Kane rea
d it off.

  “One box, .38 caliber ammunition, six shells missing.”

  Kane felt his stomach do a flip-flop. “My father was killed with a .38 caliber bullet. I remember hearing about it at his trial when the coroner testified. They never found Enoch Moore’s gun which was why the DA decided he had no choice but to put a twelve-year-old kid on the stand. I remember him telling the detectives who investigated the case that the last thing they wanted to do was to have to rely on my testimony but without the weapon, there was no choice. If they were going to put Enoch Moore away, it had to be with my help. That was discussed when the DA and detectives were talking to my mom about putting us all in WITSEC.”

  Cassidy and Mike were nodding. “Right. We went back and read the court transcripts and looked at grainy old tapes from Enoch Moore’s interrogation.”

  Kane’s jaw dropped. “You did that?”

  Cassidy Ryan smiled and reached out, squeezing his shoulder. “Of course we did. We don’t want to see you fail to shut down Brandon Moore’s operation any more than you do. We already told the captain we wanted to help out.”

  Kane shook his head. “I really don’t know what to say. I-I… thank you.”

  “Don’t thank us yet,” Mike said. “Listen to this.” He pulled out his cell phone and pushed play. A grainy recording of Enoch Moore’s interrogation began to play on the cell. Mike grinned. “I had one of the techies down in the lab send me a link to the interview.” They all stared at Mike and he smiled again. “What? She owed me a favor.”

  Kane found himself chuckling until he looked down at the face of the devil on the tiny screen. Enoch Moore smiled and lounged back in the interrogation room, looking like the cat that ate the canary. His posture conveyed he was certain there was no way the cops could pin anything on him. Kane watched for a few seconds before feeling the gorge rise in his throat like it had that morning when he’d seen the same man through the binoculars. Mike must have seen his expression because he pulled the phone back and immediately stopped the recording.


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